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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Oh yeah ... I had forgotten about THOSE crazy years ... because I never believed any of that .... but I did get caught, BIG TIME, in the "1975" fiasco, even though during the run-up to 1975 I openly ridiculed it ... right there at the end, I reasoned, in the fall of 1974
    "How could I be right, and everybody else ... people I respected, loved  and cared about .... everybody ... be WRONG? ( About the end coming in 1975)."
    It did not seem probable to me that EVERYBODY (In the Truth) was wrong so I quit the best job I ever had, in Zaire, the Congo, to be back home with my Mom and Dad in Virginia, when "the END came".
    To this day, Brothers and Sisters "swear" that never happened .....  but in the  Watchtower, March 15, 1980 issue , paragraphs 17 and 18 ONE TIME admitted that they did say that ... in the book "Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God".
    I did not find out about that "soft admission of culpability" until Mr. Google and I became good friends, many, many years later ... but long before that I learned to trust my own instincts over that of anything the Society said or published.
    If they are wrong, only we down here at the bottom have to pay the price for their error.
    If they permanently screw up our lives ... they pay no price whatsoever.
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Probably not worth a debate here: 
    1.evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.
    synonyms:    evidence, verification, corroboration, authentication, confirmation, certification, validation, attestation, demonstration, substantiation, witness, testament.
    1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    synonyms:    proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, authentication, attestation, documentation
    I think what I meant was that people draw a variety of conclusions from different marshallings of the same facts.
  3. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I guess you've pretty much completed the list. I can't think of anything else....
    Although I must add that some of these reasons in themselves are not enough for some to quit. There are some in the truth, and faithful, in spite of feeling some of those things on the list. And there are many who just don't even know about some of these issues....heck, many don't know why we believe in 1914. They assume it's because of WW1 and that's good enough for them. Some things are just too complicated to analyze and "make sure of", and so they remain kind of blissfully covered over. I agree, knowing about some of these things can be faith shaking. Ignorance is bliss indeed. And yet, there is so much that makes sense also. To me, at least. As an organization we are a work in progress and in the past we were made out to be...well..."almost" infallible. It is only in recent years (and perhaps due to unfulfilled interpretations) have we, as an organization, admitted that we are not always going to be right. More to the point; the Governing Body isn't always going to be right, in fact they are only "scratching the surface" (Br. Herd quote). It is a very difficult thing sometimes to trust someone who has failed you in the past. And yet this is what is being asked of us. But the good thing is we have an infallible source to fall back on, the Bible. So in my opinion, when there are scriptures that are a little ambiguous, but are interpreted in a certain way by the Slave, from past experience, should I be blamed if I find it hard to embrace this particular interpretation, and  would rather wait and see?
    It is a very difficult thing. Do you think it's possible to have a good and close relationship with Jehovah, and yet be wary sometimes about what the Slave says? In the past these two things were inseparable. If you were not agreeing with the Slave, you were automatically against Jehovah.
  4. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in “I know the depth of her depravity.”Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped as a 14-year-old...   
    As regards this specific prisoner being released .... what is a better solution?
    I mean ... one that is legal.
    How would YOU solve this SPECIFIC prisoner's situation?
    The phrase "Going after the problem" is completely meaningless, without specifics.
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I think you might be confusing "evidence" and "proof." Rutherford, in more than one article, showed he knew the difference. He knew that evidence was not proof. But he was anxious to use this idea of the ability to draw stronger and stronger conclusions if a "second witness" and "third witness" to his idea were available. The Biblical idea of requiring a second witness, and the idea that a three-fold cord cannot be broken were utilized to make evidence seem like the equivalent of proof. Of course, most of these multiple evidences had actually been bent a bit to support each other. Today, it's easy to go back and see "confirmation bias" in his sloppy reasoning.
    But he had another means of covering over the weaknesses of his evidence which had probably helped him to convince himself that he was right. And it would definitely draw over many of the persons who had remained hold-outs on the basis of unconvincing evidence. This was the fact that his "cause" (conclusion) was considered righteous and he had therefore associated his conclusion with faith. He was able to use "faith" in God's promises as the final glue to hold his weak "cord(s)" together, and hide its flaws, even from himself. This worked for Bible Students who followed him after Russell because they were anxious to believe that these men and their "Society" represented "the Lord."
    Rutherford had already been accepting of the idea that he had been made the equivalent of the "Lord." This is the easiest explanation to me as to why so many people would merely accept the flimsy evidence without questioning. You don't question the Lord!
    Some later examples might show you what I mean.
    *** w74 11/1 p. 651 How Would You Treat an Ambassador? ***
    The question is, How does the individual treat a visible representative of Christ who has clearly shown that he truly represents Christ? *** w55 6/1 p. 333 Part 11—Restoration of Theocratic Organization *** [quoting from 1938]
    . . . the following was the resolution suggested to and adopted by all congregations who desired to be welded together under the Society’s theocratic leadership: “We, the company of God’s people taken out for his name, and now at ___________, recognize that God’s government is a pure theocracy and that Christ Jesus is at the temple and in full charge and control of the visible organization of Jehovah, as well as the invisible, and that ‘THE SOCIETY’ is the visible representative of the Lord on earth, and we therefore request ‘The Society’ to organize this company for service and to appoint the various servants thereof, so that all of us may work together in peace, righteousness, harmony and complete unity. We attach hereto a list of names of persons in this company that to us appear more fully mature and who therefore appear to be best suited to fill the respective positions designated for service.” Hints of the impact of this idea are found in the kind of reasoning we still use today, even when something turns out to be wrong. For example. The idea was that the Lord [Jehovah] came to his temple in 33 CE, through Jesus and his message. Then the Lord came to his temple again in 1918.
