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JW Insider

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Posts posted by JW Insider

  1. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    10. You have to understand and believe and teach that Ezekiel 38 speaks about a literal place where God's people will be gathered and live in security literally and that Gog from Magog together with his armies will come to plunder God's people's literal cattle, gold, silver and property and that it will consist of a literal great wealth. 

    This is apparently just another reference to the "flight of the woman" based on other things you've said elsewhere. James 4 & 5 seem to be especially appropriate now that you have added wealth into the mix.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Witness said:

    JWI, these two sentences seem to be contradictory.  If disfellowshipping (judging, "killing" a servant of Christ) an individual is based on WT's "true and important" teachings being rejected (that turn out not to be true and important), then it is done on purpose.

    That's a stretch of logic. No one is saying that all DFs are done correctly, but you can't say that a mistake is done on purpose just because it turned out to be wrong. A teacher can mark a student wrong for spelling potato as potatoe, but that doesn't mean the teacher made the mistake on purpose. Disfellowshipping is not "killing." That's just another mistake, too. Jehovah sees the heart no matter what mistakes are made on earth.

  3. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    8. And when someone is reproved or disfellowshipped, the committed sin must be made known to the congregation. (1 Timothy 5:20; Matthew 3:5; Mark 1:5; James 5:16; 1 Corinthians 5:1)

    Usually a good idea. And always a good idea in principle. But we don't need to make a law out of every principle, or we would be just like the Pharisees.

    Imagine a case of incestuous rape in a culture where the rape victim will not likely ever be hired for a job, or will not be considered as a potential marriage partner, etc.

  4. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    6. You have to stop disfellowshipping brothers and sisters based on not agreeing with the WT organization's false teachings.

    You already know that this is not done on purpose. It is done because the WT believes those teachings worth disfellowshipping over are both true and important. While there may be false or at least questionable teachings, the persons doing the disfellowshipping are sure they are performing a sacred service, rooting out apostates, etc.

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    7. You must reinstate all brothers and sisters that have been disfellowshipped on false grounds and give a sincere apology and somehow make up for the wrong committed against them. 

    A corollary to #6.

  5. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    5. You have to stop going to court against individuals or organizations etc on copyright issues. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8)

    This is an opinion of yours. I would also prefer that the WTS not go after anyone on copyright issues as it makes them appear to be a part of the world in looking out for their own interests rather than just turning the other cheek. After all, the good news can get promoted even if the person is not promoting it for a good purpose

    (Philippians 1:15-18) 15 True, some are preaching the Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter are proclaiming the Christ out of love, for they know that I have been appointed to defend the good news; 17 but the former do it out of contentiousness, not with a pure motive, for they are intending to create trouble for me in my prison bonds. 18 With what result? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed, and I rejoice over this.. . .

    But the idea of defending the good news can also make use of the "superior authorities." Paul used his Roman citizenship. By extension, copyright laws are another legal means of protecting the "context" of some teachings, which can be important when so many are happy to create fake news and rip things out of context. Therefore in the same chapter as above Paul points to the idea of "legally establishing" the good news.

    (Philippians 1:7) . . .and in the defending and legally establishing of the good news.


  6. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    4. You have to stop teaching false teachings about: 1914, 1260, 1290, 1335, 2300 days, when Satan was thrown down to earth, the seven headed beast in Revelation 13, the image of the beast, the mark of the beast, the woman and her flight in Revelation 12, who is Babylon the Great, the generation, the disgusting thing causing desolation, the king of the north, the fierce-looking king, the horn that has eyes and a mouth, Daniel 11:29-45, Armageddon, the time of the earthly resurrection, Elijah in the end time, who is the discreet and faithful slave, women's role in the congregation and what is prescribed and what is not allowed them, who is the man of lawlessness, Israel's status in the end time, the meaning of the overseer should be husband of one wife. (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6; Mark 10:11,12)

    I'm guessing that you are from 0 to 50 percent correct on the first three items.

    I'd think you were 100 percent correct on this one, except that the WTS is expressing their interpretation of these ideas, and you have your own which you have determined to be better. In other words you are just doing the same thing the WTS is doing. You are interpreting scriptures in a way that seems right to you. You have no better or worse track record than they do with such numbers.

    The WTS has already changed their view on some of these numbers and dates, and so have you. For all we know, these numbers have nothing to do with specific dates after the first century. We don't actually have any prophecies about world empires that definitely go past that of the Roman empire. Perhaps it's just our DESIRE to see more world empires predicted, that makes us add to the list that Daniel and Revelation speak about.

    So it's very possible that none of us are supposed to try to do anything at all with these dates, as they may have all been fulfilled in the first century. Perhaps all prophecy pointed to the time of Christ. After all, Hebrews speaks of the "last days" already beginning in the first century. Acts speaks of the "last days" beginning in the first century. So does Paul when he explains to Timothy that he is seeing certain behaviors among the congregations because these things were predicted for those "last days" they lived in. Peter and Jude also refer to the kinds of ridiculers showing up in their own time, and they shouldn't be surprised, because such persons had been predicted to show up in those last days. Even John in his letters shows that the "last hour" has begun.

    (1 John 2:18) . . .Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it is the last hour.

    To all these Bible writers, the point "now" (in these last days) is not to get involved with attempts to encroach upon a realm that is the Father's jurisdiction, but to be concerned with what kinds of persons we ought to be. Time predictions should be the last thing on our mind.

    The Bible writer James, is one who uses the term "last days" as if he is speaking of a future time ("last days" of the "last days") but he is very informative about how we should deal with this short time. And I think it also concerns your expectations of a necessary flight to Australia or similar ideas:

    (James 4:13-16) 13 Come, now, you who say: “Today or tomorrow we will travel to this city and will spend a year there, and we will do business and make some profit,” 14 whereas you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears. 15 Instead, you should say: “If Jehovah wills, we will live and do this or that.” 16 But now you take pride in your arrogant boasting. All such boasting is wicked.

