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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in How many ribs did Adam have?   
  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in How many ribs did Adam have?   
    Queen Esther:
    Since the Bible does not say, and you do not have x-rays, can you please tell me HOW you reached the conclusions about a "partial rib", and his rib grew back?
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    Billy, thank you yet again for showing your true colors.
    The worst part of it is, that you are flying a "false flag", in your own mind, to yourself.

  4. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in Peru: Former president Garcia kills himself to avoid arrest   
    Back then, 1984, I did not follow politics and was as ignorant as a slug about such things.
    My ex-wife's sister married a Belaunde in the Peruvian Presidential Palace, and it was her uncle by marriage that was the President, replaced by Allen Garcia.
    They told me Alan Garcia was a communist, and I took that at face value.
    At this time Peru was engaged in a minor civil war with the "Shining Path", who were blowing up Power transmission towers in the Lima environs.
    My main concern was getting my wife and newborn son out of country.
    I did not begin learning about terrestrial politics until 1988.
  5. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    It's really quite simple .....
    Foreigner hates things that do not agree with his preconceived WDS agenda.    
    He doesn't know why .... he just hates because other peoples' comments do not conform to official agenda policy.
    THEREFORE, he never makes an intelligent reply, or ANY "down arrow" explanatory reply that I remember..
    Although .... I would like to quote Foreigner who does an excellent job when debating some non-Witnesses.
    " Quotes:
    When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. –Dresden James
    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. –Unknown
    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth–not starting, and not going all the way.–Buddha"
    He cannot battle logic, reason, and common sense with clown car WDS agenda driven fantasy.
    It would be like bringing a rubber chicken to a gun fight ....
    .... and he knows it!
  6. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I used to do complex calculations for over 40 years for a living, so I have developed a BETTER system of calculating when the Memorial should be observed, even though it is ONLY a tradition as to when we celebrate it now, as we do not celebrate the Passover
    ... when you see the Jews celebrate Passover, do the Memorial.
    ....and always keep plenty of red wine and unleavened bread in your bomb shelters.
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    It's really quite simple .....
    Foreigner hates things that do not agree with his preconceived WDS agenda.    
    He doesn't know why .... he just hates because other peoples' comments do not conform to official agenda policy.
    THEREFORE, he never makes an intelligent reply, or ANY "down arrow" explanatory reply that I remember..
    Although .... I would like to quote Foreigner who does an excellent job when debating some non-Witnesses.
    " Quotes:
    When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. –Dresden James
    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. –Unknown
    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth–not starting, and not going all the way.–Buddha"
    He cannot battle logic, reason, and common sense with clown car WDS agenda driven fantasy.
    It would be like bringing a rubber chicken to a gun fight ....
    .... and he knows it!
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    Hi, I also wonder, why @Foreigner giving me so much red arrows too ? ...... and not giving any comments on my post, just downvote reaction :))))) perhaps man only know to read and not to write. Even i can write with my poor English  :))))))) 
    Thank you very much, to all who reading my comments and have understanding and patience for my grammar  
  9. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Witness in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    @BillyTheKid46 aka Allen Smith.  I'm just wondering why you have @Foreigner click the angry red arrows for you?  I marvel at your game-playing.  
  10. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I used to do complex calculations for over 40 years for a living, so I have developed a BETTER system of calculating when the Memorial should be observed, even though it is ONLY a tradition as to when we celebrate it now, as we do not celebrate the Passover
    ... when you see the Jews celebrate Passover, do the Memorial.
    ....and always keep plenty of red wine and unleavened bread in your bomb shelters.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Bible.Truth in Because of insecurity, Jehovah's Witnesses no longer go out to preach   
    Here's the link to the actual article - it does NOT say we have stopped preaching.  Just the opposite, it  points out the dangers our brothers face there while continuing to preach: https://www.elsoldetoluca.com.mx/republica/sociedad/por-la-inseguridad-testigos-de-jehova-ya-no-salen-a-predicar-lo-hacen-a-traves-de-una-aplicacion-movil-1766091.html.  Here is the article Google-translated to English:
     FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018
    Because of the insecurity, Jehovah's Witnesses no longer go out to preach, they do it through a mobile application
    Users can download the bible in more than 234 languages and dialects
     VILLAHERMOSA, TABASCO.-Due to the high levels of insecurity that are experienced in the streets of Villahermosa, Jehovah's Witnesses have had to resort to technology to be able to preach from a mobile application, where users can download the Bible in more of 234 languages and dialects; and with that, to face the fact that people do not want to open the doors of their houses for fear of being looted.
