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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Has the Society ever ruled on what happens if a man or woman abandons their spouse forever ... is the one abandoned stuck forever ?   
    Has the Society ever ruled on what happens if a man or woman abandons their spouse forever ... is the one abandoned stuck forever ?
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    Perhaps that is good counsel and I should be chastened by it. I will be.
    I would hope that the image of someone lying such a thing routinely, casually and openly by their seat in this most non-violent of all places would be instantly recognized as a joke. But you're right. Humor does not universally translate. And there are many humorless people around. And humor is a spice at best; it is by no means a requirement for life. And it is a hair-trigger topic today.
    Point taken.
  3. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?   
    It seems to me that all real Men will recognize the responsibility they have to their Families .... physical and spiritual, to take care of them.
    That includes, food, clothing, shelter, education and many other things... including defending them from harm, and even death.
    The only question remains is this ....
    For those in Rio Linda ... the answer is NO.
    Standing in harms way with good intentions, and becoming the first victim ... is no defense at all.
    MEN have MANY self evident moral obligations ... otherwise we are just drones with male plumbing.
    ... an incompetent defense ...is NO DEFENSE AT ALL!
  4. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    AMEN to THAT!
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
    Be a sport. (hahahahaha...) actually write down the questions, and under them .. WRITE DOWN the REAL answers!
  5. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    Bible Speaks:
    So far you have not shown me ANYTHING from the Bible that is wrong with taking calculated risks and gambling.
    By the way .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you.
    EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.
    And in a Lottery, EVERY participant is there by his OWN FREE will .... in any enterprise entered upon with free will, there are no losers ... only those who did not win the pool.
    And yes, YOU will be disfellowshipped for buying a one dollar Lottery ticket ... while the Society gambles with millions of dollars of OUR contributions... EVERY ... DAY!
    What's wrong with THAT picture?
  6. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from AllenSmith in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    Here is the REAL TEST!
    ...and all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    NONE of the above scriptures I saw  HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ANYONE willing to take a calculated risk on a voluntary basis, and in the case of, say, a Lottery, participate with others who WILLINGLY pool their money at odds of 1 in 295,000,000.
    zero, zip, nada, goose eggs!
    If we prohibit taking known risks, among many other things, the human race will stagnate into the pit of starvation, death, and slavery, as Farmers will be PROHIBITED from doing their jobs and we will starve, there are a million ways to die,  and when enslaved, we will accept with resignation the status quo, and not risk getting free.
    Oh, and by the way ... who today worships any God of Luck?
    Nobody I have ever met.
    I cannot even think of a name to associate with one.
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
  7. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from tromboneck in Graphic: Anointed Remnant Partakers at the memorial celebrations since 1938   
    I just need  a Fifth of Scotch to kill the pain!

  8. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in Beards in the Congregation   
    I admire her courage ... a LOT ... but that would still creep me out.
    I am sure she realizes this ... and it is THAT ... that gives her a backbone of steel.
    John the Baptist, who slept under a rock or something, wore rags, and who ate locusts MILLENIA before toothbrushes ... was highly favored by God.
  9. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from tromboneck in CONVENTIONS | “Don’t Give Up!” Convention   
    The parents do that SPECIFICALLY so that "Santa Clause" gets the credit for the presents, and because of cultural peer pressure,  not the rightful originators.
    In like manner the Governing Body gets credit for the "presents" ... and not the Brother or Sister that called something to your attention "early".
    Remember the basic rule ...... EVERYTHING not specifically permitted ... is forbidden.
    If you remember this, you will be approved for disparaging the "little brother", and learn more to love "Big Brother".
    Winston Smith had to learn that the hard way ... in "Room 101".

