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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I was once talking to my wife at a restaurant about the disadvantages, physically, of growing old, and a waitress servicing the table, who was listening, asked me "Don't you wish you could be young, again?"

    I looked up at her and grinned "If I become young again, do I have to NOT KNOW what I have learned over the years?

    She replied  "Of course!"

    I replied "No, thank you,"

    I can take aspirin for my aches and pains.

    There is no such thing as a "smart pill".

  2. I just thought of an isolated example, .... If you were being held by Nazis, who had stolen and looted from the people all that they ate (as armies usually do...), would it be immoral to steal the food from them, that they stole ... to keep someone you loved alive?

    I would not have a problem with that.


  3. BillytheKid46:

    Your logic and reasoning, seen through the dark filter of Watchtower Derangement Syndrome (WDS) "the sword that cuts BOTH ways", is truly scary.

    EVERYTHING we personally do, or the Society does, should be open, and transparent,  as befits holy people ....and that lends itself to reinforcing that EVERYTHING we do will be praiseworthy ... something we as individuals and as a Nation, can be proud of.

    When we as a Nation (without borders or land) make mistakes, them being openly exposed, lends itself to great embarrassment ... but swift and energetic correction.

    What you advocate by the application of very fine scriptures about another subject may be something to try and hypnotize with a million words and references ... but your specific  misapplication  ... in the REAL world .... lends itself to secrecy, distrust, stratification of our nation into  a nefarious clergy, and a blind laity class.

    Sometimes, in the REAL world, down here where "the rubber meets the road" a person has to choose the lesser of a very large set of evils.

    What I find the most scary about you, Billy, is that you would.  from everything I have seen you write, you would make a very , VERY good lawyer for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, as what they do is actually practiced, as evidenced by court transcripts ..... not their self aggrandizing dream world.




  4. I know it's reported that Prince gave $30,000 a month to his local Kingdom Hall, and I would guess that Michael Jackson gave a similar amount to the one he attended, and they were never officially and publicly censured by the Society, or the Elders, so it would be consistent that this is the ruling operating principle that protects Serena Williams.


    He who has the Gold, makes the rules.

  5. In my High School, in Richmond Virginia, it was occasionally seen boys walking down the hallways with rifles, to work on them in Shop Class, usually refinishing the stocks.  Nobody thought anything about it.   In the school parking lot, pickup trucks had rifle racks in the rear truck windows, with various rifles and shotguns openly displayed during classes.   This was 1962 to 1966,

    In Jr. High School, I was badly bullied because of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and because I was a generally objectionable person, and I wore Levis with a carpenters folding wooden ruler pocket on the right leg, and I kept a large kitchen butcher knife there, with the full handle in plain view, and after lunch, to avoid being beat up, I leaned against a wall and made a show of cleaning my finger nails with that big knife.   The teachers never objected, as then they could use their individual best judgement, and they knew what I was up against.

  6. 5,200 years from now, after WWIII .... and the Earth has reverted to a much more primitive time, and only insectoid humanoid insects evolved by radiation into humanoid shaped creatures roam the Earth ... Insectoid Archaeologists will be digging through the Earth's crust to search out their past, and 32 feet above the now famous Iridium level in the Earth's crust, will be the then famous global AOL CD Disk level.


    5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Very well. Bob and Alice Goodenov, pioneers in a city in Estonia, caught the two Russian journalists, actually named people,

    I have it on good authority that the two Russian Journalists were Boris and Natasha Badenov, working under the direction of those notorious American rascals, Moose and Squirrel.

    When you see a flying squirrel, and a moose pulling a rabbit out of a hat ... always suspect there may actually be a Russian Bear in the hat.


  8. I have many, many times shared Bro. Swingle's opinion that " ..if the lives of actual people were brought more into the write-up" it would carry more power.

    Intellectual integrity naturally intrinsically generates good journalism, and answers the questions "who, what, when, where, and how much" .... and sometimes "why", which is the most important.

