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    JW Insider got a reaction from Evacuated in Jehovah's Witnesses, do we know the Bible, or do we know many Bible verses?   
    For myself, I have a few litmus tests for the accuracy and honesty of a Bible commentary. These are much like the way most of us will immediately check John 1:1 when we find a new Bible translation.
    I have found a commentary that I have only read so far with reference to two short Bible books. It appears to have been written by one or more JWs or ex-JWs. It is referenced as a "site of interest" from a site which is usually critical of JW.org. I am guessing that it was written by one of the brothers (might be an ex-brother) who worked on both the Aid/Insight book and very similar commentary-type material at Bethel and who was working on exactly the kind of Bible commentary for the Society that you speak about.
    The site I found it from says it was by "brothers" (plural) but the site itself mentions only one brother on the home page, and elsewhere refers to himself in the singular:
    These renderings of Hebrew and Greek and Bible translations in other languages into English serve mainly for comparison purposes. In no way are my efforts intended to slight or detract from the conscientious labors of other translators and writers whose abilities and understanding of the ancient languages are far superior to mine. I know of only two brothers who left Bethel from Writing after completing their work on the Aid Book and Bible commentaries who were kicked out for not believing in 1914, but who were not disfellowshipped. (in other words, not R.Franz or E.Dunlap) Only one of them, I think, had the ability and head-start to have been able to accomplish this kind of commentary. After he was kicked out of Bethel, he was still given a special pioneer stipend and was still asked by Brother Lyman Swingle (definitely) and then Lloyd Barry (possibly) to continue working on research and projects for the Writing Department over the next several years. His best friend at Bethel, who also worked on the Aid book and commentary material had an excellent grasp of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac. They made a great collaboration team at Bethel, but I have no idea if they are both still working together. I think the latter was either disfellowshipped or faded away.
    I was in contact with the person who I think wrote this commentary for several years after he left Bethel, but he has either moved to another country or has decided to fade into anonymity. He has left no information about himself or his whereabouts on the Internet or any social media as far as I can see.
    The site itself has "awful" navigation. If you go to the Home page: https://wernerbiblecommentary.org/?q= you can't even tell it's a Bible commentary. But if you click on the links to Jeremiah, for example, under What's New, then you will also see links to these 40+ Bible books. So far I can only recommend the ones I have read, but at least the style will be familiar to you, and you won't have to filter out the references to hell, Gehenna, Trinity, soul, spirit, etc., as you read. I think he did an excellent job on the parts of Romans I have read, and I will read Galatians next.
    Bible Commentaries
    Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Commentary on Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Acts Comments on Romans Comments on 1 and 2 Corinthians Galatians Comments on Ephesians Comments on Philippians Comments on Colossians Comments on the letters to the Thessalonians Comments on the letters to Timothy and Titus Comments on the letter to Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude
  2. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Shiwiii in The Earth and the meek   
    Sure could be. I would agree, and it wouldn't matter much if it were literal or figurative, it is still "new"
    Yes, we could. Again I would agree and it would matter not if it were  literal or figurative.
    No problem here with me either. I do not think that it HAS to be new vs restored. What part I do take literal is the part of "New Jerusalem" coming down from Heaven. Just like you mention in 2 Corinthians. Which is also mentioned in Galatians 4:21-31. The account in Galatians is much more specific though as to whom is part of this "New Jerusalem" and the account in Revelation 21 ties in perfectly with our topic of discussion here. 
  3. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to SuzA in Why do JWs have huge lunches / dinners after funerals?   
    So far, you have not demonstrated in what way post-funeral hospitality amongst Witnesses is in any shape or form bound up in superstitious or pagan practices, or that it is a "worldly" practice.
    "Worldly" weddings are also "connected to folkloric, custom, beliefs, superstition . . .   And here we have great variety of customs around the world."  We don't eschew weddings simply because some of the customs worldly people include originate in superstitious practices.  We omit what would be offensive to Jehovah.  Likewise with funerals and association thereafter.
  4. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in Why do JWs have huge lunches / dinners after funerals?   
    It usually depends, not just if the person is JW, but the culture of some people. For JWs in America can hold a small reception of members of their community and that of family members and friends who were very close to the deceased, while elsewhere, perhaps like in DR or Haiti, it is a very small get together in the home of someone very close to the deceased, no food no nothing, perhaps tea or coffee, but that is about it, while some of them literally have no form of reception at all. Elsewhere, like in some parts of Africa, as well as the EU some simply just bury the the dead and remain in the household of the one who lost their loved one and care for them until they feel better.
    But it differs for some people. Outside of the realm of religion, there are some, crazy and perhaps, even morbid display of sending some off to be buried in Sheol, there is one particular trend I have noticed in the US that is someone haunting and disturbing.
    But yes, usually depends on the customs of the people and the culture at times, so it is not something common, granted that JWs come from different backgrounds and racial groups with various cultures and practices that differ from each other, even though they are of the same faith community.
  5. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    No. Followers of Mr. Fearon stated weapons of such are found underneath the churches of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as other devices of assassination and or cold bloodied-murder, hence the claim of poisons used to their own members of the church to kill them off – absurd conspiracy. Moreover, the Warwick location of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, their headquarters, is also a place of dwelling and worship – a church (larger one on the countryside), it is highly unlikely that they harbor weapon bunkers underneath such a place, granted of how the people of Passaic and Orange County view firearms in the hand of suspected strangers and the like, swiftness to act also, even in their own neighborhood, for they did have an incident at one of their schools sometime ago, and took part in events regarding gun control, knowing people of Passaic County myself and the area itself for half a decade, very close to Orange County (Warwick), their words on such speaks in volume. Therefore, it is unlikely that a Millenarian Restorationist Christian Denomination, a minority, with Non-Trinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity, having a weapon bunker(s) hidden below their headquarters which is pretty much a large church. So a possibility is absolute 0.00%, and if such was indeed true, the Warwick facility would have been done away with, raided, raised and shut down, seeing how the people of the area are, mainly those in the Borough – again, conspiracy, but it is no surprise that Rick has some believing such things that even those who are not fan of JWs dislike.
    As for Brooklyn, it is not a mystery that there are various tunnels underneath the city. The tunnels near the facility of this faith had tunnels connecting to pedestrian walkways that are private, the tunnels, being a series of 4-5 subterranean tunnels connecting several of the properties in that area, some of them used in regards of utility services. It is also good to mention how long those tunnels have been there for and the fact the city makes money off said tunnels, collecting thousands for their use.
