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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. It is an adult's job to judge EVERYTHING. That's why we work hard to become adults .... to develop those skills. Those bad at judging EVERYTHING, often have very short lifetimes, full of drama and hardship, filled with bad, destructive "friends".
  2. This is why witch hunts based on humor rumors is so very important for local entertainment.
  3. Some people that want and have the job of being our masters, guides, instructors, teachers, judges ... and policemen ... are highly competent, and have the very best of intentions ... but if none of that is true ... they STILL intend to be our masters, guides, instructors and teachers, judges ... and policemen.
  4. "sin gas"in Spanish means "without carbonation" ... but I only know about 80 words in Spanish, so I am only extrapolating.
  5. I have a great deal of tolerance with people in general, but vulgarity should be limited to those who cannot think well enough to express themselves without it. Thinking correctly is hard work, and many are lazy. I cannot imagine the Apostle Paul ministering to a bunch of sailors at a seaport dock, using the same language as he would use from a podium at the Sanhedrin ... there is a time and a place for EVERYTHING. In mortal hand to hand combat, verbal expressions have somewhat more "energy" than reading poetry during a picnic. I find vulgarity offensive ... because it means , generally, I am in a conversation with a stupid person, not because I am personally offended by the vulgarity. But getting back to the "Dog" theme ... dogs DO have a sense of Justice and fairness. I have five dogs who wait patiently to be hand fed treats, because they know they will all be fed the same amount... and when I discipline them, their hurt feelings are only momentary. When I get angry I can scare paint off of walls, but when I change my tone of voice, they run to me to be petted and consoled. .... but to be safe, I do not tell them how much life insurance I have.
  6. That's why I only eat pancakes ... those Belgian Waffles take FOREVER to put the syrup in each little square.
  7. I remember the parable of the Grasshopper, and the Ant. The Ant worked all summer, tirelessly, storing up food .... and the Grasshopper just played music on his violin. Just before the first snow of winter, the Grasshopper got a concert in Miami Beach, and someone stepped on the Ant.
  8. I remember when we was young Me and Colin had so much fun Holding cameras and doin’ videos Saw a Great Argus Pheasant Mating Dance with birds on their toes But the biggest surprise I ever got Was seein’ a thing called the Crocodile Chomp While the other birds were dancing ‘round the Clock We were recordin’ the stompin’ of the Crocodile Chompin’ Whoa! Crocodile apologies to Colin Browne, and Elton John.
  9. Whew: I just finished watching all the "Dubtown" videos on YouTube .... SOMEBODY has a LOT of money to spend on the production of these things ! Some were funny, some absurd ..... all were painful to watch. The Truth will make you free .... but reality is more painful than fantasy.
  10. I understand the peanut butter got mixed in with chocolate and broccoli and seal blubber, and the Eskimos have a new taste sensation.
  11. Don't be so hard on yourself TTH .... You should show your dog some of MY posts. *coff*
  12. There are many women who never realized they had been raped .... until the check bounced!
  13. This is cartoon silly. Bill Gates can pay all the taxes he "should" pay simply by making out a check to the United States Treasury for any amount he wants, or not claiming any legitimate deductions that his Empire certainly is entitled to. The United States Treasury DOES accept voluntary donations from various people and organizations, and I seriously doubt the IRS would complain if he overpaid by not claiming deductions. It is NOT a requirement to claim deductions. They will not send armed Treasury Agents to your house to arrest you for over-paying.
  14. I seriously doubt that two organizations almost NOBODY has ever heard of giving him the State Fair "Best in Show" blue ribbon in reality counts as "International Support.". It would be like me here in the United States ... and Frederico in Argentina, who works on a pig farm, approving of The Librarian, and labeling him as a "Super Swell Guy" also counting as "International Support" How does that translate to the REAL world ... where "the rubber meets the road"? It doesn't. You still need the price of a cup of coffee ... to buy a cup of coffee.
  15. Such is the way it is, down at the wine-dark sea, topsails and mainsails, wah de do DAH!
  16. All these things can be ameliorated and mitigated by generous infusions of LOTS of beer. Drink a six-pack of beer and your kidneys will re-discover themselves.
  17. This is why, in the history of the world, the majority has ALWAYS been wrong.
  18. ... I am currently making from an old "Mr Coffee" coffee maker a 1.21 Gigawatt power supply for my DeLorean.
  19. IT was a very accurate parody of what apparently really happened in Canada recently
  20. That's what happens when a talk radio station is broadcasting in English, and you only comprehend Japanese, and think the sound a camera makes is "CRICK".
  21. Not exactly .... in Star Trek, the Impulse drive is an incredibly strong magnetic coil that accelerates a fusion plasma ( waste product of completed fusion process) rearward at near relativistic speeds, to propel the space craft up to speeds approaching 1/4 the speed of light. It has a TREMENDOUS PUNCH when they push "the pedal to the metal". An Ion engine or drive is a weak, slow, steady push that away from a gravity well, can do the same thing ... but it may take centuries to get up to 1/4 the speed of light. Its like the difference between pushing something with a missile, or your finger. The aircraft mentioned above essentially ionizes the air with ions, and uses the air as reaction mass, and expelling it rearward. In Space, that can be done with electricity alone, assuming you have a power supply that will produce sufficient electrons. The way the fictional "Warp Drive" works is that it shortens Space in front of the Star Ship, and makes Space longer behind the Star Ship, and the ship travels in a bubble that is essentially moving faster than the speed of light, by warping Space, itself. An interesting effect is that .... just as you view light from our nearest extra-solar Centauri star system, you are seeing it as it was 4-1/2 years ago .... not now .... from Earth, , travel there in a day or so, by warp drive, would send you 4-1/2 years into THEIR apparent past. Fortunately, the Universe was designed so all time is LOCAL, and each atom runs on it's own clock, depending on velocity, and the gravity field it is in at any particular moment.
  22. I suspect there are more women of the Anointed of God, than men ... as a general rule in the general population, they seem to be more spiritual, than men ..... .... We TRY to be spiritual .... but we also try to be as cool as Clint Eastwood.
  23. Perhaps the Russians are compiling a database of all the Jehovah's Witnesses internationally who wrote them 11 train boxcars LOADED with what is essentially firewood flakes ... and who got $56 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH FROM THE BROTHERHOOD to deliver all that mail from the Universal Postal Union as Terminal Duty of 70% of the face value of the postage affixed .... to return all that free money. Ya think? They are probably still using all that paper in their stoves and furnaces for a second winter now, having been supplied by the Governing Body with abundant "fuel at the proper time". ... and that 56 Million Dollars would supply the Russkies with free Vodka for at least a decade. Now THAT'S being "spiritually prepared"!
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