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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in Friends ... with "benefits"?   
    Has the Society ever ruled on what happens if a man or woman abandons their spouse FOREVER! ... is the one abandoned stuck forever ?
    (This is a LOT of work ....sigh...)
    ... AND IF SO ... WHY?
  2. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from David Normand in Need Help Downloading New Publications? – District Assembly in Washington, USA New Sign!   
    It gets TPT ( Tight Pants Tony) all hot and bothered ....
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually see ?   
    I ALSO BURST OUT LAUGHING at the "mirror scene", and again when the Lawyer was in the Porta-potty, and the T-Rex ate him.
    If it had been a shark, the Lawyer would not have been eaten, as he would have received ... professional courtesy.
  4. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually see ?   
    I ALSO BURST OUT LAUGHING at the "mirror scene", and again when the Lawyer was in the Porta-potty, and the T-Rex ate him.
    If it had been a shark, the Lawyer would not have been eaten, as he would have received ... professional courtesy.
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Melinda Mills in Friends ... with "benefits"?   
    What is theocratic law by the way? I thought it was the principles laid out in the Bible.
    You need to encourage respondents but being gentle with them and showing honour. No one has to reply. 
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in Matthew 24. Is the INVISIBLE PAROUSIA doctrine based on less likely, special definitions of SIGN, PAROUSIA, CONCLUSION, LIGHTNING, GENERATION, and "GENTILE TIMES"?   
    That's just it. I personally do not think that 1914 really is that important with regard to being spiritually ready or not. Not only that, but who of us uses 1914 as part of the preaching message to be honest? Who of us has recently "explained" it to someone at the door, or even to a study? In view of that, I do not think that putting forward "alternate" views regarding 1914 on this forum necessarily garbles our message, because our message is not about 1914, but about being ready because we do not know when the end will come. Refinements to our scriptural understanding are being made usually after we discern that our past application has become obsolete due to the passage of time. But notice our core beliefs have never had to be adjusted since about 1935. We still believe the same about the soul, what happens when we die, who go to heaven, what is hell, the identity of God, the identity of Jesus, God's kingdom, the good news, moral standards etc.etc. So all the other stuff is interesting, but irrelevant to our salvation in the grand scheme of things. I doubt Jehovah is going to judge someone as not worthy of life just because they have reservations about 1914 or some other chronological aspect.
  7. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Jack Ryan in William Malenfant: Morality in the Last Days (2 Tim. 3:13)   
    So he tries to prove that we are living in the last days without any evidence, but instead a series of unsubstantiated assertions ("never has there been a time with so much lack love and affection"). And uses things that are not even part of the so-called "sign" (abortions, pollution). Then proceeds to ridicule the "ridiculers," stereotype them, and declare they are only fit for destruction!
    Instead of addressing the most glaringly obvious reason people don't believe we're living in the last days, i.e, the complete lack of any solid evidence, he goes on to give his own reasons:
    1. They are blinded by Satan. (If that is so is it really their fault? Why should they be deserving of destruction? If they've been misled by a more powerful being that does not make them wicked... it puts responsibility on God, if he truly wishes for all to be saved, to "unblind" them).
    2. They are victims of "gradualism." Pulling out that old frog illustration like its the first time anyone's heard of it. Implying that people have not made a proper investigation of the facts or history, when the opposite is more likely to be the case. Most people have come to the conclusion that we are not living in the last days because they have made a more thorough investigation of the historical evidence instead of just accepting Watchtower assertions or misleading twisting of statistics.
    3. They are haughty, depraved, wicked. His final brilliant argument is to imply that if people have allowed themselves to fall prey to his first two points they must be morally corrupt - the are deserving of destruction and good riddance to them! Or "so be it" in his words. 
    So in summary, what I got from the video was this: if people are too blind or stupid to see that we are living in the last days, and they have allowed Satan to blind them to the (non-existent) evidence then Psa 92:7 applies to them: They are wicked ones sprouting like weeds and their only reason for existence or worth as humans is to be annihilated.
    Nice demonizing and hate speech that towards those who don't accept your opinions. The JW leadership are not extremists at all, such tolerant, peace-loving people!
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in How long would it take us to build an Egyptian pyramid with today's advancements?   
