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    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Abominable is the wrong word...... and I would not call it a bracelet for luck either. 
    The youth like trinkets..... It is definitely not as expensive as real jewelery stones and an alternative to other symbols such as the star of David. 
    My husband has worn  Harley Davidson T-shirts going to the shop and many people wear Lacoste, Nike etc.  I have had handbags with a brand name on them - but these were not very obvious.  
    Having something with a brand name does not necessarily indicate worship of the brand.  As an older person I do not care much for brand items but one can become so picky on the young kids so that one can take pleasure and individuality out of their  life... Live and let live is a good motto.
    If it is something which is similar to worship or a sign such as a swastica,  ying-yang symbol or other  religious symbols or  buddha head, film star,  then one can make a case against it.
    LOVE builds up...... when in doubt...... show love.
  2. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    OUCH! Another example of abominable vs abdominal?
  3. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Here's one that is both abominable AND abdominal:

  4. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Arauna in FASHIONABLE OR ABOMINABLE?   
    Here's one that is both abominable AND abdominal:

  5. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    And no, it is not an empty ceremony for the great crowd. It is an expression of deep gratitude for the ransom, remembering on that night what Jesus did for us and will do for us via the covenant for a Kingdom he put in place that night with his disciples. Because of this covenant, the Kingdom, people will get a chance for everlasting life. What is there not to celebrate?
  6. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    It is not anywhere near a catholic ritual...... so aramaic will be better.. lol
  7. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    LOL. You got me there.
    It makes sense, up to a point. Very expressive emojis, btw.
    But TTH is right. This topic does not overlap well with the OP. Guilty!
  8. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    Yes, that is kind of my point. Obviously customs change, but I think the way it's done at the KH is for practical reasons mainly, but to do it the same way when there is only a handful of you, delegates the whole event to more of an invented (by us) ritual, and that is what has been my contention, that the memorial has become some kind of ceremonial tradition, just add Latin as JTR suggested and we're good to go!
  9. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    At least when it's just the two of you, imitating that "bosom position" thing doesn't seem so awkward. Try that at the Hall!
    *** it-1 p. 219 Attitudes and Gestures ***
    In the reclining manner of eating that was practiced during the days Jesus was on earth, to lean on another’s bosom was an attitude of intimate friendship or favor, and this was known as the bosom position. (Joh 13:23, 25) This custom was the basis of the illustrations in Luke 16:22, 23 and John 1:18.
  10. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Thinking in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    How does this make any sense to average jws? 
    Try not to underestimate the Average JWs....many have and are working things out...but they are also working out some things that others here are not...
    the thing you have to remember....is Jehovah  will and always has disciplined his chosen men in authority over his people...
    1) Moses ...he was a murderer before he was ever given his assignment....and at nearing the end of their journey...due to such a heavy load upon him and stresses that none of us could bear...he actually became self righteous and proud..and I am imagining that attitude  would not have happened over night or just when he walked and stood before the Rock..
    all Jehovah told Moses To do was to SPEAK to the rock...but no...Moses first yelled abuse at the people.( I dont really blame him but he was not ordered to do that ) 
    he had no right to do that.
    And  Moses becoming full of himself and his importance ( pride ) he felt HE had to do MORE than what was asked of him.
    He struck the rock ..not once...but his personal decision and leaning on his own Underderstanding and reasonings...he struck TWICE..because he deemed the stupid people needed that..( do you or have you ever felt that the GB have beaten you with their rod ) ...and then he gathered the miracle to himself by saying ..
    SHALL WE....As we all know it had nothing to do with him..but everything to do with Jehovah...( he took the glory to himself and ignored Jehovah )
    now we all know he was disciplined very harshly later for that but what most miss...and this is a very important point...is Jehovah still expected the People to follow his instructions that he gave to Moses.....he STILL USED the about to be disciplined Moses....and he EXPECTED the people to follow those instructions ...because they never came from Moses but Him.
    yes Jehovah allowed Mosses to sin...as he did Aaron...as he did King David...and countless others he used.........because there is no human that can rule over or govern his people on this earth..and he knew that all along...he knew whoever takes authoritarian position over his gathered   people will commit such grave errors..
    yet he still expected the people to stay together......but he expects us to work these things out...to reason on why he allows these things...
    Moses didn’t trust Jehovah enough to just speak...
    Jehovahs approach was much more gentle and kind to the Israelites ...take your rod, assemble the people and speak to the rock.
    Moses was rather bombastic Prideful and harsh and he did it His way...
