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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Public club. Why ?   
    It is too early for @admin. He gets up late and then has to putz around for some time before checking the mail. I’ll answer for him. As Monk says, he’ll thank me later.
    Somewhat reluctantly, he finds himself hosting a religious JW forum, though he is not that way himself. No JWs on it are typical JWs because if they were typical they would be more acquiesent to their organization’s preference they not take part in such forums. One important reason their organization prefers that they abstain is the undignified mess that results when they do not.
    For a variety of reasons, some Witnesses go there anyway, and, to be sure, there are parts of the forum largely innocuous. I avoid these parts and go right to the hot areas. It has helped me hone my writing, and about half of my ebook, Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia, can be found in about 500 fragments scattered throughout. Mr. Admin is thereby my friend. I owe him.
    As atypical JWs and their adversaries flail away, making points and counterpoints, some ridiculous, he has ‘lost it’ only twice to rebuke participants, once to say: “Jeez, you guys are a piece of work!” What could I tell him. That we’re not? 
    It is so rare for him to chime in that when he does, it is like hearing a voice from On High. The only appreciable difference is that a voice from On High is unlikely to say, “Jeez, you guys are a piece of work.”
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Srecko, never say never. Do not shut any doors and do not burn any bridges. Just imagine if the JW Org did get cleaned up by God. Imagine that God removed the GB for misconduct. Imagine that  God removed all the wicked Elders and replaced the GB and the bad Elders with honest hearted ones. You and i could return to the Org with a clear conscience. And with God's mercy and guidance of his holy spirit, we may even make it through Armageddon. Never give up hope Strecko. No one knows who will live or die. 
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   

    Lost_.mp4 The Muppet Movie (1979)_ 13_40 - 14_15 (1080p).mp4  
    In my own way, I understand where John Butler is coming from .. as I have a deep love for humanity.
    It's PEOPLE I can't stand.
  4. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Tina Turner: ‘Ike took me to sex show on wedding night’   
    I loved her singing and have many of her records. I'm a Soul, Motown and Reggae fan. Well my teens were the 1960's.
    How worldly of me  
  5. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   

    Lost_.mp4 The Muppet Movie (1979)_ 13_40 - 14_15 (1080p).mp4  
    In my own way, I understand where John Butler is coming from .. as I have a deep love for humanity.
    It's PEOPLE I can't stand.
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Automobiles in Melania Trump wore a Colonial Pith helmet during a safari at the Nairobi National Park in Nairobi, Kenya   
    Leave her alone.
    Everyone is getting SO sensitive  about whatever she wears.
    I like the helmets... they are functional.
    Hitler wore brown.... should we ban the color brown everywhere?   Adios UPS.
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Mandy in 53 Year Old Christine Blasey Ford Says Judge Brett Kavanaugh Sexually Harassed Her At Yale!   
    If that's so true then WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU NOT SAY ANYTHING since Kav was nominated!! You had your chance to do something. Instead you are going to use the excuse you werentoo afraid to say anything!! You either STAND UP and be BRAVE if you were TRULY HARASSED!! Otherwise, it's another fabricated story!!
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins.
    If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Mandy in Elizabeth Warren On Women's Anger   
    FORD was allowed to do whatever she wanted to do. Ford couldnreact ANY WAY she wish. She chose notnto show anger. Instead she tried to play our her little gsme of fear with tears and NOBODY COROBORATED her story. NOBODY!! SO STOP YOUR STUPID PITY ACTS!! STOP making FAKING CRAP up Elizabeth. You aren't even acting like a professional Senator so GROW UP!! 
  11. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Bethel and Alcohol   
    As I have mentioned before ... you can download any YouTube videos with the FREE (Free is a VERY good price!) software  -   "Freemake Video Downloader"  -   @The Librarian.  I think the video deleted above was one I downloaded, but I do not remember either.
    This is NOT a link ... you can download this to your computer from HERE.