    Building a pyramid, or an atomic bomb is VERY simple, if you find acceptable a VERY high people casualty rate handling the materials, and have an unlimited supply of unpaid labor, etc.
    If the pyramid project were mine, and I could afford to waste a hundred thousand human lives, the project would finish early and under budget.
    In Germany, the V-2 Rocket Program in Mittelwerk, near Nordhausen Germany killed MORE slave laborers building the rockets than were killed at the receiving end in England where the rockets landed.
    Approximately 25,000 people died MAKING the rockets, and 10,000 or so  people died as targets of the rockets. About six workers died for EVERY rocket produced.
  9. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in HOW WAS THE PHYSICIAN OF JESUS ? ( read more )   
    I often think of and describe Jesus' Jewish mother, Mary, as a female Danny Devito,
    if only to irritate Catholics who show Mary as an Anglo-Saxon white woman.

  10. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in How long would it take us to build an Egyptian pyramid with today's advancements?   
    Building a pyramid, or an atomic bomb is VERY simple, if you find acceptable a VERY high people casualty rate handling the materials, and have an unlimited supply of unpaid labor, etc.
    If the pyramid project were mine, and I could afford to waste a hundred thousand human lives, the project would finish early and under budget.
    In Germany, the V-2 Rocket Program in Mittelwerk, near Nordhausen Germany killed MORE slave laborers building the rockets than were killed at the receiving end in England where the rockets landed.
    Approximately 25,000 people died MAKING the rockets, and 10,000 or so  people died as targets of the rockets. About six workers died for EVERY rocket produced.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in How long would it take us to build an Egyptian pyramid with today's advancements?   
    In order to answer that question you would need geology and soils reports for the construction site .... and develop from scratch a  complete set of plans of the structure to be built, "greased" the permitting process to a certainty ... surveys of the quarrys where the stone is sourced, and a staff of about 400 people in a building full of computers to do the cost estimates, bills of material, logistics planning, and manpower and tools and equipment acquisition and scheduling .  The list goes on, and on...and on.
    The actual construction could be started as soon as foundation details were firmed up, and the rest of the design could be built as fast as the stone could be quarried. Machines would have to be invented and built to transport those stone up a 37 degree or so slope.
    As an old grey man who has worked on projects that size much of my life, I give a conservative VERY rough guess of 11 years, and a cost of 3 trillion dollars.
    It would be easier and quicker with telekinesis, but those skills have long been erased from the human gene pool.
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Queen Esther in Anyone interested in sending their ashes on the moon?   
    BUT  THINK ABOUT THAT....    and you know that??
    Jehovah is not dumb !  All dead humans in the oceans, mountains, jungle, space, all dead of the wars, etc. they will resurrected on our beautiful EARTH, I am sure??  Think to the pictures...  All resurrected ones running to their families !??
  13. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Anyone interested in sending their ashes on the moon?   
    I do not think that Jehovah is going to resurrect all those millions of people that died in the middle of the Oceans from Shipwreck, drownings, or burials at sea IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN! 
    And an angel of the LORD said: "Hello there resurrected one ... how long can you tread water?" 
  14. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Anyone interested in sending their ashes on the moon?   
    I told my ex-wife that after I died, just put my mortal remains in a double grass clippings sized Hefty Trash bag, throw in a few pints of Fabreeze, and set it out on the sidewalk, and Tuesday, it's the City's problem.
  15. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Do You View Human Weakness as Jehovah Does? – ?????   
    In human experience, there is an infinite variety.
    This was true in ancient times as well as today.
    Here is a sad photo of a recovered alcoholic.

  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why Remain a Witness when Bad Things Happen?   
    On 7/31/2017 at 11:07 AM, TrueTomHarley said:
    There comes a time when one must suck it up and move on - either stay or leave, but move on.
    @b4ucuhear: Is that what I should have told my sister? My younger sister was sexually molested by an elder. She stayed despite that without making waves, until she started to see other things she found deeply disturbing and then she did "move on" as you say. Actually, she shouldn't have "moved on" because later on, most of the elders (the bad ones) were either removed or disfellowshipped - half of them were apostate (but that's not all they were up to). Of course nobody wanted to believe anything (even with concrete evidence) since they were regulars on the circuit assembly platform and on even on the district convention. It took about 10 years to sort itself out (should have been much quicker considering the evidence), but it did, (although it took other elders to step in and do what actually had to be done.) Still, 1 Timothy 5:24 will prove to be true if you wait, in one way or another. 
