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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna Rajala in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    True, but God's approval ... AND being able to pay $195,000 for  a coronary bypass, entirely without blood, saved my life.
    If I had to do one, but not both ... which would have kept me alive?
    In this case, both did, as I avoided "Manny the Used Car Bone Saw Surgeon", by insisting on NO BLOOD or blood fractions, and had to transfer to another hospital with more skilled surgeons.
    Abraham had both God's approval, and was immensely wealthy.
    So was King David.
    Having Gods approval means you may (may!) not starve.
    Having God's approval, and money means you eat three times a day ... and well!
    There is no shame to be in poverty ... but it has absolutely NOTHING to recommend itself.
  2. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in 'Yellow Vest' Protests   
    It might be a "stretch", but, how about "The Last Days"?
    I Corinthians 15:52 states: "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
    Historian David Montaigne noted that it is possible to look into such verses and explore what they might be saying about God's plans concerning Trump.
    "I am not suggesting that Donald Trump absolutely *IS* the last trump – but since the LAST TRUMP is one of the most clear and final signs in end times prophecy, can we overlook the possibility that a presidential candidate named Trump is being used as a sign by God?" he posed.
    Do you REALLY think it's a coincidence that Elizabeth Taylor and Ernest Borgnine were NEVER shown in the same photograph?
    I think NOT!
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    You left?

  4. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Claudia Sanchez in UN Compact 2018   
    Distilling many words into few words ... this quote seems to be where the "rubber meets the road".
    Everything Arauna said may be true, partially true, false, or partially false. ... and for a CERTAINTY, none of us on this blog can do ANYTHING about any of it.
    Nothing whatsoever ...... about any of it.
    Zero ... zip .... Nada .... Goose eggs.
    Somewhere in a parallel dimension known as "Toontown" Caleb and Sophia's pet laboratory mice are planning to take over the planet.
    Will they succeed?
    Stay tuned for breaking developments ....... or not !
    Pinky & The Brain - What Do You Want To Do Today_.mp4
  5. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Space Merchant in How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide?   
    Some people enjoy their money too much they tend to be careless (at least the Sunglasses didn't suffer from the impact)
    And the debt clock continues to rise, and rise, and rise, and rise... and rise some more: http://www.usdebtclock.org/

  6. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    In my opinion surgeons / hospitals do not save lives,  they merely prolong them a bit.
    Only God's love and Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, can save lives.
    I would willingly die today (painlessly of course) as I fully believe in the resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. Knowing I'm of the latter I hope on God's mercy and wish for life in the 'New world'.
    But Sir, i love your humour and sense of reasoning. 
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Arauna in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    So many people in Africa live on less than 1 dollar a day..... so be thankful for what you have...... I was fortunate enough to be able to pay for my daughter's cancer operation which lasted the whole day.  It was also without blood - 40 years ago.  The fact that she did not take blood - this saved her life.  I thank Jehovah for having that knowledge to guide me in the right direction.  She would have died from anaphylactic shock - something I did not know about at the time.
  8. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Arauna in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    True, but God's approval ... AND being able to pay $195,000 for  a coronary bypass, entirely without blood, saved my life.
    If I had to do one, but not both ... which would have kept me alive?
    In this case, both did, as I avoided "Manny the Used Car Bone Saw Surgeon", by insisting on NO BLOOD or blood fractions, and had to transfer to another hospital with more skilled surgeons.
    Abraham had both God's approval, and was immensely wealthy.
    So was King David.
    Having Gods approval means you may (may!) not starve.
    Having God's approval, and money means you eat three times a day ... and well!
    There is no shame to be in poverty ... but it has absolutely NOTHING to recommend itself.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Arauna in How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide?   
    Sign on a mahogany plaque somewhere ;
    "You can never be too thin, or too rich"
    The helicopter I want costs 8 million dollars.
    Currently, I could not afford the gas for it.
  10. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in NEWS RELEASES | Dennis Christensen Receiving International Support   
    I seriously doubt that two organizations  almost NOBODY has ever heard of giving him the State Fair "Best in Show" blue ribbon in reality counts as "International Support.".
    It would be like me here in the United States ...  and Frederico in Argentina, who works on a pig farm,  approving of The Librarian, and labeling him as a "Super Swell Guy" also counting as "International Support"
    How does that translate to the REAL world ... where "the rubber meets the road"?