    You are not looking for "profit" of course, but to think that we can predict anything about tomorrow, or where we should make plans to go is just "boasting." And all such boasting is wicked.

    (James 5:3-8) . . .What you have stored up will be like a fire in the last days. . . . 7 Be patient then, brothers, until the presence of the Lord. Look! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until the early rain and the late rain arrive. 8 You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close.

  7. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    3. You have to stop denigrating Jesus' brothers, the anointed among the congregations. They are the firstfruits and they are Jesus' brothers (James 1:8; Revelation 14:4; Matthew 25:31-46)

    This supposed denigration is no doubt from the reminders that not all the claimed anointed are really anointed. This is actually a good reminder. I'm pretty sure that it's true. Of course, it should remind us that this also goes for any persons claiming to be anointed, persons who wish to be seen as "superfine apostles," persons who may have begun partaking to gain respect or authority, persons who only desire to be seen as something special. It's not just the ones who might seem crazy to others. In fact, Jehovah can see a pure "heart" of someone where we might only see an unhealthy mind.

    So, I'm sure you have a good point here. But the intent is primarily to explain why the numbers of the anointed are rising when the WTS writers expect them to decrease. It's not about individuals, but just a reminder that a percentage of these claimants are probably not truly anointed. But they obviously acknowledge that the truly anointed should not be denigrated. It's just that we can't judge individually who is and who is not.

    The Bible itself indicates that not all members of the anointed will ultimately gain the "prize."

  8. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    You have to stop denigrating Jesus' sufferings and love for humans and mankind. The WT society teaches that Jesus' agony before his trial was because his death would bring reproach on Jehovah. Because he would be killed as a criminal besides two criminals. No, that is false. Jesus was in agony because the knew how much physical pain he would have to feel. Having a true understanding of this allows one to feel pity for Jesus and to fully appreciate the sacrifice he did for mankind out of love for us. Jesus was not worried about the disgrace his death on a torture stake would cause, to the contrary it was a cause of glory for him and for Jehovah God. (John 12:23; John 13:31-33; Hebrews 12:2)

    The Bible doesn't exactly say why Jesus showed so much agony even in his prayers to God. But, again, the Watchtower already contains many articles highlighting his humanity and his love. Even the verses about his extreme suffering are no longer applied specifically to the potential reproach his death could bring. Note the word "evidently" in the following:

    *** w07 2/15 p. 27 pars. 15-16 “Children, Be Obedient to Your Parents” ***
    Jesus’ mental and physical suffering became so great that the Bible says that he “offered up supplications and also petitions . . . with strong outcries and tears.” (Hebrews 5:7) When did this happen?
    16 In particular, it occurred during the final hours of Jesus’ earthly life when Satan made an all-out attempt to break His integrity. Jesus was evidently so tortured by thoughts of how his death as a supposed evildoer might reflect badly on his Father’s reputation that as “he continued praying [in the garden of Gethsemane] his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground.” A few hours later, his manner of death on a torture stake was so painful that Jesus uttered “strong outcries [with] tears.” (Luke 22:42-44; Mark 15:34) He thus “learned obedience from the things he suffered” and thereby made his Father’s heart rejoice. Now in heaven, Jesus feels our pain as we often struggle to be obedient.—Proverbs 27:11; Hebrews 2:18; 4:15.

    I don't see anyone minimizing the pain. This is even seen in the hundreds of times when the Watchtower highlights the translation of "stauros" as a torture stake, not just some iconic, spiritual symbol. And we should remember that the "stauros" was specifically intended to bring pain, shame and humiliation, which is why the Romans even stripped away the undergarments to expose the nakedness and powerlessness and humiliation of the one tortured.

    So, I think it is still is a point worth considering that the "cup" was the potential humiliation and shame on God's name. Some would even see  Christianity as "accursed" over this. But this need not discredit the pain and love Jesus showed. Since about the time of that article above, I see both aspects highlighted.

    *** w06 10/1 p. 21 par. 2 Courage Strengthened by Love ***
    Yes, love can impel humans to show outstanding courage. Jesus Christ himself stated: “No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.” (John 15:13) Less than 24 hours after Jesus said these words, he gave his own life, not for just one person, but for mankind. (Matthew 20:28) Moreover, Jesus did not offer up his life in a spur-of-the-moment act of bravery. He knew in advance that he would be ridiculed and abused, unjustly sentenced, and put to death on a torture stake. He even prepared his disciples for this outcome, saying: “Here we are, advancing up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death and will deliver him to men of the nations, and they will make fun of him and will spit upon him and scourge him and kill him.”—Mark 10:33, 34.

    *** ws17 August p. 25 par. 15 How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality ***
    When Jesus was in extreme pain on the torture stake, he asked his Father to forgive the men who put him to death. He said: “They do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) Even when Jesus was under stress or in pain, he remained mild and patient.—Read 1 Peter 2:21-23.

    *** ws16 April p. 12 par. 10 “Let Endurance Complete Its Work” ***
    Even Jesus could have felt that way. When he was being executed on the torture stake, he was humiliated and in a lot of pain. This must have been the most difficult time in his life! What helped him endure? The Bible says that he looked at “the joy that was set before him.”

    *** w09 9/15 p. 11 par. 1 Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was ***
    These enemies caused Jesus intense mental, emotional, and physical pain. Ultimately, they succeeded in bringing about his death on the torture stake

    *** w10 8/15 p. 5 Resist the Pressure of Public Opinion ***
    In order to maintain his integrity to Jehovah, Jesus underwent the most dishonorable execution possible. “He endured a torture stake, despising shame.” (Heb. 12:2) Jesus’ enemies slapped him, spat on him, stripped him, flogged him, impaled him, and reviled him. (Mark 14:65; 15:29-32) Yet, Jesus despised the shame that they attempted to heap on him. How? He refused to shrink from such treatment. Jesus knew that he lost no dignity in Jehovah’s eyes, and he certainly sought no glory from men. Even though Jesus died the death of a slave, Jehovah dignified him by resurrecting him and giving him the most honorable place next to Him. At Philippians 2:8-11, we read: “[Christ Jesus] humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name, so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”
    Jesus was not insensitive to the feelings of disgrace that accompanied his execution. Possible dishonor to his Father resulting from Jesus’ being condemned for blasphemy was a matter of concern to God’s Son. Jesus asked Jehovah to spare him such indignity. “Remove this cup from me,” he prayed. But Jesus submitted to God’s will. (Mark 14:36) Still, Jesus withstood the pressures brought to bear on him and despised the shame.

