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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Violence is in the mind of the beholder ..... If I should shoot someone to death for trying to kill me or mine, I have STOPPED violence. First theirs. Then my own.
  2. Gimme a break! If you are not already a Watchtower Lawyer ... you should apply. With your talent they would probably pay for your legal education, as they did for a son of a GB member, if memory serves. Watch the whole video I posted from Youtube ... THEN... you are entitled to a sane opinion.
  3. I prefer immersion for cereal, and sprinkles for bran muffins.
  4. What if a police officer is arresting you for being a drunk driver, and you only have a bad case of the flu? Refuse to be taken to jail? Same thing.
  5. If you can’t find the video. Secretly instant message James. He likes to post manipulated content from apostate sites. Billy46: This Video is available on YOUTUBE. No one needs to go to "apostate sites" ... it is all in the public domain. By the way ... the Original Video being analyzed for content was NEVER made available to us who paid for it, through official channels ... but it was leaked by someone who thought we should KNOW. ....after all.... WE paid for its creation and production ! It came from JW.ORG (Sans analysis....) JW.ORG Satan's Coming After Us! Destroy Those Records!.mp4
  6. One of the great philosophical treatises on "meddling", "minding another person's business", and being a "busybody" is in the John Wayne movie "BIG JAKE", when he wanders onto a group of cattlemen, about to lynch a sheep farmer ... for being a herder of sheep ( who eat grass down to ground level, whereas cattle do not ....), and he tells the cattlemen that it is none of his business if they want to hang the sheep farmer. The whole movie, as many of John Wayne's movies were, and are, is a cultural morality tale ... worth watching and learning from. Best Character Introduction in Cinema History - John Wayne - Big Jake.mp4
  7. According to court transcripts, and testimony from Witness victims and their families, this is patently UNTRUE, Evidence from Australia, to California, to Deleware, to England supports this. I am not calling you a liar, BillyTheKid46. because I know you believe this to be true. People have been disfellowshipped, and THREATENED with disfellowshipping for taking such things to secular authorities, for the past 50 years or so that records have been kept. I don't believe ANYONE at "face value", but I have seen a lifetime of agenda driven attitude that DOES contribute a vast warm petri dish environment for this. ...and the cover dish is open.
  8. That is my opinion, and I am sticking with it. I can envision scenarios that, although rare ... make it the only common sense answer. And all TRUE theology has to make good, basic common sense.
  9. You missed what I was trying to say completely, John, so it was a good thing you were joking. Comedy is sometimes best left to professionals .
  10. The only reason money is the currency of Justice ... is that they outlawed dueling ... which I see as a nefarious, cowardly mistake.
  11. The site crashed when I had a rant going , and it was lost. Probably a good idea .... it was a doozie! Synopsis: We have NO RIGHTEOUS RIGHT to ask anyone to keep the quest for Justice secret. It subverts Justice, and dishoners Jehovah God. I have no sympathy for plaintiffs who agree to, or defendants who pay for secrecy in the quest for Justice. .... only contempt.
  12. ANYONE who knows the TRUTH about God, his Christ, and his Kingdom can administer a valid Baptism to one who knows those same things. THEORETICALLY, it would be valid for a five year old baptized person to baptize an eight year old, but then again, theoretically, a tomato is a fruit and a strawberry is a vegetable ... but wisdom is when you do NOT find tomatoes in your fruit cocktail. So....um.... who was it that Baptized John the Baptist ? Several years ago we had many photos of humanoid robots at some of the South American Bethels .... If we are baptizing 5 to 10 year olds without biblical precedent, authorization of Biblical example , perhaps the dedicated Bethel Robots (?)
  13. Lies and cover-ups ALWAYS lead to MORE lies and MORE coverups ... and there are no exceptions. We should be proud of EVERYTHING we do, and where we screw up ... fess up, take a beating, and keep on keeping on. That's how it works with men of integrity, which in the GB, seems to be in short supply.... ...if it involves money.
  14. In the future, if I want to buy a tank of gasoline, for my car, I suppose I will need to have the trunk of the car filled with gadgets, chickens, and small pigs to trade. If a pig is more valuable than a tank of gasoline ... I can get change, in hamsters.
  15. Let's assume I had a billion and a half dollars to spend any way I want. I would keep out 20 million for myself and invest the whole potload into SPACEX. Earth is the cradle of civilization and humanity ... but there comes a time when we need to leave the cradle.
  16. Having read ALL the James Bond books, and seen ALMOST all the movies .... and read ALL the Jack Reacher books, and seen the two extant movies .... I feel quite qualified to say that James Bond is OUT ... and Jack Reacher is IN. That having been said, I will of course watch any new James Bond Movies, as long as Roger Moore is NOT in them. "Shatterhand"? That's why Jack Reacher fights with his elbows and forehead, so as not to get shatterhand.
  17. It's just a rumor ... but he tells the story of being on the balcony with the Pope when the Pope was addressing the crowd in St. Peter's Square, below, and everyone was wondering who it was there on the balcony with Bernie.
  18. Socialists NEVER learn the lessons of History ... because they believe in "free stuff" for everybody, and are seduced by Santa Clause. The politicians want to be the Santa Clause !
  19. I was not that coordinated, as a young boy. I tried that but somehow ended up eating the piece of grass, and the microbes would scream as wounded, they fell out the left and right sides of my mouth. eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! .
  20. wow! It's been NINE years since the first "Shepherd the Flock Of God" Elder's handbook came out, that was so top secret that non-elders were forbidden to read it, and sisters were not even allowed to touch it, and to this day, most Jehovah's Witnesses are not aware that the book even exists. At the same time copies were given to the Finnish Department of Justice, and the Department of Education, and the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse. Here it is 2019, and the latest 2019 version is out, available all over the Internet in PDF format, but I have not had a chance to read it yet. I still do not know what all the top secret hub-bub was about .... I read the 2010 version and the subsequent updates, and found it a fine publication that ALL Jehovah's Witnesses would benefit from reading. I did not mention I knew of the 2010 version's existence until they started giving out copies to lots of government officials, my reasoning being that the Society had thereby "declassified" it. Does anybody know if the Society has given the OK for the general Brotherhood to read this book, by which we are governed? Can any Brother or Sister at the Kingdom Hall request, and get a copy? I will ask at my Weekend Meeting, in two days, and let you know what I have found out.
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