     And they pointed out that before the increase in the crime rate, many citizens are afraid to let them go to their homes to receive the word of God, that is why now they resort to only inviting them -from the gates or sidewalks- to download the application and explore information related to Jehovah's commands, said Raymundo Argudo Pérez, preacher.
     "It is a free application for all people where the Jehovah's Witnesses society can check online information such as biblical films, cartoons for children, advice for children on how to be obedient to parents, also the online Bible "He said.
     To which he continued: Some people because they fear to open their doors and we avoid accessing homes, we always tell them what better from the outside.
     However, they continue to travel the city in their free time to transfer the wisdom of Jesus Christ through preaching in homes that allow them, a situation that makes them vulnerable to the robberies of lovers of others, especially in colonies popular so-called red lights.
     He even said that criminals have accessed inside religious centers where they meet, to kidnap preachers.
     "In some places they have assaulted us, they have even entered the halls of the kingdom where we have met, they have assaulted us, they have kidnapped brothers; This affects us all equally and is something for which we ask our Lord God, to solve these problems but while that happens we have to continue preaching, "he said.
     Finally, he shared that it is an activity that they carry out voluntarily, and in their particular case, they dedicate 70 hours of service per month; however, despite the danger of crime they will continue to do so.
     "We do not charge anything and we do it voluntarily taking into account a biblical principle recorded in Matthew chapter 10 verse 8, where our Lord Jesus Christ expressed himself when he trained his disciples to go preach, he did not charge them if he did not He said, they received free den for free, the word of God is not sold, "he concluded.
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    Well, I still have about a dozen more such letters, 2 compete sets of Gilead class notes, talk assignments, photos, some research write-ups, some original Watchtower and Awake! artwork in various stages of completion, and a variety of notices from the Bethel Home office.
    It's true don't believe that anything that went on behind the scenes at Bethel needs to remain hidden, but neither does it all need to be publicized. Revealing certain things could be unloving as it might hurt or embarrass specific living persons. But, even more it is not necessarily beneficial or loving to share all good things either. For example, I will not share entire sets of Gilead notes, even though I believe that everything taught to Gilead Students should also be available to every other Witness. But I know of Gilead Students who might feel that their privilege is somehow devalued if those who were not invited were allowed to get all the same information. Personally, I think this is an unchristian and unscriptural attitude. But, then again, most of what was taught in these particular Gilead notes is considered no longer valid doctrine anymore (a lot of Elijah class, Elisha class, Prodigal Son class, Samaritan class, Jezebel class, Ahab class, etc.). So it's really only useful for historical purposes.
    For now, I'll just share a few of the more innocuous items. The next item posted will show some of the names of non-Gilead personnel involved in addressing Gilead classes. A lot of persons might have been surprised listening to a Gilead Graduation by Brother Fred Franz, and hearing him say that the graduation event was the first time he had ever met with them or addressed them.
    See next post:
  14. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    Billy, thank you yet again for showing your true colors.
    The worst part of it is, that you are flying a "false flag", in your own mind, to yourself.

  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    Let me revisit this. 
    Why would it be wrong to say ‘celebrate?’ It exactly fits. 
    Christ bestowed the greatest gift that can be given and he willingly offered his life in sacrifice so as to do it. Yes, of course it is proper to say ‘celebrate.’ 
    Should I have said ‘Be kind to yourself, Lord. You will not have this destiny at all?’
    Not to be mean, because you were not to me, but this smacks of a certain false piety to me, a certain sanctimoniousness, and a certain eagerness to harp over trifles. There is nothing wrong with the term so that you must correct it.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in How many ribs did Adam have?   
