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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The Latest Work on the Divine Name   
    LOL! Never heard of a real estate person yet who didn't have a 'square foot' fetish.
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    ANNA says "WT has NEVER shielded or protected known perpetrators. The GB have not mishandled cases of child abuse, the elders have.." 
    Did the GB and or it's Legal Departments  (for W/t and for JW Org)  refuse to hand over the documents in America. 
    I believe they admitted having such documents which relate to twenty years worth of Child Abuse accusations.
    Is it then true that the Legal dept of one (either W/t or JW Org) wrote a letter to the other asking for the documents, and the other Legal dept wrote back saying they would not hand them over. When in fact the GB rule over both and could have given orders for the documents to be handed over directly. 
    That is why the courts became annoyed because the GB were deliberately wasting time. 
    If all the info had been passed to police at the time each event happened, instead of storing it all up in 'secret' for twenty years, then the situation would never have taken place, and the lives of some people would not have been ruined because they would not have become victims of abuse.... 
    To use the excuse of whether the Pedophiles were KNOWN PERPETRATORS, is very poor. Because it was just so easy to say that the victims didn't have two witnesses. 
  3. Upvote
  4. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to sami in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. BROTHER LETT'S TALK WAS FROM THE 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION WHICH RELEASED THIS BOOK https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/publication/r1/lp-e/kr/E/2014
    “MEʹNE, MEʹNE, TEʹKEL  (Daniel 5:24, 25)  MEʹNE, God has numbered your days - TEʹKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.”
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    Oh i didn't know Ezekiel mentioned 1919 in the writings ?
    I thought I'd just leave this here :-
    And the GB say only they, that is those 8 men, are the 'Faithful and discreet slave ' They say that other anointed ones are not the 'faithful ... slave'.
    The GB even say that some, who say they are anointed, are mentally ill. 
    Don't you understand that 'truth' has not advanced through these men ?  Their predictions have not happened. 
    It's not God's word that is wrong, it is these 8 men that do not have God's holy spirit to guide them. 
    And before you say that the JW Org has grown so much, well so has Muslim related terrorism and other false religions. 
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    You don't think that there has always been attractive clothing for people to wear then?
    You don't know that people used to make their own before mass production ?
    But you sound like a frump or an Elder anyway, so you probably don't understand. 
    I said the young and singe wanted to look young and single, I didn't say obscene. 
    So come on then roll out the scripture that says a Brother has to wear a suit and tie and the trousers must be baggy. .
    And the scripture that says a woman cannot wear properly made trousers designed for ladies. 
    And then the scripture that says a women must wear a dress that comes down to her ankles and up to her neck. Oh a Burka maybe ?
    You seem to have all the answers, let's hear them with scriptures of course.
  7. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to sami in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    @JOHN BUTLER I'm sure anyone can find a scripture to suit their own needs. 
    sami  - Why have you not done that then? I'd like to see that scripture that says to wear clothing where your private parts protrude whether upper body or lower body.
    @JOHN BUTLEROne other point on the clothing of brothers and sisters.  Assemblies and conventions are where the young ones / single ones go to find a marriage mate. Well they are not supposed to be looking 'in the world', so it has to be at the conventions. Not everyone wants someone from their own congregation. 
    Hence the young and single want to look like young and single and who can blame them. Just because the GB are old frumps doesn't mean everyone has to be... And just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it.
    sami - I wonder how people attracted the opposite gender before the mass production of obscenely designed clothing? Could be Christian personality and spirituality would and has attracted the special person one would want to spend their lives with, HUH!!
  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to sami in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Sounds like sour grapes to me!!!!   When one has to rely on a twenty second and ten second youtube blurb to present as their case, that person is an apostate who will receive their wage in full. Your day is almost here and there is no where to hide.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to sami in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. So let me get this straight.....you disagree with the definition of porneia provided by the encyclopedia?  Too bad for you. Better put that pistol away before you shoot yourself in the other foot.
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shiwiii in Dress and Grooming For Visitors Touring Bethel   
    I agree with the Scriptures posted here.
    If  I was a cowboy from Texas or Oklahoma and would show up at Bethel in Levis and a Western style dress shirt and cowboy boots,  would  I be turned away?
    My guess is YES.
    Do you think Prince or Michael Jackson in their "native costume" dress  clothes would have been turned away?
    My guess is NO.
  11. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    I think this is the crux of the matter.
    In an Engineering Office, you know when a client's project has been totally screwed up and gone over budget ... when management starts stressing the dress code of suits and ties for all employees ... as if that will impress  an over billed client that the Engineering Firm's management  are competent.
    This is based on the idea that the client is SO STUPID that they will think clowns stop being clowns because they have changed costumes.
    I was working on a project in Cincinnati, Ohio ... 945 people in two large four-story buildings ... when the client we were doing work for locally and all the way to China, got fed up with TRYING to be taken for a fool, and fired our firm.  
    In 30 days it went from 945 people to less than 30 people, and within a year they had to close the office.
    Everybody in the office knew what the problem really was ... EXCEPT MANAGEMENT.

