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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from 서기문 in Sexual abuse of children... The organization today released its internal online agreement.   
    I downloaded the PDF file, and read it ... who is the agreement between?
    It looks like a policy statement ... not an agreement of any sort ...on-line or otherwise.
    It appears to be what is called in the corporate world a "Mission Statement".
    I cannot see where anybody is agreeing with anything.
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Sexual abuse of children... The organization today released its internal online agreement.   
    Ok,  I  will  try  it  after  my  sleep !   I  hope  he  can  answer...  I  will  translate  in  Spanish  for  a  better  understanding.  Please,  little  patience...   Thank  you
    His  text  was  in  Spanish  and  in  German,  so  Bro. Jose  must  have  understood  the  sense  of  all,  I  hope !
  3. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Russian "Jehovah's Witnesses" seek refuge in Finland   
    Just as Jesus, Joseph and Mary knew when they fled to Egypt, and David knew when the Nation he served was trying to kill him, and he fled to the Philistines for awhile, feigning insanity .... when people come with rifles and bayonets for you and yours ... the simplest way to cancel out their power over you ... is simply be somewhere else.
    The Jews in Poland as a general rule tried to hold onto all their families had accumulated over 600 or so years, and the Nazis rounded them up, and turned them into small mountains of cremation ash.
  4. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Thinking in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    This is where Freedom and sanity, and peace come from .... when you disregard people who have proved they have no credibility whatsoever ... and STOP BEING AFRAID OF DYING. 
    Every living thing that has DNA dies ... and there have never been any exceptions... not one... from a mosquito to  a Brontosaurus ... and we did not exist at all for about 14 BILLION years ... and my guess is no one worried about it.
    We should serve Jehovah because it is the right thing to do .... not because someone is generating artificial panics to get the troops to march faster.
  5. Upvote
  6. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Sexual abuse of children... The organization today released its internal online agreement.   
    Sexual abuse of children... Â Â Â Â  MORE:  https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=sexual++abuse++of++children
    The organization today released its internal online agreement.
    The position based on the writings of Jehovah's Witnesses on the protection of the child.
    This document is available to members of the community and it is a living document. In short, questions should never be seen or denied badly.
    Reference: dates from 1983 to show the extension of our education to prevention, not to respond to the sexual abuse of children. The best protection is prevention.
    The authority of the state punishes the crimes,  not us.
    Abuse of children is a crime.
    The verification of membership is strictly religious, not a matter of the state.
    We decide who Jehovah's Witnesses may or may not be,  not the state.
    Parents / tutors are solely responsible for the safety of their own child,  not the organization.
    The parents are responsible for their children. I mean, who else should it be?  If a child is arrested for theft, who does he contact?  The old or the parents?  The law is responsible for the parents. Jehovah does that too.
    You can not stress enough. Education starts at home The prevention of child labor starts at home. When parents do their work as parents, the abuse can be kept to a minimum.
    We do not isolate the parents' children for every activity.
    The elderly must be kind to the abuse of the victims.
    The elderly are contacting the branch to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws.
    Even if the elderly do not have the legal obligation to provide information, the oldest instructions have to report if a child is at risk. That's a good point. This shows that the older ones do not have the instruction to simply call the branch and leave it that way if they are not binding reporters. In other words, older people need to go beyond their legal obligations when the situation requires it. Therefore, older people should look after the child and their personal well-being. We are a family. We are not in trade relations between us.
    Older people should never punish police and inform parents and victims of their right to report.
    Reports to the police can even be encouraged for certain reasons. At any time during the examination of the elders, the victim can call the police and have them examined. You are not dependent on the other one. One has nothing to do with the other.
    Mental health is never discouraged. Older people do not protect the known authors of sexual abuse of children.
    Jehovah's Witnesses have educated people to protect their children for decades. We care about the protection of children when the world generally ignores the problem or does not understand its scope.
    ( shared by our Brother, Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia )
  7. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Holy Spirit   
    Thank you Space Merchant for the best explanation and irrefutable proof I have ever read !
    It's like at the end of the first Muppet Movie ..... it said it ALL.
    .... and at the end of it, realizing that the audience was still there in the theater, reading the credits as they rolled by ... "Animal" (the Muppet, breaks the 4th wall, looks directly at the audience, and says ....
    GO HOME!
    GO HOME!