    It doesn't.
    You still need the price of a cup of coffee ... to buy a cup of coffee.
  11. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shiwiii in Teresa Graves - My Story   
    Speaking of the phenomena of JW Celebrity Media Stars:
    From all reports, Teresa Graves seems to have been the exception to the general rule about JW celebrities. She lived modestly with her Mother, and if memory serves, was a Pioneer minister, when not making TV shows.
    Neither Michael Jackson, or Prince were ever reproved or disfellowshipped for their deep immersion worldly lifestyles, so it it's no surprise that not a WTB&TS "peep" will be heard about Serena Williams illegitimate baby, etc. ( mentioned in above List  posting).
    I know that Prince contributed $30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall, and I suspect MJ did something similar..
    It seems probable to me that how Prince, MJ and Williams have escaped Congregational public censure and sanctions is simply a matter of their fame and money giving them complete immunity.
    Can you imagine the global headlines if either of the three were disfellowshipped, or publicly reproved?
    What gives credence to this theory is that in the State of Delaware, the Society's Lawyers have openly perverted Justice in trying to delay the trial of a woman suing the Society for child sexual abuse, by changing the venue from a county that has an open docket, to a county that has a very crowded docket, about which the Judge was NOT amused, and called them on it.
    Deliberate evil, to try and win ... by attempting to bankrupt the Plaintiff's legal team.
    Like all religions ... once there is a large stream of free money, and you start accumulating more and more real estate .... justice and mercy, and basic fairness become completely lost.
    Of course ... there has to be some mechanism where the people that know about what is really going on are kept from talking about it to others who do not know, or the whole skein would unravel.
    That's why we punish, and often irreparably destroy, whole families and extended families ...... for the sins of one, singular person.
  12. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Teresa Graves - My Story   
    Speaking of the phenomena of JW Celebrity Media Stars:
    From all reports, Teresa Graves seems to have been the exception to the general rule about JW celebrities. She lived modestly with her Mother, and if memory serves, was a Pioneer minister, when not making TV shows.
    Neither Michael Jackson, or Prince were ever reproved or disfellowshipped for their deep immersion worldly lifestyles, so it it's no surprise that not a WTB&TS "peep" will be heard about Serena Williams illegitimate baby, etc. ( mentioned in above List  posting).
    I know that Prince contributed $30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall, and I suspect MJ did something similar..
    It seems probable to me that how Prince, MJ and Williams have escaped Congregational public censure and sanctions is simply a matter of their fame and money giving them complete immunity.
    Can you imagine the global headlines if either of the three were disfellowshipped, or publicly reproved?
    What gives credence to this theory is that in the State of Delaware, the Society's Lawyers have openly perverted Justice in trying to delay the trial of a woman suing the Society for child sexual abuse, by changing the venue from a county that has an open docket, to a county that has a very crowded docket, about which the Judge was NOT amused, and called them on it.
    Deliberate evil, to try and win ... by attempting to bankrupt the Plaintiff's legal team.
    Like all religions ... once there is a large stream of free money, and you start accumulating more and more real estate .... justice and mercy, and basic fairness become completely lost.
    Of course ... there has to be some mechanism where the people that know about what is really going on are kept from talking about it to others who do not know, or the whole skein would unravel.
    That's why we punish, and often irreparably destroy, whole families and extended families ...... for the sins of one, singular person.
  13. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Where your plastic water bottles end up   
    This same thing happened with ancient civilizations that lasted billions of years on the Earth, before the dinosaurs, and as the entire civilization was subducted below the shifting tectonic plates, their waste products like this, many miles thick, under heat and pressure, became the oil that we use today to power OUR civilization.
    ...just kidding about that (squints and rubs hands together "Or AM I?.....)
     It looks like this pile of floating trash is ALREADY becoming an island of organic plant life of some kind, which of course will become habitats for all kinds of marine animal life.
    Put a pile of trash like this in your back yard and wait a year, and it will be full of leaves, grass, worms, bugs, spiders,  and may even attract a few frogs or two.
    Look carefully at the photos ....
    This is an unsubstantiated goofy, tree-hugger opinion ONLY.
    It's embarrassing to even read, and even more embarrassing that people BELIEVE it.
