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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in Anaconda of more than 15 meters in the region of the xingu river   
    As I sit here typing, in my house, with only my wife and 6 dogs, I have my hand gun in my right front pants pocket, and if standing up, can draw and fire in 3/8 of a second.  The reason I have a red dot laser on it is I don't miss.
     A FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) 9mm bullet will go through a standard car door with ease ... perhaps all the way through a car, and out the other side.
    The rest is up to divine providence, and pure, dumb luck.
    ... and not being where snakes that size are.
  3. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Joan Kennedy in Why did Jehovah’s Witnesses  recently organize a worldwide letter writing campaign due to the persecution in Russia and not for other countries where there is also persecution?   
    Also there were 175,000 fellow worshippers  threatened with imprisonment.  In the past, fellow worshippers have written to despots and dictatorial governments in behalf of  their  brothers and sisters. Happy to do so.  
  4. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in Anaconda of more than 15 meters in the region of the xingu river   
    A full size man would be an afternoon snack for that thing.
  5. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to admin in 10 Month Old Baby with a Photographic Brain!   
    The video opens in my Safari browser. Maybe it is one of your settings?
  6. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    I think BillytheKid46 was referring to "Ho Ho Ho Ho:  - -   - -  - -  - -  - - ", followed by "Bah!, Humbug!"

  7. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    I an glad you expressed that sentiment as your opinion ... therefore I have no objection.
    However, if you keep up with published COURT TRANSCRIPTS of testimonies by our "Clergy", under oath before God and man, you will see that not only are Sreko Sostar's observations valid ... but the Society's positions and reasonings have been exposed as duplicitous, and contrary to the principles of justness and fairness, and just plain common decency. 
    They have ticked off and ran the patience of many Judges.  
    I realize on this forum not many people follow threads that closely, so holding people accountable for not  knowing everything is  unrealistic , and not fair.
    Two things you can do to minimize arguments between me and you, and help me to understand your viewpoints more effectively.
    1.) When you have opinions, considered or grabbed out of the air, please state them AS your opinions. It keeps me from hyperventilating.
    2.) Make your text BIGGER, so I can read it.
  8. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    I made a mistake ... Billy's point here is VERY relevant.
    Morality and Justice NEEDS to trump legal considerations ... or its all just a million words .... written in discarded books that sell on Ebay for collectors of the nostalgic past, and home libraries covered in dust, and eventually eaten by worms.
    ....don't look for ways to weasel out of Justice.
  9. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    That is EXACTLY why it is blatantly STUPID .... to label YOURSELF as CLERGY.
    It's like deliberately  running into an incoming  shoulder-thrown fist from professionals that needed your cooperation to break your skull
    I believe it is time for BillytheKid46 to post something irrelevant and off point now, so I will yield the floor ....

  10. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    John: The logic of your argument is inescapable ... or at least beyond my abilities to misconstrue.

