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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The best cockroach killer is instant coffee, straight out of the jar. Coffee is a vegetable, and is edible ... its a bean. So the cockroaches love to eat aromatic beans. It's the caffeine that kills them, but it does require some work on your part. You have to get up in the middle of the night and as fast as you can, flick the light switches on and off for at least 20 seconds. In the dark, all the cockroaches have come out into the center of the room, and when you rapidly switch the lights, the stroboscopic effects scare and disorient them. Remember ... they are ALREADY totally wired from eating the coffee. This gives them a heart attack, and in the morning, you will see them all in the middle of the floor, lying on their backs, with their six legs and "hands" clutching their hearts. If you look close, they may have little tiny "x"s on their eyes, with tongues hanging out.
  2. Somewhere in China's culinary evolution, they missed a .... *coff* .... fork in the road.
  3. I forget the name of it, but the Branch Office Correspondence Guide Book even addresses how to reply when there are instances of hermaphrodite (Brothers?, Sisters?), and how they should behave, sexually. I have a copy, somewhere around here. It was posted earlier, on the JW-Archive, and I downloaded it. Oh yes, I just remembered a good search keyword ....... "Correspondence". Correspondence Guidelines.pdf
  4. That's why, during World War II, Many thousands of Jews sold their homes, businesses, and EVERYTHING they owned for 5 cents on the dollar, and left Germany, and Europe. Sometimes... when tyranny is unavoidable .... BE SOMEWHERE ELSE! Millions stayed with their stuff, and left Europe through tall crematorium chimneys. You can't cure stupid .mp4
  5. If God created the animals before Adam & Eve....and death and disease weren’t introduced to the world until Adam & Eve disobeyed God them please explain how this dinosaur had a tumor? Very simple ......
  6. Christendom's tax exempt organizations bless Nationalism and Warfare ... killing a half BILLION people in the last 1700 years, in Europe, alone. That's why they get the tax exemptions. The Kings and the Clergy of the Earth are whores to each other.
  7. The solution to all of that is a giant riding mechanical spider The best part is, It never needs to be recharged. It makes it's own Soylent Green from indigent street people. The advantage of these is they are not wheeled vehicles, so they would not need to be registered as vehicles, as nowhere are there laws against riding mechanical eight legged spiders ... PLUS .. for those who can run fast, the loud clattering noises scare them out of the way!
  8. I upvote when arguments are sound and well reasoned. I upvote ideas that are often in direct conflict with each other, as I can see the viewpoint of both (or more) sides. SOMETIMES I even upvote because I agree with what is being said. Be sure to save all your upvotes because they are worth $37 dollars EACH. Let's say you have 16 upvotes a month. (16 x $37 = $592). That's $592.00 a MONTH! Please make the checks out to me, personally.
  9. I was once cleaning my firearms on the dining room table, and my now ex-wife stood behind me, watching .. with a very worried look, and her fingers intertwined, and asked "What would you do is everyone in the world gave up THEIR guns?" Without pausing or turning around, I said "Rule wisely!"
  10. Some people would complain if they were hung with a new rope.
  11. Holy Hand Grenade! Humans don't even have comprehension of what each other think, I think a complete lack of a sense of humor ..... PLUS a limited stockpile of frames of reference .... PLUS a deep seated paranoia is the cause. I submit as an example a JOKE ... which thankfully, (whew!) JWI thought was funny! Johnny Carson had 16 writers, and half his material bombed, so I save a LOT of money by doing my own jokes, or stealing others, and filing off the serial numbers.
  12. If you have dyslexia when reading that sentence, it can be VERY painful.
  13. I still, in my own mind, assuming that I know the mind of Russian thinking ... especially of a man who used to be the head of the Soviet KGB, and also presumably knowing how adults in such positions think, do NOT believe that he used the word "persecute". I believe this was in the mind of the translator, or the algorithm of the translation computer program, ... NOT V. Putin. Unless I can talk to someone who has the original video or transcript, in Russian, and who is conversational in BOTH Russian and English ... and I can get an equally qualified second opinion ... It is my belief and conjecture that the word he used is "prosecute". Here is the general idea of how I believe the thoughts actually were spoken: " V.Putin: I don’t know to which confession she belongs, she is Christian, but there are also many directions. Jehovah's Witnesses are also Christians, for which I do not really understand how it is (meaning "why?") we prosecute them. Therefore, you just need to analyze, you need to do it. I will talk with Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, and try to do it." If there is ANYBODY that knows HOW to persecute AND prosecute someone ... it is the former head of the KGB. Translation is an art, as well as a science, and there are some artists that put out poor work, and scientists that plow your aircraft into a cornfield, and some computer programs that, like the HAL9000, do not take into consideration all aspects of a problem. Deactivating Hal 9000 HD (COMPLETE).mp4
  14. You would think they would be right, more often.
  15. A baseball bat will slip into your pants, behind your belt, and is a horrific close-quarters weapon.... and legal everywhere. Just carry a baseball glove and baseball in your car with you.
  16. I think you are confusing me with someone who actually cares .... They do not keep me awake at night .... If they knew, I would keep them awake at night.
  17. If I should fall, murdered at someone elses' hands, it is my hope that they will find my body in a pile of spent, hot, smoking brass, and that I will have a grin on my face, and that all my wounds will be in front.
  18. Probably due to walking around a cold house littered with empty beer cans, with only a Santa beard, a Pajama top, mumbling incoherently "Hoh...Ho...hoah."
  19. THE BIBLE REQUIRES SUBMISSION TO THE GOVERNMENT ... Yes, it does, except when the Government requires things specifically forbidden by God. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is absolutely correct in his statement. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is absolutely correct in her statement. AND TO QUESTION THE GOVERNMENT IS TO QUESTION GOD. The SEVERAL false conclusions in the Meme are ALL logical fallacies that are not true ...they are either the conclusion of someone who has NO IDEA about the issue, or presumptive and deliberate lies to try and discredit the Trump Administration. My educated and considered analysis is that they are BOTH ... but the AGENDA is to try to invoke God to discredit anything TRUMP, in the minds of the non-critical thinking people. It is morally reprehensible. For those in Rio Linda, that means deliberate EVIL.
  20. Coincidence is not the same as Causality. .... and I doubt that Jimmy Carter truly loves the people of Poland ..... and now.... time for a review of what we have learned ..... 1.) QUESTION: " HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?" 2.) FIRST ANSWER: " How do I know that the sun is hot unless I go up there and touch it?" 3.) SECOND ANSWER: " Because not everyone in the world is a moron," .... AND TO TOP IT OFF ..... you still have not answered the question, which has a VERY simple two word answer. "I don't."
  21. How do I know that the sun is hot unless I go up there and touch it? As usual, TTH ... when you cannot honestly answer a fair question, you resort to a "cutsey" statement that is completely irrelevant, for the specific purpose of diverting attention from the fact that you do not WANT to answer the question, as it would divulge you lack of previous analysis. The question remains ... and is still valid. HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?
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