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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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  1. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in What good is an internet forum for JWs?   
    When they asked Don McClain what his song meant, he answered that it meant he would never have to work another day in his life.
  2. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JW Insider in Mount St. Helens Eruption, 1980   
    I never met the photographer I mentioned, I just heard people talking about him in the Darkroom lounge, and later saw a picture, if memory serves, in National Geographic.
  3. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in What good is an internet forum for JWs?   
    You haven’t been around long enough to discern how it works here:
    CMP takes the snap and hands off to JWI. JWI looks for a receiver. TTH is way way out there, but usually flubs the catch.  JTR is also wide open, but he generally gets distracted in cursing out the coach. Melinda looks open. So is Aruana.  JWI throws, hoping for the best. 
    Allen Smith, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask so that you don’t know which one he is, intercepts. He charges headlong and bloodies anyone in his path. He gets ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
    After a few such plays, JWI punts. Witness takes the catch and insists that she should have had the ball all along. Sometimes agent JackRyan takes it instead and calls up to a dozen plays at once. Either of them look for receivers. Matthew 457845 is open. So is Shiwiiiiiii. So is Srecko (hehehe). So is JTR, who technically is on the other team, but 85% of the time it is impossible to tell. 
    The thrower hesitates. All of these receivers are known to be distracted by Anna’s smiley face, and whenever that happens, they either miss the catch completely or run headlong into the goalposts. Hoping for the best, he or she throws anyway.
    Allen Smith, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask so that you don’t know which one he is, intercepts. He charges headlong and bloodies anyone in his path. He gets ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
    After a few rounds of this, the Librarian, that old hen, blows the play dead, and calls for another one. Admin puts his head in his hands and cries. He once supposed that web hosting would be his path to respectability.
    Understand now?
  4. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Evacuated in South Korea   
    I can understand this. It's a bit like the meat offered to idols. Nothing wrong with the meat, but some having weak consciences (which is as much about feelings as knowledge) might have been enticed to worship, or are just plain offended that someone else seemed to be doing it. "If others have doubt...Leave it out" works for me.
    I don't like these cheesy dollies, but that is just a personal thing. "Holy" baby pictures never meant anything to me other than a slight nausea, even when I was being forced up as a Roman Catholic. So models of Sophia and the doting affection some seem to have for such things is pretty crass to me, but there's no accounting for culture. Look at those creepy manga or anime bug-eyed creatures, and the wierd paintings that  Margaret Keane did. Some people go mad about this stuff. I just feel slightly air-sick.
    But I don't mind the Caleb and Sophia videos. They are a bit Toy Story, but they have a moral punch that is quite effective. Don't like the cardboard cut outs and photo shoot stuff and merchandise much.... BUT....worship them? or feel anything other than pity for their outsize heads? Not really...............But I have always been suspicious of those fat baby cherub things they have in religious pictures..................... 
  5. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Mount St. Helens Eruption, 1980   
    The photographer was a member of my photography darkroom club in Portland Oregon..
    He knew he was going to die, so he put his camera, with film on the ground, with his wallet, and laid on top of it .
    His body was recovered, and the film also.
    I have admired his presence of mind since 1980, every time Mt. St. Helens pictures are shown.
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in South Korea   
    Don't worry, in about 50 years the blessed daughter St. Sophia will get the respect that comes with every year Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to become less and less educated.

  7. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    I have never been disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, but I have been disallowed  being able to Witness with the other Brothers, and sent home!
    That broke my heart and I have permanent heartbreak over THAT one.
    ONE congregation I was in, in Pennsylvania, near Amish country, accepted me with my beard, and gave me a letter of recommendation to work on the Bethel Construction, in Lima Peru, which I did all at my own expense.
    At the AIRPORT in Miami, waiting to the Peruvian Aircraft from Fawcett Airlines to go to Lima, Peru, three Elders "jumped me", and tried to get me to shave off my beard.
    I refused.  There was nothing they could do, because I had my letter of recommendation in my pocket from my home congregation.  They did try to isolate me from any after work social functions, and were in some cases successful.
    I came up behind two elders, sitting on a pile of bricks at the construction site, as they said, facing the other way " ... there must be some way we can get Rook off this project !"
    I stuck my head between them, with my brown beaver felt cowboy hat and said "Hi, Brothers!"
    That was fun!
    I was never disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, although it irritated the pure hell out of them that they could not do it, the whole time I was there.
