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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Upvote
    Oh my. It seems Billy the Kid's imagination is running away with him!
  2. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in Mark Zuckerberg calling for International Censorship Laws to supercede US Constitutional Law seems almost treasonous. Is there a law restricting US Citizens from trying to undermine the US Constitution?   
    Mark Zuckerberg calling for International Censorship Laws to supercede US Constitutional Law seems almost treasonous. Is there a law restricting US Citizens from trying to undermine the US Constitution?
    No, there is not.   You may use any peaceful means to completely change the Government to suit any model of idea you have.  Since the painfully ignorant have become the majority, this is now ... IN PROGRESS.
  3. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in Is there a list of popular Google Home commands?   
    "Fetch", "Roll Over",  "Go Outside", "Compute Pi, all the way out."
    .... do my taxes!
  4. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    I spent about two hours in the hospital today havin' my very first colonoscopy ... where you lay on your side and a room full of people put tools and cameras up your butt, to see if you have mushrooms growing there ... and I had six baby mushrooms aborted before they developed fangs and ate me while alive. 
    Although the probability of excessive bleeding was very low, ... "things happen", and I insisted on no blood or blood fractions, as is my custom ..... so I think Jack Ryan's question is valid, pertinent, and IMPORTANT.
    Having that PRINCIPLE firmly answered in one's own mind is the beginning of truth. liberty and freedom from enslavement to the minds of men, and even the vagaries and delusions that we hold dear in our own little minds, made mostly of fat.
    The TRUTH will make you free ... anything else will enslave you.
    Afterwards, because I had not eaten anything for 36 hours before the procedure, I came home and had a HUGE ham sandwich Hoagie/Grinder.
    I even enjoyed the Oink.
  5. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in I'm a wealthy Polish merchant in 1600. Can I freely move to London or Paris or will I have to deal with immigration controls?   
    If you and your associates are heavily armed, the chances of unimpeded access increases dramatically.
  6. Haha
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in What is the difference between a Ramjet and a Scramjet?   
    A scramjet is basically a piece of pipe with fire at the back end.  The super compression of the incoming air at supersonic speeds alleviates the need for a LOT of parts... but depending on the size, will not work at all below certain supersonic speeds.
  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in What is it like to live in the center of London?   
    It depends on how much money you have to spend.
    Anywhere from Stalag 17, to Buckingham Palace.
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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ask me a question in What are unique experiences not to miss in Russia?   
    Visit the Gulags.
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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in Why are people saying that 2020 is the end of the world?   
    People from "Blue States"?
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from b4ucuhear in Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?   
    Since you mentioned me three times in your immediately preceding post, here is my third reply.
    I agree with you on THAT comment AllenSmith ... if it had not been for OUTSIDE sources ... all the secular authorities ... we would know NOTHING about all that is going on concerning this issue.
    Bro. Stephen Lett in a JW.ORG Video declared quite vehemently, looking straight into the camera,  that all the accusations about JW Pedophile issues and cover-ups were  " .. APOSTATE LIES !!"
    .. and this was about two months before we learned from the ARC ... an arm of the Australian Government, of 1006 perpetrators in over 5,000 instances that were hidden from the Brotherhood, in secret files in various Congregations, and in secret sealed blue envelopes sent to the Australian JW Branch Offices.
    In my PERSONAL experience ...  have never seen or heard, even through gossip,  about any JW pedophiles in over 50 years ... so I am inclined to believe ( somewhat ) TTH's claim that we do better than 90% of the "world" in that regard .
    As much as what IS really going on burns my butt ... I am even more concerned about the institutional cover-up via THREATS of disfellowshipping ... and ACTUAL disfellowshippings, of the Brotherhood ... Brothers and Sisters in the Congregations  .... victims .... and those who wanted to go to the police, but under threat of expulsion, and actual expulsion and abandonment, did not, and were SILENCED.
    In over 50 years, I have repeatedly personally seen in many, many Congregations,  and experienced myself, many similar unjust things.
    This I have PERSONALLY seen, as institutionalized policy ... in actual practice.
    It is our immoral capacity for institutionalized extreme CRUELTY TO EACH OTHER, in the name of righteousness ...  that boils my blood.
    I am not discouraged by how I am treated by the "world". 
    I can shrug that off.
    I am weary to my very soul of how we,  to defend the indefensible,  we treat each other.
    ... and don't even get me started about the perversion of Justice in the Delaware cases of the Society's Lawyers doing everything they can to keep lawsuits from being adjudicated, ACTIVELY perverting Justice using contributed donations .... and their similar efforts in every court case I have read about, and every court transcript I have read.
    Want to test this hypothesis about honesty and integrity?
    Go to the JW.ORG website, where legal developments in the news concerning JWs are highlighted ... and see how much honest real legal news about THIS there is.