    *** w55 11/15 pp. 692-693 par. 15 “Jehovah Is in His Holy Temple” ***
    Since the preparatory messenger had come, it was therefore in Jesus’ day that the Lord Jehovah was to come suddenly to the temple . . .  He [Jesus] came as the visible representative of the Lord Jehovah, and by putting his spirit on Jesus Jehovah was with him in coming to that temple at Jerusalem in 33 (A.D.). . . . Has the Lord Jehovah now come to his spiritual temple with his Angel of the covenant? Christendom says No! . . . Down here Jesus came and began the cleansing in the spring of 1918 three and a half years after the birth of God’s kingdom in 1914 and the heavenly enthronement of Jesus Christ as reigning King then. Let Christendom deny that 1918 is the date of the Lord Jehovah’s sudden coming to his spiritual temple as the God of judgment, accompanied by his Angel of the covenant Jesus Christ. . . . Jehovah caused to be preached from 1918 onward the startling public message “Millions Now Living Will Never Die,” and in 1923 he provided the interpretation of “the parable of the sheep and the goats.” The foundation of this idea is good: that Jesus would inspect his congregation and act according to good judgment, and that his true followers would be tested and disciplined in order to meet the challenges of the last days. But notice how the idea that the Society is the representative of the Lord becomes a reason not to question even the specific dates assigned to such a doctrine, which would otherwise be a healthful teaching. Wicked, unfaithful Christendom denies the 1918 date and therefore they come under the judgment of Jehovah. It was Jehovah who caused the preaching of what we now know to be a false prophecy. So how could anyone have questioned a false prophecy or false doctrine under this kind of bullying pressure and name-calling?
    As it turns out, of course, just a couple of years ago the Society finally dropped the idea that Jesus had come to his temple for a specific judgment in 1918. For that matter, the interpretation that Jehovah provided for the "the sheep and the goats" has also changed. There seems to have been an abuse of authority here that could be tied to the idea of "beating one's fellow slaves" as @Anna mentioned recently.
    I think we have become much more sophisticated in our wording and presentation of this same idea, but the same idea has not changed much. Here are just a few small examples of how much "less sophisticated" it was in Rutherford's time.
    Those Bible Students who publicly disagreed with Rutherford were branded "the evil slave" class. Yet, we today also find ourselves disagreeing with Rutherford on the pages of the same Watchtower. In Rutherford's day they published a book in 1917 that claimed that Russell was "Christ's representative in the world, the sole steward of the 'meat in due season.'" They kept selling that book until the early 1930's until "remaining stocks" were depleted. When Bible Students and even the newly named, "Jehovah's witnesses" asked if they should really be spreading false information among the unsuspecting public, Rutherford got angry, and the Bulletin (later, Our Kingdom Ministry) threatened the publishers by saying that if they went against Rutherford they were going against the Lord. But even less controversial issues were common. When the goals and quotas of special pioneers, regular pioneers and publishers were set, it was stated that these quotas were 'what the Lord wants.' Basically, if the Lord says pioneers need to get 100 hours a month, then, Who are we to go against the Lord? Even if we have become more sophisticated in our methods of producing this kind of theocratic world view, I see a danger in this. I think you can see it too.
  6. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    All of the above.
    ....and MORE.
    Without irrefutable hard evidence ... NEVER assume a person's motive for ANYTHING.
    If all else fails, and as a very last resort ... ask them.
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    .... and there never has been any way to fire these charlatans, and there isn't any way to fire them today.
    What is the answer for a person of normal intelligence and conscience ?
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    In my last post I called it a booklet, instead of a book because I've only seen it in soft-cover. And because it was 128 pages long and 20 cents, this was a little smaller than the format they usually called a book.
    I do believe that some "diversionary" games have been played with this, since we can't make it go away. I don't think it started out in any sinister way, but there have been some real problems in the methods used to minimize it. There are a lot of parallels between 1925 and 1975, which might seem disturbing if looked at too closely, but the real problem, I think is that the conditions at the beginning of the post 1914 era were of "Biblical proportions" in the sense of how the world probably surprised itself at the viciousness and scope of the war, and famine and pestilence were also of "Biblical proportions" especially the Spanish Influenza. The 1975 era required a bit more propaganda to create the necessary levels of fear to make it seem to be of "Biblical proportions" but as G.R. pointed out, we weren't creating that propaganda, we were just collecting all doomsday propaganda that fit our assumed timetable. We were collecting it because it fit other pieces of the puzzle, like the generation of people who would not pass away, and who were around 15 in 1914, making them 90 years old in 1975.
    But these supposedly "perfect storms" of conditions can't work without someone in authority driving it. Especially not with the training of Bible Student and Witness mentality. We are sheep. We can be told how to feel, what to fear, when to hide, when to come out and be bold. In the case of 1925 it took a man who was willing to drive the point home over and over again that these were the strongest evidences that the Bible Students would ever see about anything like this. And by a man who needed to understand evidence and proof for his previous livelihood as an attorney. Yet this same man was willing to forego all real evidence for the sloppiest kind of thinking:
    The basic idea was that there would be a "Great Jubilee" and -- without any Biblical support -- he agreed that 70 sounded like a good number of 50-year jubilees to make a "Great Jubilee." 70 times 50 is 3,500, so all he needed was to agree to a significant starting point that was about 3,500 years earlier and which would end a few years after the current year. After 1914 failed, Bible Students (in 1916) were already looking at the idea (based on an assumed but flimsy chronology) that the previous jubilee had ended around 1875, and they figured that the next one was 1925. Russell didn't like the idea, but it had already been offered as a question for him. This was because if they started it at one of the popular (but flimsy) dates for the entrance of Israel into the Promised Land, then 3,500 years supposedly ended in 1925.
    This was how flimsy and unbiblical the actual calculation was for 1925. Of course, they also had the supposed "double" punishment for Israel's sins which they took to mean that the number of years would be duplicated for the time of spiritual Israel. They found some supposed historical dates for the final desolation of Judea in 73 C.E. based on Eusebius and Josephus, and found a way to make this look significant (33 + 40) and then used this and some vague notions about how much had happened already since 1914: Jewish Zionism, Spanish Flu, Russian Revolution, etc.
