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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    JWI is very close to losing possession of his own thread, with a dozen different yo-yours taking it in a dozen different directions.

    I am ashamed of us all. Usually it does not take almost 5 pages for us to knock him off the roller derby track and into the stands.

    This is the stereotypical Snowflake reaction of someone for whom CONTROL is more important that Truth and relating experiences, wherever the conversation might lead.

    It hurts Snowflakes feelings when no one will pay attention to the agenda.

    That's how computers work, but human minds, in love with freedom,  wander afield. 

    That's why we make them, and they do not make us.



  2. On 6/5/2019 at 9:00 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    According to that article, the slave is one who is anointed. So why are there not 144k governing body members, and why aren't any women on this governing body? 

    You know what the Bible says about being envious .....

    It was considered among the First Century Christians, but as it turned out all the women considered had PMS envy.

  3. 9 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr.  "I have a very low opinion of Watchtower Lawyers,"

    Can you tell me please who exactly the Watchtower Lawyers are ?  I don't mean names of course, i mean are they themselves Jehovah's Witnesses ?  Are they 'brothers' ?  Or are they 'worldly' Lawyers ? 

    Are they employed by the Watchtower or are they brothers that do it as part of their 'service to God' ?

    Most of the Brothers that work at Bethel are Jehovah's Witnesses that are full time volunteers, who basically work for free.  Some are part time and work on an as-needed basis, and for certain lawsuits the Society hires , or partners with outside Law Firms, mainly for their common sense approach to things, but also because of their experience in local court systems, and of course they are paid quite a LOT of money.

    ...but even Lawyers working for the Society, when working a case outside of Colony Park, which is a closed  and gated township about 30 miles east of Warwick, where the Society has about 2 million dollars worth of residential and multiple use properties to keep the lawyers isolated from Warwick, the Society's Lawyers do not ride the bus to work, or stay in a Motel 6 when they are on the road.

    First class accomodations and perks, all the way.  After all, they ARE Lawyers! Not like the great crowd of unwashed window washers, and such.

    This was explored in greater detail about 5 years ago here on the Archive, but I cannot find anything, anymore, with format changes.



    IN this case, a "class action suit" appears to me to be ONLY a money grab by OPPOSITION lawyers, who will get somewhere around 40% of the total value of this suit, if they win.

    I have a very low opinion of Watchtower Lawyers, having read the transcripts of many other cases where they used every dirty lawyer trick in the book to obscure and pervert Justice, or at least the "Due Process" that might have led to Justice, but in this case they are, I believe on solid ground, as the opposition lawyers are now in a "total war" scenario.  Neither side cares about Justice ... the court systems are being used as a chessboard.

    This is not to say that Watchtower's Layers are doing the "right thing", for the right reasons .... ON BOTH SIDES IT'S ONLY ALL ABOUT MONEY.

    That is a Lawyers job ... to protect the fiduciary interests of their clients, WITHOUT regard for Justice, on both sides.

    In this case the REAL clients on the opposition side are the lawyers themselves, serving their own interests, looking to put a giant vacuum cleaner hose into the Watchtower Scrooge McDuck money vault.





    I have stated on the Archive at least twice before, months ago,  that it is my considered opinion that Vladimir Putin will rectify the injustices towards Jehovah's Witnesses before 2020. 

    It is also my considered opinion that the reason is that he will do so is simply that he thinks like an adult, although surrounded by sycophants and agenda driven bullys, and as a practical matter he laughs at these resolutions, and ex-national judgments, however, as a reasonable man he does consider them, and he is an excellent political powerhouse.

    However, if it does not happen, Jehovah's Witnesses predictions in the past having always been wrong, I will just shrug my shoulders, grin at the camera, and mumble something about "overlapping" something-or-another.



  6. Don't wait for "the situation to be right", TTH, take control!

    You could skulk around college gymnasiums, and find the loners and nerd types, even better if they are nerdy loners ...  and offer them beer if they will study the Bible with you,  and try to form relationships. I understand that college kids like beer.

    If a college is too far away,  perhaps you can start earlier at Elementary Schools.

    Offer them candy. I understand kids LOVE candy.

    In the current social environment, what could go wrong?


  7. So was World War II, but it's important to know about such things, as I see that you recognize the "dueling banjo" reference. That means Ah saw the movie, and presumably you ALSO saw the movie, "Deliverance".

    I am surprised that Hollywood's ratings get such respect.

    Of course, there are people who never get over the fact they were born in bed with a naked woman ....

    (no cartoons for THIS one ...)

  8. 9 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I won't correct the comma after Witness as a grammatical error. Seems James has a thing about spelling and grammar and being obtuse about it, with certain people.

    There was a strong odor,  where I could smell BillytheKids46's mother cooking in the kitchen.

    There was a strong odor where I could smell,  BillytheKids46's mother cooking in the kitchen.