  10. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Shiwiii in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    Bible Speaks:
    So far you have not shown me ANYTHING from the Bible that is wrong with taking calculated risks and gambling.
    By the way .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you.
    EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.
    And in a Lottery, EVERY participant is there by his OWN FREE will .... in any enterprise entered upon with free will, there are no losers ... only those who did not win the pool.
    And yes, YOU will be disfellowshipped for buying a one dollar Lottery ticket ... while the Society gambles with millions of dollars of OUR contributions... EVERY ... DAY!
    What's wrong with THAT picture?
  11. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    AMEN to THAT!
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
    Be a sport. (hahahahaha...) actually write down the questions, and under them .. WRITE DOWN the REAL answers!
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Seven friends drown after their boat capsized when they huddled in one corner to take a selfie...   
    The great tragedy of 'group' drowning deaths is that good swimmers often get tired out and pulled down by trying to save the ones who cannot swim. Survivors are often haunted by the fact that the only reason they survived is that they decided to swim away and not help their drowning friends.
  13. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to The Librarian in Seven friends drown after their boat capsized when they huddled in one corner to take a selfie...   
    Were none of them able to swim even for a few minutes? I can understand dying by being pulled under by a huge ship sinking...but just falling off a boat? I've jumped off of more boats than I can think of for the sheer fun of swimming.
  14. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Seven friends drown after their boat capsized when they huddled in one corner to take a selfie...   
    Life has ALWAYS been cheap ...
    Sounds like new contestants for the 2017 "Darwin Awards" if they were over the age of 16.
  15. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from The Librarian in Seven friends drown after their boat capsized when they huddled in one corner to take a selfie...   
    Life has ALWAYS been cheap ...
    Sounds like new contestants for the 2017 "Darwin Awards" if they were over the age of 16.
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in Graphic: Anointed Remnant Partakers at the memorial celebrations since 1938   
    Knock knock knockin' on heaven's door........
    It is aways interesting (for me) to look at the partakers graph against the average publishers graph as shown here. (They will be included in these figures).
    I mean, why shouldn't this number increase? I know we have put date limiters on it in the past, but surely we have become less rigid about this in more recent years? (@Melinda Mills could substantiate this with numerous WT references!)
    Anointed ones answer only to Jehovah as to the genuineness of their claim (1Cor 11:27-29).
    We are rejoicing at the increase, if we show the same spirit that the angels do when sinners repent:
    Luke 15:10:  "I tell you, joy arises among the angels of God over one sinner who repents"

  17. Upvote
  18. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    Bible Speaks:
    So far you have not shown me ANYTHING from the Bible that is wrong with taking calculated risks and gambling.
    By the way .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you.
    EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.
    And in a Lottery, EVERY participant is there by his OWN FREE will .... in any enterprise entered upon with free will, there are no losers ... only those who did not win the pool.
    And yes, YOU will be disfellowshipped for buying a one dollar Lottery ticket ... while the Society gambles with millions of dollars of OUR contributions... EVERY ... DAY!
    What's wrong with THAT picture?
  19. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from tromboneck in Jehovah's Witnesses Memorial 2017   
    Although I am relying on a strong but fragmentary memory over 50 years old,  I remember studying that if a traveler or other person could not make it to Memorial for some very serious reason, that they could have a Memorial Celebration one Lunar Month later.
    We studied that in the KM at the KH, if memory serves.
    Does anybody remember this ... probably from the early 1960's?
  20. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Queen Esther in Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️   
    Here is the REAL TEST!
    ...and all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    NONE of the above scriptures I saw  HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ANYONE willing to take a calculated risk on a voluntary basis, and in the case of, say, a Lottery, participate with others who WILLINGLY pool their money at odds of 1 in 295,000,000.
    zero, zip, nada, goose eggs!
    If we prohibit taking known risks, among many other things, the human race will stagnate into the pit of starvation, death, and slavery, as Farmers will be PROHIBITED from doing their jobs and we will starve, there are a million ways to die,  and when enslaved, we will accept with resignation the status quo, and not risk getting free.
    Oh, and by the way ... who today worships any God of Luck?
    Nobody I have ever met.
    I cannot even think of a name to associate with one.
    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?
    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?
    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...
  21. Confused
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from PebblesRodz77 in Beards in the Congregation   
    With my usual lack of humor I present the Draft Copy of the December 2016 issue of the Watchtower which showed a Brother shaving on the cover ... it was changed before being distributed, because the Brothers responsible for the VERY GOOD and accurate article ... disappeared mysteriously.
    Dec 2016 Watchtower draft article .pdf
  22. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Yvonne Ohlhausen in Beards in the Congregation   
    Yeah .... if he is drooling, stabbing the seat cushions with a knife, and brings a lunch to the 2017 Convention with fingers sticking out, they may need to reconsider the microphone thingy.
    There are PLENTY of examples of men in the Bible who slaughtered each other in wars, conflicts and assassinations ... AND THEY ALL HAD BEARDS!