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in The Cicret Bracelet Turns Your Arm Into a Screen.... REAL or NOT ? (video)   
    NOOOO....  my dear funny Brother,  I never would do that !!  Thanks for your honest answer,  you're a professional, I know 
    I know, we can bring that all on a wall screen....  but under the skin?  not possible !
    AND,  btw.  the technic is changing every year.... hahaha   I just imagine, the body is full with different Smartphone screens and the newest were on the last free place, the back or similar....  
    You was right, its a kind of hoax,. but looking nice !  
    I just saw your funny but clear video, thank you so much, JTR?
    Now I understand the trick....  but many people believe to that I think !
  9. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Theatre Must Provide Captioning For All Live Performances   
    How about charging $100 to $175 or more for the majority of the seats? That accommodates the insane pretty well.
    That said, you made the jump to associate a kind of parity between the deaf and the insane. That was stupid. Would you like to buy an orchestra seat for "Phantom" this Saturday?
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in The Cicret Bracelet Turns Your Arm Into a Screen.... REAL or NOT ? (video)   
    This is not only a complete fraud, but is a physical impossibility. 
    I sure hope you or any of the Brothers and Sisters did NOT invest in it ... and your money is completely and totally gone forever ... and even WORSE ... have to live with the fact that ..... rats! ... there is no diplomatic way to say it.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in It Was His Job to Put up the Sun   
    Each morning Todd would drive to the overlook so as to watch the sunrise. Toward the end of our stay, I began to accompany him. He would say things about God's timetable being precise, and so forth.
    He would pull up with a minute or two to spare, watch the sunrise launch safely through his windshield, then drive back to where he came from. It doesn't take long for me to run with something like this and pad it a little (or a lot).
    For example: It is actually his job to put the sun up every day, just like the company custodian was entrusted to raise the flag every day, (when they cared about such things and didn't leave it up continually as it flapped itself to shreds) and I could take an overcast day as proof that he had slept in that day. And if he didn't raise it 'right' in the morning, it might wobble all day - be a little surly, or refuse to go down on time, or go down too early, or cause the sea to sizzle when it sank.
    It is a great meme, and I think it will be a permanent one with him. But I can't really do it in front of him, though. He doesn't get mad. He doesn't refuse it. But he doesn't quite know what to make of it. He pushes it away, for it seems to suggest to him that he is being made to look like God, raising and setting the sun. Yes, he knows it is a joke. But his inherent modesty is too much for him to join in the humor. Or maybe it is only me who thinks it is funny and it constitutes more evidence that I live in my own oddball world.
    Photo: Little Gasperilla sunrise
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Space Merchant in The Holy Spirit   
    Technically, it is, for the quote with said absurdities are not of my own, but they are address to be as an example, nothing more, nothing less.
    Have you not read any verse regarding the Holy Spirit?
    Acts 10:38 - how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit[A] and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him[C].
    Well if you consider it as mere, the cross references would shock you, and we clearly see here The Holy Spirit is not a person, let alone power, obviously, not a person. We know more information about Acts 10:38 from the cross-references, for we will focus on the one regarding the Holy Spirit itself.
    Isaiah 11:2 - And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
    Isaiah 42:1 - Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.
    Isaiah 61:1 - The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
    Matthew 3:16 - And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him;
    The cross-reference for Holy Spirit in Acts 10:38 are spot on with what it is pointing to vs that of man's understanding of what the Holy Spirit is. We see in the first verse that the Holy Spirit that comes from God, our Father, each point this verse makes points back to Jesus, for instance, regarding Wisdom, Luke 2:52. Isaiah was not talking about a literal person of which you claim, for if he had, it would have been mentioned that the Holy Spirit is indeed a person, unfortunately - for you, no such thing was mentioned in Isaiah.
    The same thing goes on with the other verses in Isaiah, and once again, a prophet, who is of Shaliach Principle, has never mentioned the Holy Spirit to be a person and or like a man, a person being etc. They speak of such of God's Angels, but never have they mentioned the Holy Spirit itself as a person.
    In the Greek New Testament, pertaining to the verse mentioned above, the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove, it didn't come as a man or a person who came from the sky to see Jesus right after he was baptized, and I am sure John the Baptizer didn't see a man or a person descend upon his relative.