  9. Upvote
  10. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Grey Reformer in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I understand that it is being discussed at World HQ running a special issue of the Watchtower, explaining the "signs from the heavens ..." that Hurricane Florence will be picking up sharks from the Atlantic Ocean, and dumping them in front yards, back yards, and on old peoples homes.
    If at the Warwick GB conference room this is actually discussed, and it gets 67% of the votes of the GB, then this will be official "New Light".... "New Truth".
    Absurd, you say?  No, No NO!
    It follows well established patterns of reason and logic for over a HUNDRED YEARS  There is actually NO RISK to this as the credibility gap is WELL exceeded by the gullibility fill. 
    Add to that is that if we refuse to believe it, we can be disfellowshipped for Apostasy, and that adds MASSIVE believability  in the real world .
    Stay tuned to see if this report is true, or merely a satire.

    Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4  
    ... and remember, when you vote for what is true .... vote early, and vote often !
  11. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Grey Reformer in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    It never ends.
    Just when you think you have seen it all, heard it all, and read it all .... it NEVER ENDS.
  12. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    It never ends.
    Just when you think you have seen it all, heard it all, and read it all .... it NEVER ENDS.
  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Oh yeah ... I had forgotten about THOSE crazy years ... because I never believed any of that .... but I did get caught, BIG TIME, in the "1975" fiasco, even though during the run-up to 1975 I openly ridiculed it ... right there at the end, I reasoned, in the fall of 1974
    "How could I be right, and everybody else ... people I respected, loved  and cared about .... everybody ... be WRONG? ( About the end coming in 1975)."
    It did not seem probable to me that EVERYBODY (In the Truth) was wrong so I quit the best job I ever had, in Zaire, the Congo, to be back home with my Mom and Dad in Virginia, when "the END came".
    To this day, Brothers and Sisters "swear" that never happened .....  but in the  Watchtower, March 15, 1980 issue , paragraphs 17 and 18 ONE TIME admitted that they did say that ... in the book "Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God".
    I did not find out about that "soft admission of culpability" until Mr. Google and I became good friends, many, many years later ... but long before that I learned to trust my own instincts over that of anything the Society said or published.
    If they are wrong, only we down here at the bottom have to pay the price for their error.
    If they permanently screw up our lives ... they pay no price whatsoever.
  14. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Technically yes, but practically, we know, and everyone else knows, when that statement was made it was not referring to babies born in 1918 and people living till they were nearly a 100. It was was talking about those who were in the audience at the time and perhaps of average age, which would probably be 35 to 45 year olds?
    Actually I never knew that!
    Yes please. I don't know much about it. I just know that this talk was given and that obviously it was.....well......wishful thinking at best and totally false at worst. And I guess it had a lot to do with the 1925 campaign.
    What I wondered was if our latest publications have mentioned anything about it. I can look it up too...
    PS. The last mention of "millions now living will never die" that I have in my WT CD library is from 2009 WT . The article was a life experience entitled "Ninety Years Ago I Began to ‘Remember My Grand Creator" one excerpt says this:
    "Some months before this incident at school, our family had moved to live near Glasgow in Scotland. About that time, Father attended the public talk entitled “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” It changed his life. Father and Mother began studying the Bible and often talked together about God’s Kingdom and the blessings to come. I thank God that from then on my parents brought me up to love God and to put my trust in him."— WT/2009/7/15
    Most likely today this brother is dead...
  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    No matter how many aliases he uses he gives himself away every time with the contents of his posts.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I understand that it is being discussed at World HQ running a special issue of the Watchtower, explaining the "signs from the heavens ..." that Hurricane Florence will be picking up sharks from the Atlantic Ocean, and dumping them in front yards, back yards, and on old peoples homes.
    If at the Warwick GB conference room this is actually discussed, and it gets 67% of the votes of the GB, then this will be official "New Light".... "New Truth".
    Absurd, you say?  No, No NO!
    It follows well established patterns of reason and logic for over a HUNDRED YEARS  There is actually NO RISK to this as the credibility gap is WELL exceeded by the gullibility fill. 
    Add to that is that if we refuse to believe it, we can be disfellowshipped for Apostasy, and that adds MASSIVE believability  in the real world .
    Stay tuned to see if this report is true, or merely a satire.

    Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4  
    ... and remember, when you vote for what is true .... vote early, and vote often !
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in RUSSIA: Criminal investigations of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses   
    RUSSIA: Criminal investigations of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - list
    By Victoria Arnold, Forum 18

    Full list of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses charged or named as suspects or currently on trial for "extremism"-related offences as of 13
    September 2018. Of these, 25 are in detention, 9 under house arrest and 30 under travel restrictions. Four are thought not to be
    under restrictions.
    Since January 2018, law enforcement agencies have been raiding Jehovah's Witness homes across Russia, often involving armed riot
    police or National Guard troops. These raids are usually led by the Investigative Committee, but the FSB security service and
    anti-extremism police have also participated.
    Consequently, 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - listed below - are under criminal investigation or on trial as of 13 September 2018 (see
    F18News 13 September 2018 <http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2412>).
    Of these, 65 are under investigation as a direct result of the Supreme Court's 20 April 2017 decision (upheld on 17 July 2017) to
    outlaw the Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its subdivisions as "extremist" and ban all their activities nationwide.
    A further four Jehovah's Witnesses were charged with extremism-related offences before the ban came into force. Three of these are
    already on trial; it is unknown when the fourth will appear in court.
    Restrictive measures
    After extensive searches of their properties and confiscation of personal belongings, Jehovah's Witnesses are usually taken to a
    police station or FSB or Investigative Committee office for questioning. Interrogations can last many hours, and sometimes continue
    through the night. Officers may then release them or hold them at a temporary detention centre for 48 hours. After 48 hours,
    individuals may be released under travel restrictions or investigators request a court to approve longer-term restrictive measures -
    house arrest or pre-trial detention.