    Somewhat related to subject, it is also known JehovahÂ’s Witnesses have a presence in Pennsylvania, another area of theirs, and like the others, they do not have weapon bunkers,

    however, there are churches of the mainstream of that area, who also have a following outside of Pennsylvania, who not only have a stash of weapons away in their churches, but freely carry them around the church, for they believe that guns, specifically, the AR-15 Assault Rifle is a gift from God and use them even in their ceremonies (they are Trinitarian for they believe Jesus is God), this has caused fear and quite the stir in the community, even having an affect on a nearby School and the actions they made due to such churches (not to mention the bullet laced crown of theirs):  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/28/pennsylvania-church-ceremony-guns/383815002/
    The same can be said about Christian Militant groups scattered throughout the United States, who are in favor of assault rifles, as well as quick draw weapons such as revolvers and pistols, granted such ones train themselves to fight, such falls in the category of Christian Terrorism.
    Yes, The National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) link is broken, in fact, 2 links not just 1, however the archives can freely be accessed, only few manage to gather, fragments of what ceases to exist, moreover, some information that can be accessed you really don’t have to be a member and/or create a login, especially when the information is out there for one to read and make the research for themselves.
    Also I can spot the top Google search links away, I've been in the Lion's Den in search of information, so I know better to see that.
    It is also good to know some facts about Henrietta M. Riley (33b006006 FBO), the Trust itself and the like. The Riley Trust that is independent, for the trust was hers, not the WatchtowerÂ’s. This trust is a United States trust that has the Watchtower as the sole beneficiary.
    Now, a Trust can be set up to make you the individual, a company (of any kind), an organization of any kind (education, religious, etc.) or anyone else a beneficiary. For one has no control over what the Trust does financially, mainly if they are a beneficiary. The only thing that you or any beneficiary can do is to decline any benefit from the Trust in question. A Trust is able to operate while the person who initiated the Trust very much alive and well. Another known fact about the trust in question, the Riley Trust, is that it has done its investing prudently, acting with or showing care and thought for what is to come.
    Moreover, this Trust is a mutual fund and mutual funds are typically fluid and careful with their investments. Basically, for the assets left by Henrietta Riley is the generating force regarding income by the trust, which is transferred to the Watchtower by means of donation. Around April 30, 2002, the trust generated income of around $1,740,127 USD and donated nearly $1,945,645 USD to the Watchtower. Majority of the income of the trust is from two main sources such as oil and gas. The trust also has almost $2 million of investments in various stocks and other vehicles.
    Regarding the Watchtower, they, have received a donation (as mentioned above), and it is already known that the Watchtower accepts donations, for such ones do not apply the law of Levites on to themselves, known as the tithe, which does not apply to Christians (Hebrews 7:5, 18; Colossians 2:13, 14), but free will offering is acceptable in its place – voluntary, Leviticus 23:38 (Deuteronomy 12:6, Numbers 29:39,1 Chronicles 29:9, 2 Chronicles 35:8 and Ezra 2:68), so it is no surprise they do what the early Christians have done to contribute to their works without being paid for it, but receive/make voluntary donations.
    Furthermore, one, if not more, Trust(s) have a number of religious organizations including the Watchtower itself. In addition, it would be unlikely they are aware of what a trust tends to invest in, but it is no mystery they tend to accept donations, regardless.
    Back on to the Riley Trust, it tends to shift their investment information and the stock selection changes as time progresses. It is also known that the Riley trust is also the source of the Philip Morris Companies Inc, an accusation against the Watchtower, which is also shrouded in conspiracy and has been debunked.
    Another accusation is that it is said, by those clearly against them, that The Watchtower has used stocks, bonds and trusts as investment vehicles. One such trust was the H M Riley Trust, from the deceased estate of Henrietta Riley, when it is known that the Riley Trust itself was given to the Watchtower, financial donation, as for stocks and bounds, the answer should be evident. Another accusation is that it is said that the stocks in Phillip Morris is owned by the Watchtower, then in reality, the stocks in question is owned by the Henrietta Riley Trust, not the Watchtower.
    Another thing is it would seem some have caused confusion of the official tax returns vs. a tax return for a charitable trust, which is a separate entity created with somebody else's money, is ever so evident. And once again, like the Henrietta Riley trust, the money invested is hers. Under tax laws of the United States, the beneficiary of such a trust has no say in the management of the trust. It is managed by a trust company and regulated by the legal instructions of the person who established the trust, in this case Ms. RileyÂ’s Trust.
    JW opponents are even unsure themselves at times, and consider Riley to be a member of the faith, but would seem it is a guessing game for them to this day. But as with all who receive donations, be it this faith and or other groups and or organizations, they tend to not have any control over what people gift to them.
    Source from 12 years ago by someone who is neutral with JWs, and clearly among one of the speakers of the former members of the faith (links may be updated): https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/109731/setting-record-straight-re-riley-trust-tobacco-compan-stock-wts
    And yes, because those who donate are not normally known to the person and or group that receives the donation, mainly when such is anonymous, the only reason the Riley Trust is known because the owner of said Trust literally donated to the religious group (a choice made by owner, no doubt) in question, not really deception and or a mystery, but many tend to twist the information and stick to one-sided information, hence the top searched links provided by you.
    The Raytheon Company one, as stated before, is deemed a hoax, thus being a conspiracy, moreover, the Watchtower clearly has no connection to the Navy and or some kind of contract with them, for that alone would be absurd. Unless you got accurate information on Navy Contracts and or deals, as some who cite what you mention have said – I am all ears.
    The charitable navigator availability was around 2002, not sure about 2003.
    I donÂ’t think they are getting desperate because they are still growing, I believe around 8.4 million members now and growing fast I checked, and the money they have now has been building more churches and contributing to their missionary work, again, for that is what the majority of their money is used for, anything to contribute to the Great Commission, mainly in the eyes of Restorationist, I believe I brought up Great Commission to you before. As for the religious heads of this faith, it does not seem like they are nervous when the work is being done, for if they were nervous, such information would have caused them to stumble some years ago, for as I said, such claims have been debunked time and time again, even by those who are former members and or neutral.
    For the donations, as said before, such ones accept donations, regardless, so there isn’t really a new arrangement, perhaps just another person with money who decided to contribute to a person, group and or organization of his or her choice, just happens to be the Watchtower. They may not have a big area like they have in Warwick, but there are JW churches in that area, there is no question about that, for there is always a JW church, with a variety of languages other than English that goes there. The churches of Jehovah’s Witnesses are as common as the Fast Food Restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s – all over the place. If one of their churches goes down, they build it back up, if they sell one of their churches, they end up building another elsewhere, after all, they have the financial ability to do such, at the same time maintaining themselves in the realm of Great Commission Missionary work.
    As for the so called source on the bottom of the page, I had already seen it, as well as the other information that counters such. Ironically, the truth itself comes not from the JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, but former members who are well aware of how Trust, Funds and donations work by those who own it and how it is handled when someone and or a group is chosen as a beneficiary.
