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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE.
    Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name.
    .... better than a link, which may disappear when Snowflakes get upset, and melt all over you.

  3. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not.
    I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it.
    Download this, and FASTSTONE CAPTURE,  and anything that can be seen on your monitor, can be downloaded.
    Essential TOOLS ... for when someone attacks you for lying and such.
    (and FASTSTONE CAPTURE has several video tutorials to show you how to use it, on YouTube ...).
  4. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Witness in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE.
    Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name.
    .... better than a link, which may disappear when Snowflakes get upset, and melt all over you.

  5. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Witness in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not.
    I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it.
    Download this, and FASTSTONE CAPTURE,  and anything that can be seen on your monitor, can be downloaded.
    Essential TOOLS ... for when someone attacks you for lying and such.
    (and FASTSTONE CAPTURE has several video tutorials to show you how to use it, on YouTube ...).
  6. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Shiwiii in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    It couldn't have been. Why you ask? because it would make "Jehovah" sad.......(
    It makes a huge difference as seen in the many many court cases going on right now against the wt. Lots of money is being taken from the wt because of their failure to report when they are aware of the abuse happening. 
    Your prerogative, yes, however you've been trained not to because it would bring reproach on the name "Jehovah" aka. the wt. 
    It didn't help Candice because the wt didn't warn the cong.  Again, it is all because it would make "Jehovah" sad. 
    She won, period.  
    There is no law about letting the cong know, I get that, but I would hardly say that the elders were "protecting the flock". 
    Let me ask you something:
    Did they (edlers/wt) act in a Christ like way in the way that they handled Kendrick and his potential to harm more children? 
    Maybe, maybe not. But you know what she did get? Publicity! That right there opened the flood gates to give courage to others who were abused, to stand up and do something about it. it was the leak in the dam, and when the wt lost, others saw that it was possible to make the wt pay for their crimes! 
    you can claim that she is a hater or a seeker of money, but that is what you have been told she is, but it doesn't make it so. 
  7. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    Jehovah's Witnesses GOVERNING BODY
    ... defendants in Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuits !!
    Governing Body sued ......wmv
  8. Haha
  9. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in I'm worried about a 'brother' recently reinstated spending too much time with my grandchildren   
    Love Never Fails.
    ... and you don't need three days and 20 videos to explain it.
    Remember the Elders that counseled Job for three days?  After three days they had said NOTHING of value, worth recording in what later became Scripture.
  10. Downvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Joanne Williams in 2019 'Love Never Fails' convention   
    .Youtube has a complete set : Keywords 2019 Love Never Fails.  Includes talks, commentary and  videos ... the WHOLE THREE DAY program. 
    You can download them with
    1.) "4K Video Downloader", a free program, or
    2.) "WINX Youtube Downloader", another free program, or
    3.) "GIHOSOFT TUBEGET" also a free program, or
    4.) YOUTUBEBYCLICK", also a free program, or
    5.) "BKPLAYER", also a free program.
    Hope this helps you.
    I would suggest you download them before the Watchtower Lawyers get involved, and have them removed, as if they were a military secret.
  11. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in REMOVAL / DESTRUCTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY   
    If they were not guilty of sedition ... then why did they later remove seditious elements from the Society's publications.?
    Hmmmmmm ?
  12. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in REMOVAL / DESTRUCTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY   
    I may have missed something BTK46, but I do not see where in this particular thread, as shown above, where John Butler threatened ANYBODY.
    Please correct me with a quote, as you apparently see something that is NOT THERE.
    No surprise at that .....
    It's either you, or me that is wrong about this, and historically, it's always been you.
    If I say the Governing Body is it's own worst enemy, because they keep shooting themselves in the foot and systematically destroying their credibility, day by day, that is NOT a threat.
    .... merely a figurative  observation.

  13. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Monetary compensation is the only "Justice" one can hope for under the current secular laws for civil injuries.   I would be quite happy if a person so convicted would be surgically modified to be considerably shorter, or that dueling was allowed.  It used to be that Fathers, relatives or even the victims would shoot the criminals, and juries would show extreme leeway in considering the justifiably of it.