  9. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    1. You have to stop teaching that for Jehovah God his own sanctification is the most important thing. Because that implies that Jehovah God would be a self-centered, narcissistic God. Instead Jehovah God is first and foremost motivated by love for his creation. Thus He is not primarily motivated by a his own sanctification. Instead it is we humans who should respond to God's love by being first of all motivated by a desire to sanctify God. (John 3:16; 1 John 4:8)

    On this first point, you say that the sanctification of Jehovah God is not the most important thing. I agree, but don't see it as such a big deal. I am not sure why anyone decided they needed to prioritize what goes on in Jehovah's mind, if there was nothing specific about this in the Bible. But it could be a way to explain certain verses in the Bible. First of all, it was the very first point Jesus made in a model prayer. Also, Jehovah says he is "jealous." And many of the actions that Jehovah took toward his people reflect this jealousy. And, of course, we see that he is not just jealous in the sense of exacting "exclusive" devotion, but he is jealous for his people too. Therefore, he will protect them, even miraculously when the necessary times arrive.

    But this old argument about whether the sanctification of his name or vindication of his sovereignty are most important was probably always a false dichotomy. The Watchtower has explained recently that they are not separate. But I think it's just as possible to show that his love for us is not separate either.

    *** w20 June p. 2 par. 1 “Let Your Name Be Sanctified” ***
    However, it is not as if we would have to contrast God’s sovereignty and the sanctification of his name—as if they were separate matters.

    I happen to agree completely with the idea that Jehovah's primary motivation is love for his creation. And in response we should be motivated to make make sure we represent God as pure and holy. We witness about Him, because this is what we want people to know: that he is pure, holy, good and righteous. There is blasphemy against his name (reputation) today. People think he must be uncaring or non-existent because of rampant wickedness. We want to "clear" his name because we know God as loving and patient.

    Either way, however, we should remember that sanctification literally just refers to holiness, and this is still a good priority, even if not the top priority. As I'll try to touch on below, perhaps there is an overlap between God's love for us and his goal for sanctification that we can't completely comprehend. His thoughts are higher than ours.

    I think the point of prioritizing is that the "theory" needs to reflect back on the reason for the "universal court case" we find in the book of Job, the conflict in the Garden of Eden, the first and last Adam, ransom, redemption. It's just a way of clarifying and encompassing the ideas of the "OT" where Jehovah's name is Jealous and the "NT" God who is Love. (In actuality, both ideas are found in all parts of the Bible.) "Sanctification" is a kind of shorthand for the entire purpose of the "universal court case" and the opening up of a Kingdom to humans so that this love can be shown to the benefit of all his creation. Sinful, wicked humans are unable to truly approach the holy ground where Jehovah stands unless Jehovah had provided the redemption of Christ to give Christians an undeserved holy standing in order to approach his holiness. God's love, as expressed in John 3:16, is part and parcel of the sanctification process, so that he can truly show his love to the world and still be true to Himself:

    (1 Corinthians 15:44-50) . . .It is sown a physical body; it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living person.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. . . . 50 But I tell you this, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom, nor does corruption inherit incorruption.

    (Romans 8:18-23) 18 For I consider that the sufferings of the present time do not amount to anything in comparison with the glory that is going to be revealed in us. 19 For the creation is waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but through the one who subjected it, on the basis of hope 21 that the creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. 23 Not only that, but we ourselves also who have the firstfruits, namely, the spirit, yes, we ourselves groan within ourselves while we are earnestly waiting for adoption as sons, the release from our bodies by ransom.

    So, if Jehovah's sanctification is a necessary part of the process by which he can show love to all and redeem all of creation back to himself, then it can't be such a big deal that someone teaches that it is of the utmost priority. It's not like the WTS teaches that God is not Love, or that this is only some idea of lesser importance.

    Because Jehovah can declare humans righteous out of love, we will all be able to declare Jehovah righteous. We even sanctify Christ by our defense of the same hope made possible by the ransom:

    (Romans 5:8-11) . . .But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more, then, since we have now been declared righteous by his blood, will we be saved through him from wrath. 10 For if when we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more we will be saved by his life, now that we have become reconciled. 11 Not only that, but we are also rejoicing in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

    (1 Peter 3:15) . . .But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have

    *** w19 August p. 28 Faith—A Strengthening Quality ***
    First, view the ransom as God’s personal gift to you. The apostle Paul said: “I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for me.” (Gal. 2:20) When you exercise faith in Jesus, you firmly believe that the ransom applies to you, is the basis for forgiving your sins, offers you the hope of everlasting life, and is the greatest confirmation of God’s love for you.

    (Jude 20, 21) 20 But you, beloved ones, build yourselves up on your most holy [sanctified] faith, and pray with holy [sanctified] spirit, 21 in order to keep yourselves in God’s love, while you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.

  10. On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    Before punishing, God sends his messengers to expose the fault. And if the advice is ignored, then there is left only one option, a punishment.

    This probably gets their attention and, these days, could even result in a call to some kind of law enforcement. Not very discreet.

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    But as Pharaoh did not change God had to bring upon him even more hard-hitting plagues. 

    A thinly veiled threat. You don't expect the WTS to change, so you indicate the threat of a series of increasingly damaging plagues. You still have not completely clarified that you, as God's messenger, are only an observer or message carrier, rather than a deliverer of plagues. Perhaps you will get an extra few feet of social distancing out of this one.