    Perhaps next time, it is best to read into something more than accept as is conspiracy, which was the case before, some of the links you posted came from top Google searches, which is no surprise, I took the other route, into the LionÂ’s Den, and the evident religious infighting in such a place is visible, mainly to those who profess actual information to claim.
    Also I completed the list for you, majority having been spoken of and dissected upon – with the actual truth out of conspiracy being made known (that of which has been mentioned is also included), moreover, in the span of 3 to 19 years, perhaps more, such has been talked about:
    Note: There was a Girl ScoutÂ’s Cookie one, that one was a bit silly.
    All below have been dealt with over time, even the ones included. Yes I am aware of Rand Cam, fits the bill like the others, friend. And I am 100% sure JWs had nothing to do with the destruction of Christians in the Middle East either.
    Adobe Sys Inc Amazon Com Inc American Express Co American-Intl Inc Nintendo Apple Inc Avery Dennison Corp Bank of America Corp Victoria Secret Baxter Intl Inc Berkshire Hathaway CL B BioGen Idec Inc Blackrock Inc Boeing Co Bristol Myers Squibb Co Celgene Corp Conocophillips Constellation Brands Inc Devon Energy Corporation Disney Walt Co Dow Chemical Co EOG Resources Inc Ecolab Inc Express Scripts Hldg Co Facebook Inc Fisery Inc General Electric Co Gilead Sciences Inc Google Inc CL C Harbor Intl FD Hershey Co Common Stock Home Depot Inc Honeywell International Inc International Flavors Johnson & Johnson Kansas City Southern Kimberly Clark Corp Kraft Foods Group Inc Lions Gate Entertainment Corp Lockheed Martin Corp MFS Intl New Discovery AMG Southernsun Small Cap-Inst Medtronic Inc Merk & Co Inc New Microsoft Corp Molson Coors Brewing Co CL B Monsanto Co Monster Beverage Corp Morgan Stanley Newell Rubbermaid Inc Nike Inc Nothrup Grumman Corp Oppenheimer Developing Markets Fund - Y PNC Financial Services Group Pepsico Corp Inc Pfizer Inc Principal Midcap Blend Procter & Gamble Co Qualcomm Inc Rollins Inc Roper Inds Inc New Starbucks Corp Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc Time Warner Inc United Technologies Corp Verizon Communications Viacom Inc Visa Inc Wabtec Corp Wells Fargo & Co New Lazard Ltd Fixed Income BHP Finanace USA Ltd Federal Home LN BKS Lowes CCS Inc Merk & Co Inc Microsoft Corp Oppenheimer Intl bond Pimco Total Return FD Instl Pimco High Yield FD Instl Proctor & Gamble Co NT Target Corp Vanguard S/T Corporate FD-ADM Alternative Investments The Arbitrage Fund R Cohen & Steers Realty SHS Federated Prudent Bear Fund Absolute Strategies Fund Goldman Sachs TR Strategic Income FD NY FDS Inc Asset Strategy FD CL Mainstay FDS TR Market Field Fund Pimco Commodity RR Strat Ins Strategy Fund-Ins I will make more comments, but on the military response, for there is quite the information out there, as always, most information is one-sided, it is never a share of both sides, obviously.
  6. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    Unfortunately, there has to be a care for if there are groups who have weapons stashed somewhere, it should be of concern even by the public. To speak of rumor, conspiracy and yield upon speculation via claims that are not true can only cause more harm than good, like I said, both Passaic and Orange County are such ones to take issue with things mainly in regards to firearms and weapon caches and or bunkers, and speculation leads to problems, i.e. the situation that has taken place in a Jewish Cemetery, of which I made mention to months ago near the area or perhaps the teacher having the firearm inside of a educational institution.

    Other than that, like I have said time and time again, the JWs is a Restorationist group with religious leaders who are not following Christendom of the mainstream, but rather, the early Church itself, the very reason as to why they differ and often ones who are targets, and Restorationist are known to adapt to learning new things by means of Scripture, the mainstream do not, an example would be knowing of inspired and uninspired verses, like others, made revisions.
    So when it comes to understanding their Christology to it's core, one can easily see where they are coming from, granted the practices of the early church of which they profess stems from the Apostolic Age, who even back in those days, differ from the accepted form of Christianity that today's mainstream professes.

    If they were indeed a big evil, mind you, a minority group out of all denominations, they would have joined up with Babylon, perhaps, signed up to increase Babylon's ranks back in October 2016, granted majority of religious around the world have united with each other and it being more obvious since it has been alluded to back in the 2000s.

    And as to what big evil is being played out in the Heavenly realm as you say?
    As far as many people know already, a Non-Trinitarian Restrationist group isn't part of Babylon and or the likes of those who are the real evil here, that is unheard of, even the Sunnis and Shias know this,as do others.
    Apparently they are known for this, even former members of the faith made confirmation of this (which can be seen by the information provided), even current members of the faith also, as well as those who are not part of any religious denomination. It comes down to the rank and file to do the research, but such has already been made known, for over the years this has been brought up in discussion time and time again by Atheist who show up to debate with both JWs and former JWs - mainly in the 18-20+ years that have passed, such information is not unknown when one does the research, mainly to those who know of trust funds, tax laws and the like far more better than others, I need not speak of quotes because the information of what was professed is evident, with several quotes put into the response.
    To believe no one knows of this when it has already been public is kind of silly, especially when there is actual truth vs. those accepting and or making incorrect claims.
    Perhaps, but it is no surprise with what kinds of donations that both educational, religious, as well as political persons, groups and or organization receive, being it the donation is anonymous or known, in the end, they do not own the trust, only the owner of the trust does, and the owner, he or she can choose to where they want to put their money in to support so and so - which was the case with the Riley Trust situation of which some twist the very formation of without looking into the facts of the operation of a trust and or mutual fund. If I am not mistaken, there are those who do receive money from brothels, most of the time it is anonymous, however in this case, such is not listed at all. former members made the claim to a specific company, but the list provided by you and want I dug up only points to conspiracy.
    Moreover, it should be known to you, even before this, that any person, group, institution and or organization can donate to any person, group, institution and or organization of their choice, which seems to be the case with Ms. Riley.
    Other than that, the brothel remark seems like a jab, granted the list you provided and the list I have provided having been brought to light to be false, for people make connections to paint so and so as the enemy.
    Not quite. Because I took the time to look into the operations of trusts and funds, tax returns, etc. Then I went on to look at the trust information itself. Because I already know of what you bring up is one-sided, the top of the list whereas I went in to look for the ifnormation myself -hence why the response I made early, according to former members, such of which you have listed, example, Raytheon Company, was a hoax.
    It is more about putting forth truth to fact vs. claims that do not stack up.