    Travel restrictions may be applied indefinitely, but investigators must renew them every two weeks - when summoned, a suspect or
    accused person must attend the relevant law enforcement agency to sign another undertaking not to leave the town or district.
    A judge may place an individual under house arrest for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which investigators must
    go back to court to seek an extension. Under house arrest, a person may not leave his or her home (unless under special dispensation
    to go to hospital or, in some cases, to work), receive visitors, send or receive post, use the telephone, or use the internet.
    A judge may place an individual in pre-trial detention also for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which
    investigators must go back to court to seek an extension.
    Individuals may appeal to a higher court to have these restrictive measures lifted or reduced. A new law signed by President
    Vladimir Putin on 3 July stipulates that one day in pre-trial detention now counts as one and half days in a correctional colony after
    sentencing (this will be applied retroactively). Previously, custodial sentences were reduced by exactly the length of time a person
    had served in pre-trial custody.
    Investigators have opened criminal cases against these Jehovah's Witnesses under Article 282.2, Part 1 ("Organisation of the
    activities of a banned extremist organisation") or Part 2 ("Participation in the activities of a banned extremist organisation"), and in a
    few instances under Article 282.3, Part 1 ("Financing of extremist activity"). If convicted, they could receive lengthy prison
    sentences or heavy fines. It is unknown when any of their cases will come to court.
    A total of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses have been charged or named as suspects or are currently on trial for extremism-related offences as
    of 13 September 2018. The majority of these people - 16 women, 49 men - are under investigation for "continuing the activities" of
    http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 1/7
    the banned Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its local communities.
    As of 13 September 2018, 25 people are in detention (24 men, 1 woman), nine people are under house arrest (all men), and 30
    people (13 women, 17 men) are under travel restrictions. One woman has been placed under specific restrictive conditions. Only
    four people (one woman, three men) are currently thought to be under no restrictions as the cases against them proceed.
    Full list
    Name, date of birth - date of initial arrest; date of decision to put in detention/under house arrest/under travel restrictions, date to be
    released; charged/suspect under [Criminal Code Article]; whether or not on Rosfinmonitoring "List of Terrorists and Extremists"
    --- 25 in Detention
    Ivanovo - Shuya
    1) Dmitry Vasilyevich Mikhailov, born 25 October 1977 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 29 May 2018, until 19 October
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    2) Sergey Alekseyevich Britvin, born 1965 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    3) Vadim Anatolyevich Levchuk, born 1972 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Valery Vasilyevich Moskalenko, born 1967 - arrested on 2 August 2018; detained on 3 August 2018, until at latest 2 October
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Sergey Alekseyevich Rayman, born 1996 - arrested on 25 July 2018; detained on 26 July 2018, until at latest 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Andrei Garafetanovich Stupnikov, born 17 September 1973 - arrested on 3 July 2018; detained on 4 July 2018, until 2 October
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    7) Ivan Grigoryevich Puyda, born 5 November 1978 - arrested in Khabarovsk on 30 May 2018; detained in Magadan on 1 June
    2018, until 29 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    ? Sergey Liviyevich Yerkin, born 23 June 1953 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 30 September 2018;
    suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    9) Yevgeny Anatolyevich Zyablov, born 9 March 1977 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 September
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Murmansk - Polyarny
    10) Roman Nikolayevich Markin, born 18 March 1974 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 11
    October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    11) Viktor Fyodorovich Trofimov, born 26 March 1957 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 12
    October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    12) Anastasiya Andreyevna Polyakova, born 25 May 1984 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September
    http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 2/7
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018
    13) Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov, 28 April 1972 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018
    14) Dennis Ole Christensen, born 18 December 1972 - arrested on 25 May 2017; detained on 26 May 2017, until 1 November 2018;
    currently on trial under Article 282.2 Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018
    15) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Alushkin, born 30 June 1964 - arrested on 15 July 2018; detained on 17 July 2018, until 14 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018
    Primorye - Vladivostok
    16) Valentin Pavlovich Osadchuk, born 15 March 1976 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 23 April 2018, until 20 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    17) Dmitry Viktorovich Barmakin, born 1974 - arrested in Nakhodka on 28 July 2018; detained on 30 July 2018, until 27 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    18) Konstantin Viktorovich Bazhenov, born 10 May 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    19) Aleksey Vladimirovich Budenchuk, born 27 July 1982 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    20) Feliks Khasanovich Makhammadiev, born 14 December 1984 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12
    December 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny
    21) Ilkham Shamilyevich Karimov, born 9 February 1981 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    22) Konstantin Viktorovich Matrashov, born 22 August 1988 arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    23) Vladimir Nikolayevich Myakushin, born 6 November 1987 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    24) Aydar Maratovich Yulmetyev, born August 1993 - arrested on 29 May; detained on 31 May 2018, until 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    25) Sergey Gennadyevich Klimov, born 26 March 1970 - arrested on 3 June 2018; detained on 5 June 2018, until 31 October 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 9 under House Arrest
    Bashkortostan - Ufa
    1) Anatoly Sergeyevich Vilitkevich, born 15 September 1986 - arrested on 10 April 2018; detained on 12 April 2018 and released on
    appeal on 21 June 2018; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring
    List on 7 July 2018
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    2) Konstantin Nikolayevich Petrov, born 9 August 1986 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 July 2018;
    released from detention on appeal on 3 August and placed under house arrest; ; unknown when house arrest due to end; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    3) Vladislav Sergeyevich Kolbanov, born 27 November 1992 - arrested on 16 May 2018; put under house arrest on 19 May 2018;
    unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Aleksandr Gennadyevich Suvorov, born 20 April 1980 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018;
    released from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article
    282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Vladimir Yuryevich Kochnev, born 15 October 1979 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018 released
    from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part
    1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kulyasov, born 17 April 1974 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house
    arrest on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on
    6 September 2018
    7) Andrei Aleksandrovich Magliv, born 20 June 1984 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest on
    17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6
    September 2018
    ? Denis Vladimirovich Timoshin, born 23 March 1980 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest
    on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6
