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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Not exactly .... in Star Trek, the Impulse drive is an incredibly strong magnetic coil that accelerates a fusion plasma ( waste product of  completed fusion process) rearward at near relativistic speeds, to propel the space craft  up to speeds approaching 1/4 the speed of light.

    It has a TREMENDOUS PUNCH when they push "the pedal to the metal".

    An Ion engine or drive is a weak, slow, steady push that away from a gravity well, can do the same thing ... but it may take centuries to get up to 1/4 the speed of light. 

    Its like the difference between pushing something with a missile, or your finger.

    The aircraft mentioned above essentially ionizes the air with ions, and uses the air as reaction mass, and expelling it rearward.  In Space, that can be done with electricity alone, assuming you have a power supply that will produce sufficient electrons.

    The way the fictional "Warp Drive" works is that it shortens Space in front of the Star Ship, and makes Space longer behind the Star Ship, and the ship travels in a bubble that is essentially moving faster than the speed of light, by warping Space, itself.

    An interesting effect is that .... just as you view light from our nearest extra-solar Centauri star system, you are seeing it as it was 4-1/2 years ago .... not now .... from Earth, , travel there in a day or so, by warp drive, would send you 4-1/2 years into THEIR apparent  past.

    Fortunately, the Universe was designed so all time is LOCAL, and each atom runs on it's own clock, depending on velocity, and the gravity field it is in at any particular moment.

  2. 2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Those of the true Anointed whilst on this Earth, would only be human in body. In mind and heart they would be spiritual beings.   

    I suspect there are more women of the Anointed of God, than men ... as a general rule in the general population, they seem to be more spiritual, than men .....

    .... We TRY to be spiritual ....  but we also try to be as cool as Clint Eastwood.

  3. 9 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    We get reports from Russia, about the computerized file created by the Russian government with the addresses of all Jehovah's witnesses who wrote letters last year, supporting their brothers.

    Perhaps the Russians are compiling a database of all the Jehovah's Witnesses internationally who wrote them 11 train boxcars LOADED with what is essentially firewood flakes ... and who got $56 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH FROM THE BROTHERHOOD  to deliver all that mail from the Universal Postal Union as Terminal Duty of 70% of the face value of the postage affixed ....  to return all that free money.

    Ya think?

    They are probably still using all that paper in their stoves and furnaces for a second winter now, having been supplied by the Governing Body with abundant "fuel at the proper time".

    ... and that 56 Million Dollars would supply the Russkies with free Vodka for at least a decade.

    Now THAT'S being "spiritually prepared"!


    I wore a beard for about 30 years, and endured 30 years of castigation and discrimination from the Brotherhood because of it.

    Absolutely NOBODY on the outside cared one way or another.  Thinking otherwise is a complete and deeply ingrained total FANTASY.

    That's OK ... I am a grown man, and try not to think like a child .... so I mostly ignored it, even with being called into "Room 101" for interrogation and "persuasion" at least six times, which I also politely ignored, and having my service privileges revoked for years at a time, multiple times.

    Jehovah God designed it that I should have a beard.

    How would the Sisters feel if the custom was to have a double radical mastectomy for fashion's sake, because some Brothers were bothered that women have breasts?

    .... remember ... the custom of being "clean shaven" was a ROMAN ARMY custom.

    If God wanted men to have a clean shaven face, he would have invented razor blades.


  5. limmy:

    and with that philosophy, clearly the Allied Forces mobilized to push back the Germans should have never bothered, to preserve the Unity and Tranquility in Europe under Nazi Occupation, and the glories of German Civilization.

    When the Nation you love and hold dear to your heart ... and we ARE A NATION ... without land territory ... is overrun with leadership that are ... in their own words ( In the Feb., 2017 Watchtower) "neither inspired or God, or infallible". (DUH!) that is not a good time to be a "Good German".

    Remember ... according to the Theocratic Organization ruling at the time of Jesus' time on Earth ... HE was an Apostate.

    Jack Ryan is an apostate, and apparently an atheist... but TRUE is true ..... no matter what the source.

    As Winston Churchill said to his wife in the latter part of World War II, when she threatened to leave him .... (paraphrased) "Please forgive me... the only thing I know how to do is FIGHT.".


  6. I love Windows 7 because I have it overlain "Classic Shell", which makes it look like XP, but will work like a 64 bit computer. I use it 6 hours a day, and it is a real work horse!

    I have a Windows 10 computer which I keep updated  with all my Windows 7 software, but never use it.