    After all, I brought up the information that halts the conspiracy in it's place, as the one who made the information public, he wanted to put the claims made to rest with absolute fact.
    Well that is important, if one does not know how Trust funds are and how they operate, you can easily trick someone with the claim you made by your other response, but knowing even the basics, one can see the error and do the research, there was a reason as to why I asked you to cite your information.

    Now, they are not like mainstream Christendom (that is absolute fact), this faith group is not part of this world, which is indeed true, they take bible passages seriously and adhering to our early brothers and sisters in teaching and action, the same could be said of Restorationist individuals who knows what the Bible message is all about despite not being affiliated with any denomination whatsoever, hence their neutrality, but evident refutation of accursed things. That being said, accepting donations does not disqualify such ones from their stance of not being part of this world, that would have easily removed the historically engraved position of them being Restorationist to begin with, another thing is, the majority of their money is used for the Great Commission.

    Burn down a JW church, destroy it, or perhaps the church is taken down by natural disasters, they will simply make the plan among their community and discuss with those who are leading, use the funds to gain resources, get the volunteers to clean up the area and build another church, this also goes hand in hand with the money being used for their books, getting a portion of their church member having a bit higher responsibility from one church to another, and I believe it has been said they take care of their older ones also, etc. They are also known to buy property to build their churches and or support members as well as sell said property. At times during such events of , they do tend to help out others as wll as their own, which was the case with areas hit by disasters, the recent ones being Puerto Rico and Texas, of which they did partake in helping their own and others, however, JW opponents went as far as to flag video proof of JWs helping out, causing said video to be deleted, thus painting them in a bad light afterwards and make the claim they didn't do anything in events that unfolded in Puerto Rico and Texas, equaling them to the likes of Joel Olsteen, when the video that they got removed showed JW's helping people nearby as well as witnessing their church literally flooded - now that in itself is deceitful and misleading - this of which I mentioned before.
    It would be a problem if the Jehovah's Witnesses had used the money on things that do not contribute to the Great Commission at all, and as I said, I spoke explicitly before on those who take the Great Commission seriously vs. those who do not - be it individual and or group based. If it were the case, all the books they produce to this day would be lacking, as with the number of churches they have, the numbers would be down, however, it would seem to be going up rather than down, granted the group just bumped up a few thousands in converts, therefore, growing and more is being done, 8.3 to 8.4+.

    For what people are looking for is a church that is true to their word on the use money, if it is is being used primarily on the Great Commission work itself, that is, the spreading of the gospel,evangelicalism the people, teaching, etc. They tend to put their community of believers first, before helping others, which was the case in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Texas, Haiti, Dominican Republic,to name a few (mainly with what went down in the span of 10-11 years), moreover, knowing how the community is to Caribbeans, mainly if such ones are religious, it does not shy away from community first and others after.
    Even to this day, as of recent news, they are still in Puerto Rico, helping out, as with others when the rest of the US forgot that Puerto Rico is still not 100%, those who got the video removed, you do not hear them speak of Puerto Rico at all.
    Jehovah's Witnesses, mainly new ones to that faith, tend to work in any field of work, there is no doubt about that, however, when one becomes a dedicated member of their faith community, they make the choice themselves to make the change prior to baptism i.e. a police officer who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but later on makes this officer made choice to leave that job as a police officer for something else that would benefit him and his family, moreover, the job that he chooses has nothing to do with what he has done before, for this person I speak of in this example use to work as a policemen in one of the most dangerous cities in the Tri-State area, he himself originates South Africa (Bloemfontein).

    Furthermore, when one takes the time to think and soon apply changes to his or her life and make the effort to live up to it, they themselves pave a path to baptism, especially when one takes in accurate knowledge of God and his Son. This practice is common to other minorities and also, for it is not alien to Jehovah's Witnesses for members to cease a profession and or practice that they themselves see as not Christian-like, but such a changes, for some takes place immediately and or over time. The remark you made about brothel, a prostitute can enter into the Kingdom of God as long as he abandons her ways, but such will take time and eventually she will learn of who God is, his Son and learn about the good gospel of the Kingdom and what it will bring, eventually, this one will be baptized, this one will be seen by God for making the effort, as well as the accomplishments this one makes to change her life, and with her experience on her change, she can minister to others who are dealing with making changes and wanting to apply biblical principles and law.
    A person who works for such a company and or was formerly involved with even the likes of gangsters, or perhaps those who have been working as a sex worker in prostitution, which I made an example of above, those part of political and or governmental based groups, assassins for hire, and or some military faction, can become members of the faith and or learn what it takes to enter into God's Kingdom, to be recognized by God, but on their way to Baptism (death unto life, as portrayed in the origin of Baptism) they make drastic changes to who they are and their lifestyle and turn over a new leaf completely, this goes for career and or jobs that they themselves do not see as fitting for a follower of the teachings, the baptism is that important and to defile such will lead to problems, be it of the church and or God himself, for if anyone is familiar with the origin and history of Baptism, it is that serious. People from all walks of life put in the effort and have the time to think over baptism, thus in doing so they become part of the community, but at the very core, the Bible itself, God's Word, changes the lives of the person, thus in baptism, they become like living sacrifices to God to religiously be in service to him and to religiously worship in total servitude to him with total devotion, in addition, to those who express His Word they act as guides for such ones to teach them and so forth because these people take into account of what Jesus had entrusted them, so it is nothing too crazy as some have made claim to, hence it being common among in the realm of religion itself.

    Other than that, it is no surprise the abilities of which Jesus Christ entrusted the church with, mainly when it comes to expelling also known as excommunication and how it's application is in our modern day, some take serious action with should someone fall into grounds of expelling (Takfir). Another interesting thing to add is those who take the Ten Commandments seriously hold to such a view themselves - if to have God abide with them they must make the change, they must go from death unto life, they must serve and worship, and spread the teachings of which has been commanded, making disciples out of people.
    Lastly, seeing how all educational and religious institutions are, they do accept money open- handedly, donated money, not all the time they would question, they would simply give thanks and be on their way. I am sticking with what the former members say on this matter and the quotes integrated in my other response, those who are well aware on the difference between official tax returns vs. a tax return for a charitable trust (for this was called into question when Mr. Zelda mad the error to twist the information), as well as who owns what, and who is a beneficiary.