    September 2018
    9) Aleksandr Vasilyevich Solovyov, born 13 February 1970 - arrested on 22 May 2018; put under house arrest on 24 May 2018;
    unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 30 under Travel Restrictions
    1) Dmitry Mikhailovich Golik, born 26 March 1987 - arrested on 20 July 2018; unknown if detained for 48 hours or when placed
    under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 30 August 2018
    2) Anatoly Aleksandrovich Shalyapin, born 21 January 1994 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10
    February 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Ivanovo - Shuya
    3) Aleksey A., date of birth unknown - arrested 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on
    unknown date; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; unknown if on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Yelena Valentinovna Mikhailova, born 9 August 1983 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22
    June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Svetlana P., date of birth unknown - arrested on 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on
    unknown date; unknown if charged or still suspect, under Article 282.2 Part 1 and Article 282.3 Part 1; unknown if on
    Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Svetlana Yuryevna Shishina, born 16 November 1975 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22
    June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
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    Jewish Autonomous Region - Birobidzhan
    7) Alam Abdulaziz ogly Aliyev, born 14 January 1963 - arrested on 17 May 2018; detained on 18 May 2018 but released on appeal
    on 25 May 2018 and placed under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List between
    17 May and 13 June 2018
    Kabardino-Balkariya - Maysky
    ? Yury Viktorovich Zalipayev, born 8 October 1962 - case opened in August 2017; put under travel restrictions on 24 April 2018;
    currently on trial under Article 280, Part 1 and Article 282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kabardino-Balkariya - Prokhladny
    9) Arkadya Akopovich Akopyan, born 28 May 1948 - put under travel restrictions on 3 May 2017; currently on trial under Article
    282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Yelizovo
    10) Snezhana Yevgenyevna Bazhenova, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel
    restrictions on 21 August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    11) Vera Ivanovna Zolotova, born 1946 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 21
    August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    12) Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekontsev, born 5 July 1981 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16
    May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    13) Sergey Viktorovich Logunov, born 28 November 1962 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    14) Aleksey Nikolayevich Matveyev, born 23 April 1983 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16
    May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    15) Olga Timofeyevna Sandu, born 31 March 1984 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May
    2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    16) Fail Samigullovich Shangareyev, born 16 December 1960 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions
    on 16 May 2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    17) Nikolay Nikolayevich Zhugin, born 14 February 1976 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    18) Sergei Vladimirovich Skrynnikov, born 30 October 1962 - arrested 25 May 2017 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under
    travel restrictions on 13 March 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018
    Vladivostok, Primorye
    19) Nailya Sunatovna Kogay, born 5 October 1951 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    20) Lyubov Aleksandrovna Galaktionova, born 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    21) Nina Ivanovna Purge, born 19 June 1940 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under
    Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    22) Raisa Mikhailovna Usanova, born 28 September 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
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    23) Yelena Viktorovna Zayshchuk, born 25 August 1934 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    24) Gennady Valerianovich Shpakovsky, born 6 October 1958 - arrested on 3 June 2018; put under travel restrictions on unknown
    date; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 July 2018
    Sakha-Yakutiya - Lensk
    25) Igor Nikolayevich Ivashin, born 16 April 1976 - arrested on 30 June or 1 July; put under travel restrictions on 2 July; suspect
    under unknown Article; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    26) Gennady Vasilyevich German, born 12 June 1969 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel
    restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    27) Roman Aleksandrovich Gridasov, born 16 September 1978 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put
    under travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    28) Aleksey Petrovich Miretsky, born 14 December 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under
    travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny
    29) Zinaida Viktorovna Soldatova, born 2 April 1967 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    12 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    30) Valentina Ivanovna Stepkina, born 18 January 1951 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions
    on 6 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2 Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 1 under Specific Restrictions
    1) Valeriya Aleksandrovna Rayman, born 1993 - arrested on 25 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; released on 27 July 2018 but
    not allowed to; go out at night; use the internet, telephone, or postal service; or talk to anybody else involved in the case; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 4 under No known restrictions
    1) Sergey Aleksandrovich Voykov, born 28 August 1975 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10
    February 2018, which later lapsed; suspect under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Yelizovo
    2) Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bazhenov, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018; detained on 21 August 2018, until 18 October
    2018; released on appeal on 29 August 2018; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Vilyuchinsk
    3) Yelena Vyacheslavovna Popova, born 1963 - arrested on 30 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours, extended to 72 hours; placed
    under house arrest on 3 August 2018; released from house arrest on appeal on 10 August 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1
    and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Mikhail Yuryevich Popov, born 1962 - arrested on 30 July 2018; detained on 1 August 2018; released on appeal on 9 August
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1 and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
  18. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in RUSSIA: Criminal investigations of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses   
    RUSSIA: Criminal investigations of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - list
    By Victoria Arnold, Forum 18

    Full list of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses charged or named as suspects or currently on trial for "extremism"-related offences as of 13
    September 2018. Of these, 25 are in detention, 9 under house arrest and 30 under travel restrictions. Four are thought not to be
    under restrictions.
    Since January 2018, law enforcement agencies have been raiding Jehovah's Witness homes across Russia, often involving armed riot
    police or National Guard troops. These raids are usually led by the Investigative Committee, but the FSB security service and
    anti-extremism police have also participated.
    Consequently, 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - listed below - are under criminal investigation or on trial as of 13 September 2018 (see
    F18News 13 September 2018 <http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2412>).
    Of these, 65 are under investigation as a direct result of the Supreme Court's 20 April 2017 decision (upheld on 17 July 2017) to
    outlaw the Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its subdivisions as "extremist" and ban all their activities nationwide.
