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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. THAT ... passes the "smell test". It makes good common sense. Still, I would like the Society to expound and codify it. To protect the innocent from being caught in the Dragnet of a witch hunt for foggery and mopery, with smoke and mirrors. The G.B., and Elders almost always have the very best of motives, but not always. Also, motives, and competence are two entirely different things. Just WANTING to do what is right is not enough ... Ever read the book "The Peter Principle"? EVERYONE eventually can get promoted, based on merit to a level where they are no longer competent. A stellar Ministerial Servant becoming an Elder, can become a Beserker, through incompetence, with the very best of heart condition and motivation. Occasionally, you will find one as dumb as a stick, who understands NOTHING, not written in stone. ...that's why God used to write things in stone! The issue has been ignored for almost ten years now.
  2. I don't think they "enjoy" doing wrong ... it's just that they have fallen into the trap that EVERY shamen, witch doctor, priest, or respected religious leader falls into when they start accumulating money, real estate, and camera time. That's what that job does to people. In the entire history of the human existence of directly created Man, in over six thousand years, and from sea to shining sea, there has only been ONE exception.
  3. Africa Inland Mission tie, eh? Perhaps that is what the scripture meant when the Greek word for "brazen" which literally means "in-continent" (per Outta Here) was used. Either peeing without self control, or being inside a continent, such as Inland Africa. .... Depends!
  4. Just as the word "Gay" means something COMPLETELY different than when you and I were growing up ... perhaps the word back then meant something like urinating in public, or dressing in such a way that was immodest if one was incontinent. With our track record of being right about such things, it may have originally meant anything at all EXCEPT what the Society officially tells us is the case.
  5. We seem to have world class problems understanding the simplest common sense things .... like what a "Generation" is. Everyone else on the planet uses ONE definition, and always has ... except us. I cannot even imagine the Apostles understanding what Jesus said the way we are told to. That's why I want the GB "OFFICIAL" explanation, which may or may not have anything at all with standard definitions, common sense, or reality. They really ought to tell us what definitions we are actually using to make determinations of what is, and what is not "brazen conduct", so that the excesses that all humans are subject to do not cause irreparable harm when being applied ... because we are being governed BY AND WITH those definitions. This is NOT a new issue ... and REMAINS unresolved, since 2010, almost a decade ago. Historically, the record of "straight shooting", and accountability has been terrible.
  6. Well, as Charles Taze Russell said (heavily paraphrased) in the first issue of the Watchtower, which had his byline "C.T.R.", as the author .. "The Truth is the Truth, no matter what the source... If Satan told you the Truth, it would still be the Truth". A similar thought was expressed in the Dr. Seuss book, "Horton Hears A Who".
  7. The way things are progressing, I wonder when they select a new member of the Governing Body, the "Helpers" will have white smoke come out of that Watchtower at the main entrance of Warwick Bethel ?.....
  8. There is more "projection" going on here than a Drive-In Theater for Brontosaurs ! ... ever think about chasing garbage trucks as a hobby?
  9. EXCELLENT: Even if you are afraid of spiders, or ... you are terrified by a sudden complete lack of spiders!
  10. The Society never apologizes for anything they totally screw up .... and to the best of my knowledge, NEVER has apologized for anything in ruining peoples' lives, historically, .... because they can just change the definitions of what words mean ("new light"), or where it is to their advantage to do so to push the agenda, keep them so ambiguous, they can mean ANYTHING. Here is the test (and perhaps I am wrong because I missed it somewhere along the line ... please correct me if I am wrong ....): How EXACTLY does the Society define "Brazen Conduct"? What is included? What is excluded? How about ten or so REAL WORLD, CONTEMPORARY unambiguous examples? To the best of my knowledge ... currently it can include anything the Elders don't like. If I am wrong, please point it out to me, and I will change my viewpoint, and embarrassed, beg your humble pardon. I think we need an 18 paragraph unambiguous, non touchy-freely and non scripturally recursive, direct and comprehensive Watchtower Article on this ONE topic only .... instead of the usual circular logic topics reiterated, over, and over, and over, and over ... ...and over and over and over and over. I am sure I would stay Awake!, for THAT one.
