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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 24 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Indeed it is not, but since you constantly compare the two, all that I have said is appropriate. The ones at a court trial who decide guilt DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO TELL YOU THEIR NAMES!!!!!! Where is your outrage about THAT?

    What Secular courts do or don't do does not excuse what our Tribunals do or don't do.

    When a Jury is selected, a person's lawyer and they have the right to select from a Jury Pool, usually about 30 people,  12 people "good and true" from the Jury pool. 

    I have BEEN in a Jury Pool thankyouverymuch!

    Everybody knows what their names are, even though they are referred to as "Juror No. 3", or "Juror No. 6" etc., AFTER they are selected.

    Before their selection, the defense lawyer tries to find out everything there is to know about each potential juror, and ESPECIALLY those mutually selected by the prosecution and the defense.

    But that is not the point AT ALL ... because a Congregational Judicial Trial is a trial by a Tribunal of Judges, which a defendant has no input at all.  They could be limp-wristed progressive Liberal Snowflakes, or "hanging Judges", or anything at all!

    What I saw is a sad, sad story for another time, perhaps. Perhaps after I am safely dead.

    The WDS Force is strong with you, Luke.

  2. 31 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    As justice is dispensed in the adversarial justice system, the judge pronounces the verdict. 

    But the ones who actually decide guilt are members of the jury, who “do not even have to TELL YOU THEIR NAMES.”

    A congregational Judicial "Hearing" is NOT a jury trial ... It is a trial by Tribunal, who act as both Judges, and Jury.

    The Congregational Judicial Committee is NOT a Jury, it is a Tribunal of Judges.

    Your entire premise is faulty, TTH. That is a generous way of telling you you are WRONG. (again ...)

    31 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The ones judging you do not even have to TELL YOU THEIR NAMES.

    We have been through this before. For this to be true, there would have to be unimaginably extraordinary circumstances, for all of Jehovah’s Witnesses know that there are committees and all know how they work, and none of them have ever heard of such a thing. 

    You may have been through all this before, but again, you are flat wrong. 

    I was there!

    I was the subject of the Trial, and the Tribunal, after being repeatedly asked to do so BY ME ... refused to tell me their names and Congregation.








    It does NOT get any simpler than this:

    If the Elders learn of something that is a criminal act involving Child Sexual Abuse ... ALWAYS report it to the Civil Authorities.



    Problem solved.... globally, and 100%.


    See, that was not so hard.













  4. Does a fish actually hate the Eagle that swoops down from the sky and sinks its talons in the side of a fish, to kill and eat?

    You are an amazing person Billy.0

    The worst case of WDS I have ever seen this side of the mirror, and always wrong about EVERYTHING!

    Nothing new here ..... this is universally the case with agenda driven thinking.

    None of us are immune to believing lies when we use agenda driven thinking.


  5. 5 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    I find it so funny when you call JW Org 'OUR' system or org. I cannot fully understand why anyone with your knowledge of the GB / W/t / JW Org would want to be any part of it, but maybe you are still getting info to pass on to us. 

    I try to be a good Jehovah's Witness, because I recognize that it is, as I have said before, "the only game in town."

    But I am not a Corporate shill, and divorce myself publicly from the areas where Corporate Protection is the foremost consideration, and lack of common sense, and lunatic reasonings on theology ( which is now controlled by the Society's Lawyers and Accountants...) rules.


    THAT'S how I do it.



    Doctrinal errors.jpg

  6. Thank you so much JWI, for posting this, ( TELL NO ONE (2019) | Full Documentary Movie by Tomasz Sekielski | English Subtitles ) :

    My wife, Susan, and I just watched this stunning documentary.



    For some reason, although I tried three times to download it to my outboard USB Hard Drives with my usual piece of software "YouTube Downloader', it failed .... so I had to use my new favorite piece of software "FastStone Capture"  ($20) to capture the movie as it played on my monitor, in real time. 


    This meant we had to watch it through, in real time 1:1, but the capture is apparently as good as the original movie, at least on my 17" monitors, depending on how fast you set the capture frame rate.

    If it shows up on your monitor .... you can capture it to your hard drive, with "FastStone Capture". 

    It will even capture everything on a page of a blog like this, from top to bottom, by automatically scrolling down, and capturing as it goes.

    This is an example:


    2019-05-29_020950   600w  .jpg

    Full Page copy.jpg

  7. 5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Not to mention, The Watchtower volunteered the information, the ARC received.