    Numbers 20:24
    Because you rebelled against MY Command at the waters of Meribah you will not enter into the land for which I have given to the sons of Israel.
    Imagine that....calling and accusing Moses and Aaron of being Rebels
    and yet it was Moses and Aaron who accused the people of being rebels ...
    Numbers 20:10
    .....hear now YOU REBELS
    the point being is Jehovah will always discipline those he allows authority and those who claim to have it....
    yet he still loved Moses very much and even after death..Jesus safeguarded his bones ....
    Until MOSES death he still expected the people to follow his instructions...as his job was still yet to be completed....nobody fled the camp after Moses verbal abuse of them or harsh display of frustration and piety....they stayed...and trusted Jehovah..to handle the situation..
    so too today...we must trust that Jehovah knows what he is doing...
    Soon we will cross over Into that New Land....and as Joshua/ typifying Jesus led the people..into the land flowing with milk and honey........so to will Jesus....lead those who prove faithfull.
    Yes it’s excruciating at times..but the night is well along...and the day will soon break forth....

  11. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    I quote 4jah2me "it seems crazy to let yourself die" ...... well ..... jesus allowed himself to die in loyalty to his father......  4jah2me obviously sees something seriously SICK in that!......... or maybe did not fully understand what I was referring to.
    There is a problem: he cannot see that a person should not value his life more than his obedience to God!!! 
    Matt 16 :25
    "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.  "
  12. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    Yea, I guess Jesus was also crazy (according to 4jah2me) to let himself die. Loyalty to God and his principles had nothing to do with it..... 
  13. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    At least when it's just the two of you, imitating that "bosom position" thing doesn't seem so awkward. Try that at the Hall!
    *** it-1 p. 219 Attitudes and Gestures ***
    In the reclining manner of eating that was practiced during the days Jesus was on earth, to lean on another’s bosom was an attitude of intimate friendship or favor, and this was known as the bosom position. (Joh 13:23, 25) This custom was the basis of the illustrations in Luke 16:22, 23 and John 1:18.
  14. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Yes. The chart is used to account for such things that are yet in the future. Loan me that time machine you have stored behind the chicken coop. I’ll race forward, check it out, and assuming you have left me with a full tank of gas, return to let you know what I’ve found.
    Most likely it is going to come down to some old buzzard who refuses to die, and everyone wishes he would because he remains the last overlapping link, but he appears more and more vigorous with each passing day,  and he buttonholes all he see to tout the virtues of his line of health supplements..
  15. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr., I know that I've already said more than my share about this chart. But there is one point that I have never seen discussed very clearly. It's the fact that it's another way of saying the following:
    This generation will by all means have passed away before all these things occur.
    That probably sounds bad, since Jesus said exactly the opposite. But look closely at the chart and note the actual earliest and latest bounds shown for:
    |<-- "This Generation" -->|
    On the chart, "This Generation" only reaches to the time when the last person anointed by the year 1914 has died. Notice that big gap before "The Great Tribulation." It does NOT continue to last into the period when a "group 2" anointed person remains alive after the persons from "group 1" have died. And the talks always imply that there are already no more living persons from "group 1."
    Therefore "This Generation" already finished in 1992 or perhaps a few years after that, although no specific examples were ever brought up as possible candidates, even if unnamed. The idea is given that there may have been possible candidates from group 1 that outlived FWF, but we can assume that these would not have outlived him for very many years. These appear to already be dead based on indications from the talk that Brother Splane was giving.
    Although some might try to stretch group 1, we should remember that a person is not considered "anointed" until they are baptized. A reasonable baptismal age seems to be from about 14 to 30, so we'll accept 14. For a person to be anointed by 1914, they should have been baptized, presumably as a "Bible Student" and therefore aware of the Watchtower's view of the sign in 1914. This means they were born by or before 1900, baptized by or before 1914, and would be at least 120 years old today if they were part of "This Generation."  
    Therefore "This Generation" has already passed away, and all these things did not occur. So, clearly, we are being asked to believe the very opposite of what Jesus said about the generation.
    Jesus: This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
    Splane: This generation will by all means have passed away before all these things occur.
    Whom do we choose to believe?
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr., I know that I've already said more than my share about this chart. But there is one point that I have never seen discussed very clearly. It's the fact that it's another way of saying the following:
    This generation will by all means have passed away before all these things occur.
