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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Bible Speaks in Elephants ? Sound of Silence   
    Elephants’ “Sound of Silence”
    On a hot afternoon in the sprawling Amboseli National Park in Kenya, the large herd of elephants seems undisturbed by any intrusion into their habitat. 
    Yet, the air is full of “elephant talk,” ranging from low frequency rumblings to high frequency trumpets, roars, bellows, barks, and snorts. Some of the calls contain components that are below the level of human hearing and yet are so powerful that they can be heard by an elephant several miles away.
    Experts in animal behavior continue to be puzzled by the intricate ways in which elephants convey serious messages. 
    Joyce Poole has spent over 20 years studying communication concepts among African elephants. She has concluded that these huge creatures, known for their coveted tusks, exhibit feelings found in very few animals. “It is hard to watch elephants’ remarkable behavior during a family or bond group greeting ceremony [or at] the birth of a new family member . . . and not imagine that they feel very strong emotions which could be best described by words such as joy, happiness, love, feelings of friendship, exuberance, amusement, pleasure, compassion, relief, and respect,” says Poole.
    When getting together after being separated for long periods, their greetings turn to pandemonium, as members rush together with heads high and ears folded and flapping. 
    At times, an elephant will even put its trunk into another’s mouth. These greetings seem to give the elephants a deep sense of joy, as if they were saying, “Wow! It’s simply fantastic to be with you again!” 
    Such bonds renew the support network vital to their survival.
    Elephants seem to have a sense of humor too. Poole describes watching elephants draw the corners of their mouths in what she called a smile, wagging their heads in a manner suggesting amusement. 
    She once initiated a game in which the animals took part, and for 15 minutes they behaved in a totally absurd manner. Two years later, some participants seemed to “smile” at her again, perhaps remembering her involvement in the game. 
    Not only do elephants amuse each other in play but they also mimic sounds. In a research project, Poole heard a sound that was different from the normal elephant calls. On analysis, it was suggested that the elephants were imitating the noise made by trucks passing nearby. And they were apparently doing it for fun! It is as if elephants look for any excuse to get excited.
    Much has been said about the way elephants appear to mourn when calamity befalls a family member. Poole once observed a female standing guard over her stillborn baby for three days and described it this way: Her “facial expressions” seemed “similar to a grief stricken, depressed person: her head and ears hung down, the corners of her mouth were turned down.”
    Those who kill elephants for ivory do not consider the ‘psychological trauma’ of the orphans who may have witnessed the killing of their mothers. These babies spend the first few days at an animal orphanage trying to overcome their “grief.” A keeper reported having heard the orphans “scream” in the morning. Repercussions can be observed several years after the death. 
    Poole suggests that the elephants can detect the hand of man in their suffering. We look forward to the time when man and beast will live together in peace.—Isaiah 11:6-9.

