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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Ann O'Maly in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    You missed a golden opportunity to lob a comeback insult at my expense, there, @James Thomas Rook Jr. 
  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    and I already had my missiles targeted!
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    and I already had my missiles targeted!
  4. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    The best calculator ever designed was the HP-41C series, and the HP-41CX, which have alpha numeric capabilities. I entered a Brothers name in full ... Vernon Reece ... and toggled the alpha switch back to numeric.  
    The brother was telling me about this "7734" trick ... so I handed him my calculator, and asked him to enter his birthdate ... and do perhaps a dozen arithmetical calculations, then divide it by his social security number ... then add his house number ... then several more multiplications and divisions.
    Then I asked him to press the "alpha" toggle.
    The look on his face was PRICELESS !

  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    During the "Middle Ages" these types of discussions consumed people for HUNDREDS of years ... and the synopsis was the phrase "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
    I try to keep my life simple, and since no one can prove that invisible things that SUPPOSEDLY happened a hundred or so years ago, using "evidence" that can be interpreted a hundred different ways ... and all with internal reasoning that makes sense to the proponents, and, I ...having ALSO been consumed with such things earlier in my life ... have come to the conclusion that it is ALL a complete and utter waste of my time,.
    Soon enough ... too soon, perhaps ... we will ALL KNOW !!!
    AND ... since there is absolutely NOTHING I can do to change reality ... whatever it is ... to quote Rhett Butler ...
     "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn!"
    I have a long list of REAL concerns, I CAN do something about.
    ..based on HARD EVIDENCE.
    Remember EVIDENCE?
  6. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from bruceq in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Isn't that what we encourage people to do in the Ministry, to BECOME Jehovah's Witnesses ?
    How can we encourage others to exercise THEIR freedom of thought and expression ...
    ... when we deny it to EACH OTHER ?
    Oh yeah ... I forgot ... we hold the entire family as hostages ... to prevent that.
    Never mind.
    The Truth about THAT ...... is what got us thrown out of Russia.
    .... even post Soviets know better.
  7. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in Massive case of cannibalism emerging from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa   
    For our big meal of the day, my wife and I eat at Golden Corral Restaurant almost every day, because it is right on the way home from her work, and she gets off from teaching school at 3:15PM ... and if you get there before 4PM, you can pay the special LUNCH price, and at 4 PM, the dinner menu comes out,and you can eat STEAK and the Dinner Menu, for the price of lunch.  It is cheaper than buying the same quantity and variety of foods at the grocery stores ... there is no preparation, and NO DISHES! to wash !!
    I thought I could eat steak EVERY day, and did for awhile ... but it became "tiresome", and boring ... so in a limited sense I can understand how one might tire of eating people.  I have heard that human flesh tastes "just like pork" ... in fact, one nickname for human flesh is "Long Pig".
    IN the Scriptures Jehovah expressed lament that Jews under siege would be driven to cannibalism, and they were ... several times while warring ...BUT HE NEVER PROHIBITED CANNIBALISM !   (... presumably war dead who had bled to death ...), so the definition of "Wrong" would have to come from CULTURAL squeamishness and aversion ... as Jehovah God NEVER said it was wrong to eat people ... just repulsive  as a cultural standard. 
    I guarantee you this ... go about three weeks without eating and seeing your children starving to death in front of your eyes will add a great deal of "flexibility" to your outlook on this issue.  In the Soviet Gulags, between barracks, in winter, the prisoners would raid and murder each other, and when the bodies were found, invariably their livers would be missing.
    It's really all a matter of perspective, what ideas you are used to, and how hungry you are. 
    To me, wasting food is a sin, and protein is protein in an extreme emergency ... AND, Jehovah does NOT really care, except that the blood belongs to him, and must not be eaten.
    When I am finished with these "mortal coils" I hope that someone can make use of it, when I no longer can ... and on my driver's license, have indicated that I am an organ donor...
    ...perhaps with a nice Chianti Wine, and some Fava beans. (chitchitchitchit), and some hungry Brother and his children will have me over, for dinner. ... a "Last Supper", as it were.
    I will try NOT to give them indigestion.