    That probably sounds bad, since Jesus said exactly the opposite. But look closely at the chart and note the actual earliest and latest bounds shown for:
    |<-- "This Generation" -->|
    On the chart, "This Generation" only reaches to the time when the last person anointed by the year 1914 has died. Notice that big gap before "The Great Tribulation." It does NOT continue to last into the period when a "group 2" anointed person remains alive after the persons from "group 1" have died. And the talks always imply that there are already no more living persons from "group 1."
    Therefore "This Generation" already finished in 1992 or perhaps a few years after that, although no specific examples were ever brought up as possible candidates, even if unnamed. The idea is given that there may have been possible candidates from group 1 that outlived FWF, but we can assume that these would not have outlived him for very many years. These appear to already be dead based on indications from the talk that Brother Splane was giving.
    Although some might try to stretch group 1, we should remember that a person is not considered "anointed" until they are baptized. A reasonable baptismal age seems to be from about 14 to 30, so we'll accept 14. For a person to be anointed by 1914, they should have been baptized, presumably as a "Bible Student" and therefore aware of the Watchtower's view of the sign in 1914. This means they were born by or before 1900, baptized by or before 1914, and would be at least 120 years old today if they were part of "This Generation."  
    Therefore "This Generation" has already passed away, and all these things did not occur. So, clearly, we are being asked to believe the very opposite of what Jesus said about the generation.
    Jesus: This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
    Splane: This generation will by all means have passed away before all these things occur.
    Whom do we choose to believe?
  17. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in I have barely seen a more stupid chart in my life   
    Well that's an easy one:
    "An all powerful, all knowing all good God could and would destroy Satan"
    Of course, just not on that idiot's who made up the chart, time frame 😀
  18. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    Anna, my husband and I put it in front of us so the bread and wine could be prayed over and passed it to each other.  As a tactile person I like to hold the glass and plate for a brief second to think about it for a brief second so as to feel part of a celebration. It felt like a ceremony to me.... the memory of an inauguration. 
  19. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Arauna in JW South Africa: Jehovah's Witness parents: 'Why our kids don't need blood transfusions'   
    With respect to my congratulations to you, your daughter, and your grandchild, you must have misunderstood.
    Your response surprised me. I never doubted you for a second about the genius and skill of your daughter's doctor. This is why I congratulated you on the birth of a grandchild in a situation that could have ended up quite a bit different in other places. It reminded me of a similar situation around 1974 when so many of us in the Mid-Western United States had very few good doctors to choose from in these circumstances. For bloodless heart operations, we personally knew a brother who had to travel about 1,000 miles to Texas.
  20. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Thinking in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    I put "rules" in quotes because I believe actual rules are too much like laws, and then it smacks of legalism, and we therefore miss the spirit of Jesus' instructions. Especially if they are always followed the exact same way so often that we aren't really paying much attention.
    But you hit upon a few of the "rules" to question already:
    Why does our wine need to be the same as a "Passover" wine? At one time, an elder would purchase the wine and no else one really thought much about whether it was "Kosher for Seder" or exactly what levels of sugar it had. Now that millions of Witnesses will think about going out to buy it on their own, they might wonder why we don't try for wine made from Israeli grapes/vineyards. What constitutes too much preservative to make it impure if it must represent the unblemished Lamb? And if it's too difficult to get your own wine, some will wonder (as you did) if you should get symbols at all! Or perhaps, since no one is partaking, would it be OK to take the closest matching wine from your own wine rack? After all, it's only called "the product of the vine" in the Scriptures, and we don't know much more about any Galilean variations for Passover.
    Also, what if someone has decided just before the Memorial that they now are of the anointed class and the symbol wasn't offered? And, even if no one is partaking, how important is to follow the words: "Take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves" (Luke 22:17)
    The same kinds of questions could be asked about the bread. 
    (Also, the question might arise about whether a family needs to clear the food from the dinner table first, since the disciples seemed not have done so in Matt 26:
    (Matthew 26:20-26) . . .When, now, it had become evening, he was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples. 21 While they were eating, he said: “Truly I say to YOU, One of YOU will betray me.” ... “He that dips his hand with me in the bowl is the one that will betray me. 24 ... 26 As they continued eating, Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: “TAKE, eat. This means my body.”
    (Usually it was a bowl of oil that a piece of bread was dipped into.)
    Other questions, like I mentioned, might be why it has to be on Nisan 14, if Jews could celebrate a month later? Or why do we even celebrate it once a year like Passover was celebrated, when Paul said "whenever" and Jesus sais "as often"? Or, is it proper to have this celebration at a house when Paul said that people should eat at their home instead of where they partake of the Memorial?