    It is not hypocrisy and or deceitfulness, and as said before, this information was out there for years, and it is known by the Jehovah's Witnesses, some of them even making comment to claim, hence the mutual fund mention, that was from a Jehovah's Witness response to an Atheist, you even quoted that response from my comment, but no mention for what has been addressed when compared with facts that are true. Their donations, since they practice free will offering, like I said, not only it goes for their churches (build, repair and or rebuilds), but for their members, their books and publications, maintenance as well as providing for their own (I think the biggest amount known of which they have spent on their own members is around/over $70.9 million, caring their pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their gospel spreading assignments), anyways, it is no different from the early church for they themselves use whatever they receive to care for their own and progress in the Great Commission by means of spreading the gospel. Even in their early years, donations is what kept them running, from others and or from their own. Other things such as clothing, and other items are often donated to them, even that of houses and or buildings if it comes to that, gifts also, for there had been those outside of their faith to have given them physical and or financial gifts.
    Also they do not apply and or practice the law of Levites (tithing), but what is in application to them is Free Will Offering Matthew 10:7, 8.
    And yes, the good news gospel, Great Commission is indeed to teach people of what is to come, what the Spiritual House will bring, what God's Kingdom will do for mankind, and what God's chosen one will do, there is no surprise in that, for learning of such things it teaches one about what is to come that the world cannot offer, last I checked, the world cannot offer you life, for if you die, you die, only God's Kingdom can put an end to death, and death itself will be the last enemy that would be done away with, 1 Corinthians 15:26 (Revelations 20:14).
    Yes. I listed them because all of them have proven false to the claims made, and I take the word of the one wanting to put the conspiracies to rest, he has succeeded, but disgruntled ones continue to rant and rave and stick to falsehood, thus confusing many in their wake, you included. All that has been listed were complied by disgruntled former members of Jehovah's Witnesses trying to trick others and even novice JWs who are fresh to the faith, to make claim that they are doing something they shouldn't be doing. What you yourself have mention also, is deemed false, one of them turning out to be a hoax itself among the list you have provided while the rest is conspiracy, it is highly unlikely that the Jehovah's Witnesses have anything to do with a gaming company - Nintendo, Women's Lingerie - Victoria's Secret, The US Navy - contract and connections to Rand Cam and the like, and the list goes on, and on.

    Again, dwelling in conspiracy will make you believe in such and drive you mad and or confused, as with someone who is a very close source of mind who is well aware and observant of who are really of Babylon, conspiracy will drive a man to insanity, as he puts it, and this source of mind is reality wrong, mainly due to what he has professed Israel and Iran.
    It would be true if the Watchtower was part of Babylon, but they are not for there is a lot of information of who is truly of the Devil and who is not, in addition, to who among Babylon is targeting and or persecuting, moreover, if they were, their own wouldn't have removed them in various countries, such as Russia, or even behead them, Iran and Egypt, they're own would not have robbed and or cheated them out of property and money, France, who was a key player in the Russia banning of the faith, let alone the FSB joint group who targets them and even puts up pictures and addresses of such ones to be targeted, according to my contacts in Russia. We must also take into account, God the Father is clearly not a fan of those who make false claims, in fact, he is said to be very serious on such issue, it is also wise to understand as to why Jesus called out to his Father to forgive even the likes of soldiers who clearly do not know any better, as seen in a passage in the Greek New Testament.

    You can be the most righteous man on earth, but make false claims of person(s) will land you in front of the White Throne on Judgement Day, a position that would be far more hair raising than being met with a sword carrying Lamb of God along with the angels who follow his lead. This is why I say, many times, the best course of action is to remain neutral (like 1000%) with even the minorities, which includes JWs, especially when it comes to those who are Restorationist because it can lead to problems, mainly if we are accepting of false claims and conspiracy and the incite of religious infighting, even some who agree.disagree with JWs on a few points remain totally neutral with them because they too know how easily it make and or adhere to false claim, thus being subjected to judgement when the day comes, therefore, being very VERY careful is important, along with vigilance and endurance. So it is a safe bet to not engage in a boxing contest with God. The only thing we can deal with is accursed teachings that do not go according with the Bible, the Early Church, Early Christian brothers and sisters, example, the doctrine of the Trinity or the belief God is suddenly a fan of Molech, or perhaps that everyone is considered the first of the fruits (once saved always saved - all going to heaven), etc.
    Very silly to waste time dealing with a religious minority when there are those out there who are teaching the accursed, those of Babylon, that has plagued Christendom with heresy, and apparently only those who are woke only his matter are doing as such, me included. Aside from that, I have knowledge in the Christology of others, even that of JWs, hence why I say what I say on things that I observe from them and research on. But I guess such ones are not aware of what it means to be God fearing and do not realize what path they continue to walk on.
    Therefore, your application of the verse does not fit properly, when one understand of who and what this faith is and their structure.
  7. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    Now, Rick Fearon, be it a JW, former, or not even that religious, it is known to many that Fearon is someone one should not be supporting an or even alluding to support anything of which he says. The man is known as a fraud by many, and often times even deemed crazy, even by his own blood.
    I will just shed a small light on why some bring up weapon bunkers, poisons the whole wedding ring thing, but this is but small fragments of information of which I had saved from 3 years ago.
    Since originally we are speaking of Rick Fearon, I will get to Pearl another time, the claims of guns being stockpiled was brought up by a Fearon Follower (I blank out the names for reasons), who is also a disgruntled former JW who was in an argument with an Israeli Christian, and later on a Hardcore Christian. There was an actual marine in the discussion but the Fearon Supporter wiped out the discussion, with one EXJw being seen saying she wish death on others and wants blood of JWs, and made the same remark of those who were killed in the Manchester Bombing, this person also being a Fearon Support and a former JW.
    Clearly the disgruntled one is very ignorant and hate filled. After being refuted several times, this person deleted several of her comments and resort to insult, even to mocking the name of the Hardcore Christian who's name was of someone who died on 9/11, as well as her racist remarks to the Israeli Christian who also was in debate with her, even before this one she had stated Rick made it known that all JW churches have weapon bunkers under them, as well as the mention of poisons, something of which the JW opponents spoke of time and time again.
    This same user, continues to speak in support of Rick Fearon, making the claim that no one is seeing this man as a fraud and or in error, as seen here:
    More claims made by this person, but this time to the Hardcore Christian, for this person is not a fan of Rick Fearon, but the follower of Fearon continues, she makes claim that the person, who made the comment in the below image is a support of Fearon, but we see for ourselves that the person of whom she speaks of, a well known former member, is clearly against Fearon:
    But in the next image, we see that one of the well known former JWs made this comment:

    Also it is safe to mention she also accused the Hardcore Christian of stealing a picture from JW opponents, the picture in question is a free use image to the public, default art.
    Furthermore, it is clear that there is a fallout among even the former members who are on a constant attack on this faith and only this faith alone, for this person in question does not shy away from Trinity believing versions of JWs known as SDAs (addressing the person who made the comment above). So that in itself is hypocrisy, and moreover, we can see that shows that people do not support Rick Fearon, they do not mention him, they do not speak of him, whatsoever.