    Doves are considered both a sacred use and having a symbolic meaning. Doves symbolized innocence and purity, as seen in Matthew 10:16, I don't need to explain offerings and the actions of Noah here because it is obvious. Regarding Jesus’ baptism, his God may have used the dove to call attention to the role of Lord Jesus - For Jesus' role was the Messiah (The Christ), the pure and sinless Son of God who would sacrifice his life for all mankind and lay-down the very foundation for a period of rest and peace during his rule as King -  Messianic King. God’s spirit (The Holy Spirit), descended upon Jesus at his baptism, like a dove, for  last I recall and I will say it again, we clearly see here no man or person has descended out of heaven during this passage, not to Jesus, not to John, and God who is witness of the event for he had a role to play.
    So your so called exegesis for Acts 10:38 does not help you here, I do not see how you are denying the facts, for it was presented to you a couple of months ago.
    What kills it for you is what the bible teaches and what the Greek language is all about when applied to the Greek New Testament, in a sense David (truth) just took down your Goliath (untruth).
    The Holy Spirit itself is God's very own Spirit, hence what Jesus said about his Father in John 4:24, that God is a Spirit, whatever the Holy Spirit does, God is the one taking action, hence how Mary was able to have the baby Jesus by means of the Spirit, how Zechariah was able to speak again after being imbued with the Holy Spirit, how Elijah was able to be filled with courage by means of God's Spirit, for it is evident as to what and where the Spirit of Elijah originated from, etc. No bible account ever mentions the Holy Spirit coming as a literal person or a man to such people, and in some cases, if a literal person were to do some things in regarding some passages in the bible, it would be seen as rather.... Awkward and odd. In addition, tot he 3,000 people of the church as seen in Acts 2 (Remember this from before? Of course not), a person didn't show up, rather, people present were bestowed with the Holy Spirit (The promise from the Father of which Jesus spoke of had been poured out) as well as being baptized, and during that time, John the Baptizer himself was also present when this all went down, just like how he was with Jesus before he died/risen, The Holy Spirit didn't come as a person to no one, for if it had, the passage would have stated it - but it didn't, so you are adding to the scripture and going against Deuteronomy 4:2 and John 10:35.
    John 16 13-14 is the same case with John 14:26, or in this case (John 14 and 16). The only reason the Spirit is called "HE" masculine is because in the Greek New Testament: Holy Spirit is Pneuma, which is a neuter noun (http://biblehub.com/greek/4151.htm). This means that the Holy Spirit has no gender whatsoever, but one key factor changes that, anything that modifies the neuter noun will pretty much specific what the neuter would be, that is, if you respect how things are done regarding the Greek Strong's. The Holy Spirit is refereed to as a HE because in John 14:16 the Spirit was given the title comforter (parakletos), which is Masculine, a noun (http://biblehub.com/greek/3875.htm). Therefore, this is the only reason why the Spirit was called HE in certain passages. Since the Holy Spirit is of God, it is usually refereed to as HE or HIM.
    A side fact would be, in John 4:23-24, there is only ONE Spirit. Jesus teaches that God the Father is Spirit. Since there is only one Spirit, the Holy Spirit, Jesus is telling us WHAT God is. The Holy God is Holy Spirit by nature. That is His divine nature, the Spirit of Truth in which we must walk and worship.
    Again, you clearly do not know or understand how Greek works, mainly in the realm of Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter words and phrases and or person, places and or things. According to John, he knew how the language was spoken and written, clearly, you do not.
    Learn Greek, at least the basics.
    I see you are using the 1984 NWT. But again, if you do not understand Greek, you will end up shooting yourself in the foot, what you missed is the very footnote that is on the bible of Jehovah's Witnesses, for they address the information clearly:
    Quote from NWT footnote: that one: Both “that one” and “he” in verses 13 and 14 refer back to “the helper” mentioned at Joh 16:7. Jesus used “the helper” (which is in the masculine gender in Greek) as a personification of the holy spirit, an impersonal force, which is in the neuter gender in Greek.—See study note on Joh 14:16.
    Footnote from NWT 1984: “That one,” masc., referring to “the helper,” masc., in vs 7.
