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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    I have a Brother Label Maker that makes labels on gummed tape, with which I label things.  I even labeled my label maker with a label that reads "Label Maker", and on the Label Maker's label that says "label maker", there is a tiny label that says "Label".
    In the kitchen is a pyrex graduated two cup measuring container with a handle, and on the bottom is a label that says "Urine samples", which my wife did not see, 'cause it was on the bottom.
    She wrote a very nasty letter to the Betty Crocker cake mix people.
    ..... apologies to TBBT, and  Sheldon Cooper
  2. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from DespicableME in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Yes, but Ray Franz left behind two very detailed biographies of his experiences and observations .... which at least one is available on Amazon.com, or, with a little searching, you might be able to get either or both off the Internet for free in PDF or EPUB format. 
    You should research these things for yourself, and not rely on others,  whose information may be distorted by being second-hand information.
    Waterboarding is very effective, in most cases, and has the advantage that it does not leave any documentable  marks ....
    By not allowing any representation, witnesses, recordings, or notes in disfellowshipping trials, completely secret ... the Society does not need to waterboard anyone to avoid any tell-tale evidence of iron fists in a velvet glove. 
    For it's intended purpose, without ever showing mercy of any kind, the system works perfectly, now.
  3. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Satan doesn't have healing powers?   
    It is my considered analysis that the Egyptian Pyramids were constructed by persons having the ability to manipulate the Quantum states of matter, to circumvent the normal classical Physics of which we are familiar.
    To this day, no one knows how the gigantic stones of the Great Pyramid were lifted into place, and placed.
    The effort staggers the imagination, but it did happen.  I seriously doubt any engineering and construction company in the world could duplicate that effort. Make them use the tools seemingly in use then, and it would be impossible in less than a thousand years ( you pick a better number ...).
    Likewise, although we can ACTUALLY manipulate the "Quantum World" now ... and can make entangled particles that can communicate with others instantaneously across ANY distance, and make tunneling diodes where electricity can get across gaps ... NOT ... traveling the distance between points, (color TVs have them), we cannot make something out of nothing.
    Apparently SOME Egyptians had telekinetic, and transmutation skills we do not have today, whether it be Pyramids, or Snakes, or some other things, which seem to bypass physics as we now know it ... and so did Moses.
    Remember ... he was part of the Egyptian ruling class ... and educated in Egypt!
    Your analysis and results may vary.
    Do not try this at home.
  4. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    Your posting was July 10.  I just discovered it today, August 26, 2018 ... so the reason I have not 'weighed in" is mere ignorance that this post existed.
    There is no question that there is a clear "pecking order" in the WT hierarchy, but without analysis ( first, I would have to care ...) it seems your ordered list conveys the general idea.
    However, any time two or more people get together, a pecking order evolves.  It's true with barnyard chickens, and it is true with people.
    That's just the way things are.
    It cannot be undone.
    Even in a box of Animal Crackers with Lions and Giraffes, the Giraffes often get their necks broken.
    MY policy is " ... eat 'em all ... let God sort 'em out".
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Here is another interesting thought ..... With Jehovah on our side ... "bow drawn and arrow set", why have any fear at all? 
    Sit back and watch the show!!!
    "hehehe )))))))))"
  6. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    It is almost like a scene from Terminator. Or Contagion. Or whatever.
  7. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Here is another interesting thought ..... With Jehovah on our side ... "bow drawn and arrow set", why have any fear at all? 
    Sit back and watch the show!!!
    "hehehe )))))))))"
  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Discussing the deep philosophical and theological implications, and applications of a a scripted drama produced by the Society is like a deep analysis of the DNA of Caleb and Sophia.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Discussing the deep philosophical and theological implications, and applications of a a scripted drama produced by the Society is like a deep analysis of the DNA of Caleb and Sophia.
  10. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    ..... I have been called many things ... but never before a "stone".
    .... usually a "blockhead".
    ... I usually respond well when called to dinner.
  11. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    I am at the bottom of the list, where all chainsaw theologists are .... by choice.
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    I'll put it aside and get to it soon. But you have secured from me what you may never have thought possible, and don't necessarily care about one way or another: a genuine 'like'
  13. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    I concede that you can worry the horns off of a Billy Goat .... so as a concession to your admirable persistence ....
    Sarah Conner Escapes The Asylum.mp4
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    ..... I have been called many things ... but never before a "stone".
    .... usually a "blockhead".
    ... I usually respond well when called to dinner.
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    I am at the bottom of the list, where all chainsaw theologists are .... by choice.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Thank you for correcting me,. where I was wrong about the 10,000.
    I sincerely wish someone COULD correct me about the rest of my post.
  17. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Yes, it does.
    Also it subverts plain old common sense ... which seems to be completely nonexistent.
    It could only be worse if all those Brothers and Sisters in the video were ordered out into the middle of an open field by the GB or Elders, to be murdered by the mysterious  black suited boogymen, had been told to take shovels with them, and dig their own graves, prior to being attacked.
