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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. TTH was in LlOYD's HOUSE. The "homeowner" sets the rules about what speech is permitted. That is also true at the Kingdom Hall, and at my house. It is also true with The Librarian, and admin, here.
  2. The alternative is to grow old, in a wheelchair, being pushed around by a nurse who every time you lean over to the side, she straightens you up ... making it impossible to fart.
  3. Shredded documents can with skill and patience by restored from destruction. Documents burned to ashes in Lava, cannot. You have to VISUALIZE what is being said ... not just read it.
  4. If something you do "triggers" a rabid Snowflake it's better if your "heater" has at least 15 shots. .. and shoot first at least twice, even if it's just into the floor ... it upsets THEIR aim.
  5. It's easier and more fun to decide to get into a Bar Fight, especially after a few drinks .... when you remember that your Company has an excellent dental plan ! MAGA !
  6. The have already consolidated four President's Birthdays to one "president's day" for two reasons: 1.) So that the better side of these men could be repressed and NOT serve as individual lessons, and 2.) a Three day weekend.
  7. I an glad you expressed that sentiment as your opinion ... therefore I have no objection. However, if you keep up with published COURT TRANSCRIPTS of testimonies by our "Clergy", under oath before God and man, you will see that not only are Sreko Sostar's observations valid ... but the Society's positions and reasonings have been exposed as duplicitous, and contrary to the principles of justness and fairness, and just plain common decency. They have ticked off and ran the patience of many Judges. I realize on this forum not many people follow threads that closely, so holding people accountable for not knowing everything is unrealistic , and not fair. Two things you can do to minimize arguments between me and you, and help me to understand your viewpoints more effectively. 1.) When you have opinions, considered or grabbed out of the air, please state them AS your opinions. It keeps me from hyperventilating. 2.) Make your text BIGGER, so I can read it. Thanks. JTR
  8. I hope the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. With 22 trillion dollars in national debt ... perhaps collision is inevitable. All governments eventually die from internal mismanagement and "bread and circuses". In 30 years I will be safely ... dead. What? Me Worry?
  9. GOOD! Private companies can censor anyone they want. The Free Market will decide the wisdom of that. For the government (which rules by force) to do so is a travesty of Justice.
  10. I realize that "GrokStyle" is probably the name of a tech company. I am impressed that ANYONE understands the full and subtle flavor of the word Grok, anymore. However .. I do not understand how the word "GrokStyle" is used, and understood. Is there an example of the AI style of artificial cognition that would be considered "Grokish"?
  11. I made a mistake ... Billy's point here is VERY relevant. Morality and Justice NEEDS to trump legal considerations ... or its all just a million words .... written in discarded books that sell on Ebay for collectors of the nostalgic past, and home libraries covered in dust, and eventually eaten by worms. ALWAYS REPORT CRIMES TO THE POLICE! ALWAYS! ....don't look for ways to weasel out of Justice.
  12. That is EXACTLY why it is blatantly STUPID .... to label YOURSELF as CLERGY. It's like deliberately running into an incoming shoulder-thrown fist from professionals that needed your cooperation to break your skull I believe it is time for BillytheKid46 to post something irrelevant and off point now, so I will yield the floor ....
  13. This is NOT true ... from the legal sources you yourself quoted earlier ... go back and read your own citations. Your agenda has clouded your reading comprehension and perception skills. If we lable OURSELVES Clergy, which the Society HAS DONE .... we are saddled with the law regarding Clergy In the United States, the government cannot label your religious affiliated people "Clergy" ... separation of Church and State. They cannot even question you about ANY beliefs or labels you GIVE YOURSELVES. It is the WTB&TS that is claiming CLERGY PRIVILEGE ... not them ( the government) assigning it, which is illegal.
  14. How does he brush his teeth, and.....uh .... "other necessary stuff" He HAS to have a terrific attitude, and wonderful outlook as a survival trait, or he would have a VERY short life. By the way ..... this is true of ALL OF US.
  15. The Lawyers and Accountants now decide theocratic policy for the WTB&TS, and that is a documented fact many times on public display, as discussed here, ad nauseum .... They care ONLY about winning the case for the Society, and care NOTHING about TRUTH and JUSTICE, fairness or equity... or they would not do what they do so transparently BADLY. The quest for Justice is, for us as an organization, all about preserving money .... and real estate, through strategy and tactics that would embarrass a crooked used-car salesman. The Society has NEVER admitted making an administrative mistake that would cost them money, and it took a hundred years for the one-liner in the February 2017 Watchtower for the GB to admit, hidden in a paragraph, that they were NEITHER inspired of God, or infallible. Other than that .... NEVER. EVER (Please correct me with a real example if I am wrong...) The same is true about the real and alleged victim's lawyers who choose to represent the plaintiffs. They will only take a case on contingency based on their evaluation that they cannot lose the case, or can force the Society to settle for enough money to make their case, and STILL BE PAID. The way the civil secular courts work, they only have to prove their case to a preponderance of evidence. For those in Rio Linda, that means 51%.
  16. If this is true TTH .... AND IT'S NOT ... Why does the WTB&TS represent themselves in court case after court case .... AS CLERGY ... in order to not have to tell the secrets they are privy to, that in the genuine public interest .... our own ... and outsiders .. there needs to be full disclosure, and reporting as a MORAL imperative ...screw getting a legal exemption, which they salivate and lust for ... crimes to the Civil Authorities? I did not TRY to say anything other than what I did say. AS USUAL, your agenda driven thinking caused you to deliberately misunderstand, and attempt diversion and obfuscation. Theoretically, like us, no Catholic clergy gets a paycheck ... but like us ... in most cases .... they get all expenses covered, and never miss a meal, sleep cold, or dress shabbily. I have done all three WITH a paycheck.
  17. I will believe THAT, if Anna baptizes her Bible Study in a neighbor's pool, and Anna does not get disfellowshipped, and the baptism "nullified".
  18. The next thing you know, the 40 days or so in which we have articles, talks and videos leading up to the Memorial of Christ's Death every year, we will be calling "Lent", and Memorial Invitations will allude to the Cadbury Bunny.
  19. During the American Civil War Abraham Lincoln was accused of being "two faced" and his aides called the newspaper reports to his attention. His reply was "If I was "two faced" ..... would I be wearing THIS one?
  20. Since to the best of my knowledge, and please correct me if you have Watchtower guidance SPECIFIC to the question I asked .. it may be obvious TO YOU ... but it is NOT obvious to me ..... from an objective statement of Corporation Policy. There IS a difference !
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