  2. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in New drug could help millions who suffer hair loss after scientists discover new way to activate...   
    Of all the suffering that is common to the human
    race .... I hope the worst I have to suffer is hair loss.
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Touching Story ---> ''Our Apple Tree'' – ?????   
    That reminds me of the story of the Grasshopper, and the Ant.
    Springtime came, and food was abundant.
    The Ant spent all summer and fall working industriously digging tunnels and caverns and bringing back food to store there.  He worked all day, everyday ... so that when Winter came, he would not starve, but would have plenty to eat, and filled his underground storehouses with plenty of good food for the Winter.
    But all summer long the Grasshopper just sat under a tree, and walked around, playing his violin ... not doing anything to prepare for Winter ... and was warned by the Ant that he better get hoppin' or he would starve to death ... but the Grasshopper ignored him, and continued to play music, and lay about, napping and eating grass.
    And then the Snow came, and killed all the grass, and covered the ground .... and the Grasshopper hitchhiked on a Bus to Florida, and someone stepped on the Ant.
  4. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Touching Story ---> ''Our Apple Tree'' – ?????   
    Someday I will tell the story of when I competed in the Olympics Games in the Russian Roulette competition.
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Shirley Lowery in "Never Give Up on Jehovah"   
    Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters! It's been a while since I've posted a topic! I chose the topic "Never Give Up on Jehovah" because three weeks ago my life changed! I was involved in a car wreck! This guy was speeding down his street, I stopped at the stop sign, then I proceeded to go, then he hit me! I hit my chest and couldn't breathe! Someone called 911, the ambulance came, I just suffered some bruises! I'm ok now, thanks to Jehovah, physically,  and not as sore as I was! The police came and wrote down our insurance information! My car had to be towed to the Dallas Police Pound where it's still there! I filed a claim against him, he filed a claim against me!  I'm still waiting to hear from my insurance adjuster! I've had to listen to my meetings over the telephone! But, even though I'm not there, my heart is! They always keep us in their prayers! I attended my meeting Sunday, a week ago! Everyone was so happy to see me! My eyes teared up seeing my spiritual family again! A very sweet sister, picked me up, took me on Saturday, to have a share in our regional convention campaign work! Were in our second week! I would also like to add, when we finished working our street, Jehovah's angels were protecting us, a sister came and told us not to work that street! A mentally ill couple had a baseball bat swinging at Jehovah's Witnesses, because they were mad at us and they hated us!  Our "DONT GIVE UP" regional convention is days away! August 25-27! I'm so excited!  She and I signed up to clean our section were assigned to after each session is over for the day! My very sweet spiritual sister is taking me and her two children, all 3 days!  I haven't worked in two weeks, my son paid my bills, I have one more check this week, it just  goes to pay my rent! Yes, I'm human, I've cried, but mainly,  I pray to Jehovah to give me the strength to cope with my present situation! The blessing Jehovah has bestowed upon me, is some sisters told me Sunday, about a job, being a caregiver for a sister! Today, I found out I got the job! I thanked Jehovah for taking care of not only my spiritual needs, but my physical needs! As of July 29, this year I've been baptized 45 years! I'm so proud to be hi s loyal servant!  I hope you like my topic I chose to write about! I know no matter what I go through I will never give up on Jehovah! He knows what we face in Satan's wicked  world! I hope everyone has a great weekend!  No matter what you are facing,  pray to Jehovah to help you!  Agape love, Shirley! 
  6. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in She’s 98. He’s 94. They Met at the Gym.   
    Don't drink wart juice?
  7. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Touching Story ---> ''Our Apple Tree'' – ?????   
    That reminds me of the story of the Grasshopper, and the Ant.
    Springtime came, and food was abundant.
    The Ant spent all summer and fall working industriously digging tunnels and caverns and bringing back food to store there.  He worked all day, everyday ... so that when Winter came, he would not starve, but would have plenty to eat, and filled his underground storehouses with plenty of good food for the Winter.
    But all summer long the Grasshopper just sat under a tree, and walked around, playing his violin ... not doing anything to prepare for Winter ... and was warned by the Ant that he better get hoppin' or he would starve to death ... but the Grasshopper ignored him, and continued to play music, and lay about, napping and eating grass.
    And then the Snow came, and killed all the grass, and covered the ground .... and the Grasshopper hitchhiked on a Bus to Florida, and someone stepped on the Ant.
  8. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in She’s 98. He’s 94. They Met at the Gym.   
    Three years ago I remarried at age 67, and it has been WONDERFUL!
    Susan has a Masters Degree in Mathematics Education,
    and I LIKE having a gal I can ...*koff* ... count on !
  9. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in She’s 98. He’s 94. They Met at the Gym.   
    *koff* is a word that you use in the middle of telling a joke, a sound like a single cough to clear your throat .. to give the reader a hint that what you are telling is INTENDED to be a joke.  Usually accompanied by holding your closed fist, thumb and forefinger close to your mouth, so you cough down the hole into the palm of your hand, as a visual clue, also.  Also to show that you are perhaps not being serious, although the stated joke may be somewhat Machiavellian. Sort of like an "Achtung!".
    The joke was that I could COUNT on my wife, she being a Math Teacher, which she is.  A "play on words".
    Other than the play on words about "Math" and "count", the rest is quite true!
    ( which is short for "Hooray!", or as the English would say "..very good." )

  10. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in True Tom Kidnaps the Librarian!!!   
    I also recycle old jokes and material.
    I  tell the old jokes to newer generations ( about 40 years ), and they think I am SO CLEVER .. but all I am doing is recycling.  I do not disabuse them of their opinions ... I need all the help I can get.
    " "The Ransom of Red Chief" is a 1910 short story by O. Henry first published in The Saturday Evening Post. It follows two men who kidnap and attempt to ransom a wealthy Alabaman's son; eventually, the men are driven crazy by the boy's spoiled and hyperactive behavior, and end up having to pay the boy's father to take him back.
    The story and its main idea have become a part of popular culture, with many children's television programs using a version of the story as one of their episodes. The tale is a light-hearted example of the ultimate in "poetic justice" and fortuitous intervention for the public good: the crooks had intended to use the ransom money to fund an even larger and much more elaborate scam that would likely have caused widespread monetary damage to the local populace, and so having their plans "foiled in their infancy" by Red Chief's shrewd father saves countless other honest folks from financial ruin. It has also been often used as a classic example of two ultimate comic ironies—a supposed "hostage" actually liking his abductors and enjoying being captured, and his captors getting their just deserts by having the tables turned on them, and being compelled to pay to be rid of him."
  11. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in She’s 98. He’s 94. They Met at the Gym.   
    Three years ago I remarried at age 67, and it has been WONDERFUL!
    Susan has a Masters Degree in Mathematics Education,
    and I LIKE having a gal I can ...*koff* ... count on !
  12. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    That's pretty much how I dress every day ... except for meetings, when I dress up like a Penguin, ( see profile photo) except I have old Levis, and a dark blue long sleeve blue shirt, and muddy sports shoes (what is the generic name for those things .... we USED to call them "tennis shoes" ...).
    As much as the Society disparages military thinking ... it seems we are headed towards military uniforms ... WITH JW.ORG INSIGNIA.
    The Governing Body is constantly experimenting with new ideas for proper dress!