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    It was a shock that the Russian government confiscated all that belonged of the WT. Why would Jehovah God allow that to happen? Could it be because the WT society is ignoring the advice from God's word, that is presented to it from messengers like me?

    Others have pointed out that this makes little sense. The Russian government only took property. The vast majority of JWs in Russia are fine and can still communicate with one another and worship together in smaller groups. In fact, they are now in about the same situation as every other religion is in right now, only they got there a few months earlier. There is zero evidence that this was discipline, but even if it was:

    (Hebrews 12:5, 6) . . .“My son, do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah, nor give up when you are corrected by him; 6 for those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son.”

    There is zero evidence or likelihood that you (or some "messenger" like you) were somehow partly responsible for Russia's actions. Do you think that the persecution of JWs and Bible Students and Jews in Germany under Hitler was because Rutherford and others didn't listen to some messenger? There was perhaps also a Jewish messenger that most Jews failed to listen to throughout several countries in Europe?

    I think the "affliction" in Russia actually helped create a world-wide witness and created increased cohesion among Witnesses all around the world, at minimal cost in terms of suffering and property loss. To me, you sound a bit like the disciples and others looking for sin and judgment where it was not to be found:

    (John 9:2, 3) . . .And his disciples asked him: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, so that he was born blind?” 3 Jesus answered: “Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but it was so that the works of God might be made manifest in his case.

    (Luke 13:1-4) . . .At that time some who were present reported to him about the Gal·i·leʹans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 In reply he said to them: “Do you think that those Gal·i·leʹans were worse sinners than all other Gal·i·leʹans because they have suffered these things? . . . 4 Or those 18 on whom the tower in Si·loʹam fell, killing them—do you think that they had greater guilt than all other men who live in Jerusalem?

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    Could this Corona-virus be a plague from God? Like some of the plagues God brought upon Egypt, that also affected his people the Israelites? 

    This virus too will pass. And new viruses will come along. And this one will keep coming back for more. I suspect that, even this year, more JWs worldwide will have died from mosquito-borne illnesses than this Covid-19. It's a terrible "plague" for sure, but the real impact in the long run will be economic, even on the WTS/CCJW. Perhaps Patterson will be sold off as a college campus to some outside institution someday, and there will be more consolidation of branches and halls. Do you think that will really bother anyone in the long run? I think Covid-19 actually enhanced our reputation and showed us that we can adapt with less, if necessary. And I think it also makes us realize the need we have to depend on one another socially, too.

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    I want you to reflect on the fact that the Corona-virus has caused that meetings at Kingdom halls have been canceled. And 2020 physical conventions have been canceled. And the public ministry by door-to-door witnessing has been canceled. 

    It might create a good test that makes some Witnesses assess just how true they were to the brotherhood. I imagine that several of the typical service measurements will be down. It takes a little more effort for some to feel motivated without their peers side-by-side. For others this is a chance to explore the effectiveness of informal witnessing to family, distant relatives and friends. I think that contributions will suffer and this reality will have to be handled with great care by brothers who will have to bring up the topic on the broadcasts for example. I expect that opposers are waiting to spring on any further reference to economic hardships at the WTS.

    On the other hand, more people are probably home finding the website during lockdowns.

    On 5/9/2020 at 1:37 PM, Kosonen said:

    Here below I will provide you a list of untrue teachings and practises the WT society must correct in order to please Jehovah God.

    I'd like to discuss these too, but it will have to be later.

  11. @Kosonen

    I have followed Asperger's Syndrome very closely. I thought I knew someone who must have had it as a child, but which was only detectable as a mild case when he was older. My wife was a school principal in a very large school, and the need to test for a wide spectrum of disorders was mandatory. If they want to, a lot of people with Asperger's can use their intelligence (with effort) to make up for the social deficits, to the point where they can seem to hide it from others. It is often accompanied by moodiness and even depression, but these could also be "chicken and egg" symptoms of social disappointments. I haven't looked into the variety of treatments, but I would guess you are on the right track if persons you trust have encouraged diagnosis and treatment.

    If Asperger's is an issue, this is a problem that people can live with. As you say, just live your life and do the best you can, use your talents, and certain advantages will make up for deficits. You would be right to learn what you can and not be overly concerned with what other people say you must do.

    Still I would watch the moods carefully, as A.S. can apparently be associated with sleep issues, depression, energy levels, sensitivity to counsel, temper, emotions, etc. Everyone (like me) seems to be always trying to advise, when often the person just needs a sympathetic ear, or wishes to explain their issues, not looking for solutions to problems.

    Anyway, I'm happy to learn that you have looked into things related to your mood and emotions. I'm sure I've said enough or too much already. I'll drop it from my end.

    When I get some time, I'd like to look at those issues you bring up.


  12. 44 minutes ago, Kosonen said:

    So, JW insider, I can not see were my logic failed in this case, from a biblical point of view. 

    I think I followed the examples of biblical persons such as John the Baptist and apostle Paul.

    Thanks for answering. Most of what you in this last post are things I think we can all agree with.

    However, I was already sure that you could not see where your logic failed. And I was already sure that you were trying to follow the examples of Biblical persons like John the Baptist, the apostle Paul and others like them.

    Understand that this is not some kind of accusation. But, in case it isn't already clear, you should be aware that others will commonly see symptoms of various disorders.when they read your words. Perhaps you already know this. I mentioned a brother above, and I was one of his best friends at Bethel. I spoke to him a few times and we corresponded about his "Alex Jones" type beliefs that he somehow had managed to conflate with the our books on Daniel and Isaiah and Revelation. He was interesting and very clever at rationalizing how extremely unlikely things could just happen. Those things didn't happen but that didn't seem to bother him. There was always another feature to add to the mix.

