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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Somewhere around 1995 a recruiter called me up and wanted me to go to work at the World Trade Center Towers. He said I could live several states away, and commute in, and that there was a train station in the bottom of the World Trade Center, and I would never even have to go to a "surface street". A four hour commute did not bother me at all, as I am a compulsive reader, and had a long list of unread books. The money was fabulous, and it was a great job... but it seemed to me that the place was a fire trap. I even considered taking a reserve parachute, and a shot gun with slugs, to shoot out the window, and parachute to the street below, in case of a fire. I know it takes about 400 feet to get line stretch on the suspension lines of a parachute, and before that, a parachute is merely decorative. So, I would have needed about 600 feet for a successful deployment. I calculated the odds six ways from Sunday, and decided not to take the job. September 11, 2001, I knew I had made the right decision.
  2. Sanders is a guy that thinks Socialism ... a system that has failed every time it has ever been tried, when the Socialists run out of OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY, and went along with the Hildabeast, when she rigged the Democrat Primary election against him. That speaks for his credibility. Zero
  3. statesymbolsusa.org Etymology and naming history. The name Montana comes from the Spanish word Montaña, which in turn comes from the Latin word Montanea, meaning "mountain", or more broadly, "mountainous country". Montaña del Norte was the name given by early Spanish explorers to the entire mountainous region of the west.
  4. Recently, Chicago was rated the most corrupt city in America, and Illinois the third most corrupt State. It is a crying shame that someone in the business was not armed, and immediately might have been able to nullify the threat. It is a common invariable theme that the political entities (Nations, States and Cities) with the highest restrictions on good and honorable and courageous people being allowed to arm themselves .... have the highest murder rates. Chicago in the CLASSIC example for all time. The criminals, and the criminally insane do NOT obey weapon possession restriction laws ... so such restrictions ONLY disarm the "Good Guys". This makes each and every "Gun Free Zone", anywhere in the world, in actually an unrestricted "Target Opportunity Zone".
  5. Anyone dumb enough to deliberately put smoke and ashes from a fire in their lungs is the type of person who one might expect to carry an open container of red paint and a paint brush on a public bus, and be able to write upside down and in reverse, while hanging out a bus window in traffic. Something is SERIOUSLY mis-wired in their brains!
  6. This is not History ... this is current events. The previous plane was a Vietnam Era "Prowler", the EA-6B. For obvious reasons, I am a big fan of the EA-6B, and squadron VAQ-137. The Northrop Grumman (formerly Grumman) EA-6B Prowler is a twin-engine, four-seat, mid-wing electronic-warfare aircraft derived from the A-6 Intruder airframe. http://www.ea6bprowler.org/squads/vaq137
  7. How does the Mexican Attorney General KNOW the U.S. cannot find a dollar of Guzman's loot? The only way he CAN know is HE HAS IT.
  8. Actually, the sentiment is not accurate. We all have the right to TRY to live in security and peace. This NATURAL RIGHT is sometimes protected by whatever laws a country has .... sometimes not .... but the right itself is a NATURAL right, that precedes all human law .... and sometimes needs valor, a sharp knife, and a fully loaded handgun to be able to actually have that NATURAL right become what really happens. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled ( If memory serves...) that the Government has no obligation to protect your peace and security. Their obligation, having police power, is to enforce the laws .... whatever they are. The President's highest priority is to preserve, protect, and enforce the Constitution of the United States.. That is the oath of office that he took. There are subtle, but very real differences.
  9. What bothers me is that every year, I am looking more and more like a fat Dr. Emmett Brown who lost his DeLorean.
  10. She, covered with snow, and in single digit temperatures, just happens to be a firm believer in man caused "Global Warming"
  11. By the way .. there is no such thing as " the dark side of the moon, any more that Africa can be referred to as "the dark Continent", meaning it lacks sunlight. The Moon rotates on it's axis about once every 28 days, as it is tideally locked with the Earth, but the BACK side of the moon gets as much light as the side that we see. China is the first to land on the dark side of the moon , is a common misnomer. They were the first to land on the BACK side of the Moon, as seen from Earth.
  12. What part of the sun? The coronal mass ejections (CME's) are several million degrees hot, as they are heated, not by fusion but by electricity, to where there is no upper limit.
  13. If you are taking a picture of a Surfer on a beach, with the sun behind him, by using different focal length lenses, you can change the effect of how large the sun is behind the surfer, from a brilliant speck, to a disc as big as a steering wheel. People ignorant of photographic effects and technology often have very strong opinions about things they know NOTHING about.
  14. This is silly ... and as valid as Monty Python's "Life of Brian", or other "documentaries". Everyone KNOWS the entire trip to the moon, and moon landing was done on a movie set and sound stage on Mars.