  23. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Beards in the Congregation   
    The first Kingdom Hall I went to I had a tile floor sloped downward like a movie theater to the stage and podium.
    I had a large bag of marbles I hid from my mother.
    We arrived late and sat on the back row.
    I dropped the bag and the marbles spilled out and rolled to the front, each making noise and hitting chair legs and shoes on the way down.
    That's when I learned to pray.
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to ComfortMyPeople in The Five Fingers Rule   
    The Five Fingers Rule
    Sometimes I’ve tried to help others not using the Scriptures to proof any kind of idea or behavior one person could have. I’ve used what I’ve denominated “the five fingers rule”, from the weakest to the stronger evidence

    Only one finger: the evidence is only in the same division of the Bible, Greek or Hebrew Scriptures.
    This is the weakest evidence. The explanation about our verse under scrutiny is in the “other side” of the Bible. We’re trying to prove some idea based in the Hebrew Scriptures with another verse from Greek Scriptures, or vice versa. So, there are centuries of distance in the meaning, language, cultural environment and God’s dealings.
    If we use this approach we should be very careful. Only if we have direct mention of some application in the Bible we should feel free to try the same, for example:
    (Matthew 24:15) “…when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet…” In spite we have here one verse in the Greek against other in the Hebrew Scriptures, as we have the direct mention of Christ we can, with confidence apply the verses.
    Conversely, when we read (Da 4:25) “seven times will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he grants it to whomever he wants”, and we try to apply the seven times to Jesus words in Lu 21:24 “…Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled” we only have a weak evidence. When we read in Daniel about “times”, we cannot think any mention in the Bible about “times” share the same or related meaning. And it seems a little bit farfetched to apply the Nebuchadnezzar happenings to Christ.
    Two fingers: the writer is contemporary.
    Either in the Greek or Hebrew period. Well, now our evidence has more weight.
    (Isaiah 37:22) “…The virgin daughter of Zion despises you…” (Jeremiah 14:17) “…For the virgin daughter of my people has been completely crushed and broken…” No problem when applying the term virgin to the nation of Israel.
    Three fingers: the verses share the same writer.
    But, perhaps, not the same book.
    (Romans 3:20) “…no one will be declared righteous before him by works of law…” (Galatians 2:16) “…not by works of law, but only through faith…” When we develop the idea about how obtain salvation, we have strong evidence, from the same Bible writer, clarifying the meaning.
    Four fingers. The evidence is in the same Bible book.
    Now, the evidence is still stronger.
     (Zechariah 1:8) “…I saw a vision in the night. There was a man riding on a red horse, and he stood still among the myrtle trees in the ravine; and behind him there were red, reddish-brown, and white horses...” (Zechariah 6:2, 3) “…The first chariot had red horses, and the second chariot, black horses. The third chariot had white horses, and the fourth chariot, speckled and dappled horses…” (Rev 6:4-7) “a fiery-colored horse… a black horse… a pale horse…” We have a good foundation If we think these horsemen represent angels. Both declaration in the same book of Zechariah share the same meaning: the horsemen meant spirits. And with Revelation, there is no other place in the Bible with this kind of visions.
    Five fingers: the complete evidence.
    Not only the same writer in the same book of the same period, but also in the immediate context.
    (1 Corinthians 2:7-9) “…But we speak God’s wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, … But just as it is written: “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”
    The application, based in the same context has to do with the secret, hidden purpose of God, only revealed by His spirit.
    Applying the five fingers rule
    (2 John 7-11) “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist… The one who does remain in this teaching is the one who has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works. When we even refused to say hello to a disfellowshipped person, based in the previous word from John, are we aware than the apostle was writing about deceivers and antichrist? This is five fingers. But if we apply this radical behavior for the person being spoken in 1Cor. 5, we have only the two fingers evidence. The Corinthians received the instruction to avoid eating (fellowship).
    One more example:
    (Matthew 24:3) “...Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence…” (Matthew 24:30) “…Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, …” The five fingers rule determine that the sign of the presence is the same as the sing of the Son of man. By the way, a sign completely visible, as the lightning.
    Obviously they will be exceptions, but we should be cautious with these exceptions.
  25. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in A bible was found untouched amid tornado wreckage in Mississippi, opened to a page that read...   
    Has anyone seen my Bible? I left it at a BNB in Mississippi last night.
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