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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 8 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Then stop insulting your dogs Shrek! your words have never meant anything to me. Your comedy is worse. So play ball. Anytime you wish.

    I am terrible at playing ball, always have been ... but I can be on my front porch and hit the back of my mailbox at the street, 87 feet away with a 9mm bullet, firing from the hip, in 3/8 of a second.  Who knows?  Perhaps one day such a skill will be useful., if some nutcase challenges me to a fight.

  2. 3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Just like JAMES THOMAS ROOK JR’s recent crack about “my handlers”. The only way to interpret that is with an insult to say I’m a dog when he should stop looking in the mirror to gain such inspiration. He thinks he’s being crafty when he is just dense.

    Actually Billy, the idea of you being like a dog would be an insult to dogs, of which I have a high opinion..

    My wife and I have six dogs, and I should know.  We enjoy watching them live out their lives as happy animals. Recently we just bought 20 Bantam Chickies,  for our entertainment only, to watch them grow up, and enjoy their lives.

    No matter what the subject, you misinterpret what other people have said, so there is no news there.

    Let's just say that in my mind there was no idea whatsoever that you exhibited any characteristics that dogs are known for, the chief of which is just being happy, and happy to be around humans.

    None whatsoever.

    I would tell you what I did have on my mind, but you would just misinterpret that as well, and take it as an insult, without understanding.

    I think TTH gave John Butler incredibly GOOD advice, and your reaction was pure evil.


  3. Well, I have lived and worked in Zaire, Norway, Peru, and all over the United States ... but I am SURE that TPT sees a lot more things than normal people see.

    ... probably PTSD from his time in Vietnam as an Army Medic.

    ...and as an aside ... all my relatives look like they came off the set of "Hee-Haw", so you are right about me being a hillbilly at heart.



  4. 16 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    And yet you giggle on like a adolescent about “tight pants Tony.” What’s with that?

    Actually I do not giggle... I laugh out loud at HIS obsession. 


    ( in a creepy sort of way ...)

    I never noticed such things existed .... and since I found out (courtesy TPT ...) I have never seen any, anywhere.

    ...and I don't remember the Bible saying anything about ridiculous clothing ... like a Jew wearing a skirt, with tassels on the bottom with alternating bells and pomegranates, as an example, and walking down the street with a phylactery bumping you in the forehead.

    Now THAT is the stuff of comedy routines!


  5. 45 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This pic suggests that you were with Moses, and that whereas he led all the other Israelites out through the Red Sea, you hightailed it in your fancy car.

    I never met Moses, as I was in what is now known as Rockville, Maryland at the time ... actually ... many years before, courting a woman named Wilma Slaghoople ( In a car with truly AWFUL brakes, far different than that Aston Martin DB-5 , which I wrecked, running into a brick wall in an alley), who dumped me for a guy that as a teenager had worked for her father's computer company, and later got a job in a rock quarry, and married Wilma. 

    If memory serves, his name was Fred Flinkstone, and he was always palling around with some guy named Barney Rubble.

    Like they say, to mix series ... "There can be only one!"

    I tried to not lose my head over it.

  6. 39 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Please post a full-length photo of yourself.

    If, as I suspect, it shows you wearing spray-on pants, that will explain a lot.

    This is the only full length photo of me I could find, but it was taken about 1968, when I had more hair.

    Of course, that was 50 years ago, but you can see the resemblance ....



    New Facebook Mirror Image (flipped) .jpg



    James Rook  1968.jpg

    ....sigh ... I sure miss that car ....


  7. 10 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Yes, that JAMES THOMAS ROOK JR sure does love that Llyod Evans propaganda! 🤗


    My only comment on this post was that they might win ANOTHER Telly Award, Billy.


    And the "Lloyd Evans Propaganda" you refer to ( mis-spelling his name.... ) was ONLY a screen shot of the ACTUAL JW.ORG website posting. ... without comment of any kind.

    You are PROJECTING again,Billy.

    I suspect, like any presumably sane Witness, you are deeply ashamed of the GB's self aggrandizement, but cannot bring yourself to believe they really did something so self-serving and world class stupid.

    I fully understand that.

    10 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    But, since you have brought up the scandal, whereas I did not ( a very important point, methinks ...) I followed the link you posted, but probably did not read in its entirety, as I did .... and found these excerpts:



    Again Billy, you are defending the indefensible, and projecting more wide screen than CinemaScope.


  8. 6 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    The same thing you claim as an JWinsider. Now if you say, not everything in Wiki can be held as truth, I will agree, that 99% of things written on the internet is propaganda and an exaggeration about the Watchtower.

    If you don’t. Then everything written in Wiki is the truth.

    It would do well to remember this quote:

    "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet!"  -  Abraham Lincoln



  9. 7 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Unfortunately. When one is researching, the truth leads you to certain disgusting sites. Therefore, I have no control when I'm redirected to certain sites. No difference, really from being here.

    Please remember that before accusing others of foggery and mopery, with mirrors.

    ... could be worse ... we could both be proctologists for the grossly obese.

  10. 25 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    His visit was billed ahead of time. I played it up to my kids, calling him, for my three-year-old daughter’s sake, “Brother Quackenduck.”

    22 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    get it! Like a duck's bill.

    As in: A duck goes into a bar and tells the bartender: "Put in on my BILL!"