    This is 100% NOT TRUE ... The ARC received their information by leaks, subpoenas, testimony and letters from victims, and mountains of hard evidence collected by victims and those knowing what actually happened ... (aka "apostates")  ....  that was forwarded to the commission.

    I watched the proceedings in real time as it was happening ( I stayed awake all night watching for about a week, and more...) and the Elders, Branch Officials, and even GB member Geoffrey Jackson  were caught in multiple lies and infantile explanations.

    The Videos are STILL available, if you want to refresh your memory.

    Oh, never mind ... I forgot for a moment ... to refresh your memory, you would have had to have watched the proceedings the FIRST time.

  8. 34 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:
    42 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    What irritates me the most ... really burns my overweight butt ... is that the Secular Authorities HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND.

    Explain please ?


    I thought it was self evident, but since you asked me to (partially) explain .......

    Their Justice system is set up to be accessible to everyone,...open... transparent ... AND ACCOUNTABLE if someone screws up, is incompetent, or evil .... and does not require "two witnesses". 

    Let's say a victim of CSA is also murdered.

    NOW you have NO witnesses.

    Congregationally,  using the rules we live by, the criminal COMPLETELY escapes Justice.he feigns innocence, and THAT is the end of THAT.

    The systems the Nations have can unravel the mystery using detective work, forensic evidence, and if they have a suspect, can try him for his alleged crimes in open court, where he can have witnesses from the general public, witnesses for his defense, and character witnesses in his behalf.  If he is poor with words, or too ignorant to make a determined and competent defense, he will be appointed a Lawyer who presumably IS competent to represent him.

    In OUR system you cannot even have present Jehovah's Witnesses from the Congregation present ... and that's the fact, Jack.

    You cannot have a transcript, you cannot record it on audio or video, you cannot have competent counsel represent you, and you have to file an appeal in 7 days or there is no appeal available.  The ones judging you do not even have to TELL YOU THEIR NAMES.

    ... AT LEAST THEY ARE NOT WEARING HOODED ROBES, AND CARRYING A SCYTHE., which is the only "blessing" there.

    The Nations closely imitate the system God set up for Israel in ancient times ... and OUR system resembles loosely one set up by any number of tyrants.

    The Nations have the MORAL HIGH GROUND because their Justice system more closely imitates the one Jehovah God set up, and ours more closely resembles  a  Public Relations Corporation's damage control department.


    And that's that's the fact, Jack.



  9. Billy:

    All you just said is true...but War .. is when the people subjugated, enslaved, have their homes and resources confiscated, etc .... FIGHT BACK.

    Otherwise, the Nazis could have politely marched backwards into Poland.

    Armed Forces are used to make people do things they don't want to, under pain of death and deprivation.

    Self Defense is a NATURAL RIGHT that every living thing has ..... if they can manage it ... and choose to try.




  10. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The things you project on others ... is who YOU are.

    Here is a good test for YOU, or ANYBODY to test and see if you are delusional, or not ....

    1.) Please supply just ONE scripture I have misused, and explain just HOW I misused it. If you cannot do this .... you stand convicted by your own words.

    You gonna choke ... again ... anonymous BTK?

  11. 5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    The fact that James obtuse presentation of finally bringing up that topic when he has overlooked everyone else avatar as though he is courageous for using his name on this forum yet is a coward for not confronting his body of Elders with such garbage he uses here ......

    BTK --- you are a sad, angry, frustrated man, with delusions of grandeur, and a desire to hurt someone who is not intimidated  by your fantasies of scriptural superiority.

    I could go on and on for several paragraphs ... but that about covers it.

    You remind me of  someone from Christendom who when you disagree with them, their eyes get wide, they start salivating,  get loud, and threaten you with being tormented forever and ever in a burning hell, to the point that in a religious fervor, work themselves up into a rapturous orgasm of hatred.

    The only difference is YOU threaten with the Elders, which you try to use as a weapon, to have people fear YOU.

    The things you project on others ... is who YOU are.

    Here is a good test for YOU, or ANYBODY to test and see if you are delusional, or not ....

    1.) Please supply just ONE scripture I have misused, and explain just HOW I misused it. If you cannot do this .... you stand convicted by your own words.

    ....and by the way, I do not confront the Elders, because they do not confront me.  Every time they have, I have been forthright, and honest.

    That's how they all learned to Moonwalk.


  12. Years ago at insane asylums, you could go on tours.

    On the second floor overlooking the great room where the insane ...uh... "interacted" with each other they had doors that opened onto balconys, where you could with your friends stand and watch the show, below.