    Under the current system monetary awards are the ONLY way to get justice in a civil lawsuit for injuries suffered.
    Unfortunately .... torture is not allowed.
  14. Thanks
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    We have elderly sisters in our congregation that have NO FRONT TEETH, because they cannot afford the repairs. I was mentioning to her that advice is like eating a lobster, you have to pick and choose what to eat, and what to throw away, and when I was 42 years old, I had never eaten a lobster, and after five beers, someone served me a lobster at a restaurant.  I had NO IDEA about eating a lobster, and started at the head.
    She looked up at me with age and poverty deeply etched into her face, with no front teeth, and said she had never eaten a lobster, or a crab.
    What I had intended as a funny anecdote, turned out to be a sad reason for tears.
  15. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    The PERFECT example of this is this Weekend's Watchtower Study, paragraphs 15 and 16 , on pages 6 and 7 of the  June, 2019 Issue.
    The question for those two paragraphs is advice for perhaps 9 MILLION  JWs and students is:
    15-16. What do you learn from the experience of one sister?
    It's all about "plausible deniability"
    I was going to answer that experiences are as varied as there are people, but I had already answered paragraph 7 .... and this sister sounds like a mental anxiety filled emotional wreck (you will have to read the paragraphs ... I suggest you sit down and put on a seat belt before you start ...), and that at Bethel there is a small army of Lawyers with advanced degrees, Dentists and Doctors with advanced degrees, and the whole place was built by Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineers, ALL with degrees and licensed by the State of New York.
    People that normally make from $85 to $115 an hour ... as EMPLOYEES!
    But the only thing you and I need to know is the phrase " .... you want fries with that?'", and hope your parents live to be 95 years old so you can live in their basement and possibly inherit their house .... if they do not will it to the Society, and have you thrown out when they sell it.
  16. Haha
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    Is "soulical" even a real word?
    It sounds sillycal.
  17. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Monetary compensation is the only "Justice" one can hope for under the current secular laws for civil injuries.   I would be quite happy if a person so convicted would be surgically modified to be considerably shorter, or that dueling was allowed.  It used to be that Fathers, relatives or even the victims would shoot the criminals, and juries would show extreme leeway in considering the justifiably of it.
    Under the current system monetary awards are the ONLY way to get justice in a civil lawsuit for injuries suffered.
    Unfortunately .... torture is not allowed.
  18. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to TrueTomHarley in Like Movies where "Cardboard Man" fights "Franchise Girl" ?   
    The people who don’t like Clintons really don’t like them.
    ”How many more have to die,” tweeted Bill, “until we realize” something about gun control?
    ”How many more have to die,” someone retorted in the wake of Epstein, “until we realize that nobody will ever survive to testify against a Clinton?”
    ”If you think you were surprised to find that Epstein committed suicide,” someone else said, “just think how surprised he must have been!”
    But it could have been anyone, methinks.  (except himself) 
  19. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Karen Booker in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    Thanks for the insight.  I never thought of it that way.
    The Baptism is an outward symbol of a dedication ALREADY MADE IN IT'S TOTALITY.
    Whatever you dedicated to Jehovah God is between you and God, alone ... and what the GB has done is try an "control the narrative", and add to that.
    I wonder what would happen if after Baptism at an Assembly, where you stood up with many baptismal candidates that said "YES", and you did not affirm the questions asked you.  I doubt they examine the videos to make sure you did, or have someone watch to see if you did, taking notes.  Then, after perhaps several years of faithful life, casually mention that your immersion was as public as you needed, and that you never said "Yes" like all the others did.
    What you had resolved in your heart to do was sufficient, and nothing needed to be added.
    It's obvious that you were not there to soap up and bathe.
    Or ... let's say you were on a camping trip beside a lake, and you turned to your Bible Teacher and said "What's to prevent me from being baptized ..." quoting the Ethiopian Eunuch, and you both went down to the lake, and your teacher baptized you.
    As far as I know, it only takes ONE other person present to be a public expression of your dedication, and it would in actual fact be quite valid.
    That brings up the next consideration .....
