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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in The Only Way Any Battles Spiritual or Physical should be fought, through *Jehovah God Word * ~ ? ? ?   
    When a snake comes in my yard ... even a non-venomous one, I shoot its head off.  It can still punch holes in my leg with fangs, or my dog's noses.
    It's hard for a snake to plan a determined attack with no head, and besides ... I cannot fly.
    That applies to reptiles, and two legged snakes.
  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    Again.... get  out  of  the  middle  for  your  colder  Brothers  -  okay??   OR  WE  MUST  PULL  YOU  OUT,  haha
  3. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   

  4. Haha
  5. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in I hope the disfellowshipped ones do not attend the Memorial   
    It would not bother me any, but putting a prisoner into solitary confinement ( shunning) is considered to be an extreme punishment  for the sake of punishment ... not a "loving provision" of ANYTHING.
    But then again ... the Catholics used to burn people alive at the stake as a "loving provision", as the fire was supposed to clean their "souls" so that with their death, the unrepentent guilty  could be more acceptable to their god.
    It is not extremism to do these things if it is labeled correctly ... it is common and normal .... but it is extremism if you destroy whole families "because you love them", and call that a "good thing".
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    Except for the times I fell asleep reading this and other threads on this subject, I think ( ... because I know you care so very deeply about whats Ah thinks...) Anna's explanation is the best and most succinct that has real practical value.
    Especially item No. 2.
    When I teach the Bible, I do not need to teach anything about that ... as some people believe that touching frogs will give you warts ... and some people do not .... and it may be true with some frogs, but not others ... and I will not live long enough to test the supposition ... assuming I cared at all, which I do not.....
    It took the Australian Royal Commission to trap Bro. Jackson into a year or more later forcing the GB to admit what is common sense ... that they are neither inspired, or infallible, which is an understatement.
    One real reason I have for faith in Jehovah's Witnesses as a collection of people is what we do right, DESPITE being so totally clueless about many, many things.  It's like when a circus clown car wins the Indianapolis 500 race .... the only explanation is divine providence.
    I get headaches from watching the "new lights" flash on and off, on and off, on and off ....and it does bother me a great deal when, while swimming through an ocean of Jello, to see others drowning in it, and falling away ... but such is the way of reality when you are dealing with pesky humans ... and I need to stop being so sensitive a snowflake and letting the heat get to me.
    So, is the Society's explanation of 1914 accurate or not?    Of course it's not ... it's PROBABLY a constructed fantasy ..... like an air-raid siren that short circuits, and periodically gives false alarms ... and for a hundred years nobody knows how to fix it.
    Or, for some strange reason ... it may be completely true. 
    Does that mean we get rid of the air raid sirens?
    No ....  I have 10 smoke alarms in my house ... and when I boil water in the kitchen or light a candle, some of them  go off, and sometimes I have to disconnect the battery, to keep the noise down
    Does that mean I should get rid of the smoke alarms?
    No..... it just means I have to know the difference between theory and reality, (coffee water steam, or raging house fire ...) or live life in a continuous fantasy induced panic state.
    Same thing.
    Oh ... and expect NOTHING from humans.
    You will never be disappointed.
    Everybody ..... has an agenda.

  7. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Thank you Jehovah for creating cats (soon more !)   
    I like it when the Internet is properly used for what it was made for, designed for, and does 2nd best .... cute pictures of CATS!
    Before the Internet ... if a magazine wanted to sell more copies ... it had a cover of either cats, or helicopters.
  8. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    Except for the times I fell asleep reading this and other threads on this subject, I think ( ... because I know you care so very deeply about whats Ah thinks...) Anna's explanation is the best and most succinct that has real practical value.
    Especially item No. 2.
    When I teach the Bible, I do not need to teach anything about that ... as some people believe that touching frogs will give you warts ... and some people do not .... and it may be true with some frogs, but not others ... and I will not live long enough to test the supposition ... assuming I cared at all, which I do not.....
    It took the Australian Royal Commission to trap Bro. Jackson into a year or more later forcing the GB to admit what is common sense ... that they are neither inspired, or infallible, which is an understatement.
    One real reason I have for faith in Jehovah's Witnesses as a collection of people is what we do right, DESPITE being so totally clueless about many, many things.  It's like when a circus clown car wins the Indianapolis 500 race .... the only explanation is divine providence.
    I get headaches from watching the "new lights" flash on and off, on and off, on and off ....and it does bother me a great deal when, while swimming through an ocean of Jello, to see others drowning in it, and falling away ... but such is the way of reality when you are dealing with pesky humans ... and I need to stop being so sensitive a snowflake and letting the heat get to me.
    So, is the Society's explanation of 1914 accurate or not?    Of course it's not ... it's PROBABLY a constructed fantasy ..... like an air-raid siren that short circuits, and periodically gives false alarms ... and for a hundred years nobody knows how to fix it.
    Or, for some strange reason ... it may be completely true. 
    Does that mean we get rid of the air raid sirens?
    No ....  I have 10 smoke alarms in my house ... and when I boil water in the kitchen or light a candle, some of them  go off, and sometimes I have to disconnect the battery, to keep the noise down
    Does that mean I should get rid of the smoke alarms?
    No..... it just means I have to know the difference between theory and reality, (coffee water steam, or raging house fire ...) or live life in a continuous fantasy induced panic state.
    Same thing.
    Oh ... and expect NOTHING from humans.
    You will never be disappointed.
    Everybody ..... has an agenda.