  8. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Nana Fofana in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Isn't that what we encourage people to do in the Ministry, to BECOME Jehovah's Witnesses ?
    How can we encourage others to exercise THEIR freedom of thought and expression ...
    ... when we deny it to EACH OTHER ?
    Oh yeah ... I forgot ... we hold the entire family as hostages ... to prevent that.
    Never mind.
    The Truth about THAT ...... is what got us thrown out of Russia.
    .... even post Soviets know better.
  9. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Massive case of cannibalism emerging from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa   
    For our big meal of the day, my wife and I eat at Golden Corral Restaurant almost every day, because it is right on the way home from her work, and she gets off from teaching school at 3:15PM ... and if you get there before 4PM, you can pay the special LUNCH price, and at 4 PM, the dinner menu comes out,and you can eat STEAK and the Dinner Menu, for the price of lunch.  It is cheaper than buying the same quantity and variety of foods at the grocery stores ... there is no preparation, and NO DISHES! to wash !!
    I thought I could eat steak EVERY day, and did for awhile ... but it became "tiresome", and boring ... so in a limited sense I can understand how one might tire of eating people.  I have heard that human flesh tastes "just like pork" ... in fact, one nickname for human flesh is "Long Pig".
    IN the Scriptures Jehovah expressed lament that Jews under siege would be driven to cannibalism, and they were ... several times while warring ...BUT HE NEVER PROHIBITED CANNIBALISM !   (... presumably war dead who had bled to death ...), so the definition of "Wrong" would have to come from CULTURAL squeamishness and aversion ... as Jehovah God NEVER said it was wrong to eat people ... just repulsive  as a cultural standard. 
    I guarantee you this ... go about three weeks without eating and seeing your children starving to death in front of your eyes will add a great deal of "flexibility" to your outlook on this issue.  In the Soviet Gulags, between barracks, in winter, the prisoners would raid and murder each other, and when the bodies were found, invariably their livers would be missing.
    It's really all a matter of perspective, what ideas you are used to, and how hungry you are. 
    To me, wasting food is a sin, and protein is protein in an extreme emergency ... AND, Jehovah does NOT really care, except that the blood belongs to him, and must not be eaten.
    When I am finished with these "mortal coils" I hope that someone can make use of it, when I no longer can ... and on my driver's license, have indicated that I am an organ donor...
    ...perhaps with a nice Chianti Wine, and some Fava beans. (chitchitchitchit), and some hungry Brother and his children will have me over, for dinner. ... a "Last Supper", as it were.
    I will try NOT to give them indigestion.

  10. Upvote
  11. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Massive case of cannibalism emerging from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa   
    For our big meal of the day, my wife and I eat at Golden Corral Restaurant almost every day, because it is right on the way home from her work, and she gets off from teaching school at 3:15PM ... and if you get there before 4PM, you can pay the special LUNCH price, and at 4 PM, the dinner menu comes out,and you can eat STEAK and the Dinner Menu, for the price of lunch.  It is cheaper than buying the same quantity and variety of foods at the grocery stores ... there is no preparation, and NO DISHES! to wash !!
    I thought I could eat steak EVERY day, and did for awhile ... but it became "tiresome", and boring ... so in a limited sense I can understand how one might tire of eating people.  I have heard that human flesh tastes "just like pork" ... in fact, one nickname for human flesh is "Long Pig".
    IN the Scriptures Jehovah expressed lament that Jews under siege would be driven to cannibalism, and they were ... several times while warring ...BUT HE NEVER PROHIBITED CANNIBALISM !   (... presumably war dead who had bled to death ...), so the definition of "Wrong" would have to come from CULTURAL squeamishness and aversion ... as Jehovah God NEVER said it was wrong to eat people ... just repulsive  as a cultural standard. 
    I guarantee you this ... go about three weeks without eating and seeing your children starving to death in front of your eyes will add a great deal of "flexibility" to your outlook on this issue.  In the Soviet Gulags, between barracks, in winter, the prisoners would raid and murder each other, and when the bodies were found, invariably their livers would be missing.
    It's really all a matter of perspective, what ideas you are used to, and how hungry you are. 
    To me, wasting food is a sin, and protein is protein in an extreme emergency ... AND, Jehovah does NOT really care, except that the blood belongs to him, and must not be eaten.
    When I am finished with these "mortal coils" I hope that someone can make use of it, when I no longer can ... and on my driver's license, have indicated that I am an organ donor...
    ...perhaps with a nice Chianti Wine, and some Fava beans. (chitchitchitchit), and some hungry Brother and his children will have me over, for dinner. ... a "Last Supper", as it were.
    I will try NOT to give them indigestion.