    LEAKED_ Bethel video talk about alcohol [mixology version!].mp4
  12. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Rose Moreno in Bethel and Alcohol   
    As I have mentioned before ... you can download any YouTube videos with the FREE (Free is a VERY good price!) software  -   "Freemake Video Downloader"  -   @The Librarian.  I think the video deleted above was one I downloaded, but I do not remember either.
    This is NOT a link ... you can download this to your computer from HERE.

    LEAKED_ Bethel video talk about alcohol [mixology version!].mp4
  13. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shiwiii in JW Dress Rules   
    The GB are at LEAST totally aware of that.
    They are TOTALLY DESTROYING their credibility on every subject imaginable.
    THAT'S why shunning forbids people to talk to each other.
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins.
    If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JJJ-AUSTRALIA in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins.
    If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    Who inspected the tightness of their trousers ?  No one. 
    Who asked them if they masterbated and told them not to ? No one.
    There were more important issues then. 
    It seems as if there are no really important issues now, so the GB are making things up to keep themselves  busy. 
  17. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York,  Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests.
    What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Someone once said that to King Solomon, with all those wives and concubines.
    He LAUGHED for a half hour.
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    About 8 years go, on fine Autumn day, I had a chain saw "jump back" on me, and I cut the left hand "trigger finger " almost completely off, at the first joint. and got blood all over me, my clothes and shoes, and the chain saw. 
    I stuck it back on ... let it bleed until it stopped naturally, and wrapped it with duct tape.  It healed up perfectly, but with a slight 12 degree angle towards the  ring finger, at that finger joint.
    .... while I was waiting for the blood to stop, my Son came in , and I looked at him,, held up my bloody hand and said " Tommy ... don't be stupid, like your Dad."
    I am encouraged that Jellyfish have lived for 300 Million Years, with no brain whatsoever.
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?   
    Well, how to make a dog's breakfast out of a basic statement???
    Let's untangle this. Let's speak about you. As you have used the personal pronoun "I", "you" features in my response. 
    If "you" say something wrong unintentionally, thinking sincerely "you" are right, then this means "you" are not deliberately sinning. It means "you" have made a mistake, misunderstood a matter, made a decision with insufficient or incorrect data etc.
    Your point here: "You gave reasoning, I am not deliberately sinning and not made sin" is a distortion of what I said. A statement was made by @John Butler proposing that if the GB endorse something which later is found to be incorrect, this must be deliberate sinning. My response was that this is not sinning as such (deliberate) but is more correctly termed and evaluated as a mistake as described above. A mistake of this type can certainly be termed a"sin" in the sense that it "misses the mark" of truth. But it is not deliberate.
    I will not go to such lengths to untangle reasoning of this type in the future, so, respectfully, I request that you give a little more thought to your reponses. ?
  21. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Abel: How old when killed?   
    You give a very reasonable scenario that may be 100% true ... or zero true.
    I have a completely different theory that is out of mainstream thinking.
    How many HARD FACTS do you have to support your theory?
    Same with my pet theory.
  22. Upvote
  23. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    And how many pages and pages did it take for you to finally admit that I was exactly right about Sarah and the Terminator?
    If you didn’t obfuscate so much, you’d have an answer to every one of your petulant questions by now.
    Do you think that you are the only one? If someone so much as farts at Bethel, Jack starts a thread on it, and I have to answer that, too, don’t I?
    And don’t forget my latest project: upvoting @Annaand then downvoting her for the same comment on another forum. And then I have to deal with John demanding why I am doing it? Is he crazy? It is like the eggheads at (disgraced) Bill Cosby’s old high school running around saying ‘Why is there air?’ Only the gym teacher knew the answer. ‘There’s air to blow up volleyballs and footballs and basketballs!
  24. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Yeah John ... don't rush the guy.
    He is still flummoxed by the 163 questions I asked him in the past three years, that he did not answer.
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The Latest Work on the Divine Name   
    Like they say, if the shoe fittest. I'm sure he had a "lot" to be desired.
    Anyway, if this had been my own thread I wouldn't feel bad about sullying it with bad puns. But now I feel bad for @indagator who surely hoped this would remain a serious topic.
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