  9. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday December 28. 2017   
    Unfortunately, people kept dropping their trash on the floor from the food, and making disgusting chewing sounds and burping during the presentations, so they had to stop selling hamburgers and fries through the hole in the wall.
    Today, even chewing gum is discouraged, as there would be used gum on the bottoms of seats, and it would also get into the carpet.
    You can still chew gum if you promise to swallow it after it looses its flavor.
  10. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday December 28. 2017   
    Speaking of Animated DAILY TEXTS!
    Ever miss breakfast or lunch before the meeting?
    Here is what they looked like in California, in 1957, before large computer monitors in the front of Kingdom Halls, and before Kingdom Halls had water dispensers in the lobby,  and  holes in the wall to the next door Burger King !
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Ann O'Maly in Why do we subsidize Higher Education for the Elite JW's while discouraging most JW's from University Educations?   
    There was a JWTV broadcast last year (can't remember the month) that interviewed a lawyer who had been funded by the Org. to get his law degree. Anthony Morris (?) said Bethel wouldn't be sending Bethelites to College anymore because of the dangers.
    Also last year (1/13/15), a letter was sent out to the Bodies of Elders calling for legal experts within the congregation who might be able to volunteer their services to HQ and to quietly make enquiries. The letter said:
    "We trust that you will use discretion in approaching publishers regarding volunteering to
    assist the organization in the above way. Please note that we are not encouraging individuals to
    pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain skills related to legal matters. (w13 10/15
    pp. 15-16 pars. 13-14) Thank you for your assistance."
    3/6/12 BOE letter.
    "Appointed men must be exemplary in heeding the warnings given by the faithful slave and
    its Governing Body when it comes to education. (Matt. 24:45-47) Would an elder, a ministerial
    servant, or a pioneer continue to qualify to serve as such if he, his wife, or his children pursue higher
    education? Much depends on the circumstances and how he is viewed. When such a situation
    arises, the body of elders should consider the following questions and scriptures:

    • Does he show that he puts Kingdom interests first? (Matt. 6:33)
    • Does he teach his family to put Kingdom interests first?
    • Does he respect what has been published by the faithful slave on the dangers of higher
    education? (3 John 9)
    • Do his speech and conduct reveal that he is a spiritual person? (Ps. 1:2, 3; 1 Cor. 2:13-16)
    • How is he viewed by the congregation?
    • Why is he or his family pursuing higher education?
    • Does the family have theocratic goals? (Phil. 3:8)
    • Does the pursuit of higher education interfere with regular meeting attendance, meaningful
    participation in field service, or other theocratic activities?

    As the body of elders prayerfully and carefully considers the matter, it may be readily apparent
    that the brother has a positive attitude about what the organization has published regarding
    higher education and still retains the respect of others in the congregation. They may also observe
    that he and his family are keeping Kingdom interests first if the education does not interfere with
    meetings and the ministry. In such a case, the elders may determine that he could continue serving.—
    1 Tim. 3:2, 4-6; Heb. 13:7.
    On the other hand, if an elder or a ministerial servant is promoting higher education to others for the material advantages or the status it may bring, he is calling into question his qualifications to serve the congregation because of the effect on his and his fellow appointed brothers' freeness of speech. (1 Tim 3:13; Titus 1:9) The body of elders may therefore determine that the brother no longer qualifies to serve. In most cases, however, such a determination should be made in conjunction with the visit of the circuit overseer." 
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Jack Ryan in Why do we subsidize Higher Education for the Elite JW's while discouraging most JW's from University Educations?   
    Legal Seminar: South African Bethel