    That is what it is like here. Perhaps I should be ashamed of thinking the show below is so very funny ...

    ...but I am not.

    I am merely a humble Barbarian.

    silly me.


  13. If you read the account carefully ( EEEEK! ) you will see that Jesus said to THEM (ALL the Apostles) to buy swords .... but TWO apostles already had their personal swords in the room with them, and called it to Jesus attention., and after reconsideration .. Jesus said "it is enough"

    The Idea was to demonstrate to a bunch of bullies and mobsters that Jesus would not be "lynched' ... not to start a Jewish/Roman War.

    By the way ... those who live by the sword often die by the sword ..., but although I have carried a gun all day, every day, almost all of my adult life, I was a Surveyor and Engineer, and did NOT live by the sword.

    And I do not now.

    I do know of four Sisters out in the Field Ministry who were hit by a car and all of them were killed.

    ..those who live by the car, often die by the car.

  14. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    And here he is trying to portray himself as a victim.

    Au Contraire TTH .. I am not trying to portray myself as anything.   I just stated facts, and you can draw whatever conclusions you have to, based on your WDS.

    I just thought it was incredibly rude, deceitful, and dishonest on their part, as I introduced myself, even though they had already been told my name, although we had never before met.  Also, I instantly determined that a Judge who will not divulge his name is one chain short of wearing a black hood, and carrying a headman's ax.

    The reason I did not respond earlier is I do NOT assume motives for other people, where there are no clearly discernible facts in evidence ... or they TELL me what their motives are.

    You have assumed quite a LOT about my motives ... without facts.

    I feel I was grievously mistreated by their being anonymous, and therefore dishonest judges..

    They had NOTHING to fear from me, based on 55 and more  years of hard facts .... unbroken by even a single instance of violence or threat of violence.  ( To be fair, about 1981 a rich and influential  Elder called me up on the phone and said he was going to DESTROY ME, and I replied he was welcome to try, and that I would be willing to meet him in the street outside my home, and we would shoot it out ... and he hung up and never bothered me again.).

    The last time I was in a fight was as a teenager, at a school bus stop in Jr. High School.

    Because i do not consider consequences once I decide what is right or wrong, I did not need their names to write in a book, and ambush them later. 

    If I was a mind to (and I would like to EMPHASIZE that I was not then, and am not now...) I would have shot them to death in that room, at the time.

    Basically, they were cowards, and bullys, pretending to be fair and impartial, and successfully deceiving themselves.


    ... and the hand, having writ, has moved on ... just another day in Margaritaville.







    Dateline: May 30, 2019

    Local Authorities find the severed head of famous cowboy desperado BillyTheKid46 in THREE SEPARATE PLACES around the county, next to businesses' 3-D printers, each next to a small jar of screws and a small jar of marbles.

    Police suspect that this  was an attempt at recovery after the suspect's screws all came loose, and he lost his marbles.

    Residents are asked to be on the lookout for a headless zombie dressed in a cowboy outfit, with a large red plastic funnel stuck in his neck.

    He is considered to be heavily armed and moderately amusing..

    Billy gets a head.jpg

  16. 3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Tell what I'll do, since you are re-posting. I'll re-post all your comments here, especially the threating ones, on my FACEBOOK PAGE to see what kind of reaction it will get

    Oh YEAH!?

    Just for that I'm gonna carve your BTK photo on a Coconut, put a handlebar mustache on it,  and throw it in the Ocean!


    Take THAT!

  17. I had a Brother show me his list of survival equipment and food he was stockpiling for the Great Tribulation.  ( I do not stockpile food, myself...)

    I suggested he stock up on Trail Mix Granola Bars, ( My Favorite !) after I noticed his list was short on defensive weaponry.











  18. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And how it seems fine with the GB for 'brothers' in the USA to stockpile guns, and how those 'brothers' seem to have a love for weapons of war..

    I'm sure my readers will find it interesting. 

    I got the idea of copy and paste from the Kid, so I copied and pasted from this blog to my FB. 


    Here in the USA, or at least in the South, we JWs consider three places Holy.

    The Kingdom Halls, The Public Libraries, and the Gun Stores.

    Here in the USA you have probably posted a GREAT recruiting tome FOR considering Jehovah's Witnesses !

    Not so much, methinks in England, which had to be rescued from the Germans by the Americans TWICE, the second time courtesy of Neville Chamberlain and his limp-wristed ilk, and all the pansy-faced Snowflakes that thought like him.

    If you post a link to your Facebook blog, I will consider sharing it !


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