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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    We got to a few other issues on this thread, so I suppose it's only fair to try to address your questions here.
    I think it's obvious that a few things still work a little differently in practice than in theory, because there is such a considerable overlap in the way policy/procedure is followed and changed -- and potential consideration of any scriptural principles involved, which would then go back to the governing body for that reason if changes are being considered.
    But in theory, it's possible to distinguish the major purposes and utilization of each of the various corporations. Even here there have been several legal issues raised by the way that the corporations were set up in various countries. For example, Australia branches are still under the direction of the Pennsylvania Watch Tower corporation. Most others are under their own local corporation with some functions reporting to their own zone, and some to Pennsylvania, and some even to New York. The CCJW was specifically set up NOT to be under the direction of the Watchtower of New York or the Watch Tower of Pennsylvania.
    I will quote from the appeal that the Watchtower just filed in a CSA case in Montana which makes some clear statements about how it works in theory. (Someone just sent it to me.) But I can't do this just yet because I don't know if the appeal has been publicized yet, and I will never be the first to put something like that out into the public.
  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I remember my Scoutmaster, Mr Riley, speaking of John, when I was in my teens, during a Scout Troop campfire.
    Someone who appeared quite dead had asked him if he was going to be here when John  got here?
    He replied, yes he would be here when John got here.
    Then an apparition appeared, dragging chains while floating above the ground, and asked the same question. "You gonna be here when John gets here?"
    He again replied he would be here, when John got here.
    Then ......  a huge two ton scaly monster appeared with bloodied fangs and claws and glowing red eyes, covered in stinking gore appeared in the campsite, and asked
    "You gonna be here when John gets here?
    Mr. Riley replied  "If you ain't John ... I'M GONE!".
  3. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    If we accept ...... OK ..... and if we do not accept or we are unable to read, to get Bible, etc  ..... then what? ... does god have problem how to make communication with such person ??? Obviously Not, because you stated that Bible is Prime Method. If it is Prime than it is Not Only Method. :)))
    This is also interesting and almost contradict  idea in WTJWORG. As first, they teaching people how Bible is God's Letter for All People. In second step, in WTJWORG exists explanation that Bible (or some parts as you explained) is written for, primarily for, or only for special Class aka 144000 aka FDS aka GB (because last interpretation is, that FDS is GB and GB is FDS) By that only GB need to read Bible because God was send to them his word, not to some second class people. :))))
  4. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I think how in  such matter,  order or sequence not existing. It appears randomly :))) and alternately. 
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    That's true. You can. That's the nature of social media. You could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe you. I could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe me. Someone could just as easily make something up and no one needs to believe them.
    Hypothetical example that would probably never happen: I could claim that Charles Taze Russell was the first Vice President of the Watch Tower Society (which he was, and this is something I'm sure you already know) and you could get angry and claim that he was never the first Vice President, only the first President. If people believed you, I'd have less credibility. If people believed me, you'd have less credibility. But even if no one believed me now, someday they might buy a book by B. Schulz, for example, and see that a seemingly unbiased source agreed with me. You might then remember how angry you were, and begin to re-evaluate other things I claimed. But I might never know that a small trivial item like that might have made you positively re-evaluate some less trivial things that you once fought against.
    This is why, I have no problem bringing up lesser known items that you treat as merely conjecture at the moment. Perhaps one day you will run across one of Covington's relatives, or a former Bethelite who knows more about it. Or perhaps it will be for another reason altogether, perhaps when/if the Society changes its stance on a certain doctrine or two. And perhaps none of these things will ever happen, and you will be suspicious of me for the rest of your life. It's not a problem as long as my own conscience is clear, between me and Jehovah. 
    As you already admitted, nothing is "proven." How, for example, do you know that he was DF'd for excessive drinking? Did you see this, or did someone claim it, and it made sense to you? Did you know for a fact that he was officially reinstated? Perhaps you heard his funeral talk. Was something said about his "drinking" in that talk? The funeral talk (1978) mentions that he was now considered one of the anointed, which surprised many at the time. Do we take Brother Colin Quackenbush's word for it? What if Brother Quackenbush thought he needed to say this to protect the reputation of the newly defined "governing body" since it had long been associated with "the board of directors." The GB was already claiming that it was "representing" the entire 10,000 or so members of the "faithful and discreet slave" as they were still defined in 1978. Could Quackenbush have been trying to gain some extra credit for himself as a good friend of Covington, as if the one who had talked him out of doing something rash and stupid?
    I didn't know that a "tell-all" piece had been referenced on Wikipedia or anywhere else. Also, I'm not worried about how I'm quoted elsewhere. I'm still semi-anonymous, so what does it matter? I've been asked several times if people can quote me on their sites. I always say yes, and that they don't even have to credit me. But I have also found things I've written used in ways I didn't like, so that last part might have been a mistake.
    Always feel free to correct any mistakes.
    According to A. H. MacMillan, and as substantiated by others, this was only to happen in the event of C.T. Russell's death.
    True. And not just from the "corporation" through its bylaws. There were organizational "harvest siftings" and the equivalent of both organizational and congregational "excommunications" well before the 1947 Awake! that condemned excommunication as a pagan practice. (Look at Olin Moyle's disfellowshipping, for example.) The only thing that changed in the early 1950s was that there were now consistent organizational procedures for both congregational and organizational disfellowshippings. Consistency can result in better justice, so this should not be a completely unwelcome development.
    I gave him no input about apostates, and I don't know what recanting of his you are talking about. As I recall, I only skimmed some of what he had already written the way a proofreader or copy-editor might read it. I found a few minor errors like typos, mostly, and made a few suggestions about using statistics in such a way that they would NOT be vulnerable to attack by apostates. Of course, just as you said at the beginning, that you could say a million things, but without proof, it's all just conjecture.
  6. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Does a person have to be first Gruntled, before they can be disgruntled?
  7. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    (Referring to the JW.ORG screen shot posted above ... which was presented without comment of any kind! )
    I would like to get on the phone with Bro. Anthony Morris III (AKA "Tight Pants Tony"), and ask him if that JW Broadcasting photo of the Telly Awards is a front or rear view?
    Melinda has a good point ....
    ..... Perhaps the discussion group could include 20 or 30 of the WT lawyers, along with the GB.
    It would certainly protect the programming from getting into a rut!
    You could call the program "The Big Bang Theory, View from The Far Side".

