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JW Insider

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  1. Sad
    JW Insider got a reaction from admin in The Philippines has reported the first death outside of China from a new virus as the World Health...   
    He was fairly young, too. Only 44. And it probably shows the weakness of airline screening, since he had come in from Wuhan:
    The Philippine Department of Health said a 44-year-old Chinese man from Wuhan was admitted on Jan. 25 after experiencing a fever, cough, and sore throat. He developed severe pneumonia, and in his last few days, “the patient was stable and showed signs of improvement, however, the condition of the patient deteriorated within his last 24 hours resulting in his demise.”
    The man’s 38-year-old female companion, also from Wuhan, also tested positive for the virus and remains in hospital isolation in Manila.
  2. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    That's pretty simple using Trump's own words:
    "We can't continue to allow China to rape our country, and that's what we're doing,"
    "the greatest theft in the history of the world [is carried out by China]"
    He was speaking about China's unfair competitive advantage over the USA through subsidies, currency manipulation, and their low-cost labor. China was put on a watch-list to watch for currency manipulation but there was no evidence they had done this.
    So Trump went after the trade deficit, which had been $365 billion as reported for 2015 when Trump was running. It's now reported at $419 billion for 2018. (US exports 120 billion a year to China and we import 540 billion.) 
    Trump said that the tariffs could greatly reduce this deficit. America would win big by NOT trading with them any more.

    So this isn't about the idea that Trump had anything to do with the coronavirus. It's just that it would have the effect of reducing China's ability to produce, slow down their economy, and stop a lot of people from trading with China. There are persons in governments who are so stupid that they would think of such a vicious solution without concern for the possible consequences for the rest of the world, or the reputation the US would suffer. After all, look at America's use of weapons of mass destruction, napalm, agent orange, chemical and biological weapons development. Look at what America did to North Korea. Or even so-called "conventional" weapons like MOAB that apparently killed more civilians in Afghanistan than soldiers.
    But I'm only talking about where and why such conspiracies will so easily get spread.
  3. Confused
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    Something like that happens with just about everything that comes out of China. Of course, it was odd that it was so closely timed to Chinese New Year. As it is, it will easily slow down China's economy by 1 or 2 percent. If it had gone just another week or so without being caught, and the New Year's travel had begun, it would have accomplished exactly what Trump would have wished the tariffs could accomplish.
  4. Haha
  5. Haha
  6. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    Too early to tell, of course. Seems, the effects are somewhere between a flu and a pneumonia. But the percentage of those who are infected to those who die (so far) is something like 2 percent, where not all early cases resulted in timely hospitalization. (Mostly because of how it effects the elderly.) Now that nearly all cases result in hospitalization, that percentage is slightly dropping (so far). The problem will show up again when it presents in even more remote, poor areas with very few hospitals and facilities. China is still a poor country, but can manage its resources well to react to such a problem. 
    The effects of the flu in America kill about 6 percent of those hospitalized. 8k/140k. The United States has remote, poor areas too, but this country is also able to manage resources to react, although probably not as well as China. (But of all those infected with the flu in the United States the death rate is hardly even a tenth of one percent, because for most persons the flu isn't potent enough to require hospitalization.)
    So it's a much more serious virus, and had it started in rural, southern America it would likely have spread much more rapidly. If it had been discovered only a few weeks later in China, it would have spread much more rapidly too. By far, the world's greatest "migrations" happen during holiday seasons in China, where a very high percentage of Chinese take to their high-speed trains and criss-cross China to visit family and friends in other provinces.
    It acts like a very contagious flu, and could easily break into countries where the 2 percent death rate is expected. If it takes 3 months to create a vaccine or a survival treatment, this means that in three months with a nearly "linear" rate of increase (3k more each day) there would be on the order of 100,000 in three months, where 2 percent is 2,000 deaths. If exponential, deriving from current rates, then a million people could have it in 3 months where 2 percent is 20,000 deaths.
