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Bernice Krovocheck

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  1. I’m looking for the weekly study material for Sept 11-17 and sept 18-24

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck

      Twila, where are you? Everyone is worried about you! You haven’t posted the ministry for Sept 11-17 . This isn’t like you! Did I do this wrong and can’t connect, please let me know! Thank you!

    3. lleddird1


      noone has heard from Twila!  i hope she is O K?????


    4. T.B. (Twyla)

      T.B. (Twyla)

      I'm ok, I just lost track of time and days.  We had our one day assembly last week and just had days mixed up ... TB 

  2. you skipped the weeks schedule for november 8-dec 4, 2022

  3. can not find november 28-Dec 4, 2022

    1. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck

      you skipped this next weeks schedule and went to december 5th

  4. Twyla, where are the meeting for Jan 31-Feb6   and Feb 7 --to 13! i hope you are well and that everything is ok!  You are greatly appreciated for your fine work!

  5. Twyla, where are the meeting for Jan 31-Feb6   and Feb 7 --to 13! i hope you are well and that everything is ok!  You are greatly appreciated for your fine work!

    1. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck

      What happened? Are we not going to get Jan31-Feb 6  Or Feb7-13? Please let me know,as I have a lesson in one of these and the scriptures you provide really help out?

  6. Sorry Twyla, i see where you corrected this article. and thank you for putting me on your list, as this helped put me back on the web-site. You are doing a wonderful job and helping all of us i getting our study done. Please excuse my messing up! Jehovah has blessed us with a faithful and kind sister, that we all appreciate very much.

  7. Twyla, the Watchtower for April 12-18 is wrong. It is The head of the Women is the man

  8. did you get my message?

  9. i talked to the computer guy and he said only the administrator can put me back on! I wrote them also, so we shall see what they can do! Hope it is fixed because you all have been wonderful in helping me with the meetings! hope to write to you soon!

    1. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck

      Twyla, I can not reach the administration people! Can you help me, as only they can put me back in the system! Thank you

  10. i can not get you as i am blocked and it keeps one saying sorryit isnt availably

  11. Twyla, i can not get the weekly study for April1-18 or April 19-25! What happened! It says'  The attachment is not available  and it may not have permission to share it to this location. i did it for last weeks and had no problem. Let me know if you can fix it. Thank You

  12. Twyla, I need Weekly meeting workbook week of October 5-11

  13. i wrote to explain clearer the problem im having! when i bring up your study material, it has meeting workbook. last time it had pdf after that and i dont see it anymore! So which one do i press!  Is this doxillion necessary! I printed those pages and it has changed. not to the good! Spiritiual gems doesnt even ask the questions! Please write me back and tell me what im doing wrong



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. e.collins


      Twyla dearesr sister,

      Many thanks for the weekly study material.

      I truly look forward to receiving this study material every two weeks now.

      When i see your spiritual study  material, Twyla, to me its like receiving a beautiful, delicious red apple from a dear spiritual sister and friend!

      I have had three eye surgeries so this material is a big help during my studies.

    3. T.B. (Twyla)

      T.B. (Twyla)

      Bernice, if you can't get the material for the next 2 weeks, send me your email and I will add you to my list. TB

    4. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck


  14. What does it mean Email is going away!

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      I will stop sending out a mass email.

    2. Bernice Krovocheck

      Bernice Krovocheck

      So does that mean we will not get the study material for the meeting anymore? We just have to get it on the website ! I will miss this feature as it really is a reminder for me and it does come up faster to get it on email than going to website! 

    3. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      People will still share the WSM. I will just not send out an email that it has been shared. Sorry. But the cost of $240 / month to email everyone was getting too high.

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