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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. This is why the Governing Body in Jerusalem did not add any further burden to the Brothers .... it was mid winter and bitter cold when Paul entered Jerusalem.
  2. If I have a right to expect perfection from others ..... they have a right to expect it from me. And I KNOW, I am a Barbarian. Of course ... there ARE limits .......
  3. YEAH! I had not realized to what extent Paul went to to completely avoid any interaction with the Jerusalem Apostles, AKA the "Governing Body.! I THINK THIS IS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO SAVE THIS WHOLE PAGE FROM THE TOP, , TO KEEP IT IN CONTEXT, SO I MADE A .JPG, WHICH IF YOU FEEL SO INCLINED, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD.
  4. If I was you, TTH, I would worry less about Gregg G. Stafford's efforts to turn Jehovah's Witnesses' life, culture, and theology into museum pieces, and more about the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses doing just that. The efforts of the GB cause millions of people to "come into the Truth", but they also chase millions of people away, after they do. It's like a person who makes his fortune in New York City, and finds that the City and State do not consider him to be a citizen, as much as they consider him a cash cow. There is nothing more portable than people with money who are tired of being treated badly by State and local governing bodies, and when they find they have no voice at all to protest this treatment, they realize that they can vote with their feet, and take their wallets with them, leaving the States and Cities to become museum pieces in a slow, tragic death spiral. Detroit is a classic example ...one of many. The same is becoming more and more true about Jehovah's Witnesses, who often, unless they are mindless sycophants, chafe and tire of the uninspired and erroneous, and heavy handed (in a silk glove) treatment they get in pursuing equity and Justice, and Truth. So ... they take the Truth they have with them, and their wallets with them, like spilled gold dust disappearing through cracks in the floor. They too ... vote with their feet ... and their wallets ... leaving the Organization to be surrounded with sycophants, admiring their Telly Awards, and cartoon evangelizers. "We have seen the Enemy" .... and He is Us" - Pogo ( The reason I stay, is I have a very high pain tolerance, and expect nothing from anybody ... and $30 every few months is all I can afford, and I allocate that to "local needs".)
  5. It would be useless for me to ask you for any facts to back up that statement, Billy, as we BOTH already know there aren't any .... as does everyone else reading your Phineas T. Bluster blusters .... so I will just make this conciliatory comment ... "Why Billy, I did not know you were a student of mine!".
  6. .... somewhat like being a concert pianist with eight long fingers on each hand. ...if only the extras were connected to the brain. ....sigh.
  7. Ok... here goes: I officially recognize BTK46 as the BEST scholar in this group! (seriously...) But his perspective is so screwed up he misinterprets EVERYTHING! ... it's like a child having a beautiful, playful, happy, expensive pure-bred AKC registered puppy .... ... and he EATS it!
  8. Every once in a great while, you will find an excellent Doctor , who is exceptional, but he never went to medical school and does not have a license to practice. Several movies have been made about this sort of thing, wither about doctors, policemen, and even airline pilots. Take whatever lessons you want from this observation.
  9. It's not a terrible translation ... but when it is deliberately kept ambiguous as a catch-all like a dragnet to suppress anything a Local Elder would like to suppress, based on his personal preferences, culture and political awareness of policy from New York, and accuse someone of "Brazen Conduct" if he or she asks an incorrect, unapproved question with unapproved words .... and is therefore deemed a danger to the congregation ... a BRAZEN rogue ... with a BRAZEN tongue ... .... perhaps something LESS terrible and better defined, and more specific would be in order. THE REASON THAT SPECIFIC WORD WAS CHOSEN WAS NOT FOR GREATER BIBLE ACCURACY ... IT WAS CHOSEN TO SUPPORT STATEMENTS MADE THREE YEARS PREVIOUSLY IN THE 2010 ELDERS HANDBOOK, THAT HAD NO SCRIPTURAL BACKUP, UNTIL INVENTED, THREE YEARS LATER IN THE 2013 NWT.
  10. ( JTR squints his eyes and rubs his hands together slowly, as if putting on hand lotion ...) "So THAT"S your caper, eh, El Bandito?"
