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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.


    Yes, it does, except when the Government requires things specifically forbidden by God.

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions is absolutely correct in his statement.

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is absolutely correct in her statement.


    The SEVERAL false conclusions in the Meme are ALL logical fallacies that are not true ...they are either the conclusion of someone who has NO IDEA about the issue, or  presumptive and deliberate lies to try and discredit the Trump Administration.

    My educated and considered analysis is that they are BOTH ... but the AGENDA is to try to invoke God to discredit anything TRUMP, in the minds of the non-critical thinking people.

    It is morally reprehensible.

    For those in Rio Linda, that means deliberate EVIL.

  2. Coincidence is not the same as Causality.

    .... and I doubt that Jimmy Carter truly loves the people of Poland .....

    and now.... time for a review of what we have learned .....

    1.) QUESTION: " HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?"

    2.) FIRST ANSWER: " How do I know that the sun is hot unless I go up there and touch it?"

    3.) SECOND ANSWER: " Because not everyone in the world is a moron,"

    .... AND TO TOP IT OFF ..... you still have not answered the question, which has a VERY simple two word answer.




    "I don't."



  3. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?

    How do I know that the sun is hot unless I go up there and touch it?

    As usual, TTH ... when you cannot honestly answer a fair question, you resort to a "cutsey" statement that is completely irrelevant, for the specific purpose of diverting attention from the fact that you do not WANT to answer the question, as it would divulge you lack of previous analysis.

    The question remains ... and is still valid.

    HOW DO YOU KNOW ... Putin used the word "persecuted", if you did not see a video of him saying it .... AND .... competently speak and understand both Russian and English?

  4. Just now, Arauna said:

    Moral decline is happening daily in front of our eyes.  Saw a clip yesterday where the professor is drawing attention to a school in Ireland which is now teaching their students that boys can have periods so they do not feel excluded.

    It's proof the male population is generally bat-crap crazy.

    If I wanted to "feel included" .... I would not choose THAT!

  5. Srecko Sostar has a sense of humor, that comes across even across the language barrier.

    I understand (most of the time) humor, Satire, and Parody.

    It's only confrontational for those with a limited sense of humor, irony, parody, and satire ... who are not conversational in that "language".

  6. Actually, he CAN donate it to "The Wall" ... the United States Treasury will accept voluntary donations ... which is how the GoFundMe check would have to be made out,  anyway.

    It will, however not be so allocated.  It will go into the General Treasury and disappear until allocated as Congress sees fit.

    Concerning GoFunMe Bail Money .... being a licensed Bail Bondsman requires a License, not only because money transfers aback and forth between the courts, but because it all has to be accounted for quite meticulously, and... a Bail Bondsman has the authority to send armed Bounty Hunters after Bail jumpers to recapture them .... and GoFundMe is a private company ... they can do anything they want which is legal .... OR NOT.

    There is a list of things that companies cannot discriminate about .... If I had a company I could LEGALLY make it a policy not to hire people too short, or too tall, or too fat or too thin ....for however I perceived them in my opinion, to be.

    The Military, Police, and Trucking Companies do this EVERY DAY.

    And, I cannot see how Trump's Wall would be racist, unless the wall can think and see, and has a grudge.

    A piece of steel, or a big-honking concrete wall does not play favorites ... except perhaps favoring the extremely agile and strong, or those with a 40 foot ladder handy.


  7. My solution would be to NOT actively encourage anybody being totally incompetent when violence strikes..

    If you tell , and teach people to not learn how to defend themselves, and they trust you ... perhaps because you are  seemingly representing the will of God ...then ....  you SHARE responsibility for their deaths or injuries.

    Stupid people, and victims of chance and circumstance, and/or deliberate evil .... do not need help to become MORE incompetent.


  8. I think something was lost in translation ... which is an art and a science... NOT just a science.

    " 'I Do Not Know Why We Persecute Jehovah's Witnesses,' Putin Says "

    He may have used the word "prosecute", or something else, if he said anything similar to that at all.

    Yesterday I predicted that he would rescue Jehovah's Witnesses before 2020, for the sole reason that he thinks like an adult.

    That's my best guess, based on my perception of how Russians think, and how adults think ... nothing more.

  9. You know, admin, that in my quiet moments, I am thinking of how to start a Church that is completely legal, I can siphon money away from the gullible, and live the lifestyle of which I would like to become accustomed.

    I think I will call it "The Fifth Third Reform Church of Automatic Deposit", and the Credo will be "It is better to give, that to receive".

    The main Credo will be " Don't Worry, Be Happy Now, and on Sunday, get to the Golden Corral before the Baptists do!".

    It will involve a Ministry of having adherents to the faith work on repairing my house, doing yard work, and fixing and preparing meals for the Great Founder.

    ...... not to be confused with the "Great Flounder", my Choir Director, who takes "D" size batteries.


  10. 6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    What is the purpose of the Awake!

    The purpose of the Awake! is to keep people busy, both at Bethel, and in the Field.

    I am not entirely critical of this idea, for if you saw the movie "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (winning 7 Acadamy Awards) the British Colonel expressed it was a good thing the Japanese were keeping his POW  men busy doing SOMETHING.

    I this case, building a railway bridge.

    I actually think it is a GOOD idea keeping people busy doing "busywork", if they lack discipline and initiative on their own.

    It keeps them out of trouble.

  11. The U.N. Library is mirrored in several other places.  If memory serves the New York City Public Library, and in at least one New York University, the name escapes me at the moment.  You can just walk in and read for free.

    The fact was that the WTB&TS were active NGO associates of the United Nations Department of Public Information for 9-1/2 Years.... until they got "caught" by the U.K "Guardian" newspaper.  They used this for political influence and "tickets of admission" at world government conferences.

    This has been extensively documented and has been FULLY explored in past JW-Archive discussions.

    The "All we signed up for is a Library Card" explanation was by simpletons, for simpletons who wish there was a magical "Rainbow Bridge".


  12. It appears to me that Vladimir Putin, like Donald J. Trump are some of the very FEW people in government or theology that actually think like a real adult.

    Therefore, I will here and now, 19DEC2018, predict that it will be Mr. Putin that will rescue Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia,  and get their property restored. Further, that it will be before 2020.

    I am not really putting myself out that much, however, as predicting the future is something Jehovah's Witnesses, like all others for the past 2,000 or so years have ALWAYS been wrong, without exception.

    However, if it turns out I am right, I will try to turn that into a commercial enterprise.

    In the meantime ... please remember at home, or at the office ... contribute to the BLFM.

  13. I am glad this is in #AJOpinion, because it is ONLY someone's over-thought opinion.

    Anyone that understands "arm's length" transactions knows the logic is bogus..

    It is like Ray Steven's song and chart about how he is able to PROVE, through reason and logic, that he is his own Grandfather.

    The logic may be unassailable, but in the REAL WORLD it is a complete fantasy.

    Such is the power of words.

    It is clear that some people make a good living playing with words.


  14. On 12/17/2018 at 10:59 PM, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    Din Tai Fung has become the world’s most famous purveyor of xiaolong bao, or pork soup dumplings. But will the Taiwanese restaurant chain win over London, a city increasingly spoiled for choice when it comes to authentic and good quality Asian cuisine?

    Yes ... and I foresee them cornering the market in London with  a high protien breakfast cereal made from rats.

  15. You can sue someone for ANYTHING.

    Winning is quite another thing.

    The WTB&TS, in anything that involves money, will ignore Justice, and appeal, and appeal, and appeal until the Plaintiffs are bankrupt.

    Here is how tax exempt religious organizations are defined (Please expand the video to full size, and turn up your speakers ...):

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