    However, Donald Burt, the Branch Overseer, asked me to stay at Bethel as part of the Bethel Family, but I had already made a commitment for a job back in the USA.
    I returned ..... with my beard.
  8. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Anna in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    I have never been disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, but I have been disallowed  being able to Witness with the other Brothers, and sent home!
    That broke my heart and I have permanent heartbreak over THAT one.
    ONE congregation I was in, in Pennsylvania, near Amish country, accepted me with my beard, and gave me a letter of recommendation to work on the Bethel Construction, in Lima Peru, which I did all at my own expense.
    At the AIRPORT in Miami, waiting to the Peruvian Aircraft from Fawcett Airlines to go to Lima, Peru, three Elders "jumped me", and tried to get me to shave off my beard.
    I refused.  There was nothing they could do, because I had my letter of recommendation in my pocket from my home congregation.  They did try to isolate me from any after work social functions, and were in some cases successful.
    I came up behind two elders, sitting on a pile of bricks at the construction site, as they said, facing the other way " ... there must be some way we can get Rook off this project !"
    I stuck my head between them, with my brown beaver felt cowboy hat and said "Hi, Brothers!"
    That was fun!
    I was never disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, although it irritated the pure hell out of them that they could not do it, the whole time I was there.
    However, Donald Burt, the Branch Overseer, asked me to stay at Bethel as part of the Bethel Family, but I had already made a commitment for a job back in the USA.
    I returned ..... with my beard.
  9. Sad
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    Some are even more direct. One brother mentioned a tragedy where 3 children got accidentally run over by a woman driver, and said it IS the sign of the last days. (He was being serious).
  10. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Thinking in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    The reason the "beard issue " always comes up, and has been for the past 60 years, is that it is THE CLASSIC EXAMPLE of "going beyond the things that are written', as the Pharisees did with their unscriptural and arbitrary rules.
    Of the 17 times I have been in the "little back room", "room 101", 13 have been to try and convince me to shave off my beard. 
    Because it was wrong to even ask me, I never did, for them.
    Eventually I shaved it off because my dying Father asked me to.  HE had the right to ask me to do that.
    I strongly suspect that if the GB and Elders could vote ... they would ALL vote Democrat.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    Did any of those result in a disfellowshipping? I only ask, because if they didn't, then you must have been right all along 😀
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Anna in 2019 Annual Meeting wishes   
    Thank you for your expressions. I wanted to respond a little sooner than this but I ran out of time. Here are my thoughts on some of the things you mention. Just my two cents 😀.
    I used to think the same way, but just because it says update, doesn't mean the actual content is changed (like different wording of a scripture for example) but it is more to do with technical updates to make things compatible with constant changes and updates in the way  various operating systems work, similar to windows system, Firefox etc.  It is normal for any websites to do that. If there are any doctrinal or organizational changes, then we are usually made aware of them in a WT study.
    That would be a cool thing for those who like to dig deep.I noticed sometimes there are references to further reading, but not often.
    I don't know, but perhaps because everything is being simplified, sort of like we've already researched all the subjects, so no need to keep bringing it up, time to move on kind of thing.  The publications with all those references are still available for anyone to read and research though.
    I understand some of the things you are saying regarding this subject. I especially agree with your last two points. I suppose striving for hours is an incentive some people need. It would be great if the friends would put in pioneer hours without actually pioneering. But we mustn't forget that if a publisher signs up to be a pioneer, then they know what they are doing, they know they are committing themselves to a certain promise. The problem is why are they doing it. Is it because they need an incentive,  or is it because they like the title?
    If I am not mistaken, there is no specific regulation which says you can't do those things you have described. For example when going door to door in a remote village in one Easter European country, the brothers do not wear a tie because the locals would get confused and suspicious, and not be open to discussions.  It is always a good idea to adapt our preaching according to local circumstances. We should never be stuck on just one way. With the counting...I read somewhere that JWs keep the best and most reliable records. If there is any kind of worldly survey carried out, for example with regard to the numbers (members) of a particular religion, they always seem to trust the JW numbers the most.
    Haha, that would be funny. I don't think that will ever happen because it's too judgmental. But I understand your point!
