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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Alexa in Smurfs and Jehovah's Witnesses   
    ... and don't even  get me started about Sparlock!

  2. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Smurfs and Jehovah's Witnesses   
    That's NOTHING!
    I was out in Service, and at one door a Teletubby answered, and invited me in. 
    He led me down to his basement where the OTHER Teletubbies were, and they were listening to a religious tape by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, TV preacher.
    Over in the corner were the remains of Brothers who we thought had moved to Oklahoma, but there was not much remaining.
    I noticed the Teletubby, whose name I found out was Tinkie-Winky,  had what appeared to be intestines and blood dripping from his teeth, but I did not make the connection.
    I left them with some brochures, a tract and an invitation to the Hall, and asked if they had any questions.
    In unison they all asked as if one .. "Do you have cable?"
    Back in the car they asked what took so long.
    I shrugged and replied "Samo Samo".
    I have Polaroids.

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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    I had to isolate and enlarge and lighten the montage photo to even FIND a house ... one picture looks like the inside of a house ... the other just rubble where houses used to be, and some standing houses in the distance.

  4. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Evacuated in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    Ever notice that demonic people always dress the same?

  5. Haha
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    I remember that went on for YEARS ... from about 1960 through the late 1970's, , both in Virginia, where I grew up, and in California where I moved to circa 1969... and then it seemed to die out.
    Strange how it never applied to buying a used car ..... I did run off the road backwards during a snowstorm, but that was due to my not having a better understanding of friction physics, and momentum ... not demons.
  7. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    Ever notice that demonic people always dress the same?

  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    And I'm now editing out my reference to it. It's now a mystery!
  9. Upvote
  10. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    Ever notice that demonic people always dress the same?

  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    Yes, you are right. I was focused on what we can know about them based on the experiences we hear reported from all over the world, and how much of this appears tied to what we can know from Biblical examples. Also, I hadn't yet reached the post where you had yourself quoted the same scripture in 2 Cor 2:11 and made the correct point very clearly.
    There, we must agree to agree.
    True, I would not own a Ouija board, but if I were a brother who drove a truck for the Postal Services, Fed Ex, "Toys R Us" stores or "Amazon" I wouldn't care less whether someone had just sold either a brand new or a seance-used Ouija board and I was delivering it. I had a book called "Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700: A Documentary History" on a shelf in my office library (at home) and a sister (who must have gotten "lost" after a circuitous trip to an upstairs bathroom) saw it and chided me for it. I removed it from the shelf, but I still own it and might even get around to reading it someday.
    That's a given. But do we want to be a part of helping the Devil get the word out that he can possess objects if he cannot? That may have been what we were doing when we warned people that things they buy from Goodwill and garage sales might be possessed.
    No, I haven't. But where rationalizations are rational, or based on the Bible, we can surely discuss whether or not we are truly letting our reasonableness be known to all. I went to school in a rural area of Missouri for several years where several houses in our area were "haunted" according to schoolmates and even some of the Witnesses. When the rural school was closed after I attended from 1964-1970, I moved into the city school. I learned that the people in the city school who lived on the properties next to those old abandoned houses never believed the stories, and had been through those houses themselves, and that it mostly used by boys taking their young girlfriends who would be the ones to be scared. So I admit that my feelings about haunted houses are skewed away from the typical beliefs that several others in the congregation had. We had a brother who came up from Florida who loved telling ghost stories. He seemed to have so many that I didn't trust him to be telling the truth all the time. So I would agree again that I probably rationalized away a lot of what he claimed, and believed it to be false. But, like Anna, I would happily hear about experiences to help me get a fuller picture.
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Bible Speaks in The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    So much history here! Hitler himself was a Catholic, I have pictures of him a little boy going to Catholic school. Many pictures also of men and chaplains blessing the guns to war and kissing them even to bless them to go kill other Christians in the of Jesus Christ? History is still proof it continues until its Jehovah's time to bring to ruin false religion, political nations that oppose His Rulership!! In the book ? of Revelation it says they are so blood guilty the blood is up to the bridle of horses ? we know it's symbolic of disgusting in God's sight, no matter how much blood is  spilt. 
  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Alexa in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????   
    Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man!
    I remember my adopted son, Amos ... ugly as homemade sin ... we had to chain him to the rafters in the attic when he was naughty.
    We never even once yelled at him or struck him... he REALLY loved to eat ... it was enough to not give him his slop bucket full of fish heads and table scraps.
    His biggest fault was when we had him on a "Timeout" to calm down .... the way he used to scratch the insides of the microwave.
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man! ????   
    The point of the story is that we should not judge people by their appearances ....
    My wife was reading this from over my shoulder and said "That's not the point I got from that story!"
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    12000 of them! Getting rid of them  might only have be the start of their nightmares however. 
    Well yes, I suppose that there is the possibility that seances were held in garages and old vehicles. I always had my suspicions about those pairs of dices often found hanging from the driving mirror. 
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    Your experience reminds me of a thought I had when I read this bit of "news" back in 1992
    *** g92 8/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***
    Demonism in Rome  Gabriele Amorth claims that he has dealt with 12,000 cases of demon possession in the city of Rome alone since his appointment as a Catholic exorcist in 1986. “Why so many?” asked a journalist of the Italian newspaper Il Tempo. “All traditionally Catholic countries,” the priest asserted, “are immersed in a sea of infestation. Demon attacks can no longer be stemmed.” Amorth had harsh words for Rome: “The city of the pope is the most demon-possessed in the world. Over a hundred satanic cults operate there . . . Everybody should know that many children disappear in Rome and are used in satanic rites.” Of course, this man was just as likely to find that the reason for the demon possession, in his mind, was that he found an old Truth book under the bed.
    When we were dating, my wife had a study with a couple that I took over when we got married. (Both now baptized for 30 years.) Many nights, both the husband and the wife would hear things being thrown and dishes breaking, etc. My wife had already gone through all the ideas about getting rid of all crosses and religious imagery (which they gladly did). I had been a complete skeptic, not about the fact of demon possession, but about the object and manner of demon possession. This skepticism started especially after hearing the comment of a District Overseer vetting assembly experiences around 1974/5. At any rate, I had never expected to hear about both a husband and wife simultaneously experiencing the same thing.
    We told them to try praying aloud and calling out the name "Jehovah" which was always the best solution offered during the assembly experiences. They claimed that they had even called out "Jehovah! Jehovah!" and it didn't work. (Although I have personally heard persons claim that it worked for them and others.) What finally worked was to just tell them to call us any time of the day or night when the experience happened.
    I might have mentioned it when this came up during a recent discussion of the pronunciation of YHWH, but it appears that some of the magical amulets and magical papyri in Egypt show that the spiritistic magicians around the time of Jesus' human life were using the pronunciation "Je-ho-vah" (in addition to Ye-ho-wa, Yahuweh, Joweh, Jove, etc) as a way to invoke the spirit of magic. It occurred to me then, although I didn't mention it, that these magicians were, in effect, invoking demons by calling out "Jehovah!! Jehovah!"
    In our congregation in Missouri in 1964 to 1974 I remember many talks that seemed to be aimed at the sisters who shopped at Goodwill and Salvation Army. Salvation Army was ruled against for its religious ties anyway, but for those who hadn't made a religious connection to Goodwill Industries, there were always warnings about how items that might seem innocuous could still be demon-possessed. What JTR pointed out here once, which surprised me for how obvious it seems now, was that no one ever warned the brothers that a used car (or car parts from a junk-yard, or a used lawn-mower, etc) might just as well be demon-possessed. It was always the things that women were known to shop for.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    I thought I’d also mention that funnily enough this kind of “mass hysteria” regarding spiritism prevailed into the 1990’s among the Witnesses, and was marked by supposed demon possession of items brought in bazaars, including mattresses which would throw the person on to the floor. Friends were known to do almost public burnings reminiscent of those who practiced magic in Paul’s day, of any items thought to be demon possessed. I too was guilty of this "hysteria" which confirms what @Gone Fishinghad probably in mind when he said had we lived in Russell's day, we too would have made the kind of "errors" in judgement that they did. One morning I was lying in bed, when I could have sworn my mattress shook. I thought to myself, this is it, it's possessed. In my mind I was already going through the steps of how I would tell my mother, and then the practical procedure of where and how we would burn it. No doubt we would have to pour  gallons of petrol on it because these demons are very resistant and stubborn, as I learned in one account in one of our magazines. I was worried about how to broach the subject though. The thought did occur to me that maybe I had done something wrong, and this is why I had been chosen by these supernatural beings as their next victim. I didn't have to worry too long because as soon as my mother got out of the shower, she had a phone call from one of her friends asking her if she had felt the tremor too. There had been a small earthquake. Whew!
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Beer   
    The following Meme shows how beer ACTUALLY makes people SMARTER!