    When you got back to your home congregations, relating the events of the camping trip, how much crap would you have to put up with from the Elders ... or would it be none at all?
  20. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Baruq JW in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Open letter to Daro Weilburg Dear Daro,
    I must ask you first of all to forgive my boldness, since, although almost fifteen years younger than you, I have to reproach you. Do not think I mean to disrespect. But having as a predecessor Elihu, who, in spite of his youth, did not refrain from rebuking the venerable Job I believe that I can in good conscience follow the example of this wise figure of antiquity.
    I watched some of your videos on the internet. I answer here because you have blocked all comments on your page, so it is impossible to reach you. I have no doubt that you are a sincere person, but beware! in the darkest days of modern history, sincere men have exterminated hundreds of thousands of others. Sincerity does not imply being right or excusable for any of our actions or statements.
    With this preamble in mind, I hope you will understand that I may have found two of your videos that you have posted online shocking, videos in which you discuss the topic of child abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation, taking as a basis the highly publicised case of Candace Conti.
    You find it unlikely that a woman could have waited years before revealing the aggression she was the victim of and you call her a liar. But what do you know about the feelings of a girl-child who has complete confidence in adults and who can not imagine that one of them can hurt her, especially if he is a relative, a close family member, a brother of the congregation, or even an elder? These young girls probably had no idea what was happening to them. Some were threatened or blackmailed if they said anything. That's the way things work with paedophiles. Within the Catholic Church, as well as within the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation, or within all institutions where adults are in contact with children.
    You will notice that the Watchtower of May 2019, although it does not provide any solutions to the victims, does not say anything else:
    It is all too easy for devious abusers to deceive children. Abusers teach children dangerous lies, such as the idea that the child is to blame, that the abuse must be kept secret, that no one will listen or care if the child reports the abuse, or that sexual acts between an adult and a child are actually normal expressions of sincere love. Such lies can distort a child’s thinking ability and perception of truth for many years. Such a child may grow up thinking of herself or himself as damaged, defiled, and unworthy of love or comfort.
    And you would you like to condemn these innocent lives? You would like to deny them the right to justice, because many years have passed? You support the two witnesses rule imposed by the Governing Body, when it is the very nature of the paedophiles to act in secret? You are talking about forensics when it is already difficult for a woman to gain recognition of a rape she just suffered as an adult? How can this be inflicted on a child? How cruel you are!
    From what you're saying, it seems that Candace Conti woke up one fine day and that she went on the internet, found a picture of a man she did not even know and decided to accuse him, all this for personal gain. Does this seem plausible to you? For me, it seems difficult. Given that you have experienced it, you can understand the feelings of a person facing a court and his lot of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, usually men, often incredulous, perplexed or skeptical, sometimes hostile. In your case, it was your own mistakes that led you in the dock. But you can not put yourself in the shoes of a woman who humbles herself by confessing that she has been raped while feeling the shame for what she suffered, constantly repeating, again and again, the same story. One would need to have a surprising strength of character to build such a lie. I can believe that some have done it, perfidy is not the prerogative of either sex, but here we are speaking of thousands of cases. Thousands of liars?
    You claimed:
    That doesn’t happen in any Kingdom Hall. Anywhere in the world. There is no way that an elder or a parent of a child would allow a man to take a small young child out in the ministry alone. That’s a lie. It’s not gonna happen. Not in any Kingdom Hall, 120,000 in the entire world, it’s not gonna happen. It’s a lie. (“Is Candace Conti lying about being molested by A JW elder at 9?” on Youtube)
    Dear Daro, please let me tell you that you are absolutely wrong, because here is the reality: in more than fifty years, I attended about a dozen congregations in three different lands. I can therefore confirm that leaving a child alone with an adult is a common thing in all congregations! After all, are we not supposed to live in a spiritual paradise in which everyone is beautiful and kind? Who can hurt us? Because, if that's the case, then where is the paradise? For some, it would rather be hell.
