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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I remember the story of the man who met this girl he liked, and after dinner on a Saturday, they went to a NYC Jewelry store and he picked out a 3 million dollar necklace for her, and wrote a check saying to the Jeweler,  " I will pick the necklace up Tuesday, after my check clears the bank". 

    The Jeweler was fine with this, and the man and woman spent Saturday night, Sunday, and Monday "wearing each other out!". 

    Tuesday afternoon the store called the man and told him the check had bounced for insufficient funds.

    He grinned, and said "It cost me $35 bounced check charge, for the best long weekend I have EVER had."

    There is a difference between "fetching" 90 million dollars, and GETTING 90 million dollars.

  2. SOMEBODY is financing this effort to the tune of several millions of dollars ... it is NOT a "grassroots" movement.

    I also understand that further Caravans are being organized with a planned 5 MILLION people.

    I know the answers ... but I leave it to YOU to figure out what is going on ..... it's inspirational when that light bulb clicks on in your head, and you instantly become MUCH smarter.

  3. On 5/18/2016 at 8:55 AM, WitnessConfectionProgram said:

     (To give another example, there isn't any scriptural rule against dressing like Dorothy out of 'The Wizard of Oz', but I remember a teenage girl came to an assembly dressed like that once, complete with ruby slippers - was it appropriate? 1Co 6:12 )

    I believe that is the "Native Costume" of Kansas, USA ..... and can even be accessorized with a little dog, too.

  4. 3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. You can always try to out run the guards,

    I would not try to outrun the guards if I was arrested ... under those same circumstances .... realizing there was ONLY two choices .... attack the guards and be killed on the spot ... or be tortured to death by being nailed to a piece of wood

    If I was able to manage to kill one guard ... that should do the trick.

    In retaliation, they would most probably immediately kill me then and there.

    Probably would hurt less than a big car wreck, and perhaps I could take one of them with me, and die as a man, and not a slaughtered farm animal.

    Crucifixion does not sound like a really fun weekend ....



  5. I find it interesting that every time the Republicans win by tight margins ... election officials in Florida find boxes of ballots in school classrooms, trunks of cars at the airport, in closets, down in the basement, etc, and when counted, ALWAYS favor Democrats.

    Even the fact that Democrats historically vote long after they are dead, and they also vote often, is not enough.

  6. She has been dead now for about 40 years, but I used to have a friend of my Mother's sibling family  who we used to call "Aunt Lucille". She was not really an Aunt, but I did not realize that until well into adulthood.

    She never married, and I suspect she was a lifelong virgin.

    Anyway ... she came to visit us for a few days and took a shower, and left her wet underwear hanging to dry on the shower curtain rod.

    I should mention she was average height, and weighed about 425 pounds.

    My Dad went in to take a shower, and got her underwear all wet, again, because he  thought it was part of the shower curtain.


  7. If someone cutting firewood accidentally kills me with an ax ... I could as I was dying forgive him for his error, which I would in fact do ... but how much better is it to not be too close to careless people who think they are God's gift to chopping wood.

    (Let the reader use discernment ....)

    Its better to be a live dog than a dead lion ...... but better still to be a live lion.


    There is the eternal question "How much wood would a Woodchuck chuck, if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?"

    Probably none at all ... as they have other concerns.

    And who was that Masked Man ... I never even got to thank him!

  8. On 10/25/2017 at 11:37 PM, Anna said:

    Just like understanding how the body functions was progressive for medicine (and still is).

    Contemplating the differences between various "doctrines" and what is True does make me think of certain bodily functions.

    The only "saving grace" is that everything that lives poops and pees, and there are NO exceptions.

  9. ... of course, the wood was re-usable, and to save nails, you could execute someone on BOTH sides, and just bend the nails over.

    With a one piece pole, without a cross arm, by varying the elevation, you might get 4 people on the same post, without splitting the wood!

    ANYBODY can execute criminals by torture ... good engineering is doing it at the least possible cost !

    And remember , there probably was not that much of a market in the home building industry of Jesus' day for blood soaked cross arms with a huge notch in the middle.


  10. ...make sure you have enough ammo to survive after day three, when there are mobs of hungry and thirsty and injured crazy people that DIDN'T comprehend human nature, prepare and think ahead 


  11. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    To prevent such errors, elders should tell also date of bird and ID number, his nick name if he has such.... and of course name of mother and father of particular person....., perhaps it would not be bad idea also to give names of other family members, wife, children

    Funny you should mention that, Sreko Sostar ... the WTB&TS is currently building a data base, called "Publishers ID",  where everything about every Jehovah's Witness on Earth is planned to be assembled ... they are working on it now, or possibly completed the database structure.

    As time goes on, of course, many Publishers will try to avoid the .BORG ... er .. .ORG knowing everything about them, and will try evasive tactics, such as assuming new names, so it may become necessary to tattoo their Publisher's I.D. Numbers on the inside of their left forearms.

    Resistance will be futile.


  12. I just noticed something about the picture of a foot with a spike through it, that Space Merchant posted several thread pages back.

    Heel-bone-and-nail-from-the-ossuary-of-‘Yehohanan   500  .jpg

    1.) I believe if arrested, I would have fought with every ounce of my strength, to be killed on the spot .. rather than try to stay alive a few more hours and have to endure THAT.

    2.) The Jews have a reputation of being a very ... uh ...  FRUGAL people.

    Notice how the end of that spike is bent over after they nailed a second person to the other side of the .... uh ... "cross"?


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