  11. Perhaps his book is on Amazon.com, and the reviewers may have commented on who he is (was?).
  12. I apologize for you getting in the crossfire, JWI ... but BTK46 INSULTED MY .22 CALIBER RIFLE! i UNDERSTAND BTK46 WAS JUST A FUNNIN'' ... BUT YOU SEE, ... MAH RIFLE JUST DOHN UNNERSTAN' ! He accused my rifle of hiding cowards! What BTK got out of ALL my previous posts is that I DO NOT HAVE MY WEAPONS FOR SELF DEFENSE ! If there is ANYTHING that proves for all time, with absolute certainty, that his thinking is totally hosed, screwed up, and agenda driven ... THAT IS IT. YIKES!
  13. WOW ... he had 20 years experience with a helicopter before he got killed. That to me is amazing. Then .... he decided to NOT wait out the weather. There are old pilots ..... There are bold pilots .... But there are no old, bold pilots. That's how "The Big Bopper", and Audie Murphy died ... Bold pilots, who ignored the weather.
  14. ... by the way ... my suppressed .22 cal. scoped rifle is ONLY used for target practice, and very limited self defense, if ever needed .... but I bought it to shoot out overhead street lights to blackout a neighborhood, for rescue attempts. ... but that is another story, from many years ago.
  15. I believe we settled that my arms are NOT for self defense. I believe you mention that for yourself. I fear no man even unto death as you coward behind your weapon. I will have to belatedly agree with you BTK ... a scoped 50 caliber sniper rifle, as you have admitting owning, but reticent to relate how you acquired it, is NOT a defensive weapon, except in warfare. It is obviously, to everyone who knows about such things, an OFFENSIVE weapon for preemptive strikes. This claim of yours is new (please show evidence if I am wrong ...). Here is the clincher: How often do you hunt game with your sniper rifle, and what have you bagged. If you do not have a truthful answer, you are living in a fantasy world of your own manufacture.
  16. BTK: (By the way, did you know your acronym is widely viewed as "Blind, Torture, Kill"?): Since you are ALWAYS wrong, perhaps you should quit, while you are still a head!
  17. I used the old NWT, since about 1962 to 2015 ... then I took a Brother (tm) label maker, and on the binder of my ASV wrote on yellow tape, in black "AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION", so that when I was ACCUSED by a householder of using the NWT, I could show them that I was NOT. The dumbed down, paraphrased version of 2013 embarrasses me for a variety of reasons. In Dodge City, Kansas, I suspect the new NWT would not have been the preferred version of Marshal Matt Dillon, or that Long Branch Saloon BRAZEN HUSSY, Miss Kitty.
  18. Translation is an ART ... not a science ... and some are very good at it ... and some are very bad at it ... and most are somewhere in the middle. The 2013 NWT ( Silver Sword) began using the term "brazen conduct" for the first time, to conform to the 2010 Super Secret (NOT!) Elder's handbook, which FIRST used that term, without any scriptural basis, referencing the OLD NWT ... or any (repeat ANY) other Bible translation in existence. It's not in "The Emphatic Diaglott" by Benjamin Wilson ... and it's not in the "Kingdom Interlinear Translation" by the Society. The Scriptures in the dumbed down 2013 "Silver Sword" NWT were changed to conform to the Elder's handbook, published THREE YEARS EARLIER. Since I cannot comprehend Greek, I have to trust those two interlinear translation books ... BOTH now published by the WTB&TS, by the way. When I go out in Field Service, I take the "American Standard" version of the Bible, ALSO now published by the WTB&TS ... NOT the NWT. ( From Wikipedia ...) " The ASV has also been used for many years by Jehovah's Witnesses. The reasons for their choosing of the ASV were twofold: its usage of "Jehovah" as the Divine Name, which was a translation of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) into English as some early Bible scholars had done before (i.e. Tyndale at Ps. 83:18[9]). They also derived their name from Isaiah 43.10, 12, both of which contain the phrase, "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah." Also, there was a perception that the ASV had improved the translation of some verses in the King James Version, and in other places it reduced the verses that they found to be erroneously translated in the KJV to mere footnotes, removed from the main text altogether.[10] Jehovah's Witnesses' publishing organization, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, had printed its own edition of the King James Version since 1926, but did not obtain the rights to print ASV until 1944. From 1944 to 1992, they printed and distributed over a million copies of the ASV. By the 1960s, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, made by members of their group and the rights to which they controlled, had largely replaced ASV as the Bible used most by Witnesses.[11] Though now preferring the NWT, Jehovah's Witnesses' publications frequently quote from other translations, including ASV."
  19. Now THAT is a GREAT piece of work! Next time the Brothers have a talent show, do that as a routine.... ... don't hold your breath.
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