  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    Interesting ... I like the idea that when there are NEW things,
    someone runs it up a flagpole to SEE WHO SALUTES IT!
    ( in this case ... almost EVERYBODY! )

  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in True Tom Kidnaps the Librarian!!!   
    Can we see the first 30% of her for free? It'd be like 'proof of life.'
  15. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in True Tom Kidnaps the Librarian!!!   
    To tell you the truth, he or she or it is so flabby it is hard to tell.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in True Tom Kidnaps the Librarian!!!   
    Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have kidnapped @The Librarian If you ever want to see her again, (and I know I am taking a risk in saying this) you are going to have to dig down into your pockets and pony up. I figure if each reader pays $1000, that should be enough to secure her release.
    There will be no special rates for those in full time service. I'm playing hardball.
    Updates periodically.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from David Normand in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Oh, I think the Russians are heartier people as a whole than we are here in the West, where political correctness is the new term for what we USED to call cowardice.
    ESPECIALLY the Sisters !

  18. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in I SO WANTED THAT KNOCK AT MY DOOR BY JESUS.. BUT HE HAD SO MUCH TO DO !   
    I remember that picture,. hahaha  Â Â Thank you  JTR ! 
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in I SO WANTED THAT KNOCK AT MY DOOR BY JESUS.. BUT HE HAD SO MUCH TO DO !   
    Then, of course ..... there is the OTHER side of the door  ...

  20. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    You cannot imagine how liberating it is to watch with disinterest as a pontificate piles sticks around your ankles to burn you at the stake, and not be combustible.
  21. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Customs and sensibilities vary from time to time ... culture to culture .. and by location.
    Today (our weekend meeting is on Saturday ..) we learned in paragraph 17 that a Brother "remembered" that the Book of Daniel was written in Aramaic... who knew?
    Let me tell you about Ahab the Arab
    The sheik of the burning sand
    He had emeralds and rubies just drippin' off 'a him
    And a ring on every finger of his hand He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
    And a scimitar by his side
    And, every evenin', about midnight
    He'd jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride Silently through the night to the sultan's tent where he
    Would secretly meet up with Fatima of the Seven Veils,
    Swingingest grade "A" number one US choice dancer in
    The sultan's whole harem, 'cause, heh, him and her had A thing goin', you know, and they'd been carryin' on
    For some time now behind the sultan's back and you
    Could hear him talk to his camel as he rode out across the
    Dunes, his voice would cut through the still night desert Air and he'd say (imitate Arabic speech and finish with "Sold! American)
    Which is Arabic for, "Stop, Clyde!" and Clyde'd say, (imitate camel sound),
    Which is camel for, "What the heck did he say anyway?"
    Well, he brought that camel to a screechin' halt (verbal screeching sound) In the rear of Fatima's tent
    Jumped off Clyde, snuck around the corner
    And into the tent he went.
    There he saw Fatima layin' on a zebra skin rug with... "Rings on her fingers and
    Bells on her toes and a bone in her nose ho, ho."   There she was, friends, lyin' there in all her radiant
    Beauty, eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate,
    Bowl of chittlin's, two bananas, three Hershey bars,
    Sipping on a RC co-cola listenin' to her transistor, Watchin' the Grand Ole Opry on the tube, readin' a Mad
    Magazine while she sung, "Does your chewing gum lose
    It's flavor?" Yeah, Ahab walked up to her and he say,   (imitate Arabic speech), which is Arabic for "Let's twist Again like we did last summer, baby.!!" Ha, ha, ha!! You know what I mean! Whew! She looked up at him from off the rug,
    Give him one of the sly looks,
    She said (suggestive giggles, then outright laughter) "Crazy, crazy, crazy baby!"   Yeah, and that's the story 'bout Ahab the Arab
    The sheik of the burnin' sand Ahab the Arab, the swingin' sheik of the burnin' sand   (Songwriter: Ray Stevens)
  22. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Margaret Burlingham in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    I understand that for the young, makeup is experimental ...
    ... that's why I wear a Hockey Mask.

  23. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Which pill would you take ??   
    I do not have the slightest idea ....
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW

  25. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from SuziQ1513 in Which pill would you take ??   
    My "Happy Pants" are Levis  "blue jeans", ( with a dark blue long sleeve button down collar shirt.)
    I wear a black suit to the Kingdom Hall,  but I feel like a dislocated Penguin, or an overdressed Paladin.
    With 10 million dollars you could buy a good used helicopter and pilot training and fuel and maintenance.   That is as close to heaven as Ah would ever get!  (sigh....)
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