    It also seemed to me that he was losing a grip on reality, and I thought he should seek some help. His family, mother and brother, were noticing the same. Within a few years, he was losing jobs although skilled. Later he lost his marriage, lost his visiting rights to his child, and even got himself arrested once for acting out in a threatening way to a stranger. (A huge surprise as he was always quiet, unassuming, sweet, calm, etc.) He was even homeless before admitting his financial issues when he finally moved back in to his parents' home. Although I tried to encourage him nicely, he stopped talking to me for hinting that some of his "scriptural" fantasies might be related to his mental health. That was probably my own stupidity for not knowing how to talk to someone in his situation. These days I can only find out how he is doing by calling his brother, or his elderly mother.

    So, I'm sorry about reacting based on my personal experience with someone else, but there are just more similarities to you own experience than you would ever believe. And, of course, here I go again not minding my business. But I feel kind of obligated. I hope you understand. 

    So, I still wanted to know if persons you trust also feel that you might find some benefit from a mental health check-up. And if they do feel that way, I wondered if you would consider seeking that kind of health assistance.

  13. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:


    @JW Insider  you first paragraph seems to fit the GB very well and I quote :-

    you have also provided an "audit trail" of failed time-based interpretations and predictions. you continue to present yourself as an anointed person who actually wants to be seen as a modern day prophet. 

    Hmm. I fell right into that one. But, of course, I agree that it very easily happens to anyone who tries to go into the "times and seasons" arena, where even angels fear to tread. If persons take themselves too seriously, they will want to be seen as a prophet, in spite of a string of past failures. It's an interesting phenomenon. And yes, I agree that even Barbour, Russell, Rutherford, Woodworth, FWFranz, etc continued to believe in "times and seasons" that were the result of a string of failures. No need to repeat it all here.

    However, in favor of the Governing Body, I would say that they stopped trying to represent themselves as a "prophet." The last time I saw that phrase directly tied to the representatives of "the faithful and discreet slave" was back in 1971 and 1972, and this was undoubtedly part of FWFranz' promotion of his 1975 expectations.

    I have seen much more careful language around dates and a complete lack of predictions among this particular group of men making up the Governing Body. Dates are rarely emphasized at all compared to the 1975 era.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    In truth though I think it is sad that you've brought this idea of being mentally unstable into the equation. I know this is a ploy of the GB to say that some people are mentally disturbed, but I think it is wrong to put such a label directly on someone.

    I think it's a valid concern, for himself and those close to him. I don't think that anyone here has begun looking to the constellation Virgo and a few stray planets for the sign of the woman in Revelation 12, and I don't think anyone is seriously considering taking airplanes to Australia to ride out whatever plagues are left in God's quiver. But he is showing signs that should make all of us feel concern for him, and a desire to help him. This does not mean that the rest of us are all that mentally balanced ourselves. But I think we should all be sensitive to how certain phrases and ideas might reveal problems that might need to be dealt with.

    This might even be the same reason that the GB brings it up. To try to make sure people are aware of mental issues and how they sometimes reveal themselves. And, I think we all know from experience that there really is a correlation between those who claim to be of the anointed (in some congregations) and those in need of mental health assistance. I cringe a bit myself when it is sometimes pointed out just before the Memorial celebration, but this is probably the best time to be reminded, just before your kids or your Bible students decide to go ask Sister Talks-To-Herself-During-Meetings how she knows she is of the anointed.

    6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    All people that do not worship the Governing Body and do not obey without question, must be either, Apostate, Opposer or / and Mentally ill.

    There are valid levels of concern about what constitutes "worship" but the Governing Body would likely consider anyone who wants to worship them to be either apostate or mentally ill. It would go against clear counsel by the Governing Body themselves. And the only ones who would obey without question are those who are exaggerating or misinterpreting the Bible's counsel to obey those taking the lead. The GB does not ask people to simply obey without question. Obedience is always in the context of knowing which reminders coming from the GB are repetitions of counsel found in the Bible. Another level of obedience is considered in the context of unknown circumstances ahead when it may be necessary to humbly follow instructions from elders or those in the lead. We won't always be able to understand, or we might even disagree, but we will humbly follow along so that we don't end up creating worse circumstances for everyone. If a coach thinks a certain move is best for a strategic football play, then even if you think you know a better play, you'd best work with the team, or else your own ideas will just ruin the play altogether. It's easy to exaggerate quotes about obedience and think they mean something they don't.

  14. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    My old Bethel friend told me long ago that about 10% of the letters received would appear to be from persons who are mentally ill.

    I used to spend a lot of time in the office of a brother in Writing (F.R.), the same brother who gave the primary part of my wedding talk. He once gave me a copy of a 10-page letter than came from a person who saw himself as the prophet Ezekiel. Because he had responded to this person before, he said further contact from this same person was sent from Correspondence up to his office. Years later, after Bethel, I heard about a person online, where the name might have been something like "watchman" or "e-watchman" who also seemed to step into this "Ezekiel" role. (For a while I thought it F.R.'s correspondent was same person as "watchman," but I'm pretty sure the timing isn't right.) But it reminds me that there is sometimes an informal tracking for such letters, and Kosonen has elsewhere said he has been sending similar letters for the last 12 or 13 years. Such letters are not taken seriously. And when they are associated with "anointed" persons, they might even be taken less seriously. Kosonen pointed out that Bro Herd gave a talk where he mentioned that it's often the "new" anointed persons who are troublemakers in the congregations.

    The issue of mental health, unfortunately, is still touchy. It's not like noticing someone has a limp and asking whether they ever got it checked out. He has referred to his "moody body" in the past and another reference that makes me think that broaching the topic is warranted. I'll probably regret it later, though, because no attempt to diagnose someone should be attempted by non-professionals (me) or from things written online. But Kosonen has left about 12 years worth of material in his audit trail, from an old website (spiritualanswers) to paradisecafe to jehovahs-witness to here, along with a set of youtube videos and links he has liked. He has promoted videos and content from Alex Jones, and others of similar ilk. One could easily get lost in the web of end-time prophecy links (sites/videos/forums) that Kosonen has associated himself with.

