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Ann O'Maly

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  1. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW Publications   
    The funny thing is, old publications are JWs' worst enemy! Where do they think many of the dangerous 'apostate' ideas come from?
    I also wonder how long this resource and the associated youtube channel will last before a copyright infringement 'cease and desist' order from Watchtower is slapped on them. Hm, let's wait and see ...
    To add: I hope it lasts - it is a useful site - especially with all that is being discontinued at the moment.
  2. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Annual Meeting 2017 Place for this year's Annual Meeting. Warwick Auditorium. ???   
    Wasn't there mention of there now being a retirement home for old and infirm Bethelites at Warwick?
    And a discarded understanding has been brought back about the 'vindication of God's name' - it's OK to use that term again.
  3. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Gloria Medina in 2017 Annual Meeting   
    End of a long era. Yearbooks have been produced for about 90 years!
    But seeing as personal experiences and regional JW news stories are video presentations now, I guess it makes the Yearbooks redundant.
  4. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in * Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️   
    That whole letter-writing campaign to influence Putin and his government to intervene and halt the ban on JWs in Russia ... what was that? Wasn't that political lobbying? Wasn't that meddling in political affairs?
  5. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Kay Hasdorff in 2017 Annual Meeting   
    This will be the last year for yearbooks.
  6. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Noble Berean in JW Publications   
    The funny thing is, old publications are JWs' worst enemy! Where do they think many of the dangerous 'apostate' ideas come from?
    I also wonder how long this resource and the associated youtube channel will last before a copyright infringement 'cease and desist' order from Watchtower is slapped on them. Hm, let's wait and see ...
    To add: I hope it lasts - it is a useful site - especially with all that is being discontinued at the moment.
  7. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Srecko Sostar in * Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️   
    OSCE 2015 (NGO No. 21,168,169,318)
    OSCE 2016 (NGO No. 15, 146,147,286)
    OSCE 2010 (NGO 2010 No 2,28)
    OSCE 2009 (NGO No. 2,6,42,79)
    If you interested search alone
    http://www.osce.org/gsearch?qr=jehovah's witnesses participant 
  8. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Srecko Sostar in * Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️   
    just one example from JW involving in OSCE conferences (NO 17 and 146 on page 42, 57) look with what other various NGO groups they chat. This is Warsaw conference in 2014. But list go up and down in time. 
    Read this below carefully also and see how WT share the same principles as UN Charter, WT hypocrites.  
  9. Haha
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Bible Speaks in * Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️   
    * Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️
    * Christians willingly subject themselves to government authorities “in their relative positions ⚖️?⚖️
    "For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to governors."—1 Pet. 2:13, 14.
    An expression at Romans 13:1 designating human governmental authorities. That scripture has been variously rendered: “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.” (NW) “Let every subject be obedient to the ruling authorities, for there is no authority not under God’s control, and under His control the existing authorities have been constituted.” (We) “Everyone must obey the state authorities, for no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.”—TEV.
    Jehovah God, though not originating them (compare Mt 4:8, 9; 1Jo 5:19; Re 13:1, 2), has allowed man’s governmental authorities to come into existence, and they continue to exist by his permission. However, when he chooses to do so, Jehovah can remove, direct, or control such authorities in order to accomplish his will. The prophet Daniel declared regarding Jehovah: “He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings.” (Da 2:21) And Proverbs 21:1 says: “A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it.”—Compare Ne 2:3-6;Es 6:1-11.
    Reasons for Christian Subjection. There being no reason for Christians to set themselves in opposition to an arrangement that God has permitted, they have good reason to be in subjection to the superior authorities. Governmental rulers, though they may be corrupt personally, would not normally punish others for doing good, that is, for adhering to the law of the land. But a person who engages in thievery, murder, or other lawless acts could expect an adverse judgment from the ruling authority. One guilty of deliberate murder, for instance, might be executed for his crime. Since Jehovah God authorized capital punishment for murderers after the Flood (Ge 9:6), the human authority, by executing the lawbreaker, would be acting as “God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad.”—Ro 13:2-4; Tit 3:1;1Pe 2:11-17.