  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    One thing that lends credence to the idea that Jehovah's Witnesses really are God's people is how well we do IN SPITE of the Governing Body ... not because of it.
    They chase away a LOT of people.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    I am afraid "smug" is  being very generous.
    The general conception of Jehovah's Witnesses, to again be "generous", is that we are programmed simpletons, and a Saturday morning nuisance, that has to be tolerated, with understanding, sympathy, and compassion ( except in the Russian Federation ...).
    Your observations are the norm, except for the GB's opinions, which are naive as well as smug.
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    Where I live, official stats reckon that 75% of under 30s have no religious thought at any time. I would concur from experience that this a likely proportion, and many 30-50 year olds are not far behind.
    However, the questions that our tracts provide a spritual answer to, they have all the time. It is just that they do not look to a God to provide answers to them. I think the tracts provide a very useful function in that they offer a route rather than an argument. When presented with our alternative view on things, if a person is delivering the message, then the receiver has to capitulate. That is not always a pleasant experience, especially for younger persons who may suffer from a measure of insecurity. The tracts offer the same solutions as we do when witnessing, but without comment or valuation on an erroneous view. The experience is private and much less painful. Then when one of us arrives with the question " Have You Ever Wondered? then the householder may well have done so at some time even if they can't remember the tract that triggered the thought.
    They work, as my own experience confirms. We don't have to like them, but we cannot deny their effectiveness. Let's face it, medicine doesn't have to taste good in order to do it's job. Wisdom is proved righteous by it's works, not it's appearance.
  11. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    From an Engineer's or Detective's viewpoint, that is a VERY easy question to answer.
    Just look at the TRACK RECORD of those who claim they have insight on the divine secrets, and tabulate how may times they have been right ... and how many times they have been wrong.
    I does NOT get any simpler than THAT.
  12. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    You know what I think would be a GREAT new feature for JW.ORG Streaming Programming?
    ( A rhetorical question, as I realize there are truly infinite answers ....)
    Have a monthly feature on JW Broadcasting, where Witnesses from all over the world, can call in live, and ask a round table of the Governing Body any questions they want to ask, and have them answered in real time, "on the air" streaming video.
    They could have it broadcast from the Gazebo on the shores of the Society's Lake at World Headquarters, every Wednesday after the Governing Body has their weekly coordination meeting (weather permitting ...). 
    ...... Sort of Like Trump addressing the nation from the South Lawn of the White House, and answering reporter's questions! (weather permitting ...)
    Unrehearsed, Unedited, Non-scripted, truly spontaneous, and all encompassing.
    Things the writing staff has not addressed, since 1870.
    Anything at ALL!
    I am betting that those Brothers and Sisters that live on the other side of our rumbling, heavy planet would by the millions, without any encouragement at all, set their alarms, and get up in the middle of the night to enthusiastically catch THAT Internet Program!
    Those that habitually fall asleep from time to time at the Kingdom Hall, including myself, would watch with eyes frozen open !  We might even have trouble BLINKING!
    Over time, it would probably become more popular than original STAR TREK reruns.
    We might even get MORE Telly Awards !