    This may look like trash to the folks who wrote this article, but to marine critters it's shade, a place to eat and live, or a place for  baby fish to hide, just like you see in the grass you buy for a  a home aquarium, so they will not be eaten by bigger fish.
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    I have no idea what two ballooning is ... and google was no help ... but the last time I was demonstrating static electricity to my children was with a single balloon ... which I rubbed vigorously across my hair (when they were younger .... and I used to have more hair ...) to build up a static electrical charge, and with a big grin, hung myself on the wall by my head.
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    ....... easy for YOU to say!
    I personally do not believe in qelques the philosopher, OR dan the spirit!
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Space Merchant in Where your plastic water bottles end up   
    I stated that following: You toss a plastic item of waste into the grass and or sea you pay for it. You put toxic gases into the heavens, your lungs and health will most likely pay for it.
    Plastic and or trash will pollute the land and it piles up over time. The other part of that sentence is regarding toxic gases from factories, vehicles and or other things that populate the air, and can cause some damage to people and young children, even infants, i.e. cities, small towns and or suburbs in close proximity to said factories and or anything that is damaging, hence toxic gases.
    What I didn't mention is sewage and toxic waste that is, low-key, bring dumped in various areas mainly water sources as well with the whole pipeline issue we have to which Native Americans have issue with vs. government when it comes to protected lands.
    Which reminds me, if there is one cartoon I use to watch as a kid, it's Captain Planet, for the show is based on a superhero that is encouraging to keep things clean and to recycle. A good show it was.

  17. Haha
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Automobiles in As vehicle tires wear out, what happens to the trillions of microscopic particles that are shed? Do they end up in the air for us to breathe and in the water ways?   
    Wouldn't this be another good reason to provide safe mass transit options with high speed rail?
    I don't think high speed rail has this problem.
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Automobiles in As vehicle tires wear out, what happens to the trillions of microscopic particles that are shed? Do they end up in the air for us to breathe and in the water ways?   
    Wow, an important question, I congratulate you for your environmental awareness!
    Yes, most certainly they do.
    It’s easy to understand. One of the fundamental physical principles of our Space-Matter-Time universe is that matter - protons and by all practical means also neutrons, the little guys every atom and ultimately objects such as tires and organisms such as human bodies consists of - are indestructible.
    In simple terms: Everything that is no longer part of your tires cannot disappear, it must be in some form somewhere else in your environment.
    Car tires must be made of materials that are naturally as unrecyclable as possible. Else, your tires would instantly start to rotten the moment they are produced and later put on your car, whether you drive around at all or not.
    The moment your car starts to move, every inch you drive, the parts of your tires that are touching the ground below them are physically sandpapered. In other words, tiny bits of your tires are torn off continuously. It is physically unavoidable. That is why your tires wear at all - almost in direct relationship to the km/miles you have accumulated with them. You cannot drive around without polluting environment with such particles.
    However, with tire-conscious driving skills (e.g. with a tire-conscious accelerating, breaking, and turning technique), you can substantially reduce unnecessary tear of your tires, hence, achieve both, a longer “life” of your tires and less tire particles you pollute our environment with per km/mile driven.
    Tire particles are non-negotiably toxic in as much as they do not naturally exist. Hence, no human organism is equipped in any way to deal with them.
    They are as tiny as tire manufacturers can manage. A fast wearing tire does not sell well. Hence, they are too light to settle down fast, they are mostly floating in the air, carried over enormous distances and spread everywhere by wind.
    Doing that, they become a serious threat to all breathing animals (including yourself and e.g. your pets), clogging up lungs exactly the same way (and in no way less harmfully) as the cinders of a cigarette you smoke would.
    Hence, tire particles are “carcinogens” (increasing risk of cancer) and before that they are serious “allergens” that trigger allergic reactions of parts of our body that are in direct contact with polluted air, particularly your skin and your entire respiratory tract.
    Note, it does not matter by what means your car drives. An electric car is in no way better in this respect. Contrary, it is likely worse as long as it is battery powered because it is slightly heavier than the same model with a gasoline or diesel engine would be, which forces tires to wear faster. Hence, you must produce more tire particles per km/mile driven.
    Tire particles are a substantial component of cinder-type toxic “micro-dust”, that actually hardly settles and travels extremely far - carried by wind. By quantity, tire particles are certainly some of the worst (yet widely ignored) man-made air pollutants.
