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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from César Chávez in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    There are people that will stand in the middle of quicksand, and declare adamantly that they are not ... even as they drown, and their head disappears from sight.
    There is NOTHING you can do for such ones.   Nothing at all.
    They are doomed to always be wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  2. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    Probably not like a river, or taking a shower .... like quantum physics, there are some things that are so counter-intuitive that are actually quite real, that ANYBODY who says they understand it, is only deluding themselves. 
    Fortunately, we can avail ourselves of the pragmatic, practical technology that makes Smart Phones, iPads, GPS and the like just by knowing how things operate, without actually grokking the nature of what the sub-atomic particles we are using actually are.
    Frankly, I have had only one experience with infusion of Holy Spirit, and that was back in July of 1964, and it scared me so much I resisted it as being illogical, and dangerous, as I did not know at the time what was happening.
    How many times I wish I had not resisted it, I might have turned out a better man.
  3. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    There are people that will stand in the middle of quicksand, and declare adamantly that they are not ... even as they drown, and their head disappears from sight.
    There is NOTHING you can do for such ones.   Nothing at all.
    They are doomed to always be wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  4. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    I would like to remind everyone that Charles Taze Russell was considered an apostate, as was Jesus.
    In the very first issue of the Watchtower CTS observed that if we received a truthful statement from Satan (possibly referring to how he was viewed as "satan" ...) .... that statement is still the TRUTH.
    Everything has to be evaluated on its own merits, and THAT ALONE ... irregardless of the messenger.
    The FIRST refuge of the incompetent is to call someone an apostate.
    The second refuge of the incompetent is to in effect say "... take your baseball, and go home.".
  5. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    I would like to remind everyone that Charles Taze Russell was considered an apostate, as was Jesus.
    In the very first issue of the Watchtower CTS observed that if we received a truthful statement from Satan (possibly referring to how he was viewed as "satan" ...) .... that statement is still the TRUTH.
    Everything has to be evaluated on its own merits, and THAT ALONE ... irregardless of the messenger.
    The FIRST refuge of the incompetent is to call someone an apostate.
    The second refuge of the incompetent is to in effect say "... take your baseball, and go home.".
  6. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in ANOTHER Difficult Doctrine. With a less complex explanation.   
    @b4ucuhear  It was sarcasm. But i see it stung. The truth as they say, hurts sometimes, and you are hurt by truth. I'm not going into the list of dates from the late 1800's through to 1975 and probably more afterwards too. You will know of such things, or you will have built yourself a wall to hide from them. 
    But i see you are a typical JW, no real strength of faith, so you have to hide behind that old old word 'apostate'. 
  7. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    Quote @TrueTomHarley  " You could easily make the case that it didn’t flow in the first century either. "
    I don't think it flowed 24/7.  But if it did then God works in mysterious ways. 
    I certainly don't think it flows now. 
  8. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    God DOES work in mysterious ways.
    That is why we have Hippopotamuses.
  9. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    That is a very good observation TTH.
    However, in a debate forum searching for Truth, all those things would be brought out and analyzed, both positively and negatively.  That is the "nature of the beast".
    If you hang your stocking on the fireplace mantle ... expect that it might be filled with coal.
    Ho Ho Ho
    ( not to be confused with yelling out the car window while driving around in the 'hood.)
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    Probably not like a river, or taking a shower .... like quantum physics, there are some things that are so counter-intuitive that are actually quite real, that ANYBODY who says they understand it, is only deluding themselves. 
    Fortunately, we can avail ourselves of the pragmatic, practical technology that makes Smart Phones, iPads, GPS and the like just by knowing how things operate, without actually grokking the nature of what the sub-atomic particles we are using actually are.
    Frankly, I have had only one experience with infusion of Holy Spirit, and that was back in July of 1964, and it scared me so much I resisted it as being illogical, and dangerous, as I did not know at the time what was happening.
    How many times I wish I had not resisted it, I might have turned out a better man.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    You could easily make the case that it didn’t flow in the first century either.
    “However, when Ceʹphas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned.  For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class.  The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense...” Galatians 2:11-13
    This is an astounding bit of cowardice from one who was a leader in the Christian community—in fact, he could be said to be the most prominent leader, he being the recipient of the “keys of the kingdom.” There are schoolchildren who will not allowed themselves to be bullied so. Verse 13 makes clear that his cowardly example messed up many from the Jewish community.
    Imagine how Peter—and everyone that allowed him to stay in his place—would have been savaged here on the World News Media Forum.
    You should check yours very carefully, because I am not sure that they do. The most absurd collections of words come out of them.
    Ho ho ho
  12. Upvote
  13. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    It would be helpful to me if when you are quoting someone, PLEASE quote at least the complete sentence.
