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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Since that was not my intent but yours, its called twisting of other peoples words. The same disgusting tactic used by ?winsider and James. So, let's not pretend you didn't understand the intent

    It's quite clear from your words that they are INTENDED to apply only to your agenda.

    If all four legged animals are horses ... then a cow must, by your logic, be a vegetable.

    Your Billy-think is fully evidenced by calling JW Insider "?winsider",  and thinking his screen name is an affront against God.

    Using that same logic, Jehovah's last name is .ORG.



    BTK46 NAILS THE G.B.  .jpg

    Billy blovates.jpg



    ... and the WHOLE 1914 Generations thingy can be resolved by writing down an HONEST answer to the ONE question:

    " When Jesus was talking eyeball to eyeball with the Apostles and others, when he said "This generation will not pass away until all these things occur ...", how did THEY understand what Jesus was talking about?"

    ... ALL ELSE is delusional theological fantasy.


  3. John old Boy, you have just pointed out the obvious, that everybody, including myself missed!

    BillyTheKid46 ... using HIS OWN LOGIC ( ...and that is a stretch ...) not only shot himself in the foot ... again ... but with his OWN LOGIC, condemned the Governing Body as being reprehensible and clueless.

    I do not agree with the concept that he espouses ... as I believe that justice must be tempered with mercy for blind pawns (John 9:41), but his hatred for anyone that does not agree with him has caused him to bend over and start cannibalizing himself, starting with his wounded feet.

    One thing you did NOT do is irrefutably document BTK46's arguement FOR the "prosecution".  You really need to learn how to do screen clips.  May I recommend "FastStone Capture", the same one I recommended to JW Insider.

    Being the kind and generous Barbarian that I am,  here is the irrefutable proof documentation. in .JPG form, so you can download it as two "units" for future reference.



    BTK46 NAILS THE G.B.  .jpg

  4. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:
    6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I got it, ?Winsider. When, I write “FBM” that’s you without having to further taint the name of God. Or how about the first one, ?Winsider Remember it’s not just what was written in the 10 commandments, Since, I’m sure you will not volunteer the removal of such a stumbling block that you seem to take pride in misusing God’s name with your avatar.


    Ya got me on that pacifist issue, BTK46.  

    When a bully is flailing about, I defend the ones being falsely accused BY YOU.

    ...   silly me.

    ...   and Billy ... the works are ALREADY gummed up .... my "crime" is I know about it.


  5. 2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I got it, ?Winsider. When, I write “FBM” that’s you without having to further taint the name of God. Or how about the first one, ?Winsider Remember it’s not just what was written in the 10 commandments, Since, I’m sure you will not volunteer the removal of such a stumbling block that you seem to take pride in misusing God’s name with your avatar.



  6. FOXNEWSFLASH !  -  June 18, 2019  -  Sydney Australia

    In a hidden saltwater lake suspected to have thousands of miles of flooded  underground lava tubes to the Pacific Ocean,   in Central Australia, near Olympic Dam,  known for its high yield Uranium deposits, Forensic Anthropologists discover living precursors to modern day Kangaroos.

    Stunning high resolution photos indicate these may have been the Kangaroos that left Australia approximately 4,000 years ago, and swam the Pacific Ocean to mainland Asia, and then hopped many thousands of miles across plains, forests , mountains, swamps, raging rivers and amber waves of grain to the Middle East to become passengers on Noah's Ark.

    When asked, Dr. Walter Brotherman, of the Sydney Theological Institute stated "This proves the Bible record is correct, as currently understood by everyone in Christendom,  and that supposed "solid evidence" that Australia has never been deluged is completely false."


  7. 15 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    Some of the posts here are thoroughly offensive and bigoted and seem to be bringing the forum down to the level of a mere exchange of personal "flaming" messages.

    Moderator, @The Librarian , someone ! The forum has a minimum level of standards to prevent a complete loss of credibility. Please moderate!

    I agree (somewhat).  

    I have no interest whatsoever in attacking people I will never meet, and soon, like all of us ... toooooo soon we will all be dead, and the words we type will evaporate forever.

    However, when I get hit on the shoulder and a grenade falls into my lap (figuratively speaking), I pick it up and toss it back where it came from.  Most of the time the "sender" forgot to pull the pin, but I consider the evil  intent, so I pull the pin, and send it back.  The amount of lies told about me, and things I have been accused of need to be addressed, AND ANY LIAR AND SLANDERER THOROUGHLY EXPOSED ... which I have done.

    Common, ordinary self defense.

    It's an exceptional person who can be hit on the head with a hammer, and reply "OH RANDOM FLUCTUATIONS IN THE SPACETIME CONTINUUM !".

    However, it does not bother me in the least, as the corrosive interactions merely strip away the veneer of fantasy we all tend to accumulate.

    Now THAT'S entertainment!

    Too many rules, and it gets as dull as a cardboard knife.