    The last time I checked, it was ZERO
    It is NOT Theocratic Loyalty to defend the indefensible.
    If it had not been for OUTSIDE sources ... all the secular authorities, and others incensed by injustices ... we would know NOTHING about all that is going on concerning this issue.
    ...... and that's the fact, Jack.

  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Space Merchant in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    @Jack Ryan tsk... tsk... tsk... If that was suppose to be a joke (a silly one at that), you've lost both my attention and care... Tet ou gate.
  14. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    This is the doctorine of the erroneous assumption.
  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Matthew9969 in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    Good question.
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Jack Ryan in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    Would a Hebrew have understood the prohibition on pork as meaning he had to avoid "major" pig fractions (ham, bacon, ribs) but "minor" pig fractions like pickled feet and fried pork rinds were ok?
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Thinking in How many ribs did Adam have?   
    I agree, that both men and women have the same  number of ribs .... what I was TRYING to explain that the Bible says Jehovah took A RIB (not a portion of a rib) from Adam.   That left him short, one rib.
    His children would STILL be born with the usual number of ribs.
    There is NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE about "a portion of a rib ...", or that " his rib grew back".
  18. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Thinking in Holy Spirits - Episode 22 - Watchtower In Focus   
    As much as I am amazed, entertained, and chagrined by TPT's (Tight Pants Tony's) thinking processes, sometimes I think of it a "Creepygate", I think "Bottlegate" is a tempest in a teapot ... that is to say .. much ado about NOTHING !
    Absolutely NOTHING!
    WDS (Watchtower Derangement Syndrome) is a phenomenon that cuts BOTH ways ... from the inside, looking out ... and from the outside, looking in ... and in this case, the AGENDA DRIVEN THINKING from the outside looking in has severely clouded the thinking and reasoning abilities of the complainers.
    Agenda driven thinking is ALWAYS faulty.
    HOWEVER, that being said ... the video above is well worth watching.
  19. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Thinking in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    Lies and cover-ups ALWAYS lead to MORE lies and MORE coverups ... and there are no exceptions.
    We should be proud of EVERYTHING we do, and where we screw up ... fess up, take a beating, and keep on keeping on.
    That's how it works with men of integrity, which in the GB, seems to be in short supply....
    ...if it involves money.
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Belgium: Police descend on Jehovah's Witness HQ after abuse allegations   
    Could anyone disobeying the High Priest and the Sanhedrin be a true servant of God ? Oh yes it was Jesus.
    Could anyone condemning the Pharisees be a true servant of God ? Yes once again Jesus.
    And which of the disciples/apostles was it said 'We must serve God as ruler rather than men' ? Was it Paul. 
    Billy you have no idea. How many times have the Watchtower writers condemned the Catholic Church, and it has been passed as ok by the GB. 
    There are how many different types of 'Christianity' ? And you would not 'sow discourse' against any of them ? 
    As for interfering with the police doing their duty, i think it has happened within the JW Org. And the Org tried to stop the Charity Commision carrying out their investigation here in the UK. 
    As for who is Anointed and who isn't, is it our place to judge ? Let God through Jesus Christ be the judge. 
    And wasn't there an actual video of a brother telling Elders to destroy evidence because 'the devil is coming after the Org'. 
    I do wish my memory was better on these things. 
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    The Lawyers and Accountants now decide theocratic policy for the WTB&TS, and that is a documented fact many times on public display, as discussed here, ad nauseum .... They care ONLY about winning the case for the Society, and care NOTHING about TRUTH and JUSTICE, fairness or equity... or they would not do what they do so transparently BADLY.
    The quest for Justice is, for us as an organization, all about preserving money ....  and real estate, through strategy and tactics that would embarrass a crooked used-car salesman.
    The Society has NEVER admitted making an administrative mistake that would cost them money, and it took a hundred years for the one-liner in the February 2017 Watchtower for the GB to admit, hidden in a paragraph, that they were NEITHER inspired of God, or infallible.
    Other than that .... NEVER.
    EVER  (Please correct me with a real example if I am wrong...)
    The same is true about the real and alleged victim's lawyers who choose to represent the plaintiffs.
    They will only take a case on contingency based on their evaluation that they cannot lose the case, or can force the Society to settle for enough money to make their case, and STILL BE PAID. 
    The way the civil secular courts work,  they only have to prove their case to a preponderance of evidence.
    For those in Rio Linda, that means 51%.
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Space Merchant in JW Dress Rules   
    I'm going by religious statistic as I had before because you claim the latter was committing slander in their numbers. There is also many sources that even state the same thing, so those numbers are indeed true. If you lack spiritual wisdom, how are you so sure? Because last I was here before the whole Assange situation, you said you are seeking truth, at least be reasonable and honest.
    Moreover, the word "adherents" was coined by said source:
    The group reports a worldwide membership of approximately 8.58 million adherents involved in evangelism and an annual Memorial attendance of over 20 million.