    Jehovah and his armies are seen preparing to slaughter those about to slaughter the Brothers and Sisters, but there is NO evidence that during the years of terror in Germany and Nazi occupied lands, that Jehovah saved a single person, or interfered with any side of the conflict, and approximately 10,000 Brothers and Sisters were murdered by the Nazis.
    There is NO evidence that God is in any way interfering with what is going on in the Russian Federation, today.
    Not individually.
    Not as a group.
    Please correct me if I have missed a material fact.
    Remember facts?
  18. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Noble Berean in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Sorry for the delay in response.
    You're using the actions of millions to give evidence to the divine support of a small group of men. Do they deserve that credit? Couldn't it be easily argued that Jehovah God is blessing the entire group's actions? The worldwide preaching work, the racial unity, the technological advancement--is that all the product of the GB? In fact, the GB committees are made of many JW "helpers" that produce content--the GB puts a stamp of approval and may offer revisions or additional input. For human purposes, a centralized GB is advantageous, but from a spiritual perspective Jehovah God can impart his spirit to whoever he pleases (and he certainly does).
    As I've said before a GB makes sense from a human perspective, but where is the scriptural basis for unquestioned authority? The type-antitype thinking has been thrown out the window in recent years, so why hasn't the FDS parable also been thrown out as non-prophetic? Are we not supposed to notice that a parable that remains prophetic deals with the GB/FDS?
    Does the GB even believe it is the FDS? Think about it! Have they are come out and said it? They imply it, but they never state it outright. If the GB themselves can't say outright that they are FDS, then why should all JWs believe they are? And their public relations/legalese speak with governments and courts--doesn't it sound dishonest? When you hear the org say that JWs are never forced to refuse blood and that it would be presumptuous of the GB to claim to be sole representatives of God...these statements just don't ring true! Imagine saying these things at a KH or assembly! You would have a stern talking-to by the elders. Why can't the GB just be upfront with the media/governments/courts on the organization they lead? Is it because they are ashamed or feel they have something to hide?
    If Jehovah God the Almighty is using the GB to achieve his purpose, why do they need to constantly rely on plausible deniability and general shadiness? When the GB is under fire, why they are so quick to remove accountability from themselves? Look at how they deal with the sex abuse. That's suddenly not on the elders or the org, but it's on the parents. The GB can't claim credit for all the good things and remove credit from all the bad! You can only pick one. That's a kind of self-preserving, shady attitude that I don't like. It's not Christian--it's businesslike.
  19. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Noble Berean in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I know you think that my complaints are fault-finding, but I'm seeking truth just like anyone else on here. And things just don't always add up to me. I've given a lot of my time and energy to this organization, and I need to know that my decisions are right.
    Comparing the GB to Moses? Moses was a prophet of God. He performed miracles. Murmuring against him was inexcusable. The GB has made missteps in direction that have negatively affected people. Again and again we must give the GB free passes for their errors in direction and continue giving them unquestioned loyalty. Do other JWs have that luxury? If we're all "equal" then why is their a double-standard?
    I think a spirit of working together is important, but it's so difficult to work together with this organization when there's basically no room for personal conscience.
    We've all worked with someone that is dogmatic and micromanaging. It is frustrating. Personal research has taught me that many matters are gray rather than black-and-white. Accepting the GB as the group taking the lead is not my issue. I understand that for an organization to function there has to be a person or group taking the lead. I just can't shake my belief that the GB has gone too far in its control. I would praise the GB if they allowed for more areas of personal conscience. That would show a trust in their fellow Christians to follow God to the best of their ability...according to their own Bible-based conscience. Instead, we have a system in place that shows a mistrust of Christians, because we all need to live on a short-leash. We are punished if we question the status quo. Are JWs genuinely motivated to find spiritual truth or stay in line with a human organization? These are concerns I have.
    Working together as a body implies collaboration...does one organ have absolute authority over the entire body? The way the human organization is now...one group directs and the 7+ million other members obey. Does that sound like a body working together?
    The GB's attitude toward its role in the congregation is frustrating. They feel that they are the definitive authority on doctrinal understanding, but where does it say that in the Bible? I need a little more than just trust us. The FDS parable has always been a claim of authority, but now the organization states that most of Jesus parables are not prophetic. So, why would the FDS parable be any different? This new thinking weakens the GB's authority.
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Noble Berean in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    This is veering off the 1975 discussion, but I never suggested God places higher value on certain individuals because of status. That's contrary to everything he stands for. I am suggesting that humans have placed higher importance on themselves.
    You said that there isn't a hierarchy in the organization, and that's not true. The R&F phrase is used by the organization to describe publishers at the bottom of the organizational pyramid. It isn't used to describe those at the top. And JWs at the bottom of the pyramid have no right to question the direction of those at the top, because they do not have the special capacity to interpret the Bible for themselves. JWs rely on the GB to get a proper understanding of the Bible. They have definitive authority on Bible understanding.