    Christian subjection to the superior authorities is not based merely on their ability to punish evildoers. With a Christian, it becomes a matter of conscience. He is submissive to human authorities because he recognizes that this is in harmony with God’s will. (Ro 13:5; 1Pe 2:13-15) Therefore, subjection to the superior authorities—to worldly political authorities—could never be absolute. It would be impossible for a Christian to preserve a good conscience and do the divine will if he broke God’s law because that is what the political authority demanded. For this reason, subjection to superior authorities must always be viewed in the light of the apostles’ statement to the Jewish Sanhedrin: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Ac 5:29.
    Since the governmental authorities render valuable services to ensure the safety, security, and welfare of their subjects, they are entitled to taxes and tribute in compensation for their services. The governmental authorities can be termed “God’s public servants” in the sense that they provide beneficial services. (Ro 13:6, 7) At times such services have directly assisted God’s servants, as when King Cyrus made it possible for the Jews to return to Judah and Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. (2Ch 36:22, 23; Ezr 1:1-4) Often the benefits are those shared by all from the proper functioning of the authorities. These would include the maintenance of a legal system to which persons can appeal for justice, protection from criminals and from illegal mobs, and so forth.—Php 1:7; Ac 21:30-32;23:12-32.
    Of course, a ruler who misuses his authority is accountable to God. Wrote the apostle Paul: “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.’”—Ro 12:19; Ec 5:8.

  10. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Yes, Naboo is a planet in the Star Wars epics.  Every detail of the Star Wars movies serve as humor and cultural references here in the United States.  
    It is "understood" that unless you have been isolated, and living in a cave for the past 40 years, that you instantly understand the cultural references, and sub-references, and nested sub-references.
    If you saw a picture of Star Wars actor Harrison Ford (Hans Solo) holding up a sign saying "I shot first.", somewhere around 75% of people my age who are regular movie-goers, would know EXACTLY why that is funny, and tell you why.
    It's  LONG story, that starts in 1977 or thereabouts.

    Hmmmm... I wonder how many instantly know this reference that come here to the JW-Archive?
  11. Haha
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Queen Esther in Door-to-Door on Naboo   
    Sorry,  but  I  don't  understand  that  weird  "Darth Vader"  door to door  walking    NEVER  SEEN....
    Nothings  to  do  with  JW,  I  think  so  -  otherwise,  explain  me  please.  THANKS
    Google  said,  its  from  "STAR - WARS"....
  12. Upvote
  13. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Alexa in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    This is begging to be captioned. I'll start with a predictable one:
    "Come to the daaaark side."
  14. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    This is begging to be captioned. I'll start with a predictable one:
    "Come to the daaaark side."
  15. Haha
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Bible Speaks in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    This is begging to be captioned. I'll start with a predictable one:
    "Come to the daaaark side."
  16. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from JW Insider in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    This is begging to be captioned. I'll start with a predictable one:
    "Come to the daaaark side."
  17. Haha
    Ann O'Maly reacted to Bible Speaks in JW Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper! ?   
    Myself from the Ross on Wye Congregation in Britain witnessing to a storm trooper ?while on trolley ?witnessing. He said he hasn't had any witnesses call on the death star @the_doctor____
    Thank you. -

  18. Haha
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Anna in Will We See Literal "Signs" in the Sun, Moon and Stars? ???   
    Suuure. Three persons in one being: JTR the Father, Witness the Begotten, and Ann the Sarcastic.
  19. Downvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Eaton in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    I'm very sorry you are going through this, @ImStrugglingBad, but please be assured you are not alone. I'm also very sorry about the close friends you've lost. But I'm glad you have had some understanding and support from the congregation - not everyone gets that.
    It's worrying that the stress and depression has reached levels so that you want to self-harm. Please, please contact a suicide prevention helpline if you are getting these urges.
    As I said, you are not alone. You might like to read stories of those who have been struggling as you have.
    http://www.jwhc.info/a-personal-story.php -This site has a private forum where you may find support from fellow gay JWs. I don't know the quality or vibe of the forum,  so you'll have to figure out for yourself whether it's a healthy and comfortable place to be.