  12. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to change two-witness rule because ‘that’s our stand’   
    A better example is not necessary ... you have confused two different issues.
    Anybody can report a missing person .... even "Bro. Bobby", who in this example SAW me kill "Bro. Jack".
    But if he talks to the Elders first .. he most likely won't go to the Police ... they will talk him out of it so as to not "sully Jehovah's name".
    Keep it hidden, keep it quiet ... that is why as of this date March, 18, 2017 ... the website JW.Org's World News has mentioned nothing, Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING!, about the Australian Royal commissions investigations  ... NEWS .... Real news.
    Zero, zip, nada, goose eggs ....
    Bro. Bobby is completely free to call the Police and have THEM investigate ANY crime, but because of the Pharisaic APPLICATION of rules that existed thousands of years ago, in a completely different structured civilization and culture, where trials were held in the city gates for all those inside the city and outside the city to be able to see with their own eyes how Justice was administered... we have institutionalized craven cowardice in the REAL application of Justice.
    Justice has become a billion words ... but has also BECOME an extreme rarity in real life, because doing what is RIGHT is never, ever considered .... only what one is FORCED to do. (...PLEASE make us do what is right - GB Geoffery Jackson ....).
    This is not new.
    The Bible records three three Elders that counseled Job in his misery for three days ... but had NOTHING worth recording to say.
    Words, word, and more words ... and Justice is aborted.
    A child molester in the Congregation today with only ONE witness is, and denies it, can retain his congregational standing ... and because the accusations cannot be acted upon, he or she cannot be reported to the police ... by the Elders.
    The instructions are to "Leave it in Jehovah's hands ...".
    This is a CRIMINAL activity ... but in 50 years in over 5,000 cases involving 1,006 alleged perpetrators ... in one country alone, at the "bottom of the world",  the solution was to keep the details hidden in envelopes  in congregational and branch files, and mail copies in special blue envelopes to Bethel in New York.
    Like Nixon's Watergate ... the cover-up is what became global news.
    In the old Soviet Union, the major newspaper was named "PRAVDA" which means "TRUTH".
    All news extolled the wisdom and competence of the Communist leadership, and allegiance and respect for  the good job they were doing.
    Then their administration collapsed of it's own arrogance, and incompetence.