  19. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Iran Stands Up to the United States   
    What they are going to do is like arguing the theology of life after death .... a million words, and a million analysis over perhaps two pages in total, do nothing except waste what precious time we have left.
    In both cases ... soon ... perhaps TOO SOON ... we will all know.
  20. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Beer   
    The following Meme shows how beer ACTUALLY makes people SMARTER!

  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Beer   
    I  NOT  believe  to  that !   When  the  same  men  were  drinking  Vodka  or  similar  things,  you  will  see  the  same  weird  signs    hahahahhaaaaaa
    Many  men / women  talking  always  louder  after  alot  drinking,  some  want  fighting,  some  want  suddenly  sex  ( but  mostly  without  success...)  etc.
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Melody's Interview at 2017 "Don't Give Up" Regional Convention".   
    Melody's Interview at 2017 "Don't Give Up" Regional Convention". 
    Last year my wife and I attended an Assembly in Orangeburg, SC, where a brother in an interview on stage was proud that he had not said a single word to his disfellowshipped father in over 20 years.   We were sitting up close and could see his face in person, and on the large monitors. His declaration of cruelty was followed by intense applause from the audience. 
    We were stunned and horrified.
    This video was originally posted on YOUTUBE by the mother of Melody, at a Regional 2017 Convention where she is proud of having shunned her sister, who is disfellowshipped, but many adverse comments on YOUTUBE made her ashamed .....  and she took the posting down.  
    I got this video copy from the  Russian equivalent of YOUTUBE web site,  RUTUBE.COM.
    After she details her cruelty to her sister, the audience reaction is vigorous applause.
    THIS IS WHY the Russian government and most of the people HATE Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Oblivious, clueless, extreme cruelty, in the name of righteousness.

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  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses applaud 10 year old girl for shunning her sister   
    Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is often credited with the statement
    " I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses applaud 10 year old girl for shunning her sister   
    We demonstrate cruelty by destroying whole families to discipline one person
    The Russians show cruelty by banning an organization filled with righteously inclined people.
    We have our shunning.
    They have bayonets.
     Guess who is going to win in the "who can be the most cruel" cruelty contest?
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from tromboneck in New enforcement act requires the bodies of the elders to be legally examined if the new possible appointments are free of charge of paedophilia.   
    It's a crying SHAME when civil governments have the moral High Ground.
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