    Perhaps even with some context.
    These cut off, fragmented sentences remind me too much of trying to say something to one of my ex-mothers-in-law.
  14. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    I think you are both living in a fantasy world where you get encouragement  from others.
    Whatever happened to "With Godly devotion, self sufficiency"?
    You think the Holy Spirit only flows with those who think vegetarian thoughts, and through encouraging people?
    Gimme a break!
  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in “He Used to be the Meanest SOB Around and He Turned Out Better than Any of Us”   
    During the time of El Cid, when the Spanish were trying to throw the Muslims out of Spain by combat, a Catholic military General who was also a Bishop was informed that half the people in the walled city where the Muslims were holed up, were Catholic.
    His reply was "Kill them all, and let God sort them out!".
    Of course, if we used that as an example, we would be disfellowshipping CSA victims, and it would be documented somewhere from our own internal records ... perhaps in Australia.
  16. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Arauna in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I am sorry ... I did not know you were writing on a tablet or pad.
    I do my writing on a laptop, with a USB keyboard in front at an angle, with the back on a brick., and with a USB mouse, it is almost effortless, and I type with two fingers.
    If it's one thing I have learned in life ... use the best tools you can't afford, even if it means missing two meals a day.
  17. Haha
  18. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I am sorry ... I did not know you were writing on a tablet or pad.
    I do my writing on a laptop, with a USB keyboard in front at an angle, with the back on a brick., and with a USB mouse, it is almost effortless, and I type with two fingers.
    If it's one thing I have learned in life ... use the best tools you can't afford, even if it means missing two meals a day.
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    It would be helpful to me if when you are quoting someone, PLEASE quote at least the complete sentence.
    Perhaps even with some context.
    These cut off, fragmented sentences remind me too much of trying to say something to one of my ex-mothers-in-law.
  20. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "WITNESSING" AT THE CART   
    I think you are both living in a fantasy world where you get encouragement  from others.
    Whatever happened to "With Godly devotion, self sufficiency"?
    You think the Holy Spirit only flows with those who think vegetarian thoughts, and through encouraging people?
    Gimme a break!
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in King David   
    I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle,+ nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches,+ nor do those with knowledge always have success,+ because time and unexpected events*  (unforeseen occurrence) overtake them all.
    It seems how Bible writer here, spoke about: Coincidence or about Miracle. Or maybe he didn't know how some "unexpected events" were in fact "miracles". :)) But if we seriously accept how his words are inspired and unmistakable, than he say how "miracles" (as intervention made by God) not likely to happen, not exist.  
    Then I said in my heart: “What happens to the stupid one will also happen to me.”+ What, then, did I gain by becoming excessively wise? So I said in my heart: “This too is futility.”
    This is very significant thought. It is not  just about how fool and wise will die one day. It is about how wise man also can find himself to have foolish wisdom. Let me to translate that in this way: WT Society wisdom is found to be foolish many times. Many topics on these forum revealed this matter.
  22. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Arauna in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I wake up at night and write on my pad. .... or early in morning in bed while husband is blessed with long sleep.  I am separated by 8 hours from you guys. (Republic of Georgia).  I will try to do a better job. I also struggle to copy scriptures... that is why my quotation if scripture is mostly from memory.  Funny how small handicaps make life harder when you get older.    
  23. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Arauna in Why did God kill Lots wife for checking out the giant fireballs raining from the sky upon the city she lived in but saw no fault in Lot and his daughters who survived and later got their father boozed up and raped him so they could have his babies?   
    I wish I could ..... I have arthritis in my hands and I am battling to highlight sentences on the pad. I have to move the wrist to copy and these movements are too large. Most of my time goes into trying to copy..... it is frustrating. This is why I now just write quickly how I speak - just correct the barest necessity.  Apologies...... I must be frustrating the lot of you.  Soon I will disappear again for a while.  I do only come on here intermittendly.
  24. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in King David   
    All that you have said being considered, you still did not provide a SINGLE modern day instance to the contrary, of my suppositions.
    Not ONE !
  25. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in King David   
    I only asked for ONE example, from any modern human experience, anywhere, by anybody ... that could not be BETTER explained by just plain coincidence or serendipity.
    Just ONE, out of the billions of experiences people have, or know about.
    The real reason you are refraining from further comment is that trillions of facts .... hard evidence .... irrefutable evidence, contrary to hopes and dreams, and flights of fancy, show God does NOT interfere with our lives, in modern times.
    Not as a secular nation.
    Not as a spiritual Nation.
    Not as individuals.
    Just ONE solid example could have proven me wrong.
    You may as well go to www.NORADSANTA.ORG, to see where Santa Clause is delivering toys at this moment.
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