    But when I look closely at his points, there are a few of them that several people here would quickly agree with, including Witnesses, non-Witnesses, and ex-Witnesses. But many of his points have gone off into complete fantasy, too, imo. Mixing those issues together will lose any audience even where good points are made. I think the letter reveals a lot more about himself than he realizes he is revealing. And what we say on the www, will stay on the www.

  15. Jan Kosonen, @Kosonen

    In several places online, you have seen fit to provide your name, your email address, and much of your personal history. But you have also provided an "audit trail" of failed time-based interpretations and predictions. I began to point this out before and you do not appear back away from this history. Instead you continue to present yourself as an anointed person who actually wants to be seen as a modern day prophet.

    I began to write a paraphrase of your letter as I think it will have been understood by any responsible person who reads it at the headquarters of the CCJW/WTS. But that started looking like an exercise in parody. And I didn't want you to think I was just trying to make fun of you. I do think you will be seen as one of hundreds of mentally disturbed and imbalanced persons who has associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. I know another person very well who left Bethel in good mental health, but within a few years began to suffer greatly, and began to consider a lot of conspiracies and speculations about various "end-times" scenarios. I see several similarities. I don't wish to spell out these many similarities, but I do feel badly that he doesn't attempt to get the mental health care that he desperately needs. I am not sure if you have sought mental health professionals yourself. I hope that you have.

    In addition, I hope you have also prayed for the kind of spiritual guidance that can help us maintain mental balance. I know that you consider yourself one of the anointed, and are therefore very familiar with the following verses:

    (Romans 8:26, 27) 26 In like manner, the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the problem is that we do not know what we should pray for as we need to, but the spirit itself pleads for us with unuttered groanings. 27 But the one who searches the hearts knows what the meaning of the spirit is, because it is pleading in harmony with God for the holy ones.

    (1 Corinthians 10:12, 13) . . .Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. 13 No temptation has taken YOU except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let YOU be tempted beyond what YOU can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for YOU to be able to endure it.

    You show a lot of bravery and boldness in sending your letters as you have. But you also display a lot of haughtiness in a way that makes me think you are likely not always aware of how you come across to other people. This is a common theme among certain kinds of mental health issues. In cases like this, the sound of the haughtiness might sound to you like the necessary boldness to speak as an anointed prophet might. But if one truly has the "spirit" they would understand the need to pray for the ability to put themselves in the place of the other person, the ones you wish to speak to.

    (Philippians 2:1-4) . . .If, then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any spiritual fellowship, if any tender affection and compassion, 2 make my joy full by being of the same mind and having the same love, being completely united, having the one thought in mind. 3 Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you, 4 as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.

    (1 Corinthians 10:23, 24) . . .All things are lawful; but not all things are advantageous. All things are lawful; but not all things build up. 24 Let each one keep seeking, not his own [advantage], but that of the other person.

    I would hope you are brave and bold enough to allow persons you trust to speak openly to you about this possible health problem. Have you honestly asked anyone if they believe you might have mental health issues? Sometimes, what we won't see for ourselves is clear to others. Paul spoke to Timothy about men whose folly was very plain to all.

    (2 Timothy 3:9, 10) . . .Nevertheless, they will make no further progress, for their folly will be very plain to all, as it was with those two men. 10 But you have closely followed my teaching, my course of life, my purpose, my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance,

    So, I'll ask you more directly: Do you think that you might have mental health issues?

    I hope that you have persons you trust to ask this question about yourself.  If any of us ask enough people around us, I don't think any of us would get a perfect score on this account. But if there is any question at all in the minds of others then it's a very important point to consider, and look into more closely. And I can tell you right now that this question about you is already in the minds of several of us here.

    (Philippians 4:5-7) 5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.

    I'll be happy to engage the specifics of the points you made, but I do hope you will respond to these points, too.

  16. 19 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    (Srecko’s link is of ‘Mountain Farms’ the original location of Gilead—much smaller and far removed from the other three complexes.)

    That makes much more sense. Thanks for pointing this out. I saw Lansing when I scanned the news article and it confused me.

    By the way, my favorite member of the Governing Body, hands down, was Brother John Booth. He was just the most personable brother and no one would have ever guessed he was on the Governing Body if they hadn't been told. In fact, he even skipped his rotation at Bethel's morning worship. Turns out he had donated the original Gilead property.

  17. I was there a couple of years ago with my parents. Everything was winding down so that there was a huge lobby room but only one person taking in persons for tours. And we were the only tour for several hours. The area is beautiful, and they keep the fields well kept but without the livestock that was once plentiful. And much less planting/harvesting, except on "personal plots" nothing field-sized anymore. As JTR implied, they have moved away from handling their own meat products and nearly stopped all planting compared to the years when it fed the Bethel families in NY. Today it's a printing and binding operation, mostly for the Bibles and songbooks, and some specialty items.There is a small shop where they restore very old books and Bibles that are bought or donated to the Bethel libraries, and displays.

    (Also there are some very nice historical displays of books behind glass, and a very long painted wall mural that covers the history of the Watchtower factories from early days to today.)

    The only persons we really got to talk to were a couple of very old brothers who had been sent here to retire. Even before Covid there was almost no contact any more with the other Bethels in NY (Patterson, Tuxedo, Brooklyn*) except for a few brothers who drive trucks. "Visits" from the GB are almost exclusively by video. We had a friend there who invited us to lunch, but it was just a cafeteria/buffet style that was NOTHING like the food of the "old days" and I don't think hardly any of it was grown locally. (Nothing is grown on the Farm itself in any "industrial scale" just a few hobbyists growing tomatoes, basil, etc., to share with the Farm family.)

    *Brooklyn was down to just a couple of sales offices at the time.

    Kingdom Halls have been sold recently for 3 million, and that's the price of all the acreage at Kingdom Farms, for sale? So I don't think there is any hurry. Perhaps someone could buy it to put on a Woodstock II.

  18. I'm sure that there were other better places to discuss the timeline issue. But this article just caught my attention:


    French hospital discovers Covid-19 case from December

    Man found to have had virus a month before government confirmed first cases

    A French hospital that retested old samples from pneumonia patients has discovered that it treated a man with the coronavirus as early as 27 December, nearly a month before the French government confirmed its first cases.