    TTH:  "This ‘superfine apostle’ in the 2 Corinthians 11:5 mold was a big honcho in the HVAC world and would freeze everyone out of the Kingdom Hall because he liked it cool - even locking the thermostat so nobody not under his control could touch it. One elderly sister declared she would no longer attend meetings – where was the love?
    "It developed that this man planned to poison his wife so as to move in with another woman, and all the while maintain his position in the congregation. Joe Merlin sniffed him out in a heartbeat. ‘How can you guys be so naïve?’ he cried before one Body of Elders who could not believe what was right before them. But when the dust at last settled, one of them approached him: ‘You’re right, Joe - we are naïve.’ Sometimes Jehovah’s people are naïve. They are the ‘sons of the light’ whom the ‘sons of this system of things’ do end runs around."
    From the chapter 'Dirty Rotten Lowlifes' in 'No Fake News But Plenty of Hogwash.'
    @b4ucuhear I respect you for that. Knowing bad things can happen yet having the strength of faith and character to stay - as you seem - spiritually strong in the truth. Might I ask you to share with us what enables you to maintain your faith and dedication despite faith testing situations (whether you were personally in that congregation or not?)
    Why Remain a Witness when Bad Things Happen?
    Here are things that have helped me. I’ll add some others, maybe.
    First, the psalm that says if you love God’s law, there is no stumbling block. (Ps 119:165) Humans will let you down from time to time. God never does.
    Second, Peter’s statement to Jesus when the latter said something outrageous. “Lord, where else shall we go?” (John 6:68) Exactly. Who else enjoys the basic spiritual truths and does the scripturally appointed work of Jehovah’s Witnesses? (Why would Jesus say what he did, knowing it could so easily be misconstrued? Can it be that he does so to separate the keepers from the bad fish?)
    Third, recognition that the key is, not to try to sanitize the present, but to unsanitize the past. Meaning the congregation, Paul says that in any house there are vessels for uses both honorable and dishonorable, and one must keep away from the latter. (2 Timothy 2:20) Plenty of riff-raff back then, he is saying. The Hebrew scriptures even point to times and situations when God's people acted worse than the nations, so if they are instances today here or there, it should hardly be a shocker, even if it goes on for a few years. In OT times, it went on for decades.
    Fourth, I like it that God mocks the wisdom of this world - wisdom which has given us the disaster we all must live in. From where is that wisdom dispensed but in the world’s system of higher education? Only Jehovah’s Witnesses eschew it, and despite that (or because of it) they have constructed a seamless system the envy of human governments that can’t reliably provide the most basic of services. We are the one religion of size that have not strayed from its ‘working class’ roots so as to suck up to the ‘better’ people. Acts 4:13 says the elites were astonished how the leaders of Christianity were ordinary and unlearned by their standards. That remains so today. Current GB members start out, not from a lofty perch above others, like in any other organization today, but from humble full-time service below that of most persons they later lead.
    Fifth, a recognition that the crowd is always wrong. While some fear the prevalence of apostates will harm the true faith, I think, to the discerning one, it strengthens it. Hostility over Jehovah’s Witnesses is way out of proportion to any sins they have committed, and are often entirely bogus. Ann mentioned Muslims. They have tendency to produce murderous extremists and they have a sharia law that, taken seriously, does far more than shun transgressors, and savages Western notions of woman’s rights. Write an article about Muslims and you will receive many hostile comments. Write one about Jehovah's Witnesses and you will drown in hostile comments, though their numbers are far fewer and their transgressions far less serious. Don’t follow the crowd for evil ends, Exodus 23:2 says, or, as everyone’s mother said: if everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you jump too? If the crowd says the religion stinks, it must be good.
    That’s for starters. 
