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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Barber's Logic - God does not exist....   
    Study the human ear ... or any ear.
    I can see how an eye might evolve, but not an ear.
    Too many mechanical, and "electronic" parts that have to work perfectly, or not at all.

  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jesus Turns Water into Wine ????❤️   
    It's been a long time, but many years ago I noticed that the more you drank, the better everything else became.  During the 1960's after an Assembly, and after the Saturday session we all went "bar hopping" afterwards. There was about 15 of us at a table about 3 AM and we were all feeling no pain whatsoever, and there was a Sister that I was interested across the table from me.  She had been in the Air Force before she became a Witness, and she was telling her story, which I thought was fascinating, and she had my undivided attention, even when she mentioned she had lost her left leg in a traffic accident, after she got out.  I thought "Hey!, what a gal!", and thought about her after the group broke up and we all went our separate ways.
    The next day, Sunday, somebody pointed her out to me  at the Assembly at a distance, and I did not recognize her at all, even though I had spent hours right across the table  from her.
    It was years later that I  learned that this was a common occurrence, from a non-Witness, who explained to me that after  "bar hopping" for awhile, when you are in a bar at 3AM, all women are beautiful!

  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in What does a person have to do to survive Armageddon?   
    It had better be. But these three questions miss the one obvious fact that makes them all irrelevant.
    How would they know? Because the individual annointed ones say so? The day that this happens I am going to reveal here that I am also annointed and I have been lurking here for months. I now have a pronouncement. It is that my fellow annointed @Witness is all wet and no one should listen to her, and that @James Thomas Rook Jr. is next in line as replacement in case someone bites the dust. He has many many many complaints. It is time to put them all on the front burner.
    If anyone doesn't believe it, I will threaten to summon Jesus' white horse, who is not exactly Mr. Ed. I'm annointed. I said something. Jump!!
  4. Upvote
    Nana thanks for your kind input. I actually wanted the squabbling people on this forum to think on the questions and keep occupied with positive stuff.......
    Here is my take on it:
    The moment Jehovah decided to restore the earth he determined that a future government will do the job during a 1000 year rule.  However, the legal issues raised, had to be dealt with first.
    Jesus came to prove that Adam was really created perfect and was fully capable to make the right choices. Jesus was the exact equivalent of Adam but under much more pressure proved faithful until death (he lived a singularly dedicated life with no thought of following any of his own aspirations) and therefore was worthy to be the future ruler. He, as a perfect man,  proved that Adam could have stayed faithful and with his life paid the legal equivalent of what Adam lost. His life provided the legal guarantee that the restoration of the earth is a reality.  On the basis of His life, future life could be given back to those who died under the penalty of sin. (you know all this - but I am getting to another point)
    Jesus not only suffered as a human but would understand how humans feel.  Having lived in heaven before and on earth as a human - he answered the questions raised in the entire universe.  He answered the questions raised by Satan (heavenly creature who proved unfaithful) and that of Adam (earthly creature who proved unfaithful).   He was made lower than all the other angels (whom he helped create) and remained faithful until death.  He suffered in his lowly state and learnt more obedience under these circumstances - enhancing his perfection.
    It is interesting that it was in Jehovah's plan for there to be 144000 rulers with Jesus. Jehovah, in his foresight, covers any possible logical question that may be raised in future. Early on, in revealing his purpose, he promised Israel that the 144000 would come from their ranks. But when the full number did not come from israel in the time of Jesus - the invitation also went out to the other nations on the basis of Jesus' ransom sacrifice.
    So what if the question was raised that Jesus could not understand how imperfect people feel who were subject to sinful inclinations from birth?   We will have 144000 of those kind who will also have proven faithful under extreme pressure due to their own human imperfection on earth. 
    Of course - we will only understand fully how the new government will work when it has arrived. Just like human parliaments today - we will have a body of people who represent us - not democratically - but people whom Jehovah has sealed an approved after a life of loyal service and of course great mercy from Jehovah.  These people understand the great mercy of Jehovah because they themselves feel absolutely unworthy of the task but have learnt to trust in Jehovah to do his will. They are personally so attached to the person of Jehovah that nothing else matters. (And most of them have suffered in some way..... unbeknownst to us. Many do not dwell on this but pummel themselves to get on with serving Jehovah. They do not wallow in self-pity or self-preservation.)
    We will fully understand all the things needed to be done on earth to restore it only when we live under that future government. So maybe 144000 sounds like a lot - but they will be needed - for sure! Jehovah is purposeful in all his decisions!  It will also be a large job to restore the humans to the condition that Jehovah originally planned. How Jehovah will organize the heavenly and earthly part of his organization we will have to wait and see and also wait for those new scrolls to be opened with new instructions.
    What is interesting is that all of us will go through the final test at the end of the 1000 years and face the same test as perfect people - just like Adam did. Jehovah is perfectly balanced in his justice and the test at the end of the 1000 year reign proves that his justice is equal for all!  Those who receive a resurrection will all benefit equally from the ranson sacrifice as it will then be fully applied to bring everything to perfection. Jehovah also logically covers every legal aspect which we have not even thought about!
    Indications in scripture are that some will fail at the end of the 1000 years (undetermined number - because Jehovah does not predetermine sin and then punish sin - it would be unjust).  These perfect people who deliberately choose to return to the imperfect state will immediately be removed because all legal questions will have been answered; and legal precedents are already in place (proof that humans or angels - independent from Jehovah's moral standards - cannot create a successful/just/loving society).  These precedents are in place for any future rebellion and will provide the legal basis to remove them immediately!
    Frankly - after living in this crazy world - and then in a beautiful paradise - it would be suicide to choose independence from Jehovah's moral standards..... but satan and his demons (perfect angels) chose this and many sane humans. We all know how it feels when a rebellious child turns against the parents and lives a downward spiraling life - this is what they did to Jehovah!  
    Jehovah's moral standards are the only standards which can make any society function perfectly without laws and rules.  We all will be free without anyone telling us what to do.  We all will obey Jehovah from free choice and we will be responsible for the self-control of our own desires (which can lead to imperfection if not controlled) and every decision which may impact another person or animal in a moral way.  
  5. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in What does 666, the 'mark of the beast' really signify?   
    Print an 50mm upper case"M" on a piece of paper and look at it.
    Then rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, and look at it.
    Rotate again 90 degrees clockwise, and look at it.
    Then rotate another 90 degrees clockwise,  and look at it.
    M, 3, W, and an E .
    It's a visual joke.
  6. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in What does 666, the 'mark of the beast' really signify?   
    Sorry, I was busy with a bowl of unlabeled M&Ms sent to me by Mars Candy Company for a new "M" design.  I had been drinking and was putting "3"s, "W"s, and "E"s on them.
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    I am sure TTH would be able to find reliable references in support of his "projections", as they are a dime a dozen
  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Evacuated in WHY DO MEN HAVE NIPPLES ?   
    What you have observed if it was true ... is EVOLUTION.  Future generations are shaped by what happens to existing generations.
    If this were true ... after 4,000 or more years ... all Jewish males would be born circumcised.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?
  10. Thanks
    Sigh....I've come to regret that. In hindsight, I did completely misread @James Thomas Rook Jr.' remarks (though not necessarily his sentiment) and thus based my tirade on something he didn't say. I owe him an apology, fair and square, without any snide asides for once.
  11. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Witness in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?
    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.
  12. Sad
    It is clear, TTH that your understanding of statistics is that it has something to do with numbers, and not Lego blocks in the hallway at night, as you have completely misconstrued what I stated ..... as usual.
    It seems clear to me, now that the absurd extrapolations you make are the lenses you read through., and that to misunderstand EVERYTHING means you have a learning disability of some sort, predominately a lack of reading comprehension.
    As a last resort, follow the link I posted ... perhaps you just go insane when you read anything that Ah has written.
    I have that effect on many people.
  13. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Cognitionis in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?
    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.
  14. Like
    This study shows that JWs have about a THIRD of the mental illness rate of the general population, and I would suspect that that would equate to about a THIRD of the suicides of the general population.    Just a guess ... NO MORE.
    I am of the very considered opinion that just in the case of King Saul, Sampson, and Jesus ... by willingly walking into a known death trap ... that these suicides are NOT counted as self murder by Jehovah God., any more that soldiers who willingly volunteer for "suicide missions" for some greater good would be considered to have murdered themselves.
    Consumed with grief and  a broken heart and many tears, I have had to execute by proxy many of my dogs over the years, and lament when "my time comes" .... and it will ... that there will be  no one to show me that kindness.
  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?
    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Noble Berean in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?
    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shiwiii in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?
    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.
  18. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    My wife, Susan takes care of giving our six dogs a bath, except for Tony, my Siberian Husky, who is too heavy for her to lift into the bathtub.
    I wish I had a dog room like that one!
    I dunno if I would use that large under counter microwave, though ....
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Any graphic artists in here?   
    Well, it is what it is. I don't care about any corporate agenda.
  20. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in "My sheep know me" John 10:14   
    Okay, okay, I admit it. 
    It is me in my younger days.
    As for the identity of the sheep, it is a bit hard to tell because it is facing away, but I think it is @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  21. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Let's give him some credit then:

  22. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in If YOU Were Thrown Into a Lions Pit, What Would YOU Do?   
    If YOU Were Thrown Into a Lions Pit, What Would YOU Do?

  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Heart aches, when I look at this picture ;-((   
    I  guess,  a  picture  is  worth  a  thousand  words.....
     Heart  aches, when  I  look  at  this  picture.....
    ( PEOPLE  NOT  ABLE  TO  DO  THAT....)
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    I still think  Jehovah's Witnesses are "the only game in town"  as far as the 15% core theology goes ... but the 85% complete drivel and artificial tyranny has a very high cost in the loss of innocent lives of those who recognize the difference, and cannot stand it.
    I probably endure injustice and tyranny better than most ... BUT I DON'T LIKE IT.  
    Not so much for me, but for the innocents who can't handle it, and are CHASED AWAY!
    With BILLIONS of hours witnessing globally, the "churn", or turnover rate of we who are blessed with true basic core theology is here in the United States about 77%.
    It SHOULD be very close to ZERO.
    It currently takes about 25 MAN YEARS of witnessing to get ONE convert, who stays.
    It's more effective to get married, have three children, and raise them correctly to ignore the tyranny, to about age 30.
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Thank You so VERY much Sereko Sostar:
    I have been looking for a rational explanation for this for many years, and was not able to discern it.
    The concept of NATURAL and ARTIFICIAL conscience, with the evidence, which I have also seen, was the key to understanding.
    I only knew from my observations that "something" was polluting the system, as REAL Justice, reasonableness and common sense  does not exist, anymore, within our ranks ... and with the clear Bible trained conscience ... I did NOT see the painfully obvious with the clarity you just now provided.
    THIS ALONE has made the years I have been bashing my head against the JW-Archive wall worth while, and I appreciate it.
    Your experiences and insight  answer that all important question ...
    ... WHY?
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