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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I did not "upvote" her thread ... I upvoted John Butler's posting a coherent essay ... which started this thread. It's not HER thread ... it's John Butler's thread. There is a difference. I am amazed you can tie your shoes, without doing a front-flip.
  2. John: I would just like to remind you that until Jehovah God "overthrew" and replaced the old Jewish System, Jesus HIMSELF commended the unnamed widow for supporting the corrupt system that they all had to endure. Jehovah had his Son fully submissive to the "old system" of governance ... and until Jehovah overthrows the CURRENT system (and there is nobody on Earth that can disfellowship the Governing Body) ... Jehovah's Witnesses are "The Only Game In Town". Jehovah set the example of doing what he could... with what he had to work with.
  3. ... to be any more Wrong, TTH ... you would have to be a lisping Chinese person.
  4. My Statement was ONLY about Thomas Jefferson being a hypocritical slave owner. It was EXACTLY correct! I do not even know who Alexandra is, and was not talking about her, or about anything she may have said. You SERIOUSLY need to get more sleep! For your convenience, I am posting what I said and what you replied.
  5. The link does not link from my PC. Here is a screen shot clip of the truncation, as I see it.
  6. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY FOR THIS WOMAN WHATSOEVER. There is nothing you can do with Snowflakes. It's even worse with GRIEVING Snowflakes. Grief will make you completely irrational ... and because she is a Snowflake to start with she has a half-mile head start. The only problem is identifying the Snowflakes, and if you can, stay away from them, but ... "STUFF HAPPENS". ... LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
  7. The protocol seems to have evolved that when talking to him face to face, like in an interview, he would be referred to as "President", which I would never do, because he is no longer President. I guess I am just not a "protocol person" !
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No... my statement was EXACTLY correct. You are, as you do with defending the indefensible about Watchtower Policy, making excuses as to why Thomas Jefferson is NOT a hypocrite. He was. PERIOD. . <----------- (period) The reason BOTH are hypocrites, is that Thomas Jefferson wanted to keep his money and status, and the Watchtower wants to keep its money and status, and BOTH have twisted what they knew to be true to keep their money and status. Accountants and lawyers are now running the WTB&TS, and creating "theocratic policy" ... and their life blood, and mother's milk ...... ..... is money and status. I did give that some thought as I dropped a check into the Kingdom Hall contribution box last weekend .... but I marked it "for local needs". The difference is that I am fully aware I am rationalizing .... but I don't know what else to do. I guess that makes THREE hypocrites ... Thomas Jefferson, the WTB&TS .... and me.
  9. Some people will always live in a fantasy construct, made of words. When I was a small boy for me it was Superman Comics, and TV show. I would wear a towel as a cape, fastened with a clothes pin, and look for things to jump off of, One time I jumped off a back yard furnace oil tank, into a pile of broken cola bottles, barefooted. My Uncle tightly rolled me up in a blanket to extract the glass from my bloodied, lacerated feet. I hope that Billy's continuous leaping to agenda driven conclusions will not be as bloodied, or as painful, as my experience.
  10. Policy of the United States of America in the 1800's: "All men are created equal, and are endowed by theit Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness" - Thomas Jefferson Reality in the United States of America in the 1880s: "The only good Indian, is a dead Indian" And half the nation was controlled by Democrats and had a whole race of men and women enslaved. "Policy is one thing ..... reality is quite another." In fact. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the first statement, was a slave owner. It's always been about money. It's about money now. "Follow the Money!" Money ..... always tells the TRUTH.
  11. TTH: I have no idea who Alexandra James is, but I believe you have me confused with her, as stated by you in the quoted text you wrote. Until this post I am (was) not even a part of this discussion thread. Even if this was intended as an "ad-hominid" attack, it is a very poor one. ...and anyone that "upvotes", or "downvotes" their own writing has some serious mental issues, unless it is CLEARLY meant to be funny. .... as an aside .... the Russian Federation Constitution is a model of religious freedom and liberty .... but ANY Constitution is dependent of honorable, competent, and far sighted administrators who will pursue Justice and common sense, as opposed to agenda driven central policy. Having the very best of intentions, and being righteously inclined DOES NOT COUNT ... if the administrators are policy wonks who are also clueless and self-serving. This is true about EVERY organization .... Nation States, Companies, and all manner of institutionalized groups of people, outside AND INSIDE of what we call "The Truth". There are no exceptions. EVER. Since the Russian Federation POLICY makes them a model of religious Liberty ... howse dat working out for us? Policy is one thing ..... reality is quite another.
  12. Tha Why does it matter if we do not know? For me .... FIRST ... I would have to care. It's sorta like the question, "Why do ghosts have clothes?". ( ... and do they shop at "Ghost-Mart"?) Things that are REALLY important will MAKE themselves obvious. We will not even have to guess.
  13. Good question .... and the answer should use some common sense in addition to being provable. OTHERWISE, the answer will have no value whatsoever. ..... merely someone's opinion.
  14. Since you are a fan of "revisionist history", which you have just done, it's a good thing I quoted you in my post, so your latest post makes sense. Otherwise, there is no rational continuity, and historical context is obscured. For context reference:
  15. A one sentence response to his "downvote" is hardly a lecture. Merely a one sentence response .... similar to a "upvote", but with 28 words.
  16. Don't let grief at losing a close friend destroy your sense of humor .... if any. It's not a good survival trait, nor lend itself to good mental health.
  17. After careful research of theological insights gleaned from ecclesiastical thinking in the years 1887 to 1912, certain doctrines failed to make it into the "new light" we are presented with today ......
  18. I think the rules are, if you break a hip just before a turkey hunt, the side that can still walk gets to make a wish.
  19. Ahem: The Pillowgate Videos were produced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, by well known GB "Helpers". You, yourself stated that they were garbage, unworthy to download, Billy. Your elevated opinion of yourself, Billy, completely divorced from reality, leads me to believe ... and I am being generous ... that you have serious perception problems, of what is real, and what is not.
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