    Even the  Atheists make mention of Fearon, in a negative light, they also make mention of what I had addressed previously of what Fearon's original plan is all about:
    Even to this day, the views are still there, even by a relative of Rick Fearon who is of relation says the same about Rick Fearon himself, thus keeping his connection to Rick hidden, but only once made the mention of being related to this man.
    Now let us go to the Fearon supporter's view on wedding rings. She spoke strongly about Rick's view on this matter and had this to day to the Hardcore Christian, moreover, the Fearon follower is twisting the words of the Hardcore Christian who defended wedding rings because Fearon said otherwise:
    This is what the Hardcore Christian had to say vs. the Fearon claim regarding Wedding Rings:
    This same person, the Hardcore Christian, also debated another claim by the one who speaks on and supports Rick Fearon regarding JWs and Nationalism:
    In doing so he put an end to this Fearon Supporters constant lying and the fact one can tell she is lying is when she throws insults and accusations.
    My next response about Rick Fearon would be his connection with Byron Brown, and all facts and information is accurate, in order to bring forth His plans regarding converts, and  more information about him in recent times.
  8. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    Yes, and it has been going on for years now, the fact that Rick Fearon has been mentioned only adds more fuel to the fire due to how everyone views Fearon, in addition to those who support and or alluded to whatever he says. If his own blood deem him as crazy, that should tell you something. I myself had a run in with those in support of anything Fearon says and it was not fun at all, but very aggravating to deal with such ones. Former members of Jehovah's Witnesses, those who are neutral and actually fight against the lies people make about the faith, often have to clash with former members who show a total disdain for the faith itself, which was the case with the whole stocks and bonds information of which people tend to spread conspiracy of, only for those who knows the information far better than the conspiracy spreaders, putting the truth into the light, which was successfully done regarding the Riley Trust and anything in connection of it, the same can be said about those saying the JWs have military connection when it is known JWs wouldn't even submit to nationalism, and or join the Navy, so the Navy contract claims are false. As for the tax return thing, it was brought up by a man named Jason Zelda, to which people have called out about his twisting of information regarding tax returns.
    Other than that, it is always a constant war-zone when it comes to stuff like this, and some, even when proven wrong still rely on the falsehood information, some even now rely on such and claim it as truth, when the real truth that debunked everything has been made known years before and known by everyone.
    Yes, JWs only use God's Word, the claim that JWs harbor weapons, poisons and other devices of destruction under their churches, be it in Warwick, to Pennsylvania, all the way to the Congo is unfounded. Churches that harbor weapons or the like are known as Christian Terrorist, such as Christian Militants, who also train children for combat and or the KKK, the modern day Crusaders, and several others, an example would be, a pastor, some years ago, took a gun out of fake bible to shoot an angry husband, for his wife had committed adultery with the pastor, who shot the husband during service in front of a crowd, for it is that crazy out there.
    Since JWs are not of the mainstream Christendom and the fact they are Restorationist, there is 0% chance that they would have a stockpile of weapons and poisons, of which JW opponents make the claim they will soon distribute poisons to their members, the irony of it all is a JW opponent riddled an empty JW church with bullets from an assault rifle, the response and reaction from JWs was not of fighting fire with fire, pulling an AR-15 to seek out the culprit, no, they were concerned and very passive, as well as being aware of how people treat them, those who have a total disdain for them.
    That is also true, that is why I was able to spot the 2 links that Witness posted as the top Google searched links, these same links are used time and time again to further make proof to a claim proven false many times in the past.
  9. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in SIX SCREENS OF THE WATCHTOWER   
    @Srecko Sostar 
    [1] This video does not reveal JWs being at and or in sponsorship of sporting/business event, granted that majority of the world knows of what Glasgow area is all about, mind you, the reporter spoke of events that took place AFTER the games, what has been listed are those who simply come to use the venues, example would be MTV, they rented out said venue, JWs did the same. The only thing they got wrong is to say JWs were talking about sports injuries, when actual sources say JWs were preaching and inviting people to said venue, of which their convention is being held. [2] The News media itself was on BBC, the original video in full was about 5 minutes. You really have to dig deep by going back in time, not literal for it is neigh impossible, to find such, but majority is you will find a stockpile of articles on said event in 2014. [3] It is wise to pay very close attention to what these men, Blair MacNAB, Pro. Joe Goldblatt, and Scott Taylor had said in the video, surprisingly they didn’t cut this out. They speak of those being attracted to Glasgow from the Business aspect of things, as well as other things to start a business, in regards to JWs, they were there for preaching and the convention, granted this was not their first time in Glasgow, hence the sources and the very fact that JWs have a presence in the area from the get go. [4] It is unfounded that JWs are selling products, mainly if you understood everything that went down that year. [5] I mean if the Watchtower was reaching out to Scottish ones speaking Gaelic, there is no question that they, as do many JWs know of where conventions are being held or anyone of their faith community being present in Glasgow, granted that the convention not only consist of local Glasgow JWs, but visitors as well as guests from both in and out of Glasgow, perhaps outside of EU. All JWs tend to know where a convention is being held, mainly due to the website of their faith making mention of convention dates and the like as well as location; they tend to hold conventions all over the UK, even in Glasgow and it is not the first, nor will it be the last. [6] The real question is are you accepting a lie of which a former JW is telling you, granted even the video itself and the information out there defeats the whole idea of JWs being part of a sporting event when they themselves are not listed as sports, but listed as those coming to Glasgow to do what they do? There is a reason as to why there are missing comments on that video, anyone putting down facts on the matter gets wiped out, luckily, the one who posted the short video, not even bothering to add the full one, cannot remove the facts here. [7] The activities were merely preaching and inviting, even the sources says that. Clearly if they preached and invited during an event, not many people will be worrying about religion, but more about sports. That is like trying to put a movie you made out for the first time on the same date a Marvel movie is to be released, you’ll have little people going to see your movie because of the Marvel movie, therefore, the best idea was to release said movie not on the same day of a movie that everyone suddenly changes into a little fan boy and girl children to – just does not make sense, at the same time, shows a lack of common sense with such an approach, for no one is going to pay attention to God when sporting events, important to said area, is ongoing. And lastly
    [8] You posted this before, back in December of 2017, I had not notice it until I searched it. You stated the following in title: JWorg attracted thousands of people and millions of pounds to Scotland on XX Commonwealth Games, Glasgow 2014.  
