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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Anybody know if we will ever get a non-fiction, word for word English Translation of the JW / Russian Federation Court Transcripts? You would think for 56 MILLION DOLLARS in postage fees we would get SOMETHING!
  2. I agree .... but the reason you "save" stuff like this is because there are people who are agenda driven in their reasoning abilities, and believe with their whole hearts that it is a service to God to suppress, hide, and deny that stuff like this ever happened ... imagining that they are preventing the Truth from being spoken against abusively, and will deny over time that anything not as pure as the wind driven snow ever happened. Over 50 years I have seen a LOT of "revisionist history", where misguided theocratically inclined people have tried to hide or deny the past, in order to change how people act and believe now. This was a running theme in the book 1984, by George Orwell, who explained "He who controls the past, controls the present. He that controls the present, controls the future." The reason we try to secure the past from ERASURE by well intentioned but misguided zealots .. is because if they can ... .... they will. Already this has been actively suppressed by Watchtower lawyers from YouTube, and Rutube, and I would guess that NO ONE at most Kingdom Halls even knows of the existance of this set of videos, and the cringeworthy, creepy insanity they portray. Too late ... there are perhaps a hundred thousand copies to replace what they suppress. This has been on many comedy shows all over the Internet, and we have become the laughing stock of the world, thanks to this and other madness like this. As Pogo once said "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
  3. Genetics plays an important role. Most crazy adults get it from their children.
  4. There are a LOT of things not specifically mentioned in the Bible, Billy. It was my understanding that Spiritual Integrity is dependent on not going beyond the things that are actually written in the Bible. ...and not trying to lay heavy burdens on others that Jehovah God, and Christ Jesus DID NOT. Having Spiritual Integrity is like being pregnant ... there is no being "half-pregnant".
  5. Billy, were you referring to the Society's "Pillowgate" video as "garbage", or something else, specifically?
  6. ANSWER: My theory is that, with the obvious painful discrepancy you just pointed out, that cannot be ignored by any sane, rational person, is that those holding such perspectives are just rock-dumb clueless, dangerously ignorant, or bat-crap crazy ... or all three. What makes it WORSE is that they are also very nice people, with the very best of intentions. Such people would be easier to identify if, as they pontificated, one eye would twitch, and they would drool all over themselves. ... or obsess publicly about Brothers wearing tight pants, and make "Pillowgate" videos.
  7. If you are going to go figure .... figure out why neither Jehovah God, nor Christ, never even mentioned such things ... EVER ... not even once .... and the Governing Body positively OBSESSES over such things. There IS a reason. .... for BOTH.
  8. Get rid of the clueless, the malicious, the angry, the drama queens, and the moochers that complicate your life.
  9. I dunno .... childbirth is like watching a wet St. Bernard being pushed through a cat door!
  10. I just checked again, now. Someone has re-posted the "Men's Version" of the video. Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e61uLNI9ku4 The free program, Freemake Video Downloader, can be used to download it to your hard drive, should you want to do so, before it is gone, again.
  11. The two videos were available on YouTube for awhile, then removed at the behest of the Society's Lawyers, but were still available on Russian RuTube, the rough equivalent. I do not know where you could see them now, if you did not download them earlier, as they are not even on RuTube, anymore, last time I checked. Not for the squeamish .....
  12. You are being kind, and generous, to the impervious. Everyone of course, will have a different opinion. Opinions without actual facts is the classic definition of stupid. I just checked again, now. Someone has re-posted the "Men's Version" of the video. Here is the link. The free program, Freemake Video Downloader, can be used to download it to your hard drive, should you want to do so, before it is gone, again.
  13. According to that theory, the Nazis were merely trying to bring the glories of German Civilization to the underprivileged of the world. Attitude, after all, is everything ...  NOT.
  14. I do not think so ..... a careful review of their facial expressions and the lurid detail, specifically enumerated, leads me to believe the two GB Helpers were being severely punished to make these two videos ... and the nuttiness of the logic and explanations given specifically to exonerate non-contact sexual "circle jerks" as NOT being pornea .... which they did.
  15. .... it might do well to have an Ambulance in the parking lot, just in case .....
  16. The test of spontaneous clapping being a hypnotically induced Pavlovian response, or not .... is to show the two "Pillowgate" videos that were shown the Brothers and Sisters at Bethel .... the creepiest, most insane and cringeworthy videos ever created ... at the local Kingdom Hall, on a Sunday morning or afternoon .... and see if everybody claps.
  17. One word: Pillowgate The creepiest, cringeworthy, and downright insane set of videos ever created. Commissioned by the Governing Body, and executed by GB "Helpers", who after completing them probably wished they themselves could be executed .... just to lessen the embarrassment. I am proud of the Truth we have as core beliefs, but we are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
  18. "They" say the same thing about "gun control", which in my mind is being able to hit what you shoot at .... but I digress. Of those who want all guns banned, a good compromise solution can be made ... HALF of the total problem .... can be solved by banning guns for all Democrats.
  19. Some blind people, never knowing when to poop, take guidance from their Service Animal for frequency. It matters a great deal whether your Service Animal is a German Shepherd, or a Chicken.
  20. They might be at the bottom of that long, long set of steps down to the sub-basement where Jack Benny keeps his money vault, not having heard he died years ago, or even know what they did after the war, with the Kaiser.
  21. They were not actually helmets ... they were leather caps that kept their heads warm, or kept sweat out of their eyes, and they had headphones built in to communicate with other planes, etc., and for engine noise suppression. When a 300mph plane full of explosives hits a steel ship, or the water, a really good helmet MAY protect the head, but the body may be in multiple fragments.
  22. I suspect that not eating Jimmy John's Roast Beef and Provolone Sub will not make you live longer ... it will just seem like an eternity.
  23. The big question is when will Forest Gump reunite with Wilson, the Bloodied Soccer Ball?
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