  11. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    This is NOT true ... from the legal sources you yourself quoted earlier ... go back and read your own citations.
    Your agenda has clouded your reading comprehension and perception skills.
    If we lable OURSELVES Clergy, which the Society HAS DONE .... we are saddled with the law regarding Clergy
    In the United States, the government cannot label your religious affiliated people "Clergy" ... separation of Church and State. They cannot even question you about ANY beliefs or labels you GIVE YOURSELVES.
    It is the WTB&TS that is claiming CLERGY PRIVILEGE ... not them ( the government) assigning it, which is illegal.
  12. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    If this is true TTH .... AND IT'S NOT ... Why does the WTB&TS represent themselves in court case after court case .... AS CLERGY ... in order to not have to tell the secrets they are privy to, that in the genuine public interest .... our own ... and outsiders .. there needs to be full disclosure, and reporting as a MORAL imperative ...screw getting a legal exemption, which they salivate and lust for ... crimes to the Civil Authorities?
    I did not TRY to say anything other than what I did say.
    AS USUAL, your agenda driven thinking caused you to deliberately misunderstand, and attempt diversion and obfuscation.
    Theoretically, like us, no Catholic clergy gets a paycheck ... but like us ...  in most cases ....   they get all expenses covered, and never miss a meal, sleep cold, or dress shabbily.
    I have done all three WITH a paycheck.
  13. Upvote
    Priests would be added to the list of professions if the legal changes are accepted. 
    Justice is slow but sometimes it happens. ;))
  14. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Man Born Without Arms or Legs Lives Life to its Fullest   
    This video about  *Nick Vujicic*  is showing us, that he started one day, loving GOD, his son JESUS Christus & God's word the Bible
    May Jehovah bless you, Nick Vujicic  ❤♥☼♥❤
  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    “The court ruled that the church had no obligation to warn the congregation that the member had admitted to previously molesting his stepdaughter.”
    Um, i wonder what God's thoughts on the matter are though ?  
    How exactly is it protecting the children in the congregation or outside by keeping it secret ? 
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    I an glad you expressed that sentiment as your opinion ... therefore I have no objection.
    However, if you keep up with published COURT TRANSCRIPTS of testimonies by our "Clergy", under oath before God and man, you will see that not only are Sreko Sostar's observations valid ... but the Society's positions and reasonings have been exposed as duplicitous, and contrary to the principles of justness and fairness, and just plain common decency. 
    They have ticked off and ran the patience of many Judges.  
    I realize on this forum not many people follow threads that closely, so holding people accountable for not  knowing everything is  unrealistic , and not fair.
    Two things you can do to minimize arguments between me and you, and help me to understand your viewpoints more effectively.
    1.) When you have opinions, considered or grabbed out of the air, please state them AS your opinions. It keeps me from hyperventilating.
    2.) Make your text BIGGER, so I can read it.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    If you want to get that technical, then probably yes. But I think secular authorities recognize the term Overseer,  (or Church Overseer) so they may not find the need to resort to those labels.
  18. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    ... of course, and WT is also one of the system players with or without implemented secular or non secular laws and procedures and all possible interpretations of that laws, regulations, internal and outside rules.
    All that makes them, WTJWorg, as any other Organization. Worldly or Divinely, all failed. And all of them have strong tendency, intention to hide own wrongs. Hide own but to point with finger on other Organizations.
    WT publications has many articles about, for example Catholic Church, and child abuse made by priests (not need to mention many emphasized things about "spiritual adultery", revealed by WT, about Roman Church and others churches. What Catholic magazine, or from some other religious org., systematically, for decades "attacks" WTJWorg? I am not reader of any religious publications today. In past i was reading only WT magazines, because it was and it is forbidden by WT to have and to read any other, different religious material that is not published by WT. 
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Canada: Judge authorizes class action for Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims   
    I an glad you expressed that sentiment as your opinion ... therefore I have no objection.
    However, if you keep up with published COURT TRANSCRIPTS of testimonies by our "Clergy", under oath before God and man, you will see that not only are Sreko Sostar's observations valid ... but the Society's positions and reasonings have been exposed as duplicitous, and contrary to the principles of justness and fairness, and just plain common decency. 
    They have ticked off and ran the patience of many Judges.  
    I realize on this forum not many people follow threads that closely, so holding people accountable for not  knowing everything is  unrealistic , and not fair.
    Two things you can do to minimize arguments between me and you, and help me to understand your viewpoints more effectively.
    1.) When you have opinions, considered or grabbed out of the air, please state them AS your opinions. It keeps me from hyperventilating.
    2.) Make your text BIGGER, so I can read it.
  20. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in Leaving Neverland Effect: Radio Stations Pull Michael Jackson Music After HBO Documentary   
    The have already consolidated four President's Birthdays to one "president's day" for two reasons:
    1.) So that the better side of these men could be repressed and NOT serve as individual lessons, and
    2.) a Three day weekend.
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witness Holocaust-era Survivors Fund, Inc.   
    In their Application Letter, WT said this, I quote: 
    2) Witness literature often carried sharp criticism of flagrant human rights violations in Nazi Germany. his was true of Witness literature produced and distributed clandestinely within Nazi-occupied Europe, as well as Witness literature published internationally. The Gestapo was well aware of the critical and revealing content of the literature, and thus they expended extraordinary effort to expose and destroy the secret printing facilities. They confiscated printing equipment, burned stocks of literature whenever it was found, and hunted down and executed many of those involved with the underground work. Thus, the nonviolent resistance offered by the Witnesses increased in financial, material, and physical losses they sustained.
    How about Sharp Criticism in WT literature about other religious, political and, economical systems in the world? Yes, WT criticism going to the point to declare how all will be destroyed because rejecting JHVH and opposing to His WT-JW Organization.  
    UN Organization is also under WT criticism. WT literature is full of description how this worldly organization is bad, wild beast. But, despite such standpoint WT has been part of UN as non-governmental  organization for one decade (1992-2001) In that period of time WT publication praised UN and how they try to make earth better place for living for all human.
    In example of Rutherford Letter to Hitler we see how he/they try to pleased him and even say how they have similar or the same principles as Reich. What if millions of JW's Letters to Putin is not enough and WT GB decide to send a Private Letter to President Putin? Will GB say the same things as Rutherford? 
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witness Holocaust-era Survivors Fund, Inc.   
    The Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (Swiss Banks) CV-96-4849 is a fund to compensate people suffering from the Holocaust. As stated at swissbankclaims.com/index.asp (3 Mar 2006);
  23. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in Leaving Neverland Effect: Radio Stations Pull Michael Jackson Music After HBO Documentary   
    The have already consolidated four President's Birthdays to one "president's day" for two reasons:
    1.) So that the better side of these men could be repressed and NOT serve as individual lessons, and
    2.) a Three day weekend.
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Health and Medicine in Leaving Neverland Effect: Radio Stations Pull Michael Jackson Music After HBO Documentary   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.  I agree. 
    This is a silly attempt by those companies to get some free coverage and look "good"..... and they figure it will cost them little.
    It could also backfire a little since they are picking a fight with a celebrity who is dead and cannot defend himself.
    If we follow this logic then we will start banning President's Day in the US because a US President owned slaves and even had sex with them.
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Man Born Without Arms or Legs Lives Life to its Fullest   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    Look some of  Nick Vujicic's video's...   I posted some here in the past --
    His life is very especially!  He is very active in different kind of sports    He is SO happy, more than many other, healthy people!  He has no arms & legs, only a little foot, but a wonderful family. A beautiful wife and 2 nice kids    I'm sure, he has special  artifices, to nurse his body, haha - I found a video, the first I watched. By Youtube you will find alot more,  ENJOY  ❤♥☼♥❤
    ( btw, I saw one day a Bible on his table...)
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