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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I read three of Solzhenitsyn's books and found them completely and totally credible. What did I miss?
  2. People that have poor decision making ability, and never plan ahead ... are NEVER "somewhere else". "Stuff Happens".
  3. I hope that when the "slave class" finally decides on who the "King of the North is THIS time, they will say in one short paragraph, with NO scriptural artillery barrage to back it up. The theocratic landscape has acquired more craters than the surface of the moon. They have ALWAYS gotten it wrong before, and I have been trying to pay very close attention for over 50 years, now. .... but have had DAYS of us sitting all day at Assemblies to hear the scriptures and reasoning, and nuanced referencing ... and years of Assembly talks, and Watchtower articles, and hour long public talks ..... to absolutely PROVE, without any shadow of a doubt ... just WHO was ....... the "King of the North". Many times. ...and every time it changes, the cycle repeats. They have ALWAYS been wrong before, so personally I would appreciate when the NEW explanation comes out ... it be something you could email me on a single page. ...or even better ... HALF a page. Or even better ... a single paragraph. Since it cannot POSSIBLY affect anything in real life down here on the ground ... that I can do anything about ... I would be HAPPY to accept ANYTHING the Governing Body says , at face value. ( I would even accept Caleb and Sophia as patron saints ... but PLEASE, spare me the "process" of why this would be true. ) Our Assembly Hall is in Orangeburg, South Carolina, and at my age, after a long Assembly in a hypnotic tone of voice, I risk falling asleep at the wheel after a long drive, each way. Getting "New Light" could LITERALLY ... kill me and my wife! To borrow a phrase from World War I .... I am shell shocked,. ... but I don't want to EVER hear any more about "Gog of Magog".
  4. Yes, and the reason is, at low altitudes the less effective jets of burning fuel are pressed against the main jets by atmospheric pressure, and their own momentum, and the main jets "wall of fire" layer of friction imparts velocity to the auxiliary jets, because although the main jets are being ejected at many times the speed of sound, the hot and explosively expanding gas flow is turbulent. What you are doing is trading the inefficiencies of the main jet (thrust = velocity x mass) through friction and the Bernoulli principle to the mass of the auxiliary jets' mass , but there are limits to everything. I would imagine they are still trying to get that balancing act correct, and with the energies and fluid dynamics (the hot gasses) involved it is quite a trick. They need some white haired old guy who knows to just come in and set aside the 20,000 pages of calculations and just tell them the answer, but then progress would not always be repeatable, and adaptable to new applications. Sir Isaac Newton was a one time human phenomenon.
  5. The coanda effect is simple to understand, and it will make a big, hot fire .... but thrust is another thing, altogether. Imagine the following video, with hydrogen gas being sucked into the fan, and burning along the outside of the disc ... reaction (thrust) is a function of throwing stuff behind you that is heavy, or light stuff going very, very fast. But, it has to push against a surface 180 degrees from the action, to have an efficient and strong reaction. The Coanda Effect (version 2013).mp4
  6. Not many crash sites have extensive video coverage ... and little or no aircraft forensic evidence to look at. Think about it.
  7. It's all about money. The reasons Smart Phones have made a hundred years progress in ten years is the opportunity and reality of "OUTRAGEOUS" profits. The current designs are too hot, and too heavy, and like a bullet, produce a drag vacuum behind them. Merely a matter of engineering ... but GOOD engineering takes hundreds of highly motivated engineers and highly motivated companies. So ... what motivates most engineers? MONEY. LOTS and lots of money. You would be surprised, if you do not already know ... how motivational being grossly overpaid is... and how much it is inspirational. Several times in my life, I was paid three times the going rate, and paid in advance ... and I finished projects scheduled to finish in six months ... in six weeks. Not only that, I could walk down the beach with two buckets full of money, and didn't even have to suck my stomach in.
  8. I find that if strapped in a chair with dozens of large plastic wire ties, and someone is trying to remove my kneecaps with pliers, it makes me very anxious, panicky, sad .... and VERY talkative! I hate that ...... don't you?
  9. Great Acting .... but he had an opportunity to make the "facts" of his accusations clear .... and did not do it. Smoke and Mirrors to distract. Had he addressed his accusers ... either through confirmation ... or denial .... and been specific .... the PRINCIPLES espoused in the video would have had real traction ... as they are sound principles .... but without solid facts about what happened in the non-drama REAL world ... they are in this specific case ..... INVALID.
  10. ... and now, fer yor entertainment .... SIX SCREENS OF THE BEAKER! YAAaaaaAAAAY! SIX SCREENS OF THE BEAKER .mp4
  11. A man being unarmed is like having a car without gasoline, a flashlight without batteries, an uncharged fire extinguisher, and a camera without film or an SD card, or run on gravel without shoes. And Yet ....some people EXULT in their determined incompetence, and un-preparedness. Throw your cell phone at them!
  12. Ignorance of the future is what gets people dead, dead, dead. Ever notice that one man with a knife, surrounded by police with guns, often gets shot to death? That is because THEY KNOW that it only takes 3/8 of a second for a determined man with a knife TO KILL YOU, from a distance of 21 feet away. It would be embarrassing to look down at a mortal wound, and before fading to black, say "OOPS! ... guess I was wrong!".
  13. They are both related by adoption to Morris the Cat, and have a very "close Social Relationship", and whose cartoon kittens have taken up with Caleb and Sophia, in a LOOOOooong series of ...... *coff* ...... "overlapping generations". Behind the Scenes_ Morris the Cat (1985).mp4
  14. If my understanding of the Russian Mind ... and Putin's mind is correct, he is going to reverse the prosecution of Jehovahs'a Witnesses, before 2020, as I stated two days ago on another thread. He thinks like an adult, when all around him, on BOTH sides, everyone else is thinking like petulant children.
  15. No, TTH, it probably does NOT amount to the same thing. The two words have nuances that make them completely different ... which is what this WHOLE CONVERSATION has been about. Words have intonation, flavor, nuance, and emotional indexes, depending on culture, context, and time and circumstance of usage. Soft words in one language are hard words in another. The same word used in street slang, an Elder's meeting, and in a court of law will be quite different, due to "environmental" factors, and common usage. Once again, you are trying to soften and justify that you are wrong. .... And as to your question ... if you don't understand the answer intuitively, an explanation is beyond the amount of work I want to devote to an answer.
  16. Could be worse ... Could be Brunhillery Clinton. There is some confusion about that .... whether she worships Satan, or Satan worships her. heh heh heh .... just kidding ... heh heh heh
  17. I am the one probably responsible for the Society calling many of the Anointed mentally ill. During the Vietnam war, circa 1966, I was of Draft age, and was asked to prove I was one of the "Anointed", to keep from getting drafted, so I put on my Speedo, and covered myself with corn oil, pecans, and pine cones ... put on a Smokey The Bear hat, and went for my interview. Not only did I get a Draft deferral, but I made a lot of new Forest Friends. The Elders asked me if there was a problem of mental illness in my family, and I replied, No, we rather enjoyed it.
  18. Like Harry Callahan once said "A man's got to know his limitations". A Good Man Always Has to Know His Limitations (1).mp4
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