    Bro. Quackenduck ....

    DUCK Bill... ( eyes glaze over, with big smile ...)

    I get it!


  11. 14 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    That why it’s interesting you have no problem being posted on an apostate website. I would think an honest witness would find that offensive and demand its removal. Your words are just another true example where your true intentions are toward the Watchtower.

    Do your handlers know YOU are visiting "Apostate Websites", and reading everything, in order to find such things?

    Have you told YOUR Elders you are doing this?

  12. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is more than one person named John. Why would you think that I am speaking of you?

    I remember my Scoutmaster, Mr Riley, speaking of John, when I was in my teens, during a Scout Troop campfire.

    Someone who appeared quite dead had asked him if he was going to be here when John  got here?

    He replied, yes he would be here when John got here.

    Then an apparition appeared, dragging chains while floating above the ground, and asked the same question. "You gonna be here when John gets here?"

    He again replied he would be here, when John got here.

    Then ......  a huge two ton scaly monster appeared with bloodied fangs and claws and glowing red eyes, covered in stinking gore appeared in the campsite, and asked

    "You gonna be here when John gets here?

    Mr. Riley replied  "If you ain't John ... I'M GONE!".

  13. (Referring to the JW.ORG screen shot posted above ... which was presented without comment of any kind! )

    I would like to get on the phone with Bro. Anthony Morris III (AKA "Tight Pants Tony"), and ask him if that JW Broadcasting photo of the Telly Awards is a front or rear view?

    Melinda has a good point ....

    19 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Wouldn't happen - too much would have to be referred to the Service Desk and the lawyers. Forget it.

    ..... Perhaps the discussion group could include 20 or 30 of the WT lawyers, along with the GB.

    It would certainly protect the programming from getting into a rut!

    You could call the program "The Big Bang Theory, View from The Far Side".







  14. NO ONE is immune to WDS, and that includes me (and you), so your points may be more accurate than mine.

    I often wonder about those people who followed Moses, ... a whole generation ... (as everyone on planet Earth defines it except the Governing Body) ... if some families or individuals had decided to break off and head North instead of East, where a whole generation of Israelites did in fact die .... in the desert wilderness, to be buried in the shifting sand.

    ... or if someone had made a map as they were going along, and noticed they had been lost for 40 years.


  15. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I wish we wouldn’t do that. I wish we would just say “Here’s a new tool. We worked hard on it. Give it a try and see how it works.” I even think that our failure to do it that way is where a lot of the underlying conception that the JW organization is “smug” comes from.

    I am afraid "smug" is  being very generous.

    The general conception of Jehovah's Witnesses, to again be "generous", is that we are programmed simpletons, and a Saturday morning nuisance, that has to be tolerated, with understanding, sympathy, and compassion ( except in the Russian Federation ...).

    Your observations are the norm, except for the GB's opinions, which are naive as well as smug.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Who knows the divine secrets except God himself ?

    From an Engineer's or Detective's viewpoint, that is a VERY easy question to answer.

    Just look at the TRACK RECORD of those who claim they have insight on the divine secrets, and tabulate how may times they have been right ... and how many times they have been wrong.

    I does NOT get any simpler than THAT.


  17. 3 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    When you state a lie, then who is personally judging you as you would others with that philosophy?

    What is the context of that question?  Can you please rephrase?

    And who, specifically are you addressing?

  18. You know what I think would be a GREAT new feature for JW.ORG Streaming Programming?

    ( A rhetorical question, as I realize there are truly infinite answers ....)

    Have a monthly feature on JW Broadcasting, where Witnesses from all over the world, can call in live, and ask a round table of the Governing Body any questions they want to ask, and have them answered in real time, "on the air" streaming video.

    They could have it broadcast from the Gazebo on the shores of the Society's Lake at World Headquarters, every Wednesday after the Governing Body has their weekly coordination meeting (weather permitting ...). 

    ...... Sort of Like Trump addressing the nation from the South Lawn of the White House, and answering reporter's questions! (weather permitting ...)

    Unrehearsed, Unedited, Non-scripted, truly spontaneous, and all encompassing.

    Things the writing staff has not addressed, since 1870.

    Anything at ALL!

    I am betting that those Brothers and Sisters that live on the other side of our rumbling, heavy planet would by the millions, without any encouragement at all, set their alarms, and get up in the middle of the night to enthusiastically catch THAT Internet Program!

    Those that habitually fall asleep from time to time at the Kingdom Hall, including myself, would watch with eyes frozen open !  We might even have trouble BLINKING!

    Over time, it would probably become more popular than original STAR TREK reruns.

    We might even get MORE Telly Awards !


  19. 1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Keep in mind JAMES THOMAS ROOK JR and remember you insulted me first in the other thread when you called my commentary delusional when I made NO direct connection toward anyone.

    You are correct BillyTheKid46 anonymous avatar, whoever you REALLY are:

    You did not make a direct connection of your insults to me, immediately preceding that delusional commentary, which was not intended as a direct connection by insult to you.  

    I was responding to a well established pattern of you calling people and their concerns garbage, fools, and cowards, etc., and your generalized sanctimonious condemnation of those posting here that think differently than you, that you consider spiritual dullards.

    However, it was not my intent to insult you ........  merely highlight your delusional commentary.

    I apologize for any insult.

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