  15. I hope we are once again in a "Space Race" ... with the moon program of yesteryear, every dollar invested in technology and research shot into space yielded a HUNDRED FOLD, and more, wide range of benefits on Earth. Short-sighted, uneducated people do not know, or understand this. The classic example is it took about 200,000 people in Tennessee, and Washington State, and New Mexico, and many other places to develop the Atomic Bomb. About 350,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in building and testing the Bomb. Since 1945 ... Perhaps a hundred million people's lives have been saved by doctors using the tools developed by being able to understand radiation as a new tool. The computer and monitor you are reading this on was developed using things learned when they needed... needed to invent integrated circuits for the Apollo Space Craft navigation computers, because transistors were just too big. I remember when the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in a publication we studied in the "Tuesday Night Book-Study" in the 60's said that computers would NEVER have the power that even your Smart Phone has now ... BECAUSE it would take all the water that goes over Niagara Falls to keep it cool. All that happened because of the moon program, of yesteryear.
  16. It's not that they never learned to pack a parachute ... it's the ground's fault for rushing up to hit them in the face.
  17. Have Guido, with the facial scar that never heals, who owes you a big favor, and is vague on the vagaries of civilization, fly in from Chicago, and do some attitude readjustment therapy sessions with your ex. Most people are bitter because they cannot get "closure", or "resolution". Guido is good at that.
  18. Think I will order four 50 pound bags of dry dog food, delivered to my 5th floor walk-up apartment.
  19. This morning my cereal box informed me in no uncertain terms that it expects to be replaced with a full one, by TOMORROW! I suppose I will have to comply so there is no evidence of me being a habitual cereal killer. ( ... I like to drown the stupid flakes in milk...)
  20. Just a note to say I am taking at least a one year vacation from the JW-Archive and its successors starting this Sunday night, December 30, 2018. I have been gathering data to write a series of Science Fiction Novels for over 30 years, and my wife will need the money after I go up the chimney. Besides, I have been on for something like seven years, and it has evolved GREATLY from the silly pablum it started out as, so my irritant is no longer needed. I will still get emails of course, when somebody posts something. If Robert A. Heinlein can turn out his masterpiece "Starship Troopers" in one week, on a typewriter ... and he did ... while infuriated by Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table at the United Nations, I, with a word processor and Dragon Naturally Speaking voice to text software ought to, with practice, emulate that. I intend to "write by the pound", six hours a day, five days a week. I may even get up every morning, , and put on a suit and tie before sitting down at my workstations. Hahahahahaa! Just kidding.
  21. That is why in my original objection, I said I would need TWO (or more) competent Russian speakers .... It's like going to a Doctor and when he tells you something you suspect is not right, and you mention that you will need a second opinion. He responds thoughtfully and says ... "OK ... you are also ugly." If he was a Russian Orthodox Priest, I would assume he said "persecute". In my considered opinion, the President of the Russian Federation would NEVER use that word, as it carries the connotation of being arbitrary and capricious, petulant and evil. For those and previously explained specific reasons .... I reject that he used the word "persecute". It is obvious that he never read a single letter of the 6 million or so sent him by Jehovah's witnesses, (although he probably enjoyed the $56,000,000 dollars the Brotherhood via the Universal Postal Union gave him for NOT delivering them), so perhaps if you would write him ONE single letter, via the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC, he or the embassy will answer. After all .... it's YOUR topic, and YOUR thread. Be a sport .... do the homework to its conclusion.
  22. So ...um ... what happened in Virginia that might warrant U.N. intervention? I was born and raised in Virginia, and we did not even like Yankee tourists.
  23. Well Arauna ... you've done it now ! With my apparent OCD I have latched onto a new fixation ... which is actually a continuation of my many years ago reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn " The Gulag Archipelago " series of books. I watched several episodes on YouTube of "Uncommon Knowledge", about Joseph Stalin, one of which you posted, above featuring the Author Stephen Kotkin, and am downloading everything I can about this ( pant! pant! pant! ....) I also plan on ordering Kotkin's three books and reading them. I strongly suspect that my perceptions that everything Stalin is accused of as far as quantities of mass murders, etc. will be born out, but JWInsider has raised questions that need to be resolved in my mind. Thank you for giving me the key to the door to find out. I find Solzhenitsyn and Kotkin absolutely credible at face value .... so far.
  24. EXACTLY. One time in Western Virginia, circa 1966, there was a race riot and people filled the streets, blocking traffic ... and I came upon them unexpectedly. They stopped my car and I could not pass. VERY angry people. I just took out my revolver, and put it on the dashboard of my car... and BEHOLD! ... the crowd parted like Moses marching through the sea ... and I went on my way.
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