    Study Note Quote: helper: Or “comforter; encourager; advocate.” The word rendered “helper” (pa·ra?kle·tos) is used in the Bible to describe the roles of both the holy spirit (Joh 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7) and Jesus (1Jo 2:1). It could literally be rendered “one called to someone’s side” to give help. When Jesus spoke of the holy spirit, an impersonal force, as a helper and referred to this helper as ‘teaching,’ ‘bearing witness,’ ‘giving evidence,’ ‘guiding,’ ‘speaking,’ ‘hearing,’ and ‘receiving’ (Joh 14:26; 15:26; 16:7-15), he used a figure of speech called personification, that is, referring to something impersonal or inanimate as if it were alive. In the Scriptures, it is not unusual for something that is not actually a person to be personified. Some examples are wisdom, death, sin, and undeserved kindness. (Mt 11:19; Lu 7:35; Ro 5:14, 17, 21; 6:12; 7:8-11) It is obvious that not one of these things is an actual person. God’s spirit is often mentioned together with other impersonal forces or things, further supporting the fact that it is not a person. (Mt 3:11; Ac 6:3, 5; 13:52; 2Co 6:4-8; Eph 5:18) Some argue that the use of Greek masculine pronouns when referring to this “helper” shows that holy spirit is a person. (Joh 14:26) However, Greek grammar requires masculine pronouns when the activity of “the helper” is described, since the word for “helper” is in the masculine gender. (Joh 16:7, 8, 13, 14) On the other hand, when the neuter Greek word for “spirit” (pneu?ma) is used, neuter pronouns are used.—See study note on Joh 14:17.
    Your assumption of those verses and about the Holy Spirit can easily sway those who do not know their Greek, but those who understand and read it, those who study it, will call you out by confuting. That being said, even beyond the information the Jehovah's Witnesses provide, it is enough to put your train on a full stop with your surface interpretations that ignore and disrespect the Greek Language, this isn't the first time you did this also.
    From what I had seen before, you are clearly not a fan of Jehovah's Witnesses with an obvious disdain for them to show for it; why go about using their translation, why go that Old School with a 1984 edition though? Granted any translation will not help here you when Greek is applied... That is like hating on Muslims, but preaching from their Qu'ran in an attempt to speak of something you claim as true, makes absolutely no type of sense.
    Once again, it is very cringy that you attempt to discuss on what the Holy Spirit is when you clearly do not know the very language that the New Testament derives from, which is, in a sense, very sad, for a Christian should know about Hebrew and Greek languages, at least the basics, but apparently that wasn't an elective for you. You really have to be honest, Cos, for instance, if a High School student can study Greek and know the differences in masculine, feminine and neuter and how something neuter can be modified, what is stopping you from learning the Greek language also.
    From here on out, anything you say can easily be toppled like a Jenga Tower Set, literally.
    You piece together some claims and odds interpretations, I, or anyone else will take a part from the tower, knowing that part is false, which results in anything said following over because nothing true is within that Jenga Tower - thus following down as the gravity pulls it down. You build with man made understanding, what you have build will fall with biblical facts, as well as the language the bible uses, Hebrew and or Greek... In this case, Greek.

    I advise you to go read up some Greek (or Youtube/Google it even), than come back and speak about the Holy Spirit.
    PS: Regarding Helper, here is the Greek Strong's, again, consider it homework, it is the same Strong's number as with what was stated above, I am sure you are well aware of Strong's because last time you used it to discuss something that was totally incorrect - http://biblehub.com/greek/3875.htm
  15. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Claudia Sanchez in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    They are indeed wise thoughts .... but the fact remains that no one I have ever met, or even know about, worships any "god of luck", and I cannot even think of the name of such a god.  As to the other scriptures that were quoted, they are valuable and profound ... in the context they were written ... but here, they have been bent and stretched, and taken out of context.
    Much like the argument that my dog is going to go to  Heaven, because, doesn't the scripture say "...after I leave, wolves will come in and among the flock"?
    (yes, it says that (paraphrased), NO IT DOES NOT APPLY.)
    As I previously stated .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you. ( and those on the highway as well ...)
    EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
    Be a sport. (hahahahaha...) actually write down the questions, and under them .. WRITE DOWN the REAL answers!
    sheesh ....
  16. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in The Cicret Bracelet Turns Your Arm Into a Screen.... REAL or NOT ? (video)   
    This is not only a complete fraud, but is a physical impossibility. 
    I sure hope you or any of the Brothers and Sisters did NOT invest in it ... and your money is completely and totally gone forever ... and even WORSE ... have to live with the fact that ..... rats! ... there is no diplomatic way to say it.
