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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. That is one of those car seats that fold up. Today they have warning stickers on them "DANGER! - Do Not Fold Up Car Seat With Baby Inside!". Oh wait ... I already told that joke! ....nevermind.
  2. You can speak of them any way you want to .... after a lifetime of experience and observation I KNOW BETTER. Our God is Jehovah. A Dog's god is his master, if his master is a good one.
  3. Actually, Jehovah created the Grey Wolf ..... EVERY dog that exists was created by mankind, through selective breeding. As breeding was "guided" for certain characteristics, along with desired traits, there were "spin off" characteristics that branched off into other dogs. Jehovah God did NOT create ANY dogs. They are the sole creation of mankind .... using the life and genetic potential God gave the Grey Wolf.
  4. I remember when Brother Pierre, of Northern Canada, long one of the Anointed, had a "new light" revelation .....
  5. .... I was once called down from the platform, because I had a blue shirt, instead of a white shirt. It looks like this Brother solved that problem.
  6. Even some of the anointed ones with the heavenly hope are going to need a sense of humor.
  7. 6 month emergency fund notwithstanding .... Nevertheless, if your aircraft is nose diving at maximum acceleration straight down into central Iowa, and you reach under your seat for that velcroed "flotation device" the stewarde.... er... "flight attendant" told you about before the plane took off ... be sure to carefully read the cloth tag attached, that you are forbidden to cut off, under penalty of law, and see how it's going to bounce you out of that corn field! See if that emergency fund will save you NOW! hahahHAhahaha. You Can Be a Millionaire.mp4
  8. Queen Esther: Since the Bible does not say, and you do not have x-rays, can you please tell me HOW you reached the conclusions about a "partial rib", and his rib grew back?
  9. I agree, that both men and women have the same number of ribs .... what I was TRYING to explain that the Bible says Jehovah took A RIB (not a portion of a rib) from Adam. That left him short, one rib. His children would STILL be born with the usual number of ribs. There is NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE about "a portion of a rib ...", or that " his rib grew back". NONE WHATSOEVER.
  10. I once went to a "timeshare presentation" and was heavily pressured to BUY. I explained that I had NO MONEY , which did not deter the salesman. If you want to learn about high pressure sales techniques ... go to a "timeshare" presentation. Leave your wallet in the trunk of your car. .... hide it UNDER the tire.
  11. Back then, 1984, I did not follow politics and was as ignorant as a slug about such things. My ex-wife's sister married a Belaunde in the Peruvian Presidential Palace, and it was her uncle by marriage that was the President, replaced by Allen Garcia. They told me Alan Garcia was a communist, and I took that at face value. At this time Peru was engaged in a minor civil war with the "Shining Path", who were blowing up Power transmission towers in the Lima environs. My main concern was getting my wife and newborn son out of country. I did not begin learning about terrestrial politics until 1988.
  12. It's really quite simple ..... Foreigner hates things that do not agree with his preconceived WDS agenda. He doesn't know why .... he just hates because other peoples' comments do not conform to official agenda policy. THEREFORE, he never makes an intelligent reply, or ANY "down arrow" explanatory reply that I remember.. Although .... I would like to quote Foreigner who does an excellent job when debating some non-Witnesses. " Quotes: When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. –Dresden James When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. –Unknown There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth–not starting, and not going all the way.–Buddha" He cannot battle logic, reason, and common sense with clown car WDS agenda driven fantasy. It would be like bringing a rubber chicken to a gun fight .... .... and he knows it!
  13. 10.) When you are stopped by a police officer, and he asks for your driver's license and registration. never say "Here, hold my beer!"
  14. I used to do complex calculations for over 40 years for a living, so I have developed a BETTER system of calculating when the Memorial should be observed, even though it is ONLY a tradition as to when we celebrate it now, as we do not celebrate the Passover ... when you see the Jews celebrate Passover, do the Memorial. ....and always keep plenty of red wine and unleavened bread in your bomb shelters.
  15. We have NO evidence that Adam regrew his rib. None whatsoever. If it worked that way, every Jewish male child born for several thousand years would be born circumcised.. and every person who had a severed foot... his or her children would be born missing feet.
  16. I was in Lima, Peru, in 1985 the day he was installed into office as President, and the Lima airport was a madhouse of people trying to get out of the country. I, my wife, and my newborn son were among them, at the airport to escape. In addition to a $50 exit visa for Americans, , had to pay one of the airport mafia $50 to get my and my wife's airline tickets validated and stamped. They went to the head of a very long line, and jumped the counter and "chatted" with the agent, and returned my tickets to me, validated and stamped. Alan Garcia robbed the Peruvian people blind, but then again they knew he was a communist, and they voted for him.
  17. Billy, thank you yet again for showing your true colors. The worst part of it is, that you are flying a "false flag", in your own mind, to yourself.
  18. I very much like the method that the Japanese used to make sincere apologies for serious transgressions under the Bushido Code. The fact that an apology is truly sincere cannot be doubted. You sit at a table across from the person you have wronged with ceremonial towels, and ceremonial knife, and you apologize verbally, and cut off a complete finger, wrap it in one of the ceremonial towels, and slide it across the table, to the person you wronged. If the apology is not considered sufficient, he will slide the towel back to you, and you have to cut off another one, and repeat the process. Usually this is reserved for things like adultery with his wife ... that level of "injury". This is absolute honesty in its rawest form ... as the apology is sincere, and the acceptance is governed by the compassion of the other person. It also allows the victim to feel justice has been done, and he can truly "forgive and forget", knowing the offender will never forget the wrong he has caused, as long as he lives. This is NOT playing with words!
  19. Good idea ....but the "sender" of the note only left first names, and "UK" as a destination address. .... and Vietnam needs tourist money. Probably a better chance getting hit by a motorcycle, in this specific instance.
  20. Sure you can ... a private citizen has MORE powers of arrest than a sworn police officer. They ALSO have a greater liability as they are not protected, as a police officer is, by the philosophy of "sovereign immunity." If someone is an illegal alien invading the United States, I believe that is a felony ... BUT you MUST say the magic words "As a Citizen of the United States (for violations of Federal Law) or As a Citizen of the State of Texas, etc.,( for violations of State Law) I am placing you under Citizens' Arrest for violation of ( cite law in general terms here ... but you better be right, or you will be guilty of kidnapping). You also as a practical matter must have credible witnesses to vouch for the fact that you did say the "magic words" . THEN ... call the authorities and transfer custody to them. If they refuse to accept custody, they are guilty of a misdemeanor. Having the altercation video taped in its entirety is a VERY good idea, if you want to stay out of jail, and keep your house and car when you get sued.
  21. If when you are finished... you do not have loose or missing teeth ... you have not been in a fight. All that is done here is merely discussion.
  22. Very true. I wish I had enough money to never have to buy ANYTHING on credit ... but sometimes I have to pay to rent the future. I would much rather have 60 million dollars in liquid assets, and a credit rating of ZERO.
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