    The truth of the matter is, yes JWs did attract thousands, in the 9,000s, but nowhere did they make millions of dollars/pounds in currency from inviting people to a convention being held at a venue of which they had rented. Another fact is you made the claim that, even alluded in your title this took place during the Commonwealth Games 2014 in Glasgow, which was also held at the venue (2 events cannot take place in a single venue), but the video stated that the games had ended and the JW convention, along with others after them, took place nearly 2 weeks AFTER the games since the sporting event was no longer use the venue in question. So why did you say this before when the video defeats your claim and the claims made by former JWs who cut the video as well as deleted all facts posted by those who understood? The millions of pounds of which you had mention, is unfounded. And to say they are part of the world when you yourself didn’t even double check the information, holds no foundation, friend.
    Now, onward to the information and facts.
    Actually the only mention of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (called Bible Students by the news media) was that they were listed among those who have a presence in Glasgow after the multi-sporting events have concluded, which resulted (from the sporting event of course) the high interest of Glasgow for all to come and spend their dollar there, for Glasgow is good for business, some using the venues with high availability for use, but such is not cheap to rent out depending on how large and the length of the event hosted by the buyer, like The SSE Hydro, granted there are about 9,000+ (max capacity being 13,000+) JWs with guests included, who all gathered at The SSE (Scottish Exhibition Centre) Hydro in Glasgow, specifically those who originate from Gaelic (Gaels). They were not there to speak of sports injuries as the news media claim, rather, they were preaching in the area, also inviting people to their usual 3 day conventions, since they did spend money to rent the venue, that took places days (18 to 20 days) after the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games (July 23, 2014 – August 3, 2014) for their convention took place around the August 23, 2014 (most likely the 22 to the 24th due to the it being Friday to Sunday).
    The video also goes on to say (oddly enough the full 5 minute video of this news media is not present) that after the sporting, Glasgow venues have taken the attention of many people, this also includes the likes of MTV, who spent money to rent out the venues, and also the Jehovah’s Witnesses, for it is not unknown to anyone, even the members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that they, as do others, rent out venues and or buildings for religious purpose (last I checked they do not have 3 day conventions discussing sports injuries, let alone preach it), the same can be said of them renting out sports Stadiums to hold religious events – again, such things, mainly venues at that size, costs money, mainly if the capacity is at 13,000+. Furthermore, prior to their 3 day convention, they go out and preach as well as invite, hence why the venue rented out by JWs mange to fit more than 9,000 persons consisting of Scottish JWs, visitors and guests all meeting up at the SSE Hydro venue in Glasgow for 3 days.
    I do not see how renting out an event makes them part of the world, so the claim is very weak in this sense, mainly if you listened carefully of what is said in the whole video, perhaps it is best to seek out the actually video itself which is somewhat a bit longer on bbc news uk.
    It is also good to add that, the money spent on the venue for use goes to the owners of said venues, thus they, owning that place, make the profit, not the JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. Moreover, as done elsewhere on how they get their funds, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses still have a focus on donations to help further the Great Commission command, helping their members, making more books, etc. that money itself, being donated, does not go to the owner of the venues, but to the Watchtower itself.
    So the claim to say that JehovahÂ’s Witnesses are part of the world and speak of them taking part in a sporting event when no shred of information or sponsorship of their presence is known, the only thing known is the presence they have after the events in preaching and inviting people to come to a convention, a convention that is being held in a large venue of which they themselves had spent the money to rent out.
    Like I said about renting out, they are going to have an English Convention being held at the venue and JW presence in Glasgow is evident, especially since there are JW churches in Glasgow and parts of the UK: July 20 to July 22 English: Glasgow: The SSE Hydro, SEC, Glasgow G3 8YW
    Link to all information regarding the SSE Hydro: https://www.thessehydro.com/about
    Article making mention of Jehovah’s Witnesses occupying the SSE Hydro space:  http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13176456.Scottish_Jehovah_s_Witnesses_start_preaching_in_Gaelic/
    Knowing how that area is, the Watchtower is well aware of Gaelic speaking people: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/activities/publishing/scottish-gaelic-irish-welsh-translation/
    The SSE Hydro is a Big deal: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-30796463 as well as seen here: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-27619909
    Also it is ridiculously obvious that the Watchtower has nothing to do with the games itself, again the claim of them being part of the world when the world knows Restorationist are not part of the world, Glasgow games in 2014 has listed it’s sponsors  to show for it also (http://www.glasgow2014.com/about-us/our-sponsors), but the news media has listed are groups that came AFTER the games to use the venues, well in this case, the, at the time, recently upgraded SEC, the SSE Hydro. Further proof of sponsorship regarding the sporting event (https://www.allabouttabletennis.com/commonwealth-games-2014-glasgow.html), it is also evident on their very own social media presence also.
    One thing for certain, these venues, at a glance are HUGE, and it is a pretty nice area, a lot of people in this town also.
    Apparently JehovahÂ’s Witnesses here are pretty much the old fashion type of Scottish folk, some men just like kilts, I, as a Caribbean islander, see such things as weird, but hey, I respect people who have the utmost respect in honoring their culture.

    FACT: The SSE Hydro is a multi-purpose indoor arena located within the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow, Scotland. The arena was initially named The Hydro after its main sponsor, energy company Scottish & Southern Energy subsidiary Scottish Hydro. The company then re-branded itself and its subsidiary companies as SSE, however the Hydro name was retained despite it no longer being a trading name. The arena was designed by the London-based architects Foster + Partners and officially opened on 30 September 2013, with a concert by Rod Stewart. Within 3 years of opening, the SSE Hydro became the eighth-busiest venue worldwide. The arena handled 751,487 ticket sales making it the eighth-busiest music arena in the world in terms of ticket sales. It also hosted the UFC's first event in Scotland – an event which was impossible to hold in any other arena in the country. FACT: Attracting an audience of more than a million visitors each year, the venue is consistently ranked by Pollstar in the top 10 arenas globally, alongside iconic venues like Madison Square Garden and The O2. Since opening in September 2013, The SSE Hydro has staged the 2014 MTV Europe Music Awards, the Ryder Cup Gala Concert and the 2014 BBC Sports Personality of the Year. It was also a venue for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Side Facts:
    Built on the site of the former Queen’s Dock, The SSE Hydro is the only UK venue of its scale built specifically for live entertainment. It is the largest entertainment venue in Scotland. The SSE Hydro has been designed to be flexible, accommodating a wide range of concerts, conferences and events. The seats and staging can be reconfigured to provide a capacity of 12,000 (all seated) or up to 13,000 (seated and standing in performance bowl). The unique façade of The SSE Hydro, made up of pneumatic translucent cushions, has been made possible by using a special film originally developed for the space industry. This allows natural light to illuminate the foyers during the day and the arena to ‘glow’ at night. The SSE Hydro has a 125 metre wide roof, with the diagonally latticed steelwork forming a shallow silver dome standing 45 metres at its highest point. The distinctive elliptical sloping shape of The SSE Hydro was inspired by ancient Greek and Roman amphitheatres. This shape offers the optimum balance of viewing angle and distance from the stage. So, the following:
    [A] The former JW not only cut the video, but also removed comments from those who spoke actual fact about the whole Glasgow thing, of which is also expressed here. Very odd. You can tell if a comment has been marked as spam, deleted, and or removed when the comment count is present on YouTube, mainly if you still have the older format.  There is mention of JWs by citizens of that area, stating JWs are seen preaching to houses and having carts near public areas. [C] The JWs simply rented out the venue to hold a religious convention and nothing more; the owner of the venue is SEC Limited, not the JWs. [D] Such of which you have posted does not really make any proof that this faith is part of the world, these guys wouldn’t dare pick up an AK-47 to use against another person, mainly the fact such ones who are dedicated to the faith make claim to God, something that is true, being not partial, that He wants us to work and be good towards all, mainly towards those of different from us in race, nation/tribe, religion, etc. (Micah 4:2,Galatians 6:10; Acts 10:34) [E] Anyone who spends money to rent a venue, a space, and or building, that money goes to the owner, thus the owner in question gains money from those who is using his and or her business and or product – the venue building itself, no different from renting out a Stadium or a small area inside of a Hotel to host an event.