  11. I did not agree with all of your post, where I quoted from you the above comment ... but I "upvoted" it anyway, because I know your quoted cringeworthy statement is true. ... just any JW try it at the next Watchtower Study. .... raise your hand and ask a tough question, using unapproved words. .... after the meeting, you would have to get back to the parking lot through infamous "ROOM 101". This was first "legally" established in the not-so Super Secret 2010 Elders' Handbook, with the term "Brazen" conduct, which was a catch-all that could include ANYTHING ..... and when it hit the fan that there was no Biblical backup for this, three years later the 2013 "Silver Sword" NWT came out with the word "Brazen" several times ... WITH THE WHOLE BIBLE PARAPHRASED, of all things ... THE WHOLE BIBLE "SIMPLIFIED" ... to back up the direction given three years earlier.
  12. ... ever notice that the Popes all look all worn out and hunched over, threatening to fall and impale themselves on their bejeweled gold sheep catcher sticks ? ... makes me tired just watching ! It's the 30 pounds of clothes, the 8 pound gold crosses, and 15 pound two-story hats glued on with denture cream.. ... a lot for ANY 82 year olds. Seven more pounds .. same as a bag of concrete!
  13. I never thought of the WTB&TS as having a hierarchy ... the thought never crossed my mind ... perhaps because they did not have the clown suits that the Catholic Church, Russian Orthodox Church, and many others have .... until: 1.) In several court transcripts where the Society was confiscating real estate from local congregations, and the congregations sued the Society, the Watchtower Lawyers declared and asserted under oath that no individual person owned the Kingdom Halls, and that they had the right to appoint and remove trustees in whose positions the Kingdom Halls were titled, BECAUSE, the Organization WAS a hierarchy, EXACTLY like the Catholic Church, and that the "Church" owned all Jehovah's Witnesses' property, everywhere, no matter whose name it was in, or how it was titled, and, 2.) In child sexual abuse cases, the Society in many places, many times has asserted in secular courts, under oath, that the Elders are Clergy, and are entitled to "Clergy-Penitent Privilege" of confidentiality, and as such were not legally obligated to report the crimes. I had never EVER heard these things asserted at the Kingdom Halls, and in paying attention since 1962, was frankly stunned by these sworn testimony (under oath) assertions, declarations and/or admissions in the secular civil courts. That is why I read full transcripts of the Society's court cases, when I find them ... as what is said at the Kingdom Halls, and what is said in court ( ... under oath ... ) is quite often two (or more ...) dramatically different things. I never remember any Kingdom Hall assertions, that we were "Clergy", entitled to any special legal privileges ... only that we were "Ministers", and could assert that our commission as ministers was equal to clergy's "ordinations" ... although I remember from circa 1974-82 that the ex-Bethelite Pioneer Brother that ran off with my first wife liked to witness in the jails and prisons, as he would pull the "Minister Card", and they would give him clergy privileges to go in and out any time it suited him. Perhaps the next step is start baptizing young children, and have some kind of special JW clown suits like Christendom has ..... perhaps with a Nautical theme. I often wonder about the Catholics' Heirchy ... where do they get those 15 pound hats?
  14. Not too many people know about the breakthroughs of the Klingon Language Institute, either, and THEY can spit and yell at the same time!
  15. You have already proved from your own words you are a habitual, compulsive liar, BTK46. Your continuing to expound on that theme only lends great credence to the possibility that you are ALSO certifiably insane. You are your own worst enemy BTK46. If you want to stay out of a "nervous hospital", my advice is to change the subject to ANYTHING else!
  16. Great! Just great! And how am I supposed to knew whether the next comment from you is actually from you or from one of the 18 chickens? Because I have a nose, and they have peckers?