    Dr Yves Cohen, head of resuscitation at the Avicenne and Jean Verdier hospitals in the northern suburbs of Paris, told BFM TV that scientists had retested samples from 24 patients treated in December and January who tested negative for flu.

    “Of the 24, we had one who was positive for Covid-19 on 27 December,” he told the news channel on Sunday.


  19. I haven't taken the time to study the reports supposedly evidencing a laboratory outbreak in Wuhan. But I have read enough to know that there are literally hundreds of reports out there that overstate the evidence for all kinds of claims. I can also see that some sites just completely make things up.

    The virus has affected so many people personally that it would be great to have some really good information, and effective plans of action, in case this or something similar happens again. I'm sure there is already a lot of good data from many sources about how this crisis should have been handled differently. Some places obviously handled it better than others. But who knows how well this data will be used. Even data is a weaponized these days.

    So I'm not trying to fully agree or fully disagree with anyone in particular. Like most people I am suspicious of the possible weaponization of the virus. And naturally it was suspicious that it started in Wuhan which contains a P4 (BS4) lab, and the possibility of an escape from such a lab. Looking up a few things, I wanted to say just a bit about them so I could come back later and check the references and links when I get some more time.

    To start I read what @César Chávez wrote above. I looked up a phrase or two to see where some of the information could have come from.


    China announced that Major General Chen Wei, China’s chief biochemical weapon defense expert, now stations in Wuhan to take over the Wuhan P4 Lab linked to China’s covert biological weapons program.

    Wuhan P4 Lab has drawn world attention since the outbreak of Wuhan novel coronavirus. Some wondered if the virus was ‘leaked’ from the lab, which is located at the epicenter.

    Zhengli Shi, a renowned researcher working at the P4 lab, co-authored a controversial paper in 2015 to create a new virus by combining a coronavirus found in Chinese horseshoe bats with another that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.

    Other articles on that page were of the Steve Bannon propaganda variety. (Bannon has been attacking China regularly for years and even owns media outlets that are used specifically for this purpose.) I was already thinking about this when I scrolled down further and his picture pops up in one of the articles. By Bannon-like I refer to the idea that statements are made that just directly tie anything negative to the CCP without evidence of any kind. Like: 

    Miles Guo: CCP ordered Guo Deyin to create Wuhan coronavirus

    Guo Deyin, a prominent Chinese scientist, is responsible for creating Wuhan coronavirus under the order of the Chinese Communist Party.

    These tend to be based on empty claims that might only be claimed by the person making it up, or sometimes just quote a "citizen" who evidently made it up, and provides zero evidence. The claim will often be outlandish, but with specifics so that it looks believable. After linking and quoting the nature.com article about the findings of Zheng-Li Shi, we immediately see (in the next line) the part about a potential scapegoat:

    It remains to be seen whether the Chinese government will find a low-level scapegoat for the “leak” of the virus.

    According to Miles Guo, the Wuhan coronavirus was created by the Chinese Communist Party and spread in Wuhan on purpose under the order of Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan.

    . . .

    I hope the wisdom of the people around the world can curb the spread of evilness coming from Pandora’s box, destroy the CCP as the embodiment of the devil and stop this virus from killing the Americans and people around the world.

    This was back in early February, and you can already see how this "citizen" (Miles Guo) with no evidence is creating a possible future story that will involve Zheng-Li Shi as a potential scapegoat, and how this will be discussed in terms of bringing down the CCP. It's really outrageous to say that the vice president of China wanted it spread in Wuhan to kill Americans. It reminds one of pre-CCP (1938) flooding of the Yangtze River by Chiang Kai-shek, killing his own people to slow down the Japanese invasion. (Thanks @James Thomas Rook Jr. for that one.)

    In the midst of all the reports, there are constant contradictions too, so it might take years to see who is lying on purpose, who is lying because of a strong bias, who is merely spreading lies that they mostly believe because of a strong bias, or who is spreading falsehoods because they just don't know any better.

    Even here, https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2020/03/how-counter-chinas-covid-19-disinformation-campaign/164188/ which, although virulently anti-Chinese, makes some statements that admit a lot of exculpatory evidence which would defend the Chinese. The main point of the article is how the US can "take back the narrative" to keep China from ending up looking good over all this.

    I like to find hints like this because if a source hates to admit something "good" about China, but then provides evidence like that, this evidence must have seemed incontrovertible to the reporters at the time. It's like if Osama bin Laden said, "Well I hate America, but I have to admit, Chicago makes some good pizza." I think this would be evidence that he actually did like Chicago pizza.

    (These days you also have to be careful with sites that normally support the US governmental policy especially from within the US, because they will often contradict themselves from positions they took under Obama just because they don't like Trump. The same thing will happen of those who criticized Obama, but love the exact same same policies under Trump.)

    The article also confirms some of the problems with US handling of various viruses. This tends to balance out some of rhetoric about safety issues in Wuhan's P4 lab. And by the way, the US has about 13 of these P4 labs, and many more P3 labs. The Wuhan lab is about 10 miles from Wuhan, a city of 10 million or so. That reminded me that NYC is even closer to NJ.

    Here are some examples that the Defense One article admits are at least partially true, even if not directly related to the first outbreaks:

    In August 2019, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, a Level-4 Biosafety Laboratory capable of handling dangerous infectious diseases such as Ebola, was shut down when it failed to pass a safety inspection by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC

    Several months later, the CDC released an unrelated report on teen vaping and severe respiratory infections, citing a total of 805 hospitalizations due to lung injuries and 12 deaths with a median age of 23.

    During that same month, the U.S. Department of Defense sent 280 of the top athletes in the U.S. Armed Services to China to participate in the Military World Games. Five athletes suffered from the same illness and were hospitalized at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Allegedly, one of these patients, diagnosed with and treated for malaria, is supposed to be the “patient zero” of the COVID-19 outbreak, the epicenter of which appears to stem from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. 