    While floating in the air, tire particles absorb sunlight by warming up. They conserve the heat and carry it over into the night. They have no choice but to contribute to global warming, forced by the laws of physics.
    The only thing that can get tire particles out of the air for good to some degree is rain.
    However, rain does not make them disappear. They are now in the soil we produce food on and fall on trees, forests, waterbodies, etc.. They are in the water system of our planet - as toxic as ever - and way too tiny for us to have a chance to filter them out mechanically (they are in fact smaller than microscopic).
    The only way to get them out of the water for good would be chemically, extremely expensive and practically impossible. We would also have to filter rainwater falling on fields, trees, and forests. Hence, many tire particles have no option but to poison soils, end up in rivers, lakes and ultimately accumulate in oceans.
    Some water filters you may use to purify the water you drink may reduce (not eliminate) the number of tire particles you swallow, However, the rest of them are now in your water filter. Your filter, too, cannot make them disappear. What do you do with it when replacing it?
    Micro-dust - in particular also tire particles - produced by motor-vehicles has been recognized as a serious health issue in some European countries. In some areas, this has lead to speed limits. Of course, this is a lame symptom fighting approach. However it is slightly better than nothing, it reduces the maximum possible number of driving cars per hour on a given road, hence the maximum possible particle pollution per hour.
    Technology - such as cars - cannot make human life easier. There is no technological comfort whatsoever without its considerable non-negotiable price, a price that would not have to be paid without technology.
    Possible solutions:
    The only working solution that could decrease tire particle pollution globally (tire particles transported by air couldn’t care less about human political boundaries, whether in the air, on soil, or in water) would of course be less total km/miles driven anywhere on the planet.
    This can be achieved in two ways: Either by enforcing a continuously decreasing global maximum km/milage allowance per driver and lifetime (drastic reduction of individual freedom) or by producing a little less babies than people die (reducing the number of future polluters) - or, for quicker results, a combination of both.
    There is no other way to effectively reduce global environmental pollution by tire particles, unless we humans stop using cars.
    Benefit of a birth control solution would be that it does not cost any money, does not harm anyone alive, and could be implemented immediately. It would also granted reduce man-made contribution to global warming and simultaneously all other effects of all other forms of man-made pollution. As side effect, it would also simultaneously increase individual health, ease of life, and personal freedom …
    As said, as human biologist, I find your question an important one. Thank you for asking!
    - Martin Gremlich, Executive Founder, Senior Scientist at Institute for Human Biology (2015-present)
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Goodyear's Spherical Tire to Revolutionize Cars As We Know Them.   
    That's silly! What if the bus is at a stop sign and there is no wind? There should be a large depression in the roof of each bus to collect rainwater, and then solar-powered windmills could pick up buckets of water from the roof to spill the water onto small turbines to make electricity.
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Judith Sweeney in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    The hours are announce as a data reference.   It is just that simple.   Announcing the hours is an encouragement to the person going out in the field to witness and to the congregation.   This is most certainly not "Boasting"!    That is absurd.   Some in here...@ John Butler are just trying to malign the congregations and the good works that are being done. 
  22. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Automobiles in Is Cod Liver Oil Truly Good for You?   
    Based solely on empirical evidence ... I believe in it whole heartedly ... and my mother made me drink it under threat of some vague catastrophe.
    I was a small sick kid ... got every childhood disease on the list ... but grew to be a foot taller than either of my parents or ancestors.
    To this day I thank the little fishies for their total commitment to my stature.
  23. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah's Witnesses Financial Downsizing Video   
    The copyright has probably expired for Deputy Dawg .......... or there is nobody to enforce it ... uh... since Deputy Dawg retired.

  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in Goodyear's Spherical Tire to Revolutionize Cars As We Know Them.   
    The spare tire is going to need a trailer.
    I actually had a guy who commissioned me to design a transmission for a power generating windmill, and said to me that he wanted to  put windmills on the top of municipal buses ...  so when the bus went down the street, the wind power could be fed to the wheels.
    Since I needed his money, that was the Supreme Test of my diplomatic skills, for my entire lifetime.
    I always wondered what happened to him ... I guess he is in Goodyear Management now.
  25. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Warwick Open House: Interview With William Hoppe   

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