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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I remember when a 100 MEGABYTE hard drive was awsome, and so was the price.

    I paid $329 dollars for a 300 baud modem for the Osborne 01, that as the text came in over the phone line, you could easily read it on the monitor as it downloaded.

    Before that, I worked for Wilma Slaghoople's father, who ran a small computer shop, until she married Fred Flintstone.

    My first Computer Assisted Drafting computer (CAD) was an Etch-A-Sketch.

  2. As a person who understands and can do Ocean Navigation, I would rather know it and not do it ... than get on a ship guided by fools who know nothing and sail out into danger and probable death.

    It's like the parable of the Grasshopper and the Ant.

    All summer the industrious Ant worked hard, storing seeds and leaves below ground ... and all summer the Grasshopper fiddled away, doing nothing.

    Then the winter snows came, and the Grasshopper moved to Florida, and someone stepped on the Ant.

    .... but look on the bright side .... at least Billy did not mention Penguins, other flightless birds, or small aquatic animals.



    2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    However, if I have a neck funeral to eat, it will be with knowing people like you, apostates will not be in this earth to continue that apostasy after judgment day.

    2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Therefore, it certainly will be comfort food that I’ll be tasting.

    You have taste buds in your laughed-off head decapitated funnel-fed  throat?

    WOW!  -- The mental image of that is just staggering to behold!

    .... if someone pours soapy water down your funnel ... can you blow bubbles?

    Now THERE is a YouTube Video I would pay $2.99 to see!

  4. 9 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    You should be able to see me laughing my head off in youtube soon James, keep writing like this, and by tomorrow it should be there. 

    Unfortunately, even with your offered incentive, I cannot write like you do, Billy.

    My world view is not skewed by agenda driven WDS.

    If you do laugh your head off, you will need a neck funnel to eat.

  5. I am a self-proclaimed Barbarian, as I have stated many dozens of times here on the Archive, and in every day life.

    12 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    What does that picture say about James? Where’s that witted sarcasm of your, for James Thomas Rook Jr.

    It would not bother me in the least to put someone's head on a pole if I found them mistreating puppies.

    The ONLY thing that keeps me in check is being one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    ... this is where you look behind you and laugh, nervously.

  6. 5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    James Thomas Rook Jr

    It might be you have about 2TB’s of false allegations and speculations marred with personal assumptions. The same kind of stored information by dimwitted apostates.

    However, I wouldn’t allow such a damaged person mail what would be clearly tainted material without the option of a refund.

    But if you wish to take the challenge JWinsider, AKA TrueTom, I will go one step further to allow a secular court deliberate on such a matter with your supplied information. However, If the evidence does not satisfy the court, I will compel the court to charge you personally.

    Care to take the Challenge?

    Therefore, In God I trust, and slanders go to jail.

    Spoken like a true arrogant WT lawyer .... or Gerritt Losch.

    The bottom line is, you said NO, to my challenge.




    I was baptized in 1964 .. LONG before they changed the rules, and the words, of the Baptismal Corporation Contract ... which evolved over the years as stated above to its current form. which was substantially finished its evolution in 1985.

    I have no need to reject the current Corporate fealty oath .... as I was baptized in the name of Jehovah, Christ Jesus, and presumably in the Holy Spirit, which I felt very strongly when I was baptized. in 1964 .

    ... before politics and lawyer driven agenda driven controls screwed the lid down.

    Those of you who were baptized AFTER 1985 ... I feel very strongly sorry for you. as you have in actual fact dedicated your lives to the current version of "The Organization", and are in actual fact legally liable without recourse.

    They "got" you. 

    You are morally obligated to keep your oath, as stated at the time you made it.

    Many people are very happy and content with the new arrangement, and its ramifications.

    I sincerely hope you are one of them.





  8. BillyTheKid46:

    I have somewhere in my 12TB array of 4TB USB hard drives documents from the WT that prove all the assertions you deny here and now. In about two days time I could find, correlate and present them to you .... but in the meantime my recollections only will have to give testimony that you are suffering from a major case of agenda driven WDS .

    Since you are a Jehovah's Witness in good standing, I will give you a 20% discount to search for them, print them out for you and mail them to you .... after your check clears the bank.

    My usual rate is $105 an hour, and I would need a two day's retainer to get started.  I would refund any funds not used.

    Care to put your money where your mouth is?



  9. 6 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    7 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Well until you do, your right I don't wish to understand your kind. Learn scripture about bad associations and filling your head with nonsense before you consider replying to my post as a professed intellect.

    regurgitation from mother wt.  no real thoughts of your own I see. 

    WDS ... the gift that keeps on giving.


    Was it customary for Jews in Jesus'  time to wear underwear AND undergarments>

    Were there different styles of robes worn as "outer garments".

    I used to go to the Mercer Road Congregation near Stone Mountain, Georgia, near Atlanta Georgia, which at that time was the world headquarters of the Klu Klux Klan, and they wore white sheets, and their governing body, The Grand Dragon, and his helpers, the Lounge Lizards, wore white fitted sheets.

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