    Circuit Overseer told a joke about how Eve would count Adam's ribs while he was sleeping to see if he had another woman.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in JW.org in Vietnam!   
    Just a quick note to brothers and sisters visiting communist countries...(I assume you have all left Vietnam by now...This one came via another brother who saw it on reddit)
    Please don't risk your life by posting such notes on cafe walls.
    You could have very easily ended up in jail.
    There have got to be better ways.
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in How many ribs did Adam have?   
  19. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Hankulan-Tunani in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    If when you are finished... you do not have loose or missing teeth ... you have not been in a fight.
    All that is done here is merely discussion.
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    If when you are finished... you do not have loose or missing teeth ... you have not been in a fight.
    All that is done here is merely discussion.
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    @BillyTheKid46, You seem to spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to provoke persons into fighting with you. It is as though you have a NEED to fight. I have seen this from you (and yours) for quite a while now. In a recent thread about Brother Morris visiting a liquor store, I agreed with you completely that the post was irrelevant and irreverent and it tried to make something scandalous out of a potentially innocent activity without 100 percent proof. (And I thought your pun was good, too. See page 4 of that topic.) You and Melinda Mills spoke about the Venezuelan economic issues under Maduro. You helped to clarify the picture that Melinda posted, the one with worthless money in the gutter, when you provided a link to the explanatory SNOPES article. I mentioned that I appreciated that same SNOPES link you provided because it gave details about how and when those pictures came about, and I quoted verbatim from your link. 
    Then you inexplicably decided to reject the explanation from your own link, and claim that I was somehow attacking the vision that your mother had told you about in the 1960's. What made this so odd was that I had already agreed that the picture was related to that same expectation. My own mother referenced that point from Ezekiel 7:19, as did Melinda's.
    You said:
    BTK: "What was fasinating to me, My mother pointed it out to me in the '60s as a devout JW that would happen, and it sure the hell did. There is no photoshop on that. It's not a tale." To which I responded, that in spite of the propaganda use that was presented in SNOPES that, Yes. . . :
    JWI: "It was still related to Maduro, and is still related to money becoming worthless. It is still supportive of the idea that people will be throwing their money (even their gold) in the streets, because money is of no value as a savior in the day of Jehovah's fury. It shows how bad things can get." To which you responded:
    BTK: "I understand you are trying desperately to delegitimize my mother’s vision. Do that with your own mother, lay off mine." I didn't bother to respond, after which you added:
    BTK: "Its unfortunate someone like JWinsider decided to insult and denigrate a relative, and James thinking it’s funny to do just that, makes them the biggest AH’s in this forum." I'm sure that a few people didn't realize that you had made up the whole thing about someone "denigrating a relative" just to provoke a fight in the same way worldly people do when they hurl insults about each other's mother, and call each other "AH," which has been used as an abbreviation for a**hole. When you provoke and the other party doesn't respond in kind, I'm sure it can be frustrating. But please don't bring these same worldly attitudes and posturings into every topic. You end up discrediting yourself instead of your target.
    "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight." (2 Tim 2:24)
  22. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in SEARS files for bankruptcy   
    I was once talking to my wife at a restaurant about the disadvantages, physically, of growing old, and a waitress servicing the table, who was listening, asked me "Don't you wish you could be young, again?"
    I looked up at her and grinned "If I become young again, do I have to NOT KNOW what I have learned over the years?
    She replied  "Of course!"
    I replied "No, thank you,"
    I can take aspirin for my aches and pains.
    There is no such thing as a "smart pill".
  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Money & Finance in A credit score is an "I ❤️ DEBT" score, and you don't need one.   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.  Similar to the Aristocrats in France lecturing the Parisian factory workers on the importance of cleanliness.
    While the lesson may be true....
    It may not be an option for a vast majority of common people.
    "Let them eat cake!" 
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Money & Finance in Instagram Passwords Management   
    Why would anybody care?
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Money & Finance in A credit score is an "I ❤️ DEBT" score, and you don't need one.   
    Very true.
    I wish I had enough money to never have to buy ANYTHING on credit ... but sometimes I have to pay to rent the future.
    I would much rather have 60 million dollars in liquid assets, and a credit rating of ZERO.
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