  17. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    One of the things that sparked dialog is getting emails when someone posted, so a person could reply .... I don't think the new system ( no pun intended) does this.  It's a good idea, but it would be easier to just allow for hijacking a thread ... which in my opinion stimulates discussion of ALL types.  A freeform brawl of a discussion seems to me the best way to get NEW Truths, out of old ideas.
  18. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Funny you mention that ... Years ago I was at my Father's house in Richmond, Virginia, and  I had an Elder call me up and tell me was going to destroy me ... and I said "You are welcome to try ... you know where I am ... I will meet you in the street out in front of the house, and we will shoot it out."  That was the last time I ever heard from him.
    I realize you are only funnin', so let's take it to the area we are supposed to go to.
    ( checks his supply of graphic Memes and cartoons...)
  19. Downvote
    Well, AllenSmith ... and I assume you ARE Allen Smith, just trying a little deception ... (If I am wrong, please correct me...):
    People rely on news where they can find it. Truth is where you find it .... especially when starving for truth!
    The WTB&TS ONLY reports news that make them appear noble, and pure, and innocent and rightous ... and they are human beings just like all others, except that they NEVER report anything that might reflect on their IMPLIED claim of absolute competence ... and they NEVER apologize for any harm they cause by pretending to be experts on everything, misquoting references ( often with ellipsis ...  to deliberately obscure the real context of a quote..).
    Like the old Soviet newspaper PRAVDA, and the last story in today's Watchtower ... they gloss over general disasters  with an obscure reference, because ONE couple was able to adapt, AND ALL NEWS ABOUT THEMSELVES .. IS GOOD NEWS!  
    Fine if you are a Soviet Commissar, that is to be expected but .... everybody in Russia knew AND KNOWS the glorious worker's paradise was AND IS anything but .... except the IGNORANT, the delusional, and the stupid.
    Like Charles Taze Russell said in the very first copy of the Watchtower ... IF Satan himself told you something that was the truth ... it would STILL be the truth, irregardless of the source.
    Over the years, with their HIDING of relevant information, OBSCURING relevant information, and making up prophesies and types/antitypes that had absolutely NO basis in reality, generating artificial fear and anxiety over "end-times" predictions ...  and then weasel-wording around the facts that such things were ever said ....  and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on .. ad nauseum ... to directly answer your specific question ....
    "My question would be, when did Jehovah Witnesses start relying on “apostate” NEWS by Johnny the Bethelite, and anything this EX-MEMBER has to say about the Watchtower in his blog"
    Oh ....  and thank you for monitoring the many apostate websites to verify the source of YOUR research.

  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS | International Response to Russia’s Supreme Court Decision Against Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    International government agencies and officials comment on the unjust court decision and Russia’s failure to protect the religious freedom of minority religious groups.
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    Suzi, thank you for sharing your story.
    This is the crux of the problem I think, that is why I posted that article you mention. It wasn't to excuse the perpetrators of course, but to excuse those who naively believed a child was safe with them (the perpetrator). As you say, good people just don't think the way perverts do, and that was my argument with regard to Candace Conti, that the elders (despite knowing about one incidence with his step daughter) just did not believe that the perpetrator (Kendrick) would ever do anything like that again. He did. He molested Candace. Then after Candace, he molested his new wife's grandchild. The elders had no idea about any of this. They only found out when Candace confronted them with it years later.....
    You also had no idea about your step father, you blame yourself for it, but as you see, you are a good person, who just couldn't imagine that anyone could be capable of anything like that....
    The adage should be: "once a child molester, always a child molester". HOWEVER, this is not entirely compatible with scripture, and with the idea that people can change. This is the attitude we Witnesses try to take. BUT, at the same time it needs to be recognized that pedophilia is a real clinical case, almost a disease, that has to be fought like an addiction to alcohol. Is a cure possible? Not entirely, as an alcoholic has to abstain for the rest of his life otherwise he will revert. The same with a pedophile, he cannot ever be trusted around children, until in the new system.