    Perhaps things have changed recently, as the Governing Body has revised its policy to protect themselves from the ever-increasing claims for having done nothing to protect the weakest among its flock, preferring to put responsibility on the parents and the elders if something should happen to a child in the congregation. But the harm that has been done in the past cannot be changed.
    Finally, the words you use about Barbara Anderson are not worthy of someone who calls himself a disciple and a member of the self-proclaimed only true religion gathering the people of God (you will notice that I avoided using the term “Christian”, the latter being able to qualify only the one who follows Christ and not an organisation). This woman has been the voice of thousands of silent victims who have found, thanks to her, the courage to emerge from their mess. So out of respect for a person who has given years of her life to this fight and paid a heavy price, I think you should measure your words.
    Dear Daro, I know you will have a hard time accepting my comments, but it is a matter between God and you. As for me, I think I have done my duty.
    With Christian love,
  21. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Baruq JW in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    I can't believe this experience is true. It must be the same as the so-called experiences heard in speeches at conventions.
    I believe that brothers should have fun inventing facts. In 2019, while there is no longer work for anyone, the Watchtower is still discouraging studies and thus building an army of future unemployed who will live on welfare.
  22. Like
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from Baruq JW in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    The PERFECT example of this is this Weekend's Watchtower Study, paragraphs 15 and 16 , on pages 6 and 7 of the  June, 2019 Issue.
    The question for those two paragraphs is advice for perhaps 9 MILLION  JWs and students is:
    15-16. What do you learn from the experience of one sister?
    It's all about "plausible deniability"
    I was going to answer that experiences are as varied as there are people, but I had already answered paragraph 7 .... and this sister sounds like a mental anxiety filled emotional wreck (you will have to read the paragraphs ... I suggest you sit down and put on a seat belt before you start ...), and that at Bethel there is a small army of Lawyers with advanced degrees, Dentists and Doctors with advanced degrees, and the whole place was built by Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineers, ALL with degrees and licensed by the State of New York.
    People that normally make from $85 to $115 an hour ... as EMPLOYEES!
    But the only thing you and I need to know is the phrase " .... you want fries with that?'", and hope your parents live to be 95 years old so you can live in their basement and possibly inherit their house .... if they do not will it to the Society, and have you thrown out when they sell it.
  23. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to Baruq JW in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    The Watchtower never gives orders. They suggest; then suggest; then suggest. And if the suggestion is not followed, then the elders suggest; then suggest; then suggest. And if this is not enough, the Circuit Overseer will come to make a speech in which he will suggest; then he will suggest; then he will suggest.

    Until all witnesses follow suggestion. And if then a JW arrives who does not follow the suggestion, he will be strongly suggested by the elders who will tell to him that it is important to follow suggestions,  which at this point will no longer be suggestions, but laws.
  24. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. got a reaction from JayDubya in "WATCHTOWER APPEALS TO THE SUPREME COURT"   
    I am deeply ashamed for the reputation of Jehovah, and the Brotherhood that the Governing Body has Lawyers that will spare no effort, time, and money to PERVERT Justice.
    I wish you were lying or agenda driven, but I know from independent research everything you said here is true .... and that there is more, besides that.
    Thanks for the vigilance.
  25. Upvote
    James Thomas Rook Jr. reacted to JW Insider in World largest and strongest nuclear Icebreaker - 50 Years of Victory   
    I'm guessing that this person is on the right track:
    Meier decided to crunch some numbers and find out. While his numbers are an estimate, he said, they provide a helpful comparison of just how much icebreakers might contribute to summer ice loss. Meier said, “In late June, when the sun’s energy is strongest, the total sea ice extent is around 10 million square kilometers or 3.9 million square miles. An icebreaker cruising through the ice for 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and leaving an ice-free wake of 10 meters (33 feet) would open an area of water 10 square kilometers (3.9 square miles) over the entire cruise. In contrast, the Arctic sea ice cover decreases by an average of over 9 million square kilometers or 3.5 million square miles each year during its melt season—an area larger than the contiguous United States.  In total, researchers estimate that the number of icebreakers traversing the Arctic at any given time is usually less than three. So, Meier said, “The actual contribution is miniscule—only one part in a million of the total ice cover.”
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