    A further four Jehovah's Witnesses were charged with extremism-related offences before the ban came into force. Three of these are
    already on trial; it is unknown when the fourth will appear in court.
    Restrictive measures
    After extensive searches of their properties and confiscation of personal belongings, Jehovah's Witnesses are usually taken to a
    police station or FSB or Investigative Committee office for questioning. Interrogations can last many hours, and sometimes continue
    through the night. Officers may then release them or hold them at a temporary detention centre for 48 hours. After 48 hours,
    individuals may be released under travel restrictions or investigators request a court to approve longer-term restrictive measures -
    house arrest or pre-trial detention.
    Travel restrictions may be applied indefinitely, but investigators must renew them every two weeks - when summoned, a suspect or
    accused person must attend the relevant law enforcement agency to sign another undertaking not to leave the town or district.
    A judge may place an individual under house arrest for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which investigators must
    go back to court to seek an extension. Under house arrest, a person may not leave his or her home (unless under special dispensation
    to go to hospital or, in some cases, to work), receive visitors, send or receive post, use the telephone, or use the internet.
    A judge may place an individual in pre-trial detention also for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which
    investigators must go back to court to seek an extension.
    Individuals may appeal to a higher court to have these restrictive measures lifted or reduced. A new law signed by President
    Vladimir Putin on 3 July stipulates that one day in pre-trial detention now counts as one and half days in a correctional colony after
    sentencing (this will be applied retroactively). Previously, custodial sentences were reduced by exactly the length of time a person
    had served in pre-trial custody.
    Investigators have opened criminal cases against these Jehovah's Witnesses under Article 282.2, Part 1 ("Organisation of the
    activities of a banned extremist organisation") or Part 2 ("Participation in the activities of a banned extremist organisation"), and in a
    few instances under Article 282.3, Part 1 ("Financing of extremist activity"). If convicted, they could receive lengthy prison
    sentences or heavy fines. It is unknown when any of their cases will come to court.
    A total of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses have been charged or named as suspects or are currently on trial for extremism-related offences as
    of 13 September 2018. The majority of these people - 16 women, 49 men - are under investigation for "continuing the activities" of
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    the banned Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its local communities.
    As of 13 September 2018, 25 people are in detention (24 men, 1 woman), nine people are under house arrest (all men), and 30
    people (13 women, 17 men) are under travel restrictions. One woman has been placed under specific restrictive conditions. Only
    four people (one woman, three men) are currently thought to be under no restrictions as the cases against them proceed.
    Full list
    Name, date of birth - date of initial arrest; date of decision to put in detention/under house arrest/under travel restrictions, date to be
    released; charged/suspect under [Criminal Code Article]; whether or not on Rosfinmonitoring "List of Terrorists and Extremists"
    --- 25 in Detention
    Ivanovo - Shuya
    1) Dmitry Vasilyevich Mikhailov, born 25 October 1977 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 29 May 2018, until 19 October
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    2) Sergey Alekseyevich Britvin, born 1965 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    3) Vadim Anatolyevich Levchuk, born 1972 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Valery Vasilyevich Moskalenko, born 1967 - arrested on 2 August 2018; detained on 3 August 2018, until at latest 2 October
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Sergey Alekseyevich Rayman, born 1996 - arrested on 25 July 2018; detained on 26 July 2018, until at latest 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Andrei Garafetanovich Stupnikov, born 17 September 1973 - arrested on 3 July 2018; detained on 4 July 2018, until 2 October
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    7) Ivan Grigoryevich Puyda, born 5 November 1978 - arrested in Khabarovsk on 30 May 2018; detained in Magadan on 1 June
    2018, until 29 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    ? Sergey Liviyevich Yerkin, born 23 June 1953 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 30 September 2018;
    suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    9) Yevgeny Anatolyevich Zyablov, born 9 March 1977 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 September
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Murmansk - Polyarny
    10) Roman Nikolayevich Markin, born 18 March 1974 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 11
    October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    11) Viktor Fyodorovich Trofimov, born 26 March 1957 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 12
    October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    12) Anastasiya Andreyevna Polyakova, born 25 May 1984 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September
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    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018
    13) Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov, 28 April 1972 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018
    14) Dennis Ole Christensen, born 18 December 1972 - arrested on 25 May 2017; detained on 26 May 2017, until 1 November 2018;
    currently on trial under Article 282.2 Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018
    15) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Alushkin, born 30 June 1964 - arrested on 15 July 2018; detained on 17 July 2018, until 14 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018
    Primorye - Vladivostok
    16) Valentin Pavlovich Osadchuk, born 15 March 1976 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 23 April 2018, until 20 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    17) Dmitry Viktorovich Barmakin, born 1974 - arrested in Nakhodka on 28 July 2018; detained on 30 July 2018, until 27 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    18) Konstantin Viktorovich Bazhenov, born 10 May 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    19) Aleksey Vladimirovich Budenchuk, born 27 July 1982 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December
    2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    20) Feliks Khasanovich Makhammadiev, born 14 December 1984 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12
    December 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny
    21) Ilkham Shamilyevich Karimov, born 9 February 1981 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    22) Konstantin Viktorovich Matrashov, born 22 August 1988 arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    23) Vladimir Nikolayevich Myakushin, born 6 November 1987 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September
    2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    24) Aydar Maratovich Yulmetyev, born August 1993 - arrested on 29 May; detained on 31 May 2018, until 25 September 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    25) Sergey Gennadyevich Klimov, born 26 March 1970 - arrested on 3 June 2018; detained on 5 June 2018, until 31 October 2018;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 9 under House Arrest
    Bashkortostan - Ufa
    1) Anatoly Sergeyevich Vilitkevich, born 15 September 1986 - arrested on 10 April 2018; detained on 12 April 2018 and released on
    appeal on 21 June 2018; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring
    List on 7 July 2018
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    2) Konstantin Nikolayevich Petrov, born 9 August 1986 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 July 2018;
    released from detention on appeal on 3 August and placed under house arrest; ; unknown when house arrest due to end; suspect
    under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    3) Vladislav Sergeyevich Kolbanov, born 27 November 1992 - arrested on 16 May 2018; put under house arrest on 19 May 2018;
    unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Aleksandr Gennadyevich Suvorov, born 20 April 1980 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018;
