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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    Sears chairman Eddie Lampert's hedge fund, ESL Investments, offered to buy the rest of the bankrupt company in a deal valued at $4.6 billion.

     What is up with this guy?

    Without doing any research at all ... my best guess is that he intends to act as a "Corporate Raider", and take a business where the parts salvaged are worth more than the whole.  I seem to remember that Sears is the parent company of "Discover" Credit Card, and for some time, Sears has made more money off of their Sears credit card fees than their retail sales.




  2. Dateline December 6, 2018  -  2:20 PM

    ATHENS, OH—Claiming the finding could shed new light on the diversity of amphibian life, scientists from Ohio University announced Thursday that they had discovered a new species of frog that had evolved the ability to spontaneously grow a top hat and cane.

    “While in many ways resembling a common bullfrog, Lithobates michiganus is unique for its capability of springing onto its hind legs and dancing with a tiny hat and cane, likely as a way of defending itself from predators,” said lead researcher Masha Rossi, noting that the amphibian’s practice of belting out “I’m Just Wild About Harry” and “Hello! Ma Baby” in a booming baritone was likely a trait developed in order to attract potential mates.

    “This frog can be identified in the wild by its distinctive green-and-yellow coloration as well as its powerful hind legs adapted for both razzle and dazzle. This amphibian has a truly striking method of locomotion as it boldly sashays from lily pad to lily pad.”

    Rossi added that this announcement constituted the most significant advancement in the herpetological field since last year’s discovery of a sleepy-eyed tortoise imbued with the extraordinary ability to beat a rabbit in a footrace.



    Plagerized from "TheOnion" - America's new's source ... because they don't give a frog's butt.



  3. I was actually responsible for the U.S. Patent Office dropping their requirement that mechanical, electronic Patents demonstrate the practicality and utility of patents.  (That means, for those in Rio Linda, that the gadget actually works). Since then, you can submit Patent Applications for Patent Pending status ( The first step in getting a Patent ..... ), like the aforementioned atmospheric ion engine, without a working model.

    I was talking to a Patent Examiner in Arlington, Virginia in his three story office across the street from a Holiday Inn,  and I had a working model of my invention in my arms, and he asked to see it.

    I gave it to him, and from behind his massive desk, he turns around and sticks the snout out the window and aiming it at the street and sidewalk below, activates it.

    "BOY! This is a really GREAT Death Ray !

  4. 1 hour ago, Nicole said:

    “Augmented reality technology will provide troops with more and better information to make decisions,” a Microsoft spokesperson wrote in an email to Bloomberg. “This new work extends our longstanding, trusted relationship with the Department of Defense to this new area.”

    This new relationship between Microsoft, and the Army (U.S. Department of Defense) began when it was called to the attention to the Pentagon Strategy Group that beginning with Windows 95, and culminating with Windows 10, every other product Microsoft produced were bombs.

  5. I have no idea what two ballooning is ... and google was no help ... but the last time I was demonstrating static electricity to my children was with a single balloon ... which I rubbed vigorously across my hair (when they were younger .... and I used to have more hair ...) to build up a static electrical charge, and with a big grin, hung myself on the wall by my head.

  6. Greed is what has improved EVERYTHING on this planet.

    People who want, and GET, outrageous profits are the ones who have made better cars, airplanes, cell phones, computers, and every other thing .

    Greed produces the competition that has made our current world better in every way.

    I used to "do this stuff" for a living, for DOE ... but am currently considering making a 1.21 Gigawatt Fusion Reactor for my car from a "Mr. Coffee" coffee maker,  which will go more than 88 miles per hour ... but cannot seem to find the time! ( cues the cymbalist ...)

    .... uh ... the car ... not the coffee maker ... uh ... 88 miles per hour.

  7. Based solely on empirical evidence ... I believe in it whole heartedly ... and my mother made me drink it under threat of some vague catastrophe.

    I was a small sick kid ... got every childhood disease on the list ... but grew to be a foot taller than either of my parents or ancestors.

    To this day I thank the little fishies for their total commitment to my stature.


  8. The spare tire is going to need a trailer.

    I actually had a guy who commissioned me to design a transmission for a power generating windmill, and said to me that he wanted to  put windmills on the top of municipal buses ...  so when the bus went down the street, the wind power could be fed to the wheels.

    Since I needed his money, that was the Supreme Test of my diplomatic skills, for my entire lifetime.

    I always wondered what happened to him ... I guess he is in Goodyear Management now.

  9. The above explanation is unmitigated bunk.

    The micro-fine particles USED to be part of the environment.   The materials that make them up did not come from a parallel dimension where materials unknown to man exist.

    When the particles are that small they are severely degraded into their FORMER components by ultra--violet light from the Sun, like being continuously hit by microscopic photon bullets.

      Ever had tires 'Dry Rot" on you?  Over time the tires on the sun side of a long term parked in the sun  RV will be severely degraded and dangerous ... as my neighbor learned last summer.  Before his vacation was over, he had to replace three "new" tires that had been exposed to sun for many years ... all on the sun side.