    But China shared the full genetic sequence of the virus back on January 10, so if everyone rushes this would typically mean that vaccines would be developed in a matter of 1 to 2 months.
    And as you say, then the big thing is how to stay ahead of morphing (evolving) versions.
  7. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    This is clearly... POLITICAL statement.
    JWorg Headquarter took political position with this public statement. This is not wise and this is not example, role model of how to be Neutral Christian group.
  8. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    If it wasn’t so much work you’d be hearing from Mr RealFineAuthenticJWInsider about now
  9. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    Perhaps his real, full name is: Mr. Authentic J. Winsider. No relation.
  10. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    Perhaps his real, full name is: Mr. Authentic J. Winsider. No relation.
  11. Thanks
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    So far, the Johns Hopkins site seems to have the best information about the spread of the coronavirus. Looks like it will hit 10,000 today with 213+ dead. If you move the map to the United States you can click on each individual case (5 so far).

  12. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    Not to minimize the potency of the coronavirus. But it looks like CNN finally decided it was time to make the point some have been making here for several days. It's not the coronavirus. It's the flu (this 2019-2020 season, so far). The article is here:
    Even the low-end estimate of deaths each year is startling, Savoy said: The Centers for Disease Control predicts at least 12,000 people will die from the flu in the US every year. In the 2017-2018 flu season, as many as 61,000 people died, and 45 million were sickened. In the 2019-2020 season so far, 15 million people in the US have gotten the flu and 8,200 people have died from it, including at least 54 children. Flu activity has been elevated for 11 weeks straight, the CDC reported, and will likely continue for the next several weeks.  
  13. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from admin in U.S. alone: 8,200 dead! 140,000 hospitalized! Deadly virus spreads from state to state and has infected 15 million Americans so far.   
    So far, the Johns Hopkins site seems to have the best information about the spread of the coronavirus. Looks like it will hit 10,000 today with 213+ dead. If you move the map to the United States you can click on each individual case (5 so far).

  14. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Pandemic (aka WuFlu)   
    Meanwhile, 1.2 million people a year are being killed by mosquitoes, and a hundred million infected with various levels of disease, many permanently crippled .... and there is no panic anywhere!
    gimmee a break!
  15. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in Weather forecast and Stephen Lett   
    In the video from the linked post, Paula White says:
    "...we declare that any strange winds, any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus."
    I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.
  16. Thanks
    JW Insider got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Weather forecast and Stephen Lett   
    In the video from the linked post, Paula White says:
    "...we declare that any strange winds, any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus."
    I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.
  17. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Witness in Weather forecast and Stephen Lett   
    In the video from the linked post, Paula White says:
    "...we declare that any strange winds, any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus."
    I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.
  18. Confused
  19. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I got sick and tired of hearing the hysterical cry that Assad had “gassed his own people”—mostly because it seemed to imply that gassing anyone else would be okay.
  20. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Revelation: Babylon the Great, etc.   
    I did read the book ‘The Creature of Jekyll Island,’ and yes, it was one of the most intriguing books that I have ever read.
    I also read a book ‘The Rockefellers’ covering 4 generations. No going into conspiracies here, but if focused on how the first generation made the money, the second softened the image of the first and founded the charity, the third expanded the power base (David of Chase, Nelson of NY, 3 others i think) and the fourth went to psychiatrists and laid very low, even renouncing the name in a case or two.
    Anti-pharma people loathe one of them—I think it is David—for essentially buying out the medical profession and converting it to drug salesmen.
  21. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse the Pale Horse is Galloping with the new Coronavirus Pandemic   
    Let's put this in the proper perspective, shall we?
    No, actually ... the "Pale Horse" is just contemplating its navel, and laughing at our panicking over the Coronavirus.