    released from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article
    282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Vladimir Yuryevich Kochnev, born 15 October 1979 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018 released
    from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part
    1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kulyasov, born 17 April 1974 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house
    arrest on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on
    6 September 2018
    7) Andrei Aleksandrovich Magliv, born 20 June 1984 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest on
    17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6
    September 2018
    ? Denis Vladimirovich Timoshin, born 23 March 1980 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest
    on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6
    September 2018
    9) Aleksandr Vasilyevich Solovyov, born 13 February 1970 - arrested on 22 May 2018; put under house arrest on 24 May 2018;
    unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 30 under Travel Restrictions
    1) Dmitry Mikhailovich Golik, born 26 March 1987 - arrested on 20 July 2018; unknown if detained for 48 hours or when placed
    under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 30 August 2018
    2) Anatoly Aleksandrovich Shalyapin, born 21 January 1994 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10
    February 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Ivanovo - Shuya
    3) Aleksey A., date of birth unknown - arrested 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on
    unknown date; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; unknown if on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Yelena Valentinovna Mikhailova, born 9 August 1983 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22
    June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    5) Svetlana P., date of birth unknown - arrested on 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on
    unknown date; unknown if charged or still suspect, under Article 282.2 Part 1 and Article 282.3 Part 1; unknown if on
    Rosfinmonitoring List
    6) Svetlana Yuryevna Shishina, born 16 November 1975 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22
    June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
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    Jewish Autonomous Region - Birobidzhan
    7) Alam Abdulaziz ogly Aliyev, born 14 January 1963 - arrested on 17 May 2018; detained on 18 May 2018 but released on appeal
    on 25 May 2018 and placed under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List between
    17 May and 13 June 2018
    Kabardino-Balkariya - Maysky
    ? Yury Viktorovich Zalipayev, born 8 October 1962 - case opened in August 2017; put under travel restrictions on 24 April 2018;
    currently on trial under Article 280, Part 1 and Article 282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kabardino-Balkariya - Prokhladny
    9) Arkadya Akopovich Akopyan, born 28 May 1948 - put under travel restrictions on 3 May 2017; currently on trial under Article
    282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Yelizovo
    10) Snezhana Yevgenyevna Bazhenova, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel
    restrictions on 21 August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    11) Vera Ivanovna Zolotova, born 1946 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 21
    August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    12) Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekontsev, born 5 July 1981 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16
    May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    13) Sergey Viktorovich Logunov, born 28 November 1962 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    14) Aleksey Nikolayevich Matveyev, born 23 April 1983 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16
    May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    15) Olga Timofeyevna Sandu, born 31 March 1984 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May
    2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    16) Fail Samigullovich Shangareyev, born 16 December 1960 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions
    on 16 May 2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    17) Nikolay Nikolayevich Zhugin, born 14 February 1976 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    18) Sergei Vladimirovich Skrynnikov, born 30 October 1962 - arrested 25 May 2017 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under
    travel restrictions on 13 March 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018
    Vladivostok, Primorye
    19) Nailya Sunatovna Kogay, born 5 October 1951 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    20) Lyubov Aleksandrovna Galaktionova, born 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    21) Nina Ivanovna Purge, born 19 June 1940 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under
    Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    22) Raisa Mikhailovna Usanova, born 28 September 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
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    23) Yelena Viktorovna Zayshchuk, born 25 August 1934 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April;
    charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    24) Gennady Valerianovich Shpakovsky, born 6 October 1958 - arrested on 3 June 2018; put under travel restrictions on unknown
    date; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 July 2018
    Sakha-Yakutiya - Lensk
    25) Igor Nikolayevich Ivashin, born 16 April 1976 - arrested on 30 June or 1 July; put under travel restrictions on 2 July; suspect
    under unknown Article; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    26) Gennady Vasilyevich German, born 12 June 1969 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel
    restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    27) Roman Aleksandrovich Gridasov, born 16 September 1978 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put
    under travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    28) Aleksey Petrovich Miretsky, born 14 December 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under
    travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny
    29) Zinaida Viktorovna Soldatova, born 2 April 1967 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on
    12 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    30) Valentina Ivanovna Stepkina, born 18 January 1951 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions
    on 6 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2 Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 1 under Specific Restrictions
    1) Valeriya Aleksandrovna Rayman, born 1993 - arrested on 25 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; released on 27 July 2018 but
    not allowed to; go out at night; use the internet, telephone, or postal service; or talk to anybody else involved in the case; charged
    under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    --- 4 under No known restrictions
    1) Sergey Aleksandrovich Voykov, born 28 August 1975 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10
    February 2018, which later lapsed; suspect under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Yelizovo
    2) Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bazhenov, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018; detained on 21 August 2018, until 18 October
    2018; released on appeal on 29 August 2018; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    Kamchatka - Vilyuchinsk
    3) Yelena Vyacheslavovna Popova, born 1963 - arrested on 30 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours, extended to 72 hours; placed
    under house arrest on 3 August 2018; released from house arrest on appeal on 10 August 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1
    and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
    4) Mikhail Yuryevich Popov, born 1962 - arrested on 30 July 2018; detained on 1 August 2018; released on appeal on 9 August
    2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1 and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List
  19. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    I understand that it is being discussed at World HQ running a special issue of the Watchtower, explaining the "signs from the heavens ..." that Hurricane Florence will be picking up sharks from the Atlantic Ocean, and dumping them in front yards, back yards, and on old peoples homes.