    .... but I digress .....

    The micro-fine particles combine with water and dust, and are eaten by microbes.

    That is why you do not see drifts of black tire dust on the sides of the roads.

    Can I interest you in some Global Warming "Carbon Credits"?

    I can print some up for you to make it seem you are "saving the planet", and charge you a lot of money to assume your guilt with this new-found religion.

    It's a win-win situation ...... You get to think you are doing something to save the planet ... (how HAPPY She will be ! ), and I get your money!

    The only downside, is the greatest scam ever developed has brokers of Carbon Credits ... who want THEIR broker's commission ... like Al Gore.

    If you are going to be a sucker .... I want ALL your money!

  10. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I, too, have decided to visit there again soon. If anyone wishes to speak with me, I will be dressed in an oversized crocodile suit topped with a blue frumpy Dr. Seuss hat, munching popcorn, with my tail hanging over the edge onto the ground floor.

    Please be discreet and don't make a scene. Do not worry--I will be wearing a tie so as to blend in.


    If you will be staying overnight at one of the Bethel Residence unassigned rooms, or in one of the VIP Guest Rooms .... make sure nobody sees your full length Crocodile Pillow .......


  11. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    They were “fooled,” were they? Don’t you know about Hanger 55 in Arizona? I’ll wave goodbye as they haul you off to their home planet where last year’s best-seller was that book that debuted on The Twilight Zone, ‘To Serve Man.’

    The State of the World is SO BAD ( How bad is it?), that in my bedroom, behind a hinged picture, in a wall safe protected by a digital keypad, I keep my socks on 55 small plastic sock hangers.

  12. Speaking of the phenomena of JW Celebrity Media Stars:

    From all reports, Teresa Graves seems to have been the exception to the general rule about JW celebrities. She lived modestly with her Mother, and if memory serves, was a Pioneer minister, when not making TV shows.

    Neither Michael Jackson, or Prince were ever reproved or disfellowshipped for their deep immersion worldly lifestyles, so it it's no surprise that not a WTB&TS "peep" will be heard about Serena Williams illegitimate baby, etc. ( mentioned in above List  posting).

    I know that Prince contributed $30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall, and I suspect MJ did something similar..

    It seems probable to me that how Prince, MJ and Williams have escaped Congregational public censure and sanctions is simply a matter of their fame and money giving them complete immunity.

    Can you imagine the global headlines if either of the three were disfellowshipped, or publicly reproved?




    What gives credence to this theory is that in the State of Delaware, the Society's Lawyers have openly perverted Justice in trying to delay the trial of a woman suing the Society for child sexual abuse, by changing the venue from a county that has an open docket, to a county that has a very crowded docket, about which the Judge was NOT amused, and called them on it.

    Deliberate evil, to try and win ... by attempting to bankrupt the Plaintiff's legal team.

    Like all religions ... once there is a large stream of free money, and you start accumulating more and more real estate .... justice and mercy, and basic fairness become completely lost.

    Of course ... there has to be some mechanism where the people that know about what is really going on are kept from talking about it to others who do not know, or the whole skein would unravel.

    That's why we punish, and often irreparably destroy, whole families and extended families ...... for the sins of one, singular person.







  13. The Soviets tried this with their nuclear powered submarines ..... all works well as long as it works well .... a much hotter transfer medium, with more heat carrying capacity ... but when a pump breaks down or has to stop, the piping "freezes" and the sodium WHICH IS A METAL, freezes solid, and the entire multi-billion dollar submarine becomes a boat anchor that cannot be repaired.

    Some things CAN be done ...... but should NOT be done.

    As Elvis found out the hard way ... Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches and cocaine makes a pretty hot "fire" ... but it does not last the night.

  14. In the Congregation I attend, is a Brother who knew Mickey Spillane, to whom, although we have never met, I have a great affinity ... as we shared many similar personality traits.  I also read a few of his books, which I liked.

    So, I get this email that someone named Jane Spillane requests to by my friend on Facebook ... a total surprise to me ... and after checking it out, OF COURSE I "friended" her.

    I suspect TTH had "something" to do with that, as when I asked the Brother I knew, he said he did not.

    My instincts are almost always right ... but this is a STRANGE one, and after processing thousands of options, that's what pops up. .... TTH.

    My guess is that when TTH forwarded to her my posting here of "The Further Adventures of Nick Danger - Third Eye" , by Firesign Theatre, which for some reason I posted here, she backtracked it and followed up.

    Any validity to that theory TTH?



  15. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    To keep us on our toes, however, showing a few videos anticipating armed forces against us might be useful, too.

    That, too ... is only a pretentious guess.

    However the blatant, brazen  attempt to generate fear based only on a guess that has ALWAYS been wrong, is unconscionable ... and the motive of manipulation is so transparent and palpable, it has its own heartbeat.

    John 9:41


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