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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. February 2017 Watchtower: Page 26, Paragraph 12 "The Governing Body is neither inspired, nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction." DUH!
  2. True Justice ONLY comes from Jehovah God and Jesus Christ .... all else, without exception, is only PERHAPS an attempt at Justice. That is why the process is called "Due Process". You get the process that is due ... HOPEFULLY it will approximate Justice. The only reason I did not "upvote" TTH's excellent post was this quoted line .... as my experiences and observations have been quite different. Congregational trials disallow representation, recordings, witnesses to the proceedings, or transcripts, and are held in secret, and the results often secret as well. I would prefer my case (if any) to be heard by a jury of 12 men, good and true, with all the above deficiencies not present, any day, on any subject. For several thousand years the Jews had a system like that, EVERYTHING open, transparent, and public .... with trials held in the city gates, for all to see, and comment, and KNOW that either Justice had been served or that it had been perverted. The Nations of the World's model of seeking Justice more closely resembles that ... than OUR system, where everything is done in darkness, behind closed doors, and anonymously. I was the subject of a Congregational Committee Trial once, and the three judging me REFUSED TO TELL ME THEIR NAMES. Can you imagine a trial in the USA where you cannot know the names of those judging you? It is an abomination when the Nations have a better system than we do, and THEIR Justice System imitates what we know from the Bible worked well for thousands of years .... and OUR Congregational system imitates how it is done by tyrants practicing evil. ... And that's the fact, Jack.
  3. I have a wonderful wife, and life, three grown children all strong and active in the Truth who do not burden me, 6 dogs, 18 bantam chickens of indeterminate theology that I get a great deal of enjoyment from, just watching the 25 be happy, every day, and a Congregation that says "Hello Bro and Sis Rook" as we pass. I have outlived most of my friends. and am a truly happy man, even though I never got my CH-4 helicopter. I had a psyxhiatrisx ask if idiocy was a problem in my family. I replled "No, we rather enjoy it!" You know, Billy, it must be discouraging being wrong about EVERYTHING! Perhaps you should not take up Skydiving.
  4. .... A truce only works between men of straight forwardness, and principle. I do have enough life experiences to know better ... but I gave it a shot. Oh well! ...by the way, I purchased my arsenal, Billy, with money I worked for.
  5. This is NOT the Kingdom Hall, Billy. If you want to have credibility, HERE you have to say things that are credible .... AND PROVE THEM. Every time you come out with a statement that is not common knowledge to MOST EVERYONE ... when called on it, you HAVE TO PROVE IT. If you don't you get less and less respect and credibility every time you ignore a legitimate question, or change the subject. I really wanted to believe you had a 50 caliber sniper rifle ... that would be sooooo cool, as far as I am concerned ... and perhaps you really do ... but because you ignored my question about how you acquired it, and avoided expounding, added to this "actor claim" choke, I can't believe anything you say, if it is not obvious common knowledge.
  6. You said you had two-or-three examples. When called on it you choked, and changed the subject.
  7. Do you ever get the subtle impression ... somewhere in the back of your mind ... perhaps when it's late at night and the house is very quiet, and you can hear the battery powered clock in the next room ticking ... that it is the Lawyers and Accountants at Warwick and Colony Park, NY, that are running the show?
  8. If you count your fingers twice, you will get 16 fingers. If you include thumbs, and also count them twice, you will get 20 digits. If you include the palms of your hands, you can slap your face and yell "I'm an idiot!" ...but however you do it, it does not affect your wallet, as the money continues to pour in. Theology One-Oh_One. (101).
  9. In the United States at large, it is legal to own any machine gun manufactured before 1985, if you fill out the paperwork, and pay the $200 tax. Rules vary State by State as to whether you can possess it in that State. My guess is that BillyTheKid's .50 cal BMG is a sniper type rifle, capable to shooting about 4 miles, with a practical range of 3/4 mile, at 2,700 fps, although the term ".50 BMG" can also refer to the entire cartridge, OR a machine gun. I have asked him twice about it ..... without reply, so far. I assume our truce is still "on", so I am defending him where due.
  10. ... sounds like a good idea to me ! If you fill out the paperwork, and pay the tax stamp fee, In South Carolina you can own anything that does not involve nuclear energy. .... bummer! The Estate of the famous author Tom Clancy recently had his Sherman Tank for sale.