    (1 Corinthians 11:20-22) . . .When you come together in one place, it is not really to eat the Lord’s Evening Meal. 21 For when you eat it, each one takes his own evening meal beforehand, so that one is hungry but another is intoxicated. 22 Do you not have houses for eating and drinking? . . .
    And for some, they might be paying more than the usual attention to this particular Memorial and perhaps even deeper questions might arise about the doctrine itself. Perhaps questions some should NOT be asking. Whether partaking in a Biblical sense actually means sharing which some might say we should all be doing. Or even whether the particular part of the Kingdom hope we wish for ourselves personally should have anything to do with whether we are supposed to partake. 
    (1 Corinthians 10:16, 17) . . .The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? The loaf that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ? 17 Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf.
  21. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Thinking in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    Another thought you bring up is this next idea:
    I'm sure the thought has occurred to some that we Witnesses have always expected an opportunity to arise when religions are "banned" or effectively put under pressure not to meet. The idea is that we Witnesses would never give in, but would risk our lives to continue on as always no matter what the authorities threatened. 
    In the past, I have stated here that it seems quite unlikely that this scenario (up to that point at least) would really allow the Witnesses to stand very far apart from other religions, because I would expect that dozens of other religions have an apocalyptic view of themselves and are awaiting the same thing. Some of these non-JW groups actually expect this action to come from the UN, too. 
    Also, we strongly expect that our meetings under ban would be "underground" or based on much smaller groupings, and effectively invisible to authorities.
    And now, with Covid-19, we see a glimpse of how many other religions react to governmental bans and restrictions on meetings. Many have defied the orders of local authorities under threat of having their doors closed and large fines imposed. Mayors are being accused of being too harsh on these restrictions because such sanctions could end up keeping the doors closed on some churches and synagogues even after the crisis is over. Yet some of these religions appear to believe that God will protect them. 
  22. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Thinking in Memorial 2020 during covid-19 lockdown   
    I think you have stated the question very well and have already implied the answers.
    Yes, some see it as a ritual. But it really is a ritual, just as baptism is a ritual that is not optional. Some religions also treat all wedding ceremonies and even funerals as rituals. Some have different or additional rites and rituals. For one who considers himself or herself anointed, it is like baptism: not an optional ritual.
    As you (and the WT said) the important thing is not to see the ritual as something more than it is. It is not a necessary part of salvation, but an opportunity for a personal and public expression of faith, just like baptism. Although it seems appropriate that members of the other sheep should joyfully celebrate such expressions of faith by the anointed, it is too solemn to be considered a celebration. It is often more solemn than some Witness funerals. There is such quiet and seriousness, that no one even seems to notice if someone, somewhere in the Hall, had partaken. Sometimes, I only notice whether all the glasses, initially filled to exactly the same height, come back to the front table with one of them having less wine in it. And then I wonder if there was a partaker, or if some sister got some wine accidentally spilled on her dress.
    For a time, the Watchtower made it clear that persons who were of the "other sheep" class, were not invited to the Memorial. Some time later, it was made clear that they would not partake of the emblems and they were invited to join.
    Sometimes (rarely) we hear the objection that the other sheep only attend in order to show that they are refusing to follow Jesus command to "Take, Eat!" and "Take. Drink!"  Or even as if we are only there to physically reject the symbols of Jesus' ransom, I have answered that this is just as much a way for the other sheep to express their faith in an earthly paradise under the rule of Jesus and the 144,000 but separate from them.
    I have seen Memorials where the scene is "over-the-top" ritualistic when the emblems are offered and refused by the speaker. It can seem even more so where the speaker partakes, and it looks like the changing of the guard at Buckingham when a specially choreographed arrangement is made on the stage for up to 4 servers and the speaker to pass the emblems among themselves, with the speaker in the middle and a table off to each side.
  23. Sad
  24. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Just another man in Welcome (back) iPhone SE   
    What’s included...
    Apple’s A13 Bionic chip, the same one found in the latest iPhone 11 and 11 Pro.  Portrait mode, but don't try it on your pet.  A home button with Touch ID and haptic feedback.  And what’s not…
    5G connectivity, more on that later.   Face ID, which could be a plus because, you know, masks. The smaller size of past SE models. Apple will likely unveil its flagship iPhone 12 line this fall and yes, they will be 5G compatible. 
  25. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I read that the the Catholic "Jerusalem" Bible and later the Catholic "New Jerusalem" Bible, were going to use Jahve, thinking it was possibly more accurate and more consistent with how other Hebrew names were translated, but they decided to stick with Yahweh because it was better known. Similar reasoning with the NWT translators in sticking with Jehovah.
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