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to SuziQ1513 in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    I have to admit I didn't read all of the info that Anna and Ann plus others have submitted, but the article (submitted above) about what a child molester looks like :
    rang true with my step-father (of 50+years - not a JW, married, good income, white) who abused my daughter and youngest son.  Back in the late 70s my daughter was about 3yo, I caught him picking her up by putting one hand between her legs and the other under her armpit.  I immediately went to him, firmly told him not to do that anymore.  My daughter who is now in her 40s claims she can still remember the feeling. 18 yrs later, I relied on my parents for childcare since I had become a single mother and couldn't afford daycare when my son was small.   (Both parents were retired at this time.) The abuse began at about 4-5yrs old thru teen yrs.   The abuser was so clever, I had no idea for which I have felt deeply guilty.  We would sit at family meals (the 4 of us) and the abuser could act like nothing was wrong.  My son was weighed down with threats and so remained silent.  I thought he was just moody.  I didn't find out until my son was 23yrs old when he finally told me.  By this time his abuser was dead.  My son has left the Truth since he claims he is now Gay.  What the abuser takes freely for selfish reasons has a huge cost to others.  They are clever and cunning.   Good people just don't think the same way perverts do.  You just don't want to accuse someone of such serious crime.  Education is important and it's unfortunate we can't trust anyone.   Children (under 10yo) are now abusing younger children and the government can't do a darn thing about it because of their age.  This whole thing is such a mess.  They need to castrate the B______ds (crude, I know).  
    I have a RV with an ex-member of the FLDS polygamist group (their leader is in jail for life for sex abuse) and I fear doing an internet search will put them off from learning more from the Bible.   I have stopped donating for the ww work because so much money is going to these settlements.  I donate to the KH and if they send money to the HQ, that's their business.  I feel I should write to the HQ and let them know, maybe that will get them to be more transparent.  I came across a quote from the Dali Lama the other day:  "A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity."  I would send that but I think they would disregard it given the source.  I pray to Jehovah that he will direct Jesus to handle this matter quickly and with great wisdom.   I pray for the victims and for protection for all children, JW or not.  May we all maintain our joy and peace in these troubled times.  Love to all.  
  23. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    Sorry. will do.
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to SuziQ1513 in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    Yes, I agree.   20 years ago the victim was most likely re-victimized by the police (who had no training in this area) and if it went to court by the defense attorneys.  Girls/Women (and Boys/Men also but not to the same degree)  assaulted, raped, etc frequently kept silent because of this revictimization and shame they felt.  The two-witness rule doesn't help since perpetrators usually target one person so it's one word against one person.  The brothers are not really trained to deal with such a serious matter, much like mental disorders.    I do think a victim should be able to have someone in a supportive role with them when they meet with the Elders.  Tamar from the Bible is my heroine, she taught me it's a man's world and women just have to be savvy.   Speaking in generalities,  the greatest threat to a woman's well being is a man (I'm not referring to all men but in general for those of you who want to pounce on me).  
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    As food for thought, Suzie, if you feel guilty, we should not assume that they do not - brothers holding positions of authority. This is true even though they are not accused of anything personally, unlike the clergy of some religions, but of merely 'bungling' the reporting, not conforming to the world's rapid about-face on this issue - years ago, authorities would send a molester right back into the home, assuming rehabilitation was possible and was preferable to breaking up a family.
    The GB is between a rock and a hard place. Where elders investigate, especially in cases of abuse 20 or more years ago, they may find, for whatever reason, that the family head does not want to go public. Perhaps all involved were family or extended family, and the head does not feel that calling in the cops is the way to go. Where it was not legally required, it was not for the elders to steamroller him and go over his head. That's why (2017) our brother pleaded with authorities to make it a requirement everywhere. That way, no one is tarred and feathered for not going 'beyond the law.'
    Even if the family head has been conditioned not to report - an allegation provable only by anecdote - the type of evidence that is discarded everywhere else - a constant refrain of apostates, that does not alter the fact that family wishes cannot be disregarded by a theocratic organization, unless there is a specific law to the contrary.
    Leadership by apology is in vogue today. How much of it our people should do is arguable - I don't go there. It's not my place.  Suffice it to say, however, that among determined enemies, a apology only stimulates demands for more apologies, and the more apologies never lead to forgiveness, but only demands for resignation. Thus, it plays into the enemy's greater goal of halting the proclamation of the kingdom message. This is not to say that everyone concerned over child sexual abuse has that goal. But many do, and they have used the situation to advance their own ends.
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