    From the World Health Organization:
    " Of all disease-transmitting insects, the mosquito is the greatest menace, spreading malaria, dengue and yellow fever, which together are responsible for several million deaths and hundreds of millions of cases every year. Mosquitos also transmit lymphatic filariasis and Japanese encephalitis. Other insect species carry a variety of diseases. Sleeping sickness is spread by the tsetse fly, with 55 million people at risk. The leishmaniasis group of diseases is spread by sandflies, with 350 million people at risk. Another 100 million in Latin America are at risk of Chagas disease, spread by household bugs. Onchocerciasis, or river blindness, is carried by blackflies, and plague by fleas.
    Malaria is endemic in 91 countries, with about 40% of the world's population at risk. By undermining the health and working capacity of hundreds of millions, it is closely linked to poverty and stunts social and economic development. Up to 500 million cases occur every year, 90% of them in Africa, and there are up to 2.7 million deaths annually.
    Dengue is the world's most important mosquito-borne virus disease, with 2500 million people worldwide at risk of infection and 20 million cases a year in more than 100 countries. In 1995, the worst dengue epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean for 15 years struck at least 14 countries, causing more than 200 000 cases of dengue fever and almost 6000 cases of the more serious dengue haemorrhagic fever.
    Many major cities of the world, especially in the Americas, are at risk of potentially devastating epidemics of yellow fever because they are infested with Aedes aegypti mosquitos which can transmit the disease. Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) infects about 120 million people in tropical areas of Africa, India, South-East Asia, the Pacific Islands and South and Central America.
    Among diseases spread by other insects, leishmaniasis occurs in 88 countries, and its spread is accelerated by road building, dam construction, mining and other development programmes that bring more people into contact with the sandflies that transmit the causative parasite. Sleeping sickness affects 36 countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Onchocerciasis affects some 17.6 million people in Africa, and a smaller number in Central and South America. At least 16 million people in Latin America are infected with Chagas disease. Plague continues to strike relatively small numbers of people in Africa, the Americas and Asia."
    The "Pale Horse" trots at a pretty devastating steady pace already, hardly breaking a sweat.
    ...this MAY change dramatically .... or not.
  22. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Melinda Mills in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    We should consider the below advice before we go further on this.
    *** w89 5/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    We should find in this a caution for all of us. Ethnic or national prejudice may abound around us. (Compare John 7:47-52.) We likely hear neighbors, schoolmates, or fellow workers make categorical remarks about another people, such as, ‘Oh, those northerners are all cold and unfeeling’; ‘Well, you know how proud those southerners are’; or, ‘It’s risky to trust those people from across the border.’
    We must strive to avoid giving in to broad characterizations that are probably unfounded or greatly exaggerated. Some may be more outgoing and expressive, others more reserved or slow to warm up to strangers. Yet, we should remember that some of our Christian brothers are no doubt to be found among the people of that ethnic group or nationality, as well as many others who have not yet become true Christians but who have admirable traits and who hunger for righteousness.
    The apostle Peter stressed the fact that “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35) We can be absolutely sure that Paul agreed with that, reflecting the same outlook in his writings and speech. So should we.
  23. Thanks
    JW Insider got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It was much less common with Russell to get political. And his statements about people of color were mostly better than his contemporaries. Somewhat progressive for his time. But Rutherford had been a political person before becoming a Bible Student. He even worked on a U.S. presidential campaign.
  24. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It was political opinion, (although based on scriptures in his mind), that got Rutherford and his associates in trouble and throw in prison in 1918 on charges of sedition....
    Yes, it always surprises me when I read snippets from publications of that period. The other day I was clearing up some stuff in the garage and found some more old books that belong to my mother in law. As always I can't resist reading a few pages. It's obvious that Rutherford was very in the know as regards politics. And so was Russel (from reading old 1913 WT). It's evident though that the reason they were discussing politics was not because they somehow wanted to be a part of the world as @4Jah2me insinuates, but because the political scene convinced them of the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, and also that we are living in the time of the end.
  25. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in The range of political beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It was much less common with Russell to get political. And his statements about people of color were mostly better than his contemporaries. Somewhat progressive for his time. But Rutherford had been a political person before becoming a Bible Student. He even worked on a U.S. presidential campaign.
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