  11. If you break that gazillion dollar bill ... be sure to get in in $4's and $8's. The $4 dollar bill has BrunHillary's picture on the front, and the $8 dollar bill has her picture on the front AND back.
  12. The society regularly (daily) gambles with contributed money on the various Stock Exchanges. But if you or I buy a $2 Lottery ticket ... SPOINNNNG! ... out we go.
  13. I am not looking to the Society for approval ... I am looking to them to use common sense, and mind their own business. The Apostles were armed at Passover and the Memorial. (Luke 22:36) That's good enough for me. And Billy probably only has a long distance target rifle, not a machine gun (probably), typical of what snipers ALSO use. Just because prostitutes wear shoes does not mean all people that wear shoes are prostitutes! Of course, if their shoes have stiletto heels, are fluorescent red, curl up in the front and have a fuzzy ball on the toes, well ............
  14. Show me a person who thinks they are sane, and I will show you a person who needs their head examined.
  15. The point is ... that you don't get splattered with YOUR OWN blood. Jehovah highly values all blood .... but I would like to keep my body full, with no leaks. As far as it depends on you ... be peaceable with all men. ...sometimes it does not depend on you. Even the Society, not known for common sense, does not restrict gun ownership for defense except for appointed Elders and such ... which is a very good idea, actually.
  16. Yeah, BillyTheKid46 relates that he owns a .50 BMG, which could be a long range target rifle, like snipers use to kill someone a mile away, hiding behind a brick wall, or could refer to Browning 50 caliber MACHINE GUN, capable of shooting in excess of 500 rounds a minute, weighs about 60 pounds and can chew up a car a half mile away.If I had one, I would sell it, as the machine guns are worth about $25,000 on the legal market. His arsenal is bigger than mine, with that sniper rifle, and other weaponry he has mentioned.
  17. Well, I do not hunt, so I like lasers so I can get target acquisition without having to bring the weapon up to my face, allowing me to focus on everything that is going on around me. My green lasers are very bright, even in bright daylight. Yeah, I remember when, about 30 years ago, you could buy an SKS for about $60, all coated in cosmolene. So... how did you come to acquire the .50 BMG? The .50 BMG is the bullet on the far left of this photo.
  18. You have a BMG .50 rifle? Tell me more! WOW! I have a Marlin 30/30 Lever Action with a 1 watt green laser epoxied to the barrel. A Marlin Papoose .22 cal threaded for my 9mm suppressor, with a 70x zoom scope. A 9mm Taurus Pistol, also threaded, with an internal red laser replacing the recoil rod, and a green laser on the bottom rail. A Marlin 88, 12 gauge, also with a green laser. Several 38mm pistols of various barrel lengths, all with Crimson Trace red lasers. and several others... Do you shoot that .BMG .50 much? I could not afford the ammo. I think the ammo for the Desert Eagle is about a dollar a shot, if memory serves.
  19. Billy ! Woooo.... perhaps we actually DO have something in common! Whooda thunkit!? .50 cal handgun, or rifle? What model? What model .45 ? Revolver or 1911? Now you have piqued my interest! How about a truce to talk about hardware?
  20. I am terrible at playing ball, always have been ... but I can be on my front porch and hit the back of my mailbox at the street, 87 feet away with a 9mm bullet, firing from the hip, in 3/8 of a second. Who knows? Perhaps one day such a skill will be useful., if some nutcase challenges me to a fight.
  21. Actually Billy, the idea of you being like a dog would be an insult to dogs, of which I have a high opinion.. My wife and I have six dogs, and I should know. We enjoy watching them live out their lives as happy animals. Recently we just bought 20 Bantam Chickies, for our entertainment only, to watch them grow up, and enjoy their lives. No matter what the subject, you misinterpret what other people have said, so there is no news there. Let's just say that in my mind there was no idea whatsoever that you exhibited any characteristics that dogs are known for, the chief of which is just being happy, and happy to be around humans. None whatsoever. I would tell you what I did have on my mind, but you would just misinterpret that as well, and take it as an insult, without understanding. I think TTH gave John Butler incredibly GOOD advice, and your reaction was pure evil.
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