    The U.S. has not done itself any favors in the global competition over narratives.

    In the absence of a definitive patient zero for COVID-19, prominent political leaders, journalists, and media personalities have resorted to spreading conspiracy theories. They have framed the outbreak as “foreign” or “Chinese”, suggesting in some cases that it stemmed from a biological weapons lab in China. Such claims appear to be bolstered by conspiracy websites and unsubstantiated quotes.

    . . . However, there are obvious problems with any bioweapons-related conspiracies for COVID-19.

    Setting off a global pandemic that will cripple the world economy and lead to millions of fatalities is a really terrible strategy for any country. Even if bioweapons were attractive to some country, this highly-transmissible and nearly impossible to control virus would be a least-ideal candidate.

    The U.S. developed biological weapons during World War II but never used them due to their perceived liabilities on the battlefield—the fear that once a contagious disease was unleashed, it could not be controlled and could backfire.

    . . .

    Conspiracy theories about the source of disease outbreaks gain significant traction because of the dual-use nature of biodefense research. Disinformation campaigns exploit a very fine line that exists between a biodefense program and an offensive biological weapons program. 

    Under biodefense programs, countries like the U.S. develop diagnostic tools, manufacture personal protective gear, stand up highly secure labs to contain dangerous pathogens, and produce vaccines and other medical countermeasures to protect people from the scourge of disease. All these same capabilities can be leveraged to support a covert offensive bioweapons program. 

    Unfortunately, the location of U.S. biodefense programs at former sites of its past bioweapons program, e.g. Fort Detrick, help to fuel disinformation.

    . . . While the COVID-19 as bioweapon narrative is patently false, it offers a good reminder that a bioweapon attack can be disguised as a naturally occurring outbreak with a strong disinformation campaign to deceive the public.

    Anyway, I've already quoted too much and am only half-way through the article. It also admits just how unlikely it is that this got out of the Wuhan lab. People make a lot out of "bat woman" and even the prejudice against bats as evil-looking. But for those who study coronaviruses even in the USA, that's just where you look.  Just like "swine flu" could be found in pigs. (Which reminds me that viruses have started in the US before, and one "patient zero" for other dangerous viruses have been traced to soldiers in USA-located army bases. I recall a few years ago what seemed like a scramble to find a "patient zero" for swine flu outside the United States, and they found a five year boy in Mexico from a town where 40 people or so got the flu, but all the others had a regular flu except for this boy. They made him famous, and I think they even put up a statue of him (although he was a healthy recovering survivor). But then someone pointed out (his mother) that a US corporation, Smithfield Foods, ran one of the largest pig farms in his village. https://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/28/swine.flu/index.html

    "Patient zero" of the Hantavirus turned out to be some United Nations forces in Korea in the 1950's. https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/hantavirus-man-dead-china-symptoms-coronavirus-yunnan-shandong-1659186-2020-03-24

    One of the most interesting articles that is a bit conspiratorial but sounds reasonably balanced is here:


    I was surprised to see there in that article that Dr. Fauci's organization had given $3,000,000 to the Wuhan lab for coronavirus research. I didn't believe it so I checked all the links and discovered that this had already been news I had missed:


    But back to the "murder most foul" article, it discounts the "bat in the Wuhan market" theory just as strongly as the Defense One article discredits the "escape from a Wuhan lab" theory.

    Almost too incredible to believe, funding for the reckless germ war experiments in Wuhan have included more than $3 million from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), with apparent collaboration, according to Boyle, from scientists at the universities of North Carolina, Wisconsin, Harvard and other institutions.

    In 2014, the Obama White House Office of Science and Technology Policy put a hold or “funding pause” on “gain of function” experimentation on dangerous viruses in U.S. labs due to “biosafety and biosecurity risks.”

    Yet experimentation apparently continued uninterrupted (with U.S. funding) in China at the Wuhan lab. Then in 2017, the Trump Administration reversed this “funding pause,” essentially allowing illegal germ warfare research to continue.

    Longtime anti-GMO activists at GM Watch in the UK recently published an article entitled “COVID-19 Could Be a Wake-Up Call for Biosafety.” The article explains how, below the public radar, secretive and reckless research on genetically engineering and weaponizing coronaviruses has been going on for decades:

    “Stuart Newman, professor of cell biology and anatomy at New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York, editor-in-chief of the journal Biological Theory, and co-author of Biotech Juggernaut, adds crucial historical context that shows exploring whether COVID-19 could have been genetically engineered should not be dismissed as a subject fit only for conspiracy theorists.

    “[Newman] points out that the genetic engineering of coronaviruses has been going on for a long time. According to Newman, ‘Even most biologists are not aware that virologists have been experimentally recombining and genetically modifying coronaviruses for more than a decade to study their mechanisms of pathogenicity.’ Indeed, Newman points to papers on engineering coronaviruses that go back a full 20 years.” 

    Dr. Peter Breggin points out that in 2015, researchers from the U.S. and China's Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborated to transform an animal coronavirus into one that can attack humans. Breggin’s provocative essay includes a direct link to the original study  which was published in the British journal, Nature.

    Recent investigative reporting, including an explosive April 14 Washington Post article by Josh Rogin, followed by more muted coverage by CBS News, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and others, have alerted millions of people to the fact that the official Chinese/Big Pharma/WHO/NIH “bat in the market” story about the origins of COVID-19 may no longer be credible.

    Lots more links and quotes. I also thought it was prudent to snag the articles on SARS, Swine Flu, MERS, etc, from Wikipedia, back in late February because these articles always get highly edited when political ideologies meet science and data. There is even a such thing as medical ideologies, too.

  20. 31 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    That is acknowledged, too

    True. You said there were a few, and I took this to mean only about 3 or 4 and I thought I had remembered more. It's odd that it's only about 20, considering, but at least most of them are pieces of news that we would consider relevant, like Russia, persecution, etc.

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