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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. That's NOTHING! I had stylish high quality speaker sunglasses IN 1925!
  2. Can you tap dance, or sing "Hello Ma Baby!", in a deep baritone voice?
  3. 5 Signs Your Partner's Considering Divorce: 1.) He buys a boat 2. He gets you interested in "going fishing" 3.) He gives you a sleeping pill so you will be well rested for the fishing trip. 4. You have crazy dreams about riding in the trunk of a car. 5. You wake up in the boat with your feet in a bucket of concrete.
  4. Isn't "shunning" an attempt to totally control speech?
  5. I wear my suit jacket open ( nothing buttoned) .... but then again, I have a large bulge under my left arm pit, and I would rather have button holes, than bullet holes in my suit.
  6. Me with a thong would be grossly immodest ... on that gal that played opposite Paul Hogan in the first "Crocodile Dundee" movie, it was positively inspirational.
  7. I disagree with Tight Pants Tony ... I have never seen ANYTHING in the Bible prohibiting drunk UGLY clothes. I think (Anna ...) that it is just a political ploy by some grown man who likes to play with dolls, and it is a conspiracy of amateur prophesy gone sour. I did not notice the Brothers in Outta Here's above photo with tight pants having malfunctioning codpieces. OF course ... , in the above photo, those Brother's socks look like home-made sin.
  8. Hmmmmm .... If I had observed you in a terribly wrinkled suit, I would have figured it was well tailored, but you just spent too much time in the pool.
  9. ...... sigh ... no one EVER laughs at that reference ... except me ... and I never seem to tire of it.
  10. Sometimes we Barbarians react, not out of avarice or malice .... but out of deep concern over those we trust and who entertain us with new ideas taking advantage of our trust. Unfortunately .... there is no one on this Earth to fire those who do. SOUPY SALES_ Green Pieces of Paper.mp4
  11. Distilling many words into few words ... this quote seems to be where the "rubber meets the road". Everything Arauna said may be true, partially true, false, or partially false. ... and for a CERTAINTY, none of us on this blog can do ANYTHING about any of it. Nothing whatsoever ...... about any of it. Zero ... zip .... Nada .... Goose eggs. Somewhere in a parallel dimension known as "Toontown" Caleb and Sophia's pet laboratory mice are planning to take over the planet. Will they succeed? Stay tuned for breaking developments ....... or not ! Pinky & The Brain - What Do You Want To Do Today_.mp4
  12. If all you do is play Monopoly ... you begin to think the cash is real, and the board game is real.
  13. From time to time, before the Tree of Liberty is covered with beautiful white blossoms, it has to be fertilized and watered with the bodies and blood of tyrants, and patriots.
  14. It might be a "stretch", but, how about "The Last Days"? I Corinthians 15:52 states: "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Historian David Montaigne noted that it is possible to look into such verses and explore what they might be saying about God's plans concerning Trump. "I am not suggesting that Donald Trump absolutely *IS* the last trump – but since the LAST TRUMP is one of the most clear and final signs in end times prophecy, can we overlook the possibility that a presidential candidate named Trump is being used as a sign by God?" he posed. Coincidence? Do you REALLY think it's a coincidence that Elizabeth Taylor and Ernest Borgnine were NEVER shown in the same photograph? I think NOT!
  15. You know "it's over", when you wake up in a boat, several miles from shore, and your love is gazing compassionately at you, and your feet are encased in a large bucket of concrete. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.mp4
  16. Some things are just plain Magnificent! ...this is one of them.
  17. Without doing any research at all ... my best guess is that he intends to act as a "Corporate Raider", and take a business where the parts salvaged are worth more than the whole. I seem to remember that Sears is the parent company of "Discover" Credit Card, and for some time, Sears has made more money off of their Sears credit card fees than their retail sales. etc. etc.
  18. Dateline December 6, 2018 - 2:20 PM ATHENS, OH—Claiming the finding could shed new light on the diversity of amphibian life, scientists from Ohio University announced Thursday that they had discovered a new species of frog that had evolved the ability to spontaneously grow a top hat and cane. “While in many ways resembling a common bullfrog, Lithobates michiganus is unique for its capability of springing onto its hind legs and dancing with a tiny hat and cane, likely as a way of defending itself from predators,” said lead researcher Masha Rossi, noting that the amphibian’s practice of belting out “I’m Just Wild About Harry” and “Hello! Ma Baby” in a booming baritone was likely a trait developed in order to attract potential mates. “This frog can be identified in the wild by its distinctive green-and-yellow coloration as well as its powerful hind legs adapted for both razzle and dazzle. This amphibian has a truly striking method of locomotion as it boldly sashays from lily pad to lily pad.” Rossi added that this announcement constituted the most significant advancement in the herpetological field since last year’s discovery of a sleepy-eyed tortoise imbued with the extraordinary ability to beat a rabbit in a footrace. Plagerized from "TheOnion" - America's new's source ... because they don't give a frog's butt.
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