  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JOHN BUTLER in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    Jesus said the Pharisees followed the 'Traditions of Men'. Surely you know and understand that much ?
    THE GB seem to have given themselves the title 'Faithful and discreet slave'. However there are many things that would prove otherwise. But that would be going off topic, which I constantly get told of about.
    You have quoted scripture to show that the GB are the boss. However there are scriptures which tell the 'leaders' ' not to lord it over the congregation'. 
    I'm sure anyone can find a scripture to suit their own needs. 
    One other point on the clothing of brothers and sisters.  Assemblies and conventions are where the young ones / single ones go to find a marriage mate. Well they are not supposed to be looking 'in the world', so it has to be at the conventions. Not everyone wants someone from their own congregation. 
    Hence the young and single want to look like young and single and who can blame them. Just because the GB are old frumps doesn't mean everyone has to be... And just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it. 
    As I've said before, Jesus said 'Remove the rafter from your own eye before trying to remove the straw from your brother's eye'. 
  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    It would not be surprising how some would want to take her out into the Kingdom Hall parking lot, and have her CRUSHED, by the 350 pound Sisters.
  14. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to AveragePub in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    Very rarely in our area do we have friends dressing inappropriately.
    There was a young sister who wore an embarrassingly tight dress once, my wife and I felt sorry for her and wondered how her parents didn't notice.  We weren't the only ones shaking our heads.  It happens, move on. 
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from SuzA in London, England JW Convention - Fashion Show   
    The only thing those sisters need is stars on sticks, and gossamer wings!
  16. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’   
    I will watch it for 78 cents, delivered to my door, when it comes out on Netflix, in a few months.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to SuzA in London, England JW Convention - Fashion Show   
    I can understand - and enjoy seeing - delegates wearing their national dress at conventions when that attire is still typical in their country, eg Africa, India.  What I have found weird is the donning of antiquated folk costumes such as lederhosen and that shown above, especially if it's not even an international assembly.  The westerners aren't turning up in pre WWI fashions.  
    A few years ago at a District Assembly I was bemused to see a sister from my own congregation in Australia dressed in a sari when she doesn't have a drop of Indian blood in her.  
    Since when have our conventions become a costume party?
    So, yes, I'm with you Librarian.
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Ann O'Maly in London, England JW Convention - Fashion Show   
    International convention?
    Albanian national dress?
    Yes, Librarian is a little grouchy today. 
    And what happened to the middle lady's other leg? Maybe that's why the Albanians are propping her up.
  19. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to admin in Where your plastic water bottles end up   
    I think we should aspire as humans to do better than our animal cohabitants of the planet.  
    Since we can’t seem to stop the usage of plastics, maybe we could at least find ways to recycle and use this massive garbage pile?
    in the end it is energy which we all need and want. We ought to be getting smarter about generating, using and recycling it as the years go by.  
    And no. We will never have a zero carbon footprint. (My prediction)
    But lets at least clean up after ourselves. 
  20. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Jehovah Holding The Fort   
    If that is supposed to be "up-building" it is the worst meme I have ever seen.
    Sorry, that's all the "props" it deserves.
    At any moment it appears that "me" will be crushed by anxienty and depression, because the supports are supposedly as flimsy-looking as those in the picture.
  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in Jehovah Holding The Fort   
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in Legal Developments at JW.ORG   
    Well is quite simple, is not in their priorities and interest plus if all of us knew what went on in the whole royal commisions the great crowd will down to a small crowd, the biggest dissapointment i saw on TV while i was following this was elders admitting of not knowing why they were called in for questioning amd also one of GB answering to a sinple question as "is the GB the only channel that God speaks through in now days" and answering "that will be naive for me to say that" would have a huge influence if this will publicised in JWorg
  23. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JJJ-AUSTRALIA in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    I think this is the crux of the matter.
    In an Engineering Office, you know when a client's project has been totally screwed up and gone over budget ... when management starts stressing the dress code of suits and ties for all employees ... as if that will impress  an over billed client that the Engineering Firm's management  are competent.
    This is based on the idea that the client is SO STUPID that they will think clowns stop being clowns because they have changed costumes.
    I was working on a project in Cincinnati, Ohio ... 945 people in two large four-story buildings ... when the client we were doing work for locally and all the way to China, got fed up with TRYING to be taken for a fool, and fired our firm.  
    In 30 days it went from 945 people to less than 30 people, and within a year they had to close the office.
    Everybody in the office knew what the problem really was ... EXCEPT MANAGEMENT.

  24. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from lentaylor71 in 'WE WILL NEVER BEG NOR PETITION MEN FOR SUPPORT' - JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (WATCHTOWER)   
    Before I retired (90% pay cut ... ) I used to cash my paycheck and offer it ALL to God.
    I would toss the whole wad of cash into the air, and whatever God needed ... he took.
    Whatever fell back to Earth, was MINE!
  25. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to admin in ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’   
    I’m watching Fahrenheit 11/9 right now in the theatre. I’ll let you know what I think 
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