    I think it's obvious that the reaction to a new Bible would be very positive. Therefor I don't think this was so much a request for information, but a confirmation of a "work well done". However the questions you propose, are on a different level and would require an awful lot of work sifting through the submissions. But I agree. I think JW Insider mentioned something about a "suggestion box" option on our website. Or even a "ask questions" box. I think both would be a very good idea. At the moment as you say, it is left up to the CO's to give some kind of report. But the thing is, many friends do not like to bring an issue up which they think might be viewed controversial or even rebellious. I know I don't. But if these comments could be made anonymously on the website, then I am sure the organization would get a much better idea of the state of the congregations and friends. The problem is some kind of mechanism would have to be put into effect that prevented just ANYONE from commenting. That way people who were merely trouble makers (opposers etc.) wouldn't clog up the whole site, or give the wrong impression that the friends were having these problems, whereas it would really be ex- witnesses.
    To be honest we don't have that problem in my congregation. There are many excellent auxiliary answers given. I suppose it depends on the congregation. Although we are all united, each congregation has its unique style/character. That's why you get some people "shopping" for a congregation they like, if they are not happy in the one they are at. 
    I agree completely! I always go to sleep when they do that. I don't see the point.
    I think that this is already going on to a certain point isn't it?
    Also I know that things have been simplified where there are no longer room cleaners, each person must clean their own room for example.
    I think something like that exists in the USA.  https://jjha.community/about/
    But I don't think it is organized by the society.
    Yes. Don't you just love it when an older single brother with no children tries to give you counsel about yours?
    Oh yes, the notorious beard issue! 🐵 A few weeks ago, in my mum's congregation, a young ministerial servant decided to grow a beard. My mum told me that the elders told him that if he wants to keep on carrying the mikes he will have to shave the beard off.  This is in a country where beards are socially acceptable, and in some congregations there are elders with beards. Not many, but I know one personally. I told my mum that usually it is up to the body of elders to decide because they should know the territory well and know whether it would offend an outsider or not.  She then told me that 1. my dad (an elder) wasn't told about it, and 2. there is absolutely no aversion to beards by the public as many people wear one. I asked her if this young brother was a "rebellious" type. She said not at all. Logically, he must have been qualified in order to become a min. servant. So as you can see, there is already a problem because certain elders have taken it upon themselves to decide on the matter without consulting the whole body. Who knows, these elders may not like beards, so it becomes personal, rather than theocratic. They have the Co's visit right now, so she told me she would let me know what happens. The other thing is, which I find odd, is that apparently if he shaves it off, they won't address the issue (!) I feel like telling the brother, don't shave it off, because this issue needs to be handled properly first. And once it's handled properly, and they still ask him to shave it off, then that is a different matter.
    As regards the photos, yes, I agree, on the one hand we are told in the WT that beards are ok in some cultures, but then on the other hand shaving a beard off is used as an example of spiritual progress. It confuses people.
    (P.S. Quite a large number of elders I know grow a beard while on vacation, and don't mind posting pictures on Instagram or FB, so they are not hiding it, but then once they go back to the meeting they shave it off).
    I will comment on the doctrinal part  next time. (when I have more time).
  13. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to admin in 1969 Camaro SS 396 ~ one of the most beautiful things ever made!   
    I do love your Corvette.....
    My favorite car of all time.
  14. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in 1969 Camaro SS 396 ~ one of the most beautiful things ever made!   
    My 1971 Corvette Convertible, with a 454 CI Engine, looked exactly like this one, except I took the spare tire out from underneath, and installed a Class III trailer hitch behind the license plate, which was on a spring loaded hinge that folded down.
    It had an automatic transmission so I could drive with my right hand, and drag beer cans, which were made of steel back then, on the street, and with the top down I could make sparks, and the little kids would look at the car and marvel.
    If I had kept it and it was in showroom condition, it would be worth about $240,000 today.
    ....sigh ......

  15. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Would you call this an “educated statement”?
    We’re talking about a religious leader of “Israel”, who is to represent God in truth.  JWs were to respect this individual, as well as his teachings.  Are you saying man’s word trumps God’s word?  When does God’s word trump man’s?  When a church in “Christendom” utters a prophesy that fails to come true?
    Although you believe all the historical failed doctrine are errors that are to be forgiven, God’s word takes a different view when it comes to His people.
    But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in My name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.’
    21 “But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?’ 22 If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but His prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without My authority and need not be feared.  Deut 18:20-22
    Jehovah’s Witnesses have joined this list:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_Christian_religious_predictions
  16. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    :))) Tom, The Only One who says you have to obey err is WT Society. 