  17. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Woman has 60kg tumour removed from abdomen   
    When I was younger my head got that large, and was so heavy that as I walked along in Service, I dragged it on the ground, and could only look backwards, to see where I had been.
    Probably why I am almost bald today .....
  18. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in 3 nice preaching pictures from MEXICO, ECUADOR and the Dominican Republic❤   
    IN  ECUADOR....  hello  our  smiling  Brother,  may  Jehovah  bless  you

    BRAVO  little  Brother    You're  doing  the  best  job !  Thank  you
    Its  in  the  Dominican  Republic....

    And  a  sunny  preaching  day  in  MEXICO.....   
    *Thank you*  all  our  dear  Brothers
        ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Ever lose patience with recalcitrant contrarians ?   
    You are confusing faith in the Almighty God, with gullibility drooling over the opinions of people neither inspired of God, nor infallible ... and even though they were forced by outside sources to admit it ... I give them credit that they did admit it .... even if it was almost hidden in the February 2017 Watchtower, as a synopsis of a hundred years of goofiness, pretending to be the Guardians of Doctrine, that they themselves made up out of thin air for their own profit and aggrandizement...
  20. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Ever lose patience with recalcitrant contrarians ?   
    If the goal is to imitate the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, we are well on our way.
    Already we are baptizing children as young as 8 years old... and the exemplar, Jesus Christ was not baptized until he was 33 years old.
    Trials and inquires in ancient Israel were in the City Gates, where all could see, hear, and make comments ... completely open and above board ... complete transparency of the institution of Justice, and the administrators of Justice.
    It served God's people well for many thousands of years.
    What we have now only serves the best interests of the Corporation.
  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in Ever lose patience with recalcitrant contrarians ?   
    The problem is ..... the people who THINK they know the right answers .... and keep everything they do hidden in back rooms under a veil of secrecy .... DON'T.
    That's why their proceedings MUST be kept secret.
    So they will not be exposed as self-serving, self-aggrandizing frauds.
    This applies to EVERYBODY, inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    I would say it is comforting to know that our enduring FAITHFUL till the end (whether that be Armageddon or death in old age or sickness) means we are guaranteed everlasting life. Why should we care about an overlapping generation? It is merely speculative, whereas on the other hand the promise of a bright future (whether that be through surviving Armageddon or being resurrected) isn't. It is a clear Biblical teaching easy to understand. The generation that Jesus spoke about was a literal generation in Jesus's day, for our day, the meaning is ambiguous (obviously).
  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    Yes of course, I worded it wrong, I was referring to what Jesus said to the little flock. They will of course not only gain everlasting life but immortality, straight after they are transformed. We will have to wait until after the 1000 years, and then we will still not be immortal, but will have everlasting life.,,,
    .I have no interest because it does not seem significant to me. We live or die for Jehovah, regardless of when the end comes.
    It wouldn't be the first time, would it? (1914, 1925, 1975)
    I will quote the view of one of the Governing Body (Sam Herd) "we are just looking, we are just learning, we are just touching things....."   in other words with their own admission the GB have incomplete knowledge, are fallible and do err. With this being the case, I feel there is nothing wrong with a "wait and see attitude" rather that taking everything they say as being infallible and making it a basis for how I live my life, whether I have a sense of urgency or not. We should live our life as if  Armageddon was to come tomorrow, regardless of whether someone says so or not. The Bible says so. It says we should be ready. "Therefore, beloved ones, since you are awaiting these things, do your utmost to be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace" (2 Peter 3:14). No generation explanation needed there. Or do you, Tom, need a generation time limit as an incentive?  It is understandable that some who are aging or sick or suffering in some way cannot wait for the end to come soon. And then there are others who have family members that are not in yet, and they wish for more time.....It is Jehovah's time table and we can speculate generation or no generation all we like but it will come when he sees fit. The Bible says so.
  24. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from SuziQ1513 in What's for dinner tonight?   
    If you have a RONCO Bass-O-Matic dinner is SO EASY ...
  25. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in Ever lose patience with recalcitrant contrarians ?   
    Because, Tom,  this is harmless repartee', and cheap entertainment .... and it is incredibly funny when AllenSmith says "And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are " ... and he spells incoherent wrong in chastising others for being in his opinion, incoherent.
    Now THAT'S entertainment!
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