  17. Haven't you finished that yet. Must be a big un. I've had to scale it down a bit, eliminating the sliding boards, and helicopter pad for the chickens with choppers. CHICKENS IN CHOPPERS .mp4
  18. I am glad that JWI is here to do the heavy lifting .... I am building a chicken coop and run for 18 chickens, and I am pooped.
  19. ... one step closer for Vladimir Putin to reverse the current Russian persecution by 2020. .... If there is anything the Russians have learned .... you don't want the Germans to get ticked off at you!
  20. Of course not, BTK46 ...... you are a proven habitual liar ... your own words prove it. Now, as documented here on this forum, firmly established with solid proof from your own words .... there is nothing you could possibly do as a response to disprove that established fact. Of COURSE you won't respond. Every time you are caught in a lie, you don't respond, except to change the subject. ... few things are as sad as a delusional scholar who does not have to lie ... but does, anyway, trying to elevate himself, hoisted aloft by agenda driven fantasy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ON AN UNRELATED NOTE ... Ever wonder why Caleb and Sophia never age, and presumably will never have cartoon children of their own?
  21. The Software "FastStone Capture", captures LOOOOOOnnnnggg pages like we have here, and Sunday vertical cartoons, completely automatically. Just set the cursor to the TOP of where you want to begin, and it automatically scrolls and captures all the way to the complete bottom of the web page. CTL S saves it to a new window. RTN saves it to the hard drive ALT X exits that capture, ready for another, and CTL PrtScn starts a new capture box for rectangular capture windows, and CTL ALT Prtscn captures a LONG window all the way to the bottom, automatically scrolling. You can ALSO capture videos that cannot be downloaded .... like those Nuns who had their homes stolen from them, that they paid for, that I posted earlier.
  22. Even though the above quote was addressed to John Butler (and he can defend himself from your evil if he so desires ...) CONCERNING YOUR QUOTED STATEMENT ABOUT ME, you have just convicted YOURSELF, with your own words, of being a hateful, wicked, malicious liar and a slanderer, BTK46. NONE of what you just stated was true ... and you made it up completely from your malignant viewpoint on life. Your malignant, perverted agenda driven fantasy is not based on ANYTHING factual Because I did not lie or misrepresent myself, I was convicted, and disfellowshipped .... and NOT for my divergent theology,, or "loose cannon" philosophy, which did in fact come up as I presented a defense for my actions. I rescued someone from death using means and methods not understood, or sanctioned. It is YOU that are the liar, BTK. Under the unwritten "three year rule", I had to wait three years and more to be reinstated, because I would not lie, or fake it, or plead for mercy for myself. ( of which mercy is never shown, anyway, so it would have been a useless request ...). In my letter requesting reinstatement, I only promised I would not do what I did, again ... I did not renounce what I had to do, as I could not, and would not. YOU ARE THE HABITUAL, WICKED, HATEFUL, LIAR, BTK46 ... AND YOU HAVE JUST CONVICTED YOURSELF. You lie about EVERYTHING ... even the details about your .50 caliber sniper rifle, and your impossible fantasy of me standing in front of a Tank with you in Tienanmen Square, China, with a .22 caliber rifle, you unarmed being so brave, and bowing to no man. You are a real piece of work! ... with a lot of pieces missing. YOUR PUNISHMENT ..... IS TO BE YOU.
  23. Well, JWI did weigh in on my take on what he had to say .... without objection. So I PROBABLY interpreted Galatians as JWI emphasized it correctly. Since, if that is the case.... that was Paul's opinion, perhaps I saw it because I ALREADY believed it. It was completely consistent with my own personal experiences, communicating with the Governing Body. You know the old saying .... "If I had not believed it, I would not have seen it." Perhaps JWI will further comment to clarify, But the first chapter of Galatians is ALREADY quite clear. I am not immune to agenda driven WDS, either. The difference is, that it embarrasses me.
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