  13. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    You know what I think would be a GREAT new feature for JW.ORG Streaming Programming?
    ( A rhetorical question, as I realize there are truly infinite answers ....)
    Have a monthly feature on JW Broadcasting, where Witnesses from all over the world, can call in live, and ask a round table of the Governing Body any questions they want to ask, and have them answered in real time, "on the air" streaming video.
    They could have it broadcast from the Gazebo on the shores of the Society's Lake at World Headquarters, every Wednesday after the Governing Body has their weekly coordination meeting (weather permitting ...). 
    ...... Sort of Like Trump addressing the nation from the South Lawn of the White House, and answering reporter's questions! (weather permitting ...)
    Unrehearsed, Unedited, Non-scripted, truly spontaneous, and all encompassing.
    Things the writing staff has not addressed, since 1870.
    Anything at ALL!
    I am betting that those Brothers and Sisters that live on the other side of our rumbling, heavy planet would by the millions, without any encouragement at all, set their alarms, and get up in the middle of the night to enthusiastically catch THAT Internet Program!
    Those that habitually fall asleep from time to time at the Kingdom Hall, including myself, would watch with eyes frozen open !  We might even have trouble BLINKING!
    Over time, it would probably become more popular than original STAR TREK reruns.
    We might even get MORE Telly Awards !

  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    From an Engineer's or Detective's viewpoint, that is a VERY easy question to answer.
    Just look at the TRACK RECORD of those who claim they have insight on the divine secrets, and tabulate how may times they have been right ... and how many times they have been wrong.
    I does NOT get any simpler than THAT.
  15. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    From an Engineer's or Detective's viewpoint, that is a VERY easy question to answer.
    Just look at the TRACK RECORD of those who claim they have insight on the divine secrets, and tabulate how may times they have been right ... and how many times they have been wrong.
    I does NOT get any simpler than THAT.
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Who knows the divine secrets except God himself ?
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I'm just trying to be fair, and I believe the truth is the truth and a lie is a lie no matter who says it.
  18. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You are correct BillyTheKid46 anonymous avatar, whoever you REALLY are:
    You did not make a direct connection of your insults to me, immediately preceding that delusional commentary, which was not intended as a direct connection by insult to you.  
    I was responding to a well established pattern of you calling people and their concerns garbage, fools, and cowards, etc., and your generalized sanctimonious condemnation of those posting here that think differently than you, that you consider spiritual dullards.
    However, it was not my intent to insult you ........  merely highlight your delusional commentary.
    I apologize for any insult.
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You are correct BillyTheKid46 anonymous avatar, whoever you REALLY are:
    You did not make a direct connection of your insults to me, immediately preceding that delusional commentary, which was not intended as a direct connection by insult to you.  
    I was responding to a well established pattern of you calling people and their concerns garbage, fools, and cowards, etc., and your generalized sanctimonious condemnation of those posting here that think differently than you, that you consider spiritual dullards.
    However, it was not my intent to insult you ........  merely highlight your delusional commentary.
    I apologize for any insult.
  20. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Is this the best reply you can manage, Billy?
    ANOTHER false flag?

  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Not unless you use your REAL name .... you have not.
    Hiding behind a Billy the KId avatar is, when you brag about showing "true colors", is flying a false flag.
    The HYPOCRISY is why you get called on it, and others do not.
    I am interested in WHY you chose such a despicable character as your Avatar?
    Unless of course you really ARE like Henry McCarty, AKA William H. Bonney,  who was a murderer and a thief, and an amoral person.
    ... and the false flag you fly hides the "Jolly Roger".

  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Not unless you use your REAL name .... you have not.
    Hiding behind a Billy the KId avatar is, when you brag about showing "true colors", is flying a false flag.
    The HYPOCRISY is why you get called on it, and others do not.
    I am interested in WHY you chose such a despicable character as your Avatar?
    Unless of course you really ARE like Henry McCarty, AKA William H. Bonney,  who was a murderer and a thief, and an amoral person.
    ... and the false flag you fly hides the "Jolly Roger".

  23. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in There is Nothing New Under the Sun   
    They say "Distance makes the heart grow fonder",  and your being at least three States away from North Carolina is an idea that warms my heart.
    So .... per your statement quoted here, who have you actually threatened?

  24. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in There is Nothing New Under the Sun   
    Well Billy, I am actually glad you asked that specific question:
    (Remember "Specific", the Ocean West of California ...)
    The answer is .....
    No ... the reason is very clear to EVERYBODY ... except you.
    You are a chronic, and continuous slanderer and liar, with delusions of scriptural grandeur, who continually attacks others without provocation .... so when they RESPOND with pointing out you goofy logic, virulent hatred, and insults ... it is ONLY self defense on their part.
    You are chastised and threatened with banishment because you are a colossal pain in the butt.
    Others are not chastised as they are merely defending themselves FROM you, by pointing it out .... which everybody realizes .... except you.
    All that being said, you may in fact be a much better JW than most here, including myself .... who makes no claim whatsoever of being a "good" one.
    You are still my Brother, but you scare the hell out of me ... in a nice, long distance way,  of course ... bless your pea-pickin' heart.
  25. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in There is Nothing New Under the Sun   
    What you get from other peoples' input is not only astounding, ... it's truly stunning.
    I am stunned that you are giving advice that I am no God, and that I am trying to give the impression of  a Trinity.
    How you get these ideas may be of serious concern.   THAT one was a certified Doozie.
    That was as strange as your accusing me of hiding behind an avatar, when it is you that are doing that.
    ..... I think I have you figured out, Billy.
    You are projecting who you are, which you view with revulsion and contempt ....  onto everyone else.
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