    Windows 10 seems to have been designed by someone with a Doctorate Degree in Medieval French Literature.

  7. A great gift for a toddler is a "corn popper".  They can push it around the house for close to three years, day after day, night after night, year after year, until it wears out  "POP! POP! POP! POP!," as the balls hit the top of the acrylic dome with a resounding "crack!" sound . and the toddler pushes it from room to room.    

    After three years the clear acrylic dome will assume an opaque frosted look from several tens of millions of  loud "POPS!",  and eventually the wheels will wear down and fall off.

    This is a good time to have another one handy, in a closet ... and you can surreptitiously switch the new one for an old one when you visit and hear the Mother's  words of gratitude, and prayers of thanks as "OH MY GOD! YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT HER ANOTHER  CORN POPPER?".

    The mother may cry with joy for several days.


  8. Doctor said I have the dreaded "Forkinmouth Disease" ... being overweight is NOT MY FAULT !

    It's those nasty forks !

    ..... and, be it material food, or spiritual food .... you have to consider the credibility and reputation of the person providing it., if you are going to eat without examining it closely.

    I have absolute faith in a gallon of Butter Pecan Ice Cream.

    ...advice from Caleb, Sophia, and other Loony Tunes ... not so much.

    As Elmer Fudd used to say " .... be vewwy, vewwy careful ... hehehehehe."

  9. For those in Rio Linda ....

    It all boils down to this ONE, singular issue:

    The way disfellowshipping is done today by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is for the singular purpose of consolidating political power in the hands of the Governing Body, through fear and terror ... by with premeditated cruelty disguised as a "loving provision", destroying WHOLE FAMILIES and EXTENDED FAMILIES .... for the sins of ONE person.

  10. As I have stated many times before ... the more words a person uses to put forth his viewpoint, the less probable it is that that viewpoint reflects reality where "the rubber meets the road".

    It all boils down to this ONE, singular issue:

    The way disfellowshipping is done today by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is for the singular purpose of consolidating political power in the hands of the Governing Body, through fear and terror ... by with premeditated cruelty disguised as a "loving provision", destroying WHOLE FAMILIES and EXTENDED FAMILIES .... for the sins of ONE person.

    A very rough analogy of cutting off a babies head, when it cries.


    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?

    Reasons vary by individual person, WTB&TS policy, and what particular holiday you are asking about

    A survey of approximately 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses said 58% do not celebrate  Halloween because they find it very, very irritating to have uninvited people knocking on their doors when they are trying to take a nap.



    TIJUANA—President Donald Trump arrived early this morning in Tijuana to employ his own unique tactics to thwart the migrant caravan who have traveled on foot more than 2,500 miles from Central America seeking refuge in the United States.

    With a single can of paint and a brush, Trump rapidly painted a photorealistic scene of an inviting archway that appeared to be an open, unguarded entrance into America. Trump officials claimed in a statement released to the press that any migrant attempting to cross the border illegally would smash into this wall and become nothing more than a flat circle.

    Critics of Trump’s decoy mural policy say the painting has many problems. It depicts New York, which is not on the other side of the wall in Tijuana. It also depicts a bald eagle, piles of cash, a baseball player, and the Statue of Liberty sitting at the end of a yellow brick road for some reason. “Trump’s image of our nation is, to be frank, incredibly tacky,” said art critic Alfonzo Gabor. 

    Despite negative opinions, soon after the painting dried, the sound of a loud stampede could be heard. Soon, a cloud of dust came flying at the painting with feet sticking out of the bottom of it. The feet were wearing worn shoes, clearly implying that the moving cloud of dust was the crowd of migrants. When the crowd reached the wall, what happened next was completely unexpected. The crowd ran directly into the painting and disappeared somewhere beyond the Statue of Liberty. The wall was examined by wall scientists and other experts.  “White House physicists have come up blank on the running into the painting phenomenon,” said Vice President Mike Pence, who was also at the scene. 

    Assuming he, too could run into the mural, Trump sprinted at the brick wall so fast his hair flapped off of his scalp. Upon making contact with the painting, Trump flattened out into the shape of a pancake. Soon he began to peel away from the wall slowly as gravity took its course. When Trump hit the ground, he instantly took his original shape. Moments later, the migrant caravan came running out of the painting carrying baseballs, hotdogs, piles of cash, and pet eagles as they stampeded over Trump, leaving him staggering in a torn up suit with messed up hair and black eyes. 

    When interviewers approached the mangled president, he held up a sign that read “Ow,” then collapsed. 



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