    There's also this person's experience you might like to read: http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/blog/gay-jw-hardship.php
    You are valuable, wanted, and loved. There will be a way through this. Please hang in there. (((Internet hugs)))
  20. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    I'm very sorry you are going through this, @ImStrugglingBad, but please be assured you are not alone. I'm also very sorry about the close friends you've lost. But I'm glad you have had some understanding and support from the congregation - not everyone gets that.
    It's worrying that the stress and depression has reached levels so that you want to self-harm. Please, please contact a suicide prevention helpline if you are getting these urges.
    As I said, you are not alone. You might like to read stories of those who have been struggling as you have.
    http://www.jwhc.info/a-personal-story.php -This site has a private forum where you may find support from fellow gay JWs. I don't know the quality or vibe of the forum,  so you'll have to figure out for yourself whether it's a healthy and comfortable place to be.
    There's also this person's experience you might like to read: http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/blog/gay-jw-hardship.php
    You are valuable, wanted, and loved. There will be a way through this. Please hang in there. (((Internet hugs)))
  21. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from JW Insider in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    So glad you have posted again, @ImStrugglingBad.
    Doesn't this make Jesus' sacrifice redundant? Your death isn't the answer. According to the Christian gospel, it is Jesus' sacrificial blood and one's faith in that that covers over your (and everybody else's) sins.
    Romans 3:22-24
    "... yes, God’s righteousness through the faith in Jesus Christ, for all those having faith. For there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus."
    Ephesians 2:8
    "By this undeserved kindness you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing; rather, it is God’s gift."
    Notice the tenses used here: "are being saved" and "have been saved." Jesus has done it for you already. Your death accomplishes nothing. And your existence isn't a sin. It has worth; you have as much entitlement to exist as the rest of us.
    Have you explored those links? How do you feel about them? Respond privately if you prefer.
  22. Upvote
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    So glad you have posted again, @ImStrugglingBad.
    Doesn't this make Jesus' sacrifice redundant? Your death isn't the answer. According to the Christian gospel, it is Jesus' sacrificial blood and one's faith in that that covers over your (and everybody else's) sins.
    Romans 3:22-24
    "... yes, God’s righteousness through the faith in Jesus Christ, for all those having faith. For there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus."
    Ephesians 2:8
    "By this undeserved kindness you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing; rather, it is God’s gift."
    Notice the tenses used here: "are being saved" and "have been saved." Jesus has done it for you already. Your death accomplishes nothing. And your existence isn't a sin. It has worth; you have as much entitlement to exist as the rest of us.
    Have you explored those links? How do you feel about them? Respond privately if you prefer.
  23. Like
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from Johnnifer in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    I'm very sorry you are going through this, @ImStrugglingBad, but please be assured you are not alone. I'm also very sorry about the close friends you've lost. But I'm glad you have had some understanding and support from the congregation - not everyone gets that.
    It's worrying that the stress and depression has reached levels so that you want to self-harm. Please, please contact a suicide prevention helpline if you are getting these urges.
    As I said, you are not alone. You might like to read stories of those who have been struggling as you have.
    http://www.jwhc.info/a-personal-story.php -This site has a private forum where you may find support from fellow gay JWs. I don't know the quality or vibe of the forum,  so you'll have to figure out for yourself whether it's a healthy and comfortable place to be.
    There's also this person's experience you might like to read: http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/blog/gay-jw-hardship.php
    You are valuable, wanted, and loved. There will be a way through this. Please hang in there. (((Internet hugs)))
  24. Haha
    Ann O'Maly got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    ? I don't think I said that.
    That you were serious makes it worse, JTR.
  25. Downvote
    Ann O'Maly reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    Get a puppy and become its best friend ... if that doesn't work ... get TWO puppies.
    It may not solve all your relationship problems .. but it may take care of 90%.
    This comes under the category of "Praise the LORD, and pass the ammunition." ..
    or for those Snowflakes that that offends, "Pray toward Heaven, Row towards shore."
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