  8. About five or so years before the Twin Towers went down ... I was offered a job there, and turned it down, as I viewed it as a fire hazard that could not be escaped from without a fast opening parachute, and a 12 gauge shotgun with solid lead slugs, to shoot out a window ( It takes about 400 feet to get line stretch on the suspension lines of a parachute ...). and even then, survival would have been problematic.

    I miss the money ... but not being dead.


  9. 1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Nice try James. How about you, own up as a coward to what is meant when I state " You only need to see the comments here" that doesn't necessarily mean you with scripture rather than witness, John and Srecko. Get off that high horse mister, you're looking denser every day with your posture and ramblings of a madman.

    You are PROJECTING again, Billy, but it does have entertainment value ... the only downside is that with your irrational vitriol, it puts stress on your system, particularly the brain, and the projector bulb will prematurely pop! .... and go dark.

    Since you are already a legend in your own mind ... if you can arrange to have a stroke while typing here, you can become a legend in your own time!


  10. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    But it is strange that God loves humans but he sends down a 'roaring lion' to devour us. 

    I also have a great love for Humanity ... but often its PEOPLE I CAN'T STAND !

    I have gotten over it ... but for many years well after I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses ... everytime I heard or read the word "Japanese", I thought "Atomic Bombs!"

  11. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Then you get this thing about free will. But there is no free will. Because you either serve God or you are serving the Devil.  

    Certainly there is free will ... all you can manage in whatever its is that is your hearts desire .... for good .... for evil ... or for misadventure.

    I used to jump out of perfectly good aircraft, KNOWING in less that two minutes I could be dead .... but I did it anyway.

    EVERYONE has freedom of will .... if they can manage it.

    NOBODY has freedom of consequences, unless it is pure, dumb luck.

  12. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I do often wonder why God would cast the Devil down to the Earth.  Surely there were plenty of other places God could have put the Devil. 

    I am just doing this from memory, but if memory serves ... Satan was cast down to the VICINITY of the Earth.

    Jehovah does not live in this Universe, current best guess being about 30 billion light years in diameter, and expanding.

    Simply put ... Jehovah lives in a non-"arrow of time" Universe on the "other side" of the Big Bang.

    He is from "everlasting to everlasting" which can only happen in a universe that has no beginning, and where time happens all at once.

    That means that "Earth" is to be thought of as "dirt", or physical things, as found on a Periodic Table, not the planet.

    EVERYTHING you see in the night sky, and everything that can be seen, is "Earth", where we do or someday MIGHT live.

    Jehovah lives in "Heaven", which has a completely different set of physics.

    Time operates completely different on the other side of the "Big Bang".  OTHERWISE ... Jehovah had a beginning.

    A good thought experiment is this:  If mankind had bases on Jupiter's moons, or had mining operations in the Asteroid Belt ... would they be out of Satan's sphere of influence?

    Obviously not ... and mankind has already been to the Moon, many times, and we have about 9 robots running around on Mars.

    Notice I base these arguments on reason and logic, and solid reality .... in order not to get into a "dueling banjos/dueling scriptures" scenario where a rebuttal would tour the Multiverses, but not address what is actually being said, here by me.



    If "loose conduct" is a fuzzy, nebulous "what the hell does THAT mean?" phrase ... the term "brazen conduct"" although it MAY be more accurate ( and I am NOT conceding that ...) is an even MORE fuzzy, nebulous "what the hell does THAT mean?" phrase

    It can even be bent into a pretzels shape to persecute  any behavior that someone else does not like .... BUT EVEN MORE DANGEROUS ...can be bent into a pretzel to persecute what someone else THINKS, and discusses.

    If anyone at Bethel is monitoring these discussions ... and I am reasonably sure someone is ... please consider this a request for solid, unambiguous clarification in the Watchtower, as to whether this applies to intellectual discussion and beliefs ... and DEFINE how this word is GOING TO BE USED IN OUR GOVERNANCE.

    .... besides .. you have been out of new topics for a VERY long time ...

    I remember an old movie, set in medieval times, with Omar Sharif as the main character ... and someone asked his character if there really was such a thing as witches?

    His reply was (paraphrased ...) "I hope so, because we burn 16,000 a year to death, here in Germany."





  14. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    every other word that also starts with a "B".

    ‘Broke record,’ for instance.

    I subscribe to Netflix DVD ... I get two at a time, and as soon as I view them, I send them back and get two more, already on my que list.

    About one in four is not playable ... severely scratched, or the DVD is actually broken.

    What to do ... what to do?

    I report it and send it back to get one that is usable, and as soon as I report it on their website, they IMMEDIATELY send me a replacement that IS playable   About one time in five THAT DVD is also unplayable, so I do it again.  On rare occasion the THIRD DVD is not playable, and I give up, and buy the DVD off of Ebay.

    Even with their spotty track record NETFLIX is still the best deal I have found .... so I stay with the program.

    ...that's what I am TRYING to do here.


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