    There,  was a strong odor where I could smell BillytheKids46's mother,  cooking in the kitchen.

    Where you put commas are important!




  9. I wonder why the Anointed of God, although self admittedly NOT inspired of God, the ones supplying "food at the proper time", etc., seem to be completely devoid of common sense of any kind, on any subject.


    Would you want a Surgeon who was equally good at what he does, as the GB is at what they do?

    I might consider closing a wound with Vise-Grip pliers, and Duct Tape, instead!

  10. I wonder why the Anointed of God, although self admittedly NOT inspired of God, the ones supplying "food at the proper time", etc., seem to be completely devoid of common sense of any kind, on any subject.

    They have been struggling with the CSA problem for YEARS now, and are seemingly no closer to a solution than they were five years ago.

    IT'S NOT THAT HARD !!!!!

    This is NOT Quantum Chromodynamics!



  11. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    And I have been repeatedly investigated by the FBI, the DOD, the DOE, and the ATF, and many local Sheriffs,

    I have not. They barely know I exist.

    Speaking of three letter acronyms, I wish the IRS did not know I exist.

    I needed various licenses for my weapons, and carry permits, and also off and on for 20 years I worked on nuclear waste projects, including the Yucca Mountain Project, in Nevada, so I needed those background checks for employment.



    38 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I understand why most of us believe "worldly" people lack knowledge in that department, because most probably do, but I could see it really started to get on Stewart's nerves when Br. Jackson kept repeatedly "guiding" him to find the books. In a few instances I felt like those two were like two roosters in a ring.

    Well, I can speak with some authority, because my wife, Susan, bought 20 Bantam Chickens as chicks (not much on this planet is cuter ...) and I have 5 roosters, temporarily living in a wire cage surrounding a kiddie pool on a table in my sun room, off my back deck. ... and I did view the ARC hearings in real time, in their entirety, and I would have to fully agree with you, Anna ... with the added observation that Bro. Jackson LIED about our stance on corporal punishment, to be politically correct, and said it would be "presumptuous" to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses were the "only" way to salvation, whereas the videos at this summer's Conventions definitely state otherwise., and he was weaseling and waffling in general, after swearing on a NWT to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, SO HELP HIM GOD.

    Howse THAT for a run-on sentence?

    Argument for Evil.jpg

  13. 31 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Is that what your taking? I think you need to change your meds and status of how you think you're a witness in good standing. Now that's funny. As you spelling, will it, takes a certain kind of a despicable person to bring out such, childish things since everyone here has them? How low do you want to go, buck?

    Well, for what it is worth, I gave an answer at the Watchtower Study Saturday before Last, and my wife gave one this Saturday, at the Kingdom Hall I have been attending since 2000, when I moved here .... for whatever THAT is worth.

    If I was not a JW in good standing (actually, I sit down a lot ...) the WT Study Conductor would not have called on me.

    You really ought to quit attacking me, anonymous BTK ... you ALWAYS lose the argument ... because your agenda driven perspective is so screwed up.

    It is getting tiresome trouncing you soundly every time you attack me, but I do seem to get a perverse pleasure out of it.

    .... never mind.

    It's either this or have fun watching my pet chickens when I hand feed them multi-grain bread !

  14. 9 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Another example of James ignorance, why wait until a subpoena is issued to fight that subpoena and as proof, it can be done by Trump’s proceedings as a pathetical liar, and abuser of power, a racist that goes to no end to steal from the poor to give to the rich.

    May I suggest that you talk to your Doctor about getting you some Adderall?

    I think 20mg, twice a day would help you to stay focused.

    I don't think they have anything for your WDS.

    ... or your spelling ... hehehehe .


  15. Again, you are missing the point ENTIRELY ( no surprise there ....)

    If I had hand puppets with big crayons,  here is what they would tell you

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    A congregational Judicial "Hearing" is NOT a jury trial ... It is a trial by Tribunal, who act as both Judges, and Jury.

    The Congregational Judicial Committee is NOT a Jury, it is a Tribunal of Judges.

    Your entire premise is faulty, TTH. That is a generous way of telling you you are WRONG. (again ...)

    Even Jeffery Dahmer and others as bad as he, knew the names of his JUDGES ... their names were on the courthouse door, or on a name plate on their desks.  The Bailiff would announce his  name as he entered the room.

    And I have been repeatedly investigated by the FBI, the DOD, the DOE, and the ATF, and many local Sheriffs, and have a SPOTLESS record,  ( except for  several traffic tickets over a 50 year period ...) so your innuendo is only another of your delusional fantasies, of things you WISH had purchase, but do NOT.


    ... FURTHER .. I never alluded to my experience being an "everyday occurance".  I relayed it as an account ONLY of how I was treated.

    THAT ... is another one of your delusional fantasies of how you WISH I had said that, to be able to defend the indefensible.

    Be a sport ... review what I actually DID say, compared to your stated delusion.


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