  13. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I am completely missing how  the references you made have anything to do with what I knew as a comedy line off of an LP comedy album in the 1960s.   Of course, my entire sense of humor was formed in my early years by MAD Magazine, which upon refection had at least as many "Universal Truths" as most of the drivel today that is only self-aggrandizing fluff pieces.
    But, a great piece of philosophy embedded itself into my psyche from MAD Magazine ....
  14. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    @Gnosis Pithos within reason.
    The @admin is more liberal than I am.... you can see his guidelines section above.
    ..... I personally will act in this section when I feel someone is acting as a bully. 
    Also humor has a way of making tough comments somehow more palatable. Try it sometime.
  15. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from bruceq in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Except for people with a combination of tourette's syndrome, dislexia, and one leg shorter than the other, which gives you brain-tilt .... that seems to wrap up THAT discussion.
  16. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Best Tips for Solar Eclipse iPhone Photography   
    I am home now, after traveling to Cross Hill, SC to be dead center of the total eclipse ... and I have some MORE good advice ... pray beforehand that Jehovah would let you see the eclipse with clear skies .... we had a very high layer of haze, and two lower layers of  broken clouds ... but just two minutes before totality, a hole opened up in the clouds for the three minutes needed.
    ALSO ... practice, Practice, PRACTICE with your cameras and do "full dress rehearsals" so it is automatic, for a month, perhaps half a day a week, tracking the sun, etc.
    I wish I had done the rehearsals ... the best was actually a movie of my wife and I from a second camera on a tripod, TRYING to track the Sun through clouds,
    ....sigh ...
    There is the old saying "Pray before Heaven, but Row towards Shore".
  17. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Best Tips for Solar Eclipse iPhone Photography   
    Pointing your iphone camera at the sun without constant motion will overheat the sensor and burn it up in about three seconds.
    Ever burn ants with a magnifying glass as a kid?
    Same thing.
    This is true of ANY electronic sensor in ANY digital camera.
    I bought an $85  solar filter for my camera to prevent this.
    The filter has to be at least 16.5 " f: " stops neutral density to not be dangerous to eyes or sensors.
    THEN ... use a tripod.
    AND ... do not spend too much time with the camera ... you WILL remember this in great detail the entire rest of your life. 
    Don't waste it looking through a viewfinder.
  18. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    I disagree ..... I know that the filter I used on the front of my camera to photograph the Solar Eclipse today keeps out harmful visible and infrared light so it does not burn up the camera sensor.
    When someone says the filter is actually used to prohibit the incandescent  screaming pain filled and raging demons from Hell from entering my camera, ( I suppose these hypothetical people would think the Sun is "Hell"?), I can assuredly tell you THAT IS NOT WHY I FILTER THE LIGHT, without getting into how EXACTLY the filter material is made to  do the "voodoo, that it do, so well".
  19. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in It’s a chicken apocalypse! ? ? ?   
    When I was a boy, my uncle had a farm that had many chickens, but only ONE Rooster.
    The Rooster was old, and not "performing his Roosterfull duties", so he bought a YOUNGER Rooster and put it in the barnyard.
    It was immediately challenged by the Old Rooster and they both  agreed to race around the barn three times to see who would be the "Head Rooster".
    The third time they were chasing each other around the barn, my uncle came out with his shotgun, and shot the New Rooster,  exclaiming ...
    "That's the third Homo Rooster I have had this month!"

  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Arauna in It’s a chicken apocalypse! ? ? ?   
    When I was a boy, my uncle had a farm that had many chickens, but only ONE Rooster.
    The Rooster was old, and not "performing his Roosterfull duties", so he bought a YOUNGER Rooster and put it in the barnyard.
    It was immediately challenged by the Old Rooster and they both  agreed to race around the barn three times to see who would be the "Head Rooster".
    The third time they were chasing each other around the barn, my uncle came out with his shotgun, and shot the New Rooster,  exclaiming ...
    "That's the third Homo Rooster I have had this month!"

  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    And worst of all, assuming honest mistakes (Hahahahahaa),
    there is NEVER an apology ... just MORE clouds, MORE smoke, and mirrors.
    ... and of course ... blaming the uninvolved.
  22. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    That's actually called UPTOWN Charlotte.
    [Edited to add the following response in response to a contorted-face emojicon that JTR added as a reaction to this post.]
    Uptown [7] is the central business district of Charlotte. It is home to most of the city's major institutions, as well as being the historic core. It is also the geographic center of Charlotte, with the center point of the city at the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets.   -- quoted from http://wikitravel.org/en/Charlotte/Uptown
  23. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    OK, but since your challenged me .. I get to pick location and time ... How about downtown Charlotte, NC the weekend nights of September 9-10 at the NE corner of Trade and Tryon Streets, at 12 midnight, for some hotel witnessing?  
    The night clerks usually have time for conversations between robberies, and assaults.   We could even watch some Confederate Monuments be torn down, or during breaks, roll some drunks!   SEE YA THERE!
    If you have a First-Aid kit, you might want to bring it.
    I will pencil you in.
  24. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    And worst of all, assuming honest mistakes (Hahahahahaa),
    there is NEVER an apology ... just MORE clouds, MORE smoke, and mirrors.
    ... and of course ... blaming the uninvolved.
  25. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in It’s a chicken apocalypse! ? ? ?   
    When I was a boy, my uncle had a farm that had many chickens, but only ONE Rooster.
    The Rooster was old, and not "performing his Roosterfull duties", so he bought a YOUNGER Rooster and put it in the barnyard.
    It was immediately challenged by the Old Rooster and they both  agreed to race around the barn three times to see who would be the "Head Rooster".
    The third time they were chasing each other around the barn, my uncle came out with his shotgun, and shot the New Rooster,  exclaiming ...
    "That's the third Homo Rooster I have had this month!"

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