    So, there is a disparity between R&F JWs and the specially chosen ones. If everyone was truly equal, wouldn't we all be able to interpret the Bible for ourselves? That idea is actually discouraged in the organization.
  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    Your posting was July 10.  I just discovered it today, August 26, 2018 ... so the reason I have not 'weighed in" is mere ignorance that this post existed.
    There is no question that there is a clear "pecking order" in the WT hierarchy, but without analysis ( first, I would have to care ...) it seems your ordered list conveys the general idea.
    However, any time two or more people get together, a pecking order evolves.  It's true with barnyard chickens, and it is true with people.
    That's just the way things are.
    It cannot be undone.
    Even in a box of Animal Crackers with Lions and Giraffes, the Giraffes often get their necks broken.
    MY policy is " ... eat 'em all ... let God sort 'em out".
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    This has been discussed before somewhere and you know what my feelings are on this and I've probably mentioned this already but this is a good post to mention it again; the argument seems to be that this reasoning would be following the pattern of the past, where God's people always had to follow some kind of instruction, whether splashing blood on the doorposts, or go somewhere etc. However, the very same people who present this argument say that other things are going to mean our deliverance. Actually just this last midweek meeting the workbook mentions we must prepare spiritually to be saved and we do that by
    By developing TRUST IN JEHOVAH,
    which gives us COURAGE,
    which leads us to a POSITIVE ATTITUDE,
    which coupled with BROTHERLY LOVE
    enables us to ENCOURAGE fellow believers
      There is no mention of listening to any instructions. In any case the Bible might give examples of instructions in the past, but it never mentions anything like that in reference to "judgement day" /Armageddon. On the contrary, we are clearly told that those believing in Jesus will be saved. No verbal instructions which might seem illogical from a human standpoint there. Then there is the scripture in Matthew 24:40 " Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 41  Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken along and the other abandoned" indicating that this can happen without any special instructions.
    I wanted to check how the WT interpreted this scripture so I looked it up. There only seem to be three references to it (there might be newer ones that I don't know of) One is from WT 1975: "Weeks earlier Jesus had made a similar statement, prompting the disciples’ question, “Where, Lord?” He answered, “Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together.” (Luke 17:37) The ones “taken along” are spiritually sharp-sighted, like eagles, who gather to the one whom they discern to be the Messiah, for the spiritual feast that Jehovah provides within his place of safety. They will gather together with God’s congregations on earth, under his true Messiah. Those “abandoned” will be those who do not keep spiritually awake and who consequently get swallowed up in a selfish way of life, as did the people in Noah’s day. Such are “abandoned” to destruction along with the world system of things in which they are involved".  Then God's kingdom of a thousand years book has a similar explanation also referring to Luke 17:37, and then the last reference was from WT 54 and in my mind seems the better explanation: "The word used here in the Greek for the expression “taken along” is also used when Joseph is said to have taken his wife home. It is also as when Jesus is said to have taken Peter, James and John along with him into the mount of transfiguration. Jesus used the word when he said: “I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be.” (John 14:3; Matt. 1:20, 24; 17:1, NW) Thus, those “taken along” receive a favorable standing with the Lord and are brought into a way of salvation. This corresponds to Noah’s being taken into the ark the day of the flood and to Lot’s being taken by the hand and led out of the city and therefore precedes the execution of judgment."
    In context, the question "Where Lord" in Luke 17:37 surely seems to be asking where will the man in the field, and the woman grinding at the mill be taken. And Jesus' answer surely indicates heaven, primarily, and salvation for those not of the heavenly class. But I still don't see any instructions.....because to be taken by the hand (as in Lot and Noah) and led somewhere, are not instructions
  23. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    Oh, for crying out loud.
    So do the brothers who clean the toilets and sweep the floors
  24. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone   
    Now that Barnum and Bailey has folded its tents, you may get less and less of these. I found this on https://www.drsoda.com/baancrb.html
    Barnum's Animal Crackers (Bag)***DISCONTINUED***
    So, who knows, a little self-control and an unshaken box with pristine, unbroken giraffe necks might someday yield $50 on eBay. I thought I'd sell my basement full of Hostess Twinkies on eBay when they were to be discontinued in May 2013. But since a new company bought them out of bankruptcy and resurrected them in July 2013, I guess I'll just have to use them for insulation, or maybe to stuff into pillows or something.
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    Ok, here goes:  there may be evidence that we don't know of. We don't know everything. So the correct thing to say would be YOU haven't seen any evidence. There are brothers or sisters who believe they have seen evidence of Jehovah's interference during Nazi occupation. Of course which of it was actually interference from Jehovah we just don't know.....In any case, Jehovah is and has always been concerned more for our spiritual safety, rather than physical safety. If our physical life is in jeopardy and we die, well he can make us live again. However if we are in jeopardy spiritually and it leads to our spiritual death....well...that's different story...
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