    The Legal Seminar
    The seminar was a full day event held at the “residence hall.” I had come with my wheelchair bound friend, from the same congregation. We were a few minutes late, so as we rolled in into the foyer, we got handed our seminar pack, our bottled water, and lapel badges by two pretty ladies (hell yeah, I still remember that). This was the same residence hall that I had shook Anthony Morris’[3] hand a few weeks ago prior to his official Branch Visit talk in South Africa on Sunday, January 11, 2015, with his “sidekick” Anthony Griffin.
    The seminar was split between matters that were strictly legal, and those that were more tax related; of course, there was an obvious overlap between the two as can be expected. The key speakers were select members of the Branch Committee, in-house legal counsel, and those from the accounts department. A lot was said about Europe, Africa, the U.S., Hayden Covington,[4] child custody, divorces, Advance Medical Directives (“blood cards”), alternative service, Road Accident Fund, legal battles here, legal battles there, tax etc. The bottom-line was this: There’s a lot going down, and we’d appreciate your assistance in these affairs.
    It should be noted, however, that “these affairs” require tertiary qualifications… higher education.

    South Africa Bethel - Tax and Legal Seminar Group Photo (Feb 28, 2015)
    South Africa Bethel – Legal and Tax Seminar Group Photo (Feb 28, 2015). I’m on the bottom left, sporting a pair of shades on my head.
    the Australian branch sent out a letter, dated November 18, 2015, to all Service Committees throughout the congregations of Australian. The letter was “confidentially” seeking for baptised members of the congregation who were “qualified as solicitors, barristers, certified practising accountants or chartered accountants.” But all of this exploration was to be done discreetly “without consulting the publisher” (I suppose this is how they canvass for potential seminar candidates). Now, let’s juxtapose these two events, the South African seminar and the Australian request letter, and contextualise them.

    The Point
    The organisation tells folks not to pursue higher education, in fact, if you are an appointed person – Elder, Ministerial Servant, pioneer – and you attend university, your (spiritual) qualifications automatically come under review. What does that tell you? That the organisation has a default disdain for higher education. But now, at the same time, they secretly sponsor select bethelites to obtain these very “worldly” qualifications, using funds donated by some of the simplest Witnesses, many of who have complied with this “mandamus” from the “Faithful and Discreet Slave.” But, then, per chance that you didn’t comply with this mandamus, and remain a Witness, they implore you to use your “worldly gifts” in service to God, namely, in furtherance of the organisation – to a large extent, free of charge.
    What’s wrong with this picture?
    And if you take the global downsizing that the organisation has been conducting lately, where veteran bethelites are sent home and special pioneers being sent up the creek without a paddle. Why? Because it’s now becoming too expensive to accommodate them. A burden. And, yet, many of these bethelites forfeited higher education in order to at the full time service, now you’re telling them to hamba kahle (“go well”)? C’mon, man, c’mon.
    What is wrong with this picture, people
    If the organisation was cool and was like, you know, “Go to university, don’t go to university, that your decision to make, as long as you are aware of the challenges.” That would be one thing. But what we’re seeing here is the constant badgering badgering badgering. There has to be some kind of accountability here. You can’t enjoy the assets of other people’s labour without taking ownership of the liabilities peculiar with that asset, as well. It’s immoral. This whole thing is just patently duplicitous. Scandalous. Why all these backdoor “transactions?” You say one thing on stage, but, then, em’va kwethu you do something else. Hai wethu.
    Brimstone and humour aside, I personally don’t have a problem with the organisation seeking professional assistance from willing qualified Witnesses per se. It is the duplicity that irks me. It is the selfishness of their approach that vexes me. It is the ruination of people’s lives that ticks me off. It is the unconscionableness of their methods that pisses me off, treating genuine people as expendables and collateral damage for their own selfish gains, gains which they clothe as “divine service,” service to Jehovah.
    If it were up to me, I’d have Governing Body pipe down on their take of higher education and to resist this laughable attempt at gaining some kind of moral high ground in this matter.
  13. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Witness in Give to Cesar what is Cesar's, anyone care to discuss?   
    This is just ONE of MANY instances in the past few years where the Society's lawyers constantly, consistantly, and without conscience, pervert Justice. 
    Wednesday night we dropped a small check in the contribution box at the Kingdom Hall ... and felt guilty that part of that money would be used to deliberately, and with premeditation ... to pervert Justice.
    Normally, lawyers have a fiduciary responsibility to win at any cost ... and the Society's lawyers are no different. What gives them special "power" is that they are now redefining our core theology based on economic considerations.
    This has already happened, as due to many lawsuits, we are now "allowed" to take into our veins up to 99% of all blood products ... if they put it in separately.
    The REASON it is now a matter of conscience ... is that the Governing Body does NOT want to lose all that money.
    This has all been brought out here on the Archive over, and over, and over ... so I will not beat a dead horse into mush.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are rightfully becoming known in the community of men as extremists ... perverting Justice in many ways ... and this reflects on the reputation of the God whose name is Jehovah.
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Foreigner in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    Well .... after it is all said and done .... and a million words have been used to say it ... this analogy comes to mind .......
    Let's call Biblical Chronology "Fahrenheit" .
    Lets call Babylonian Chronology "Centigrade".
    If we are talking about temperature ...  20 degrees Centigrade  is EXACTLY 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Where do we have an EXACT match theologically and secularly?
    The CORRECT answer should be able to be explained and stated in ONE sentence.
    Backup in the second sentence.