    If at the Warwick GB conference room this is actually discussed, and it gets 67% of the votes of the GB, then this will be official "New Light".... "New Truth".
    Absurd, you say?  No, No NO!
    It follows well established patterns of reason and logic for over a HUNDRED YEARS  There is actually NO RISK to this as the credibility gap is WELL exceeded by the gullibility fill. 
    Add to that is that if we refuse to believe it, we can be disfellowshipped for Apostasy, and that adds MASSIVE believability  in the real world .
    Stay tuned to see if this report is true, or merely a satire.

    Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4  
    ... and remember, when you vote for what is true .... vote early, and vote often !
  20. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Grey Reformer in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Being rude, sarcastic, use ad hominem, insults, drama, procrastination, whatever else the mental state offers as an excuse, is very apparent here on a site that is supposed to be friendly to Jehovah’s Witnesses, and is responded by witnesses. I don’t know what kind of witnesses many of you think you are, a witness in good standing you’re not. Even if you are making it an excuse to further your bible teachings, honest and faithful Christians would amount to the discourse and rivalry that is expressed here in supporting the arguments former witnesses offer, and yet, openly agree that some of their arguments are valid when they all have been debunked.

    Maybe the JW reformation group would be a more honest approach to relieve some of the anxieties some of you have by pretending to be witnesses. I really don’t understand who it is your fooling since nothing can be hidden from God. What possible good standing do you foresee, that would be in your favor in God’s Eyes. Not just as individuals, but as a faithful group that has the same assent toward each other as though they were married.

  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    As was already pointed out, we have always known that a generation can include overlapping contemporaries, but these contemporaries belong to another generation. The Watchtower has said that "three or even four generations" may overlap at the same time. So the overlapping explanation is not about how to define a single "generation that will not pass away." My own issue with the current explanation has more to do with the disrespect it shows to Jesus, in trying to twist up the meaning of language so much that we have inadvertently tried to present him as some kind of trickster.
    *** w52 9/1 pp. 542-543 Questions From Readers ***
    Your publications point out that the battle of Armageddon will come in this generation, and that this generation began A.D. 1914. Scripturally, how long is a generation?—G. P., Liberia.
    Webster’s unabridged dictionary gives, in part, this definition of generation: “The average lifetime of man, or the ordinary period of time at which one rank follows another, or father is succeeded by child; an age. A generation is usually taken to be about 33 years.” But the Bible is not so specific. It gives no number of years for a generation. And in Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32, the texts mentioning the generation the question refers to, we are not to take generation as meaning the average time for one generation to be succeeded by the next, as Webster’s does in its 33-year approximation; but rather more like Webster’s first-quoted definition, “the average lifetime of man.” Three or even four generations may be living at the same time, their lives overlapping. (Ps. 78:4; 145:4) Before the Noachian flood the life span was hundreds of years. Down through the centuries since, it has varied, and even now is different in different countries. The Bible does speak of a man’s days as being threescore and ten or fourscore years; but it assigns no specific number of years to a generation.—Ps. 90:10.
    Even if it did, we could not calculate from such a figure the date of Armageddon, for the texts here under discussion do not say God’s battle comes right at the end of this generation, but before its end. To try to say how many years before its end would be speculative. The texts merely set a limit that is sufficiently definite for all present practical purposes. Some persons living A.D. 1914 when the series of foretold events began will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon. All the events will come within the span of a generation. There are hundreds of millions of persons living now that were living in 1914, and many millions of these persons could yet live a score or more years. Just when the lives of the majority of them will be cut short by Armageddon we cannot say.
  22. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    This is not difficult to grasp at all. But I do think there is something wrong with thinking that this says the same thing as the current publications are saying. It may have been a "trial balloon" for the current doctrine, but it's very different from the current doctrine.
    That is a very sensible explanation of the economics-related overlapping generations model. Note that it is plural as it ought to be. Quoting, the article, with extra highlighting, it states:
    The Watchtower "model" is the singular, and very non-sensical "overlapping generation" model. The difference one little "s" can make is important. Note that in Spanish "esposa" means wife, but "esposas" means handcuffs.  For most people, that's quite an important difference.
  23. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    @JW Insider this is definitely Allen. For some reason he has always been jealous, that I "admire" you
  24. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from DespicableME in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Yeah ... why dwell on such things ... Like Adolph Hitler is reported to have said when Allied Forces were battling , forcing their way into Germany from both sides, destroying their cities while destroying their armies .... "Those Allies have ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF HUMOR!"
    We should look at 1925 and 1975 as funny ... like Grandmother's continuous flatulating at the Kitchen Table.
  25. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from DespicableME in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    Just as the "Ministry of Truth" did in the book "1984" by George Orwell, the Society is revising History, wherever they can, to change graphic images ( posters, handbills, and other things that might be used in a current illustration) to read "Millions now living MAY never die." (emphasis mine).
    The book "1984 was SUPPOSED to be a fictional dire warning of how societies evolve into a perpetual tyranny over time, and showing how it could happen.
    We us it as a policy manual.
    In "1984"  England  had evolved into INGSOC, and the way they maintained total social control was by changing the past by changing all historical references .... and by controlling the past, controlled the present, and controlled the future .... making it difficult or impossible to check the past for truthful references to ANYTHING.
    The Society today is actively using this technique to change the past. In many cases the bound volumes of the Watchtowers and Awakes have been revised and do not show what was in the original magazines, and convention videos today mentioning our history make you wonder if they are talking about something that happened somewhere in a parallel Universe.
    The "Millions now living may never die" is only THE classic example of rewriting the past, to control the present, and by controlling the present, control the future.
    Here are two videos that explain "1984".
    Watch them and weep.

    The Dystopian World of 1984 Explained.mp4 George Orwell's 1984, Part 2_ Crash Course Literature #402 (1).mp4  
    NOW ... find the movie "1984", and watch it. It has a superstar of yesteryear in it ... but you hardly notice.
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