    For me, "Bob and Alice, pioneers in a city in Estonia  ..... " .... just does not cut it for me.

    If it cannot be independently checked ... it didn't happen ... is bad journalism ... and lacks intellectual integrity ... AND IS NOT WORTHY OF BEING BELIEVED!!

    ... and should NOT be believed at face value.

    ... The stuff Novels are made of.

    I find it completely amazing that adults putting out a publication of global scope .... ignore principles that I was taught in the 7th grade English class, and are still true and valid today.



    ..... sigh ....



  9. To me, it is very simple .... what definition of a "Generation" did Jesus have in mind, that when he told HIS DISCIPLES ( NOT US ! ), 2,000 or so years ago .... and using the words Jesus DID USE .... what understanding did the Apostles, and disciples have.

    Only those bat crap crazy, and loony as a tune could visualize Jesus holding up a chart like Bro David Splain of the Governing Body needed to try and explain it as an "overlapping generation".

    The people ... EVERYONE not retarded or insane back in Jesus' day knew what a generation was ... it was the same definition used by the whole world.

    ... including Jesus!

    Of course, to avoid having to apologize for being WRONG  every day for a hundred and more years ... WE, the "enlightened ones", presume to know better.

    However, that bright "new light" ... is an oncoming train.

    I am just going to sit way over there, and watch.


  10. The Vatican 1933 Concordat, signed July 20, 1933 by Cardinal Pacelli, Vatican Secretary of State (Papel Nuncio), was a "Holy Covenant" between the Vatican and the Third Reich, stipulating that in Germany and German controlled lands, the Catholic Church would be the ONLY officially approved Church ... and the Nazi Party would be the ONLY official political party of German Catholics.

    Before the Church could appoint any clergy, they had to be vetted and approved by the Nazi Party.

    Later, during WWII, Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII and was referred to as "Hitler's Pope".

    During the times of the Vietnam war, a NY play about this was produced called "The Deputy", which sparked rioting and protests.

    In the mutual quest to control the world, The "Universal" wannabe Catholic Church "bet on the wrong horse"


  11. It was like the "B" side of 45 RPM records.

    Usually, with few exceptions, the "B" side was just filler.

    .... and occasionally, drive-ins would have "movies 'till dawn", and at dawn, they would have to send someone around to charge batteries, jump start cars, and wake people up.

    By the way ... you might think that California would have the most Drive-In Theatres ... but actually, 30 years ago, it was Ohio.  I have been to a Drive-In North of Cincinnati, with snow on the ground.

    Here in the Charlotte area there are several .... a new one ... very modern .. with 23 very nice restrooms,  a two story projection booth between two screens opposite each other, and a campground ... The "Hounds" Drive-In.


  12. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that after the first show, and even before ... no one cared.  The car windows were steamed up so much no one could see out, anyway.

    The move "Plan 9 from Outer Space", arguably the WORST "Scifi" movie ever  made had only two criteria ... it had to be "so long", and be produced for $70,000, as no one was going to watch it, anyway.


  13. 2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    It’s true Valenzuela worthless money is off topic, and is of no value other than seeing a similarity that a ‘60s view was taken. Its unfortunate someone like JWinsider decided to insult and denigrate a relative, and James thinking it’s funny to do just that, makes them the biggest AH’s in this forum.

    If I did NOT have the sense of humor that I do Billius T. Pettifog 46, and had YOUR sense of humor (if any, which has not to date exposed itself to forum view ...) I might take your intended, malicious, and vulgar insult personally, and take appropriate action.

    You have not identified who I am with your malicious, vulgar libel ... but with your own words ... you sure have identified  who YOU are.

    The phrase for that is "Undressing yourself in public.", to which I have no objection.

    In fact ... I encourage it.

    .... always good for a laugh!

    ... and it does give all interested people  a perspective of how to view the REST of your alleged logic and reasoning.


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