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Sir, surely you know that God’s Word does not adhere to folly; but rather, condemns it. 
    Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
        or you yourself will be just like him.  Prov 26:4
    I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.  Eccl 2:13
    And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.  Eph 5:11
    Then the Lord said, “These prophets are telling lies in my name. I did not send them or tell them to speak. I did not give them any messages. They prophesy of visions and revelations they have never seen or heard. They speak foolishness made up in their own lying hearts.  Jer 14:14
  18. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from admin in Trump insists he put ‘no pressure’ on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy   
    When people that think guns are "icky", and don't have any, or very few, engage in a real Civil War with those that  have been preparing for  this all their lives, my guess is that the outcome is a certainty.
    To paraphrase ... "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots, and the fertilizer of fools".
    To quote Brother Dave Gardner:
    Julius Caesar--Brother Dave Gardner.mp4
  19. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I have been able to locate  an eight minute and 38 second recording  of Brother Dave Gardner, from the 1960's whose historical research contributed greatly to our current understandings and perspectives.
    This was before the Society banned cigarettes, later if memory serves, in the early 1970's.

    Julius Caesar--Brother Dave Gardner.mp4
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to admin in “This is outrageous”: Joe Biden said Saturday that President Trump “could be impeached" for threatening his family   
    Well... it sounds like impeachment is approaching....
    Trial in the Senate though seems unlikely.
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Truth, without Justice, and fairness,.... and mercy .... devalues Truth, to a trivial pursuit.
  22. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Trump insists he put ‘no pressure’ on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy   
    Back to the topic of the OP. I think that the Democrats have show a usual level of stupidity, and then in addition, are falling into a huge trap here. I have seen Giuliani so sloppy at times that he doesn't realize he was being an accidental whistleblower himself (against Trump), but I saw him much better prepared on this particular story (in a Fox News interview) and even there he hinted that the Democrats are walking into a trap. Trump himself does not usually come across so well prepared on any particular news story, either, and he often wings it with statements he ends up walking back.
    But this is so clearly a story they are well prepared for, not just in defense against attacks by Democrats, but as a proactive strategy to bring down Biden a couple notches, and embarrass the Democratic party.
    The Democrats had many Republicans on their side in creating a big anti-Russia strategy that attempted to tie everything Trump did to a close "nefarious" association with Putin. To this end, Democrats even sloppily tried to tie Paul Manifort to Russia, when Manifort was mostly an anti-Russian working for Ukraine's interests (which are opposed to Russia).
    A lot of people think that it's unfair to speak of any nation as having a "Nazi" agenda, but Ukraine is really an exception, because it has truly held onto the Nazi legacy from 1945 until today. Although we don't know if the new president, a former Jewish comedian, will attempt to stem the Nazi party which has dominated official Ukrainian government agencies for years.
    Democrats had to ignore this "Nazi" agenda when FaceBook and the Democrats were looking into Ukrainian accusations against Russia. Ukraine had to be presented as "the good guys" to try to paint Russia in such a bad light.
    Inseparably, Russian oil pipelines always ran through Ukraine although Russia only recently created some workarounds, so the "oilgarchs" of Russia and Ukraine might have less leverage now. But corrupt "officials" and "unofficials" from the US and elsewhere have been able to profit off the oily corruption between these two states for years.  I mention this because the only parry to the sword hanging over Biden right now was the fact that Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manifort was ALSO involved in getting money from related entities in Ukraine. Then, Biden's son (Hunter) was evidently put on the board of a mid-sized energy company and paid about a million euros a year. Ukraine's Attorney General wanted to look into this and his father, VP Joe Biden, tried to get that Attorney General removed. (There are also additional monthly payments totalling closer to 2 million a year going to undisclosed persons.) 
    The Democrats have already gloated over the demise of Manifort, but on separate grounds, so that it would just create confusion or appear like sour grapes to try to present Manifort as Biden "parity." Letting the whole Mueller thing play out was a bit risky, but has paid off for Republicans. Democrats are now just grasping at the few remaining straws.
  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Truth, without Justice, and fairness,.... and mercy .... devalues Truth, to a trivial pursuit.
  24. Upvote
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in Trump insists he put ‘no pressure’ on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy   
    I think that the new president of Ukraine wants a ride on Trump's plane and is willing to buy Javelins and stay in Trump Tower and buy more American oil to get it. 😎
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