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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. This should ONLY be done on a system that has ONLY a removable USB Dongle for wifi access, and that dongle is removed from the computer's USB port, and on a computer whose hard drive can be reformatted to DOD standards afterwards.

    This is EXACTLY the same way that the USA caused the Iranian Uranium Centrifuges to over-rev, and destroy themselves, while at the same time  reporting to the controls that everything was just fine.  Some Iranian Scientist used a compromised thumb drive on his laptop at home, and the virus went to his workplace, and affected the Centrifuges.

    Just because you have a Secret Service badge, and a gun, does NOT make you smart.


  2. I used to give my children two dollar bills for school lunch ... which almost nobody had ever seen before ... and told them that is what happens when five dollar bills go through a washing machine.  For awhile they believed it, and so did the kids at school.

    I told them it was "money laundering".

    When they were younger, I told them stars were thumb tack holes in cardboard.

    Could be worse ...

    I coulda taught them Santa Clause was real.



  3. Anglo-Saxon era
    The pound was a unit of currency as early as 775AD in Anglo-Saxon England, equivalent to 1 pound weight of silver. This was a vast fortune in the 8th century.

    Athelstan, the first King of England adopted sterling as the first national currency. He set up mints around the country to supply the growing nation.

    One pound could buy you 15 cows.

    .... an F-35 U.S. Fighter plane currently costs 100 Million Dollars.

  4. I personally do not trust a Brother who does not drink alcohol.

    He may be COMPLETELY and absolutely trustworthy, as most are ... but I have found that alcohol makes a person more uninhibited, and it is then that their CURRENT "true colors" are more likely to be shown.

    To be fair ... I have scared off quite a few people when I drink.

    It saves BOTH of us a lot of wasted time and effort.

    It's a "sword that cuts both ways".

    ( I no longer drink alcohol because it interferes with my heart medications ... but I am STILL a Grumpy Old Man.)

  5. 12 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If Christ has ALREADY come to Earth as an invisible presence, and is ruling as King NOW ......  starting in 1914 ...... why are we still celebrating the Memorial?


    You provided SO MUCH information, I faded out.

    Can you please tell me what from your posting SPECIFICALLY answered my SPECIFIC question?


    (  at 72 years old, I have lost all patience for many words ....)


  6. I used to work on a computer every day that had a stainless steel hard drive as big as a car steering wheel, and NO monitor.

    The output was on  a wide bodied dot matrix printer with holes on both sides, with paper on a continuous roll below the table.

    In 1971 it cost $26,000, and was as big as a desk.

  7. There are two DIFFERENT answers.

    Answers provided by people who make and sell Jacuzzi type genital,  butt crack, and dead skin washing equipment, and chemicals ... and others like me.

    I think the foam is caused by disassembled dead skin and "other proteins" ( i HESITATE TO ELUCIDATE...)  mixed in the water and the spa/Jacuzzi  aeration causes a potload of bubbles made FROM those proteins.

    Is it nasty?  I think so.

    Is it dangerous? 

    Because of the heat and constant aeration, and circulation, and with a clean water filter, my best guess is absolutely not.

    Would I gargle with the water?


    If you can afford one of these .... CHANGE THE WATER OFTEN !

  8. On 4/5/2019 at 12:43 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    The First Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, ....


    The U.S. Constitution prohibits the GOVERNMENT, from top to bottom, Federal, State, and Local GOVERNMENTS from prohibiting free speech.

    Not individual people. 

    Or companies.

    If I run a company, as an example, or a blog site or whatever this is ... I can restrict, forbid, edit, censor, or punish (if possible) people for any ... for any reason .... or no reason at all ..... even if I am just having a "bad hair day", and FEEL like a little uppityness.

    I could even punish you here, if I did not like something you said on facebook, twitter, or on a street corner, and Brunhilda Clinton didn't like it.

    If I could manage it.

    However, people do not like tyranny, petty or otherwise, and will vote with heir wallets, or their feet, and if you REALLY tick them off, with firearms.

    By the way, just as an aside ... did you know that the average Citizen in the United States has more powers to arrest and detain someone than a police officer?

    That is because the police officer has limited "sovereign immunity" to making an honest mistake a reasonable person might make ... and a private citizen has none whatsoever, and can be sued, or charged with abduction or kidnapping.   (If you as a "civillian" force someone to even stay in one spot against their will, it's abduction or kidnapping.)

    A LOT of wannabe Private Investigators who did not understand how that works ended up in prison, and/or lost everything they owned in lawsuits.


  9. The question is based on a false premise.

    But as a practical matter the USA has the strongest and most versatile military in the world, and it's citizenry are the most heavily armed in the world, as individuals.

    The ONLY way the United Nations could take over the USA, and fully establish an extra-national tyranny is if the Democrats take over politically, and steal American Freedoms, not the whole salami at one caper, but thin slice by tiny thin slice, over a period of time.

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