    I recall telling you in your response that the numbers are only going up whereas you said it was going down, which was false.
    There you go slandering again. Can you prove that the numbers were made up if one and several other sources says otherwise? The pews website was not made by children, nor was Wikipedia, nor was other Christian statistics websites.
    I am not talking about JWs bringing up the numbers, I am, and my sources re of those who actually count statistics in adherents/members numbers of all Christian denominations, if fact, all rebellious denominations.
    Also it is called Demographics
    Definition - statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
    So where does that leave the pews and other sources when coming up with the numbers of religious demographics of said faith? They do the same thing with us Unitarians, although they bunch us all together, they also segregate the denominations and show the numbers.
    How is this alien to you, Butler?
    The irrelevancy is quite jarring to the eyes.Especially when the evidence is before us in this sense. Those who do the demographics, allow me to show you of what you ignored in the past, at least back then, even JTR gets it.
    Here is an example:
    Pretty sure the website(s) were not founded by 3 year olds, show some respect.... Also Ward Cunningham is 69, born in 1949, he isn't 3 either...
    It is not about enticement. You made a claim and I'll quote you: "Wow are they lowering the standards as they are rapidly losing members ? "
    This is slander because people who do the statistics says otherwise, therefore, you committed slander to your very teeth.
    Numbers do mean something because numbers brings forth truth to claim, as is in this example regarding erroneous claims on your part. I assume that taking in wisdom has been "thrown out the window" in this sense concerning you.
    Unwell? I concur, this is coming from the man who confuse actions of men with clothing yet wears said clothing of what he made claims against, thus  spinning the wheel of hypocrisy.
    Check thyself and your own comments because it is not by means of your unwellness that shows here, but your ignorance.
    That being said, when more important matters I was in discussion of regarding critical issues and religious attacks and a list of other things, here we see you still haven't changed one bit.
    I linked to you before the pews website, I suggest giving it a look this time.
    I'll say it again to you, Butler - Open your eyes because you continue to keep them shut.
  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    Focus on the purpose of the anointing. They have a lot of work to do, if this verse is any indication. Has the GB been doing that work?
    No matter how much one may dislike them, one will not dispute that they have organized a massive worldwide preaching campaign of a unifying message. Have others done the same? There are many faiths that evangelize, but almost always their message ends where the JW message begins: that there is a God who has arranged that our sins be forgiven. Do they “declare abroad the excellencies?” What excellencies? They just declare abroad that he exists. More often than not, they declare that Jesus IS God.
    When the GB discusses Revelation and like passages, I get the sense of massive super-human empires battling it out—beasts, women, false prophets, merchants of the earth. It doesn’t mean that the GB is right in every particular, but then, they say as much in the introduction to the Revelation Climax book.
    When Witness discusses Revelation and like passages, I get the sense of eavesdropping on a family feud—the “good” anointed redirecting every verse to show out the “bad” anointed have outmaneuvered them, have hogged all the glory, and are living the good life on the backs of the “oppressed” sheep. It gets old.
    Really? It’s a little late to be changing horses midstream, methinks. Are we really so very far from the end of this system of things that we can lollygag along and wait for major overhaul of everything? For that matter, does Witness even think that there is an end fast approaching? She has never really offered any specifics on spiritual matters, other than the “bad” anointed have done dirty to the “good” anointed, for which they should be hung high.
    Me—I’ve got a good gig going with these guys. I get significant support both spiritually and logistically. Why on earth would I trade that in to side with “renegade anointed” if they are that, who connect with each other via Skype, and who have offered little more than blistering criticism of those who I think are overall doing pretty well?
    Witness is frequently imploring me to go back and reread her words so as to give her feedback—what did I “glean” from this or that speech? She suspects I didn’t read her messages thoroughly. It’s a little difficult to partake of a meal when it is doused in vinegar. If she didn’t continually malign those taking the lead she might find me more receptive to her words.
    In fact, maybe it is that expectation—that you can douse the meal with vinegar yet still expect it to be savored that makes me wonder if she is not, in her words, “this crazy anointed woman.” I can categorically say that she is not, for if she is crazy, then she is not anointed, and if she is anointed, then she is not crazy. If she is both, then there is reason to think that the new system will be as nutso as this one, and perhaps it is time for me to check out now and join Srecko.
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW Dress Rules   
    “American studies show that Jehovah's Witnesses have the highest turnover of any religion,1 as supported by Watchtower figures presented in this section.”
    Easily compensated for by the high participation rate of those who stick. After all, the members of a great many denominations may not actually leave, but how would you know if they did?
  25. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in JW Dress Rules   
    .... I was once called down from the platform, because I had a blue shirt, instead of a white shirt.
    It looks like this Brother solved that problem.
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