  15. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Cos in Give to Cesar what is Cesar's, anyone care to discuss?   
    This is just ONE of MANY instances in the past few years where the Society's lawyers constantly, consistantly, and without conscience, pervert Justice. 
    Wednesday night we dropped a small check in the contribution box at the Kingdom Hall ... and felt guilty that part of that money would be used to deliberately, and with premeditation ... to pervert Justice.
    Normally, lawyers have a fiduciary responsibility to win at any cost ... and the Society's lawyers are no different. What gives them special "power" is that they are now redefining our core theology based on economic considerations.
    This has already happened, as due to many lawsuits, we are now "allowed" to take into our veins up to 99% of all blood products ... if they put it in separately.
    The REASON it is now a matter of conscience ... is that the Governing Body does NOT want to lose all that money.
    This has all been brought out here on the Archive over, and over, and over ... so I will not beat a dead horse into mush.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are rightfully becoming known in the community of men as extremists ... perverting Justice in many ways ... and this reflects on the reputation of the God whose name is Jehovah.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in When you say, NO one really loves me, Jehovah says.... ( Jeremiah 31. 3 NW)   
    Yeah ..... but that is why I know I am not one of the Annointed ... I like "hugs", bar-b-que, and puppies too much, and it my understanding in Heaven they play Harp music.
  17. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    It is best to leave MANY things in Jehovah's "hands" ... some things we have to do with our own hands, or "chance and circumstance will without a second thought kill us, and not even notice.
    I pray for wisdom and patience, because if I prayed for strength ... I may need a shovel and a bail bondsman.
  18. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Tree of Life Apple Found!   
    Birds eat worms!
    (The birds ... not the worms...)
  19. Haha
  20. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    That's pretty much how I dress every day ... except for meetings, when I dress up like a Penguin, ( see profile photo) except I have old Levis, and a dark blue long sleeve blue shirt, and muddy sports shoes (what is the generic name for those things .... we USED to call them "tennis shoes" ...).
    As much as the Society disparages military thinking ... it seems we are headed towards military uniforms ... WITH JW.ORG INSIGNIA.
    The Governing Body is constantly experimenting with new ideas for proper dress!

  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    Interesting ... I like the idea that when there are NEW things,
    someone runs it up a flagpole to SEE WHO SALUTES IT!
    ( in this case ... almost EVERYBODY! )

  22. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in The last words of Steve Jobs   
    Most of my Memes are an acquired taste .......

  23. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in The last words of Steve Jobs   
    Most of my Memes are an acquired taste .......

  24. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from tromboneck in Single Spiritual Brothers and Sisters Over 50!!!   
    I married a wonderful Sister just three years ago when I was 67, and she was 55.  First two wives ran off, one to her first love, the other for no stated reason.
    You have to have patience!
    In the MEANTIME ... get a Puppy!
    ... and count your blessings!

  25. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shirley Lowery in Single Spiritual Brothers and Sisters Over 50!!!   
    I married a wonderful Sister just three years ago when I was 67, and she was 55.  First two wives ran off, one to her first love, the other for no stated reason.
    You have to have patience!
    In the MEANTIME ... get a Puppy!
    ... and count your blessings!

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