  10. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in Since the superior authorities have been placed in their respective positions by God, doesn’t that really mean that He endorses, supports and even enables human governments?   
    No. Not human ones. He is going to replace them forcibly. Dan.2:44.
    Meantime, a measure of order is sustained. Part of the Devil's deception in promoting independence from Jehovah's sovereignty is to allow some success in human endeavour. (Luke 4:6).
    Meantime, the structure of the current system enables the preaching of the good news and all the logistics that go with that work, sometimes in a very constructive manner (Rev.12:15-16).  Jehovah can even intervene if necessary to fulfill that purpose without compromising on the issue of Sovereignty. (Is.60:22). He can also intervene to push things along a little in the executional area once He is satisfied with the outworking of His strategy. (Rev.17:16-17). Additionally, he can intervene to ensure overkill is not a result either. (Comp. Matt. 24:22).
    I know it's all a bit difficult for some to get their heads around but Proverbs 28:5 did warn that "Evil men cannot understand justice, but those who seek Jehovah can understand everything." So, keep chipping away. It will all come clear.
  11. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    Quite true. In fact, that is the most common response I have received from clergymen I have met in ministry when referencing any of the scriptures that speak of Jesus making God's name known.
    Another common response it that the name of God refers to the authority of the Creator, in the sense implied by John 17:24 and many other scriptures (as you point out).
    I have found theses views easily developed however by mentioning that whilst a law officer's warrant card may well be a sign of authorisation and authority, if it does not include a name to identify the individual, and also a signature of authorisation from one suitably qualified, then it carries little weight.
    Absolutely. And, as the sons of Sceva learned, similar reasoning could be applied to the name of Jesus.
  12. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to indagator in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    GA and JWI: I'm glad you found that online SBL article helpful. JWI, you are certainly correct that language is primarily a spoken phenomenon and whatever writing system is applied to try and capture a given language, it (1) will have limitations and (2) can become problematic as the real, spoken, language continues to evolve.
    JWI said "I think we are dealing with an argument that a specific word, the Divine Name, might have become unpronounceable through edict and superstitious practice." This is true in the long run, but as Shaw brings out, both the passage in Philo's Embassy to Gaius and the one in Josephus' War show that people of Jesus' day had easy access to the pronunciation of the divine name, so at that time its pronunciation was known and recognized.
    GA, thanks for noting my separate posting. If one is concerned with the form of the name that Jesus and the apostles used, Shaw's book is the best thing available. As JWI has noted in substance, one of the limitations of the WTS on this issue is their heavy focus on Hebrew (in JWI's words, their failure to understand that the Hebrew tetragrammatons in LXX manuscripts show a non-pronunciation of the name by the manuscripts' producers, the opposite of what the organization officially concludes). In spirit this is the same deficiency found in the works of Furuli and Gertoux who continue to emphasize Hebrew. One needs to move beyond that and look at the evidence in Aramaic, the native language of Jesus and the apostles, as it is presented in Greek, the very thing we see so often in the pages of the New Testament itself: Mt 5:22, 27:46; Mk 5:41, 7.34, 11:9, 14:36; John 20:16; Rom 8:15; 1 Cor 16:22; Gal 4:6.
    As I stated in my recent OP, "the masses, among whom Jesus worked and from whom came the apostles and other disciples of him, freely used the name as Yaho in Aramaic. This then shows up as Iao in the written Greek sources," and "this form of the divine name [Ιαω], vocalized as "Ya-ho," was the active pronunciation of the divine name when Jesus and the apostles lived. There is considerable evidence for this."
    Again, if one really wants to understand the situation regarding the divine name as it was in Jesus' day, see here:
    Whether JWs realize it or not, Shaw's concluding statement to his chapter 9 actually supports their use of "Jehovah" for God's name today, not because it somehow closely represents how the Hebrew name was really pronounced, say, in Isaiah’s day, but because a pronunciation of the name had come about that was related to its original one, but was different, an "unofficial" or possibly "inaccurate" one. Consider his words:
    "In sum, two things are evident: the God of the ancient Israelites had his more educated worshipers who during and after the [R]estoration felt that not verbalizing his name was a way to honor him. Eventually their view prevailed when it comes to the issue of the divine name in the biblical text and in Judaism in general. However, the same God also had another group, very likely less educated and unsophisticated, who felt the opposite and must have so freely expressed this, in the eyes of some, "unofficial" or perhaps "improper," form of the name—Ιαω—that the composers of the world's first Bible dictionaries could use it regularly to expound the meaning of biblical characters' names because their copies of the LXX contained it. Furthermore, pagan writers could use this name expecting their far-flung audience to understand what they were talking about. Obviously this implies there were plenty of everyday Jews still using Ιαω."
    BTW, JWI, I loved your "quick word" comment posted at 5:22 AM last Friday on this thread. That's the spirit. Of course, when dealing with others, it needs to be tempered with the caution expressed at Luke 17:1-2, but for those who can handle it, truth needs to be pursued.
  13. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Evacuated in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    And in this particular case there could even have been a lack of knowing the correct consonants. Although this problem is mostly solvable, but not easily, and not with 100% confidence. 
    Of course, this has nothing to do with the difference in J, or Y, or I when used as the initial consonant, nor anything to do with the difference between W or V. I would consider initial I,J,Y to be completely equivalent, and W and V to be completely equivalent, too. Jahve, Jahweh, Yahwe, Yahveh, Yahweh are all exactly the same word for purposes of this discussion (imo), just as Yehowah and Jehovah would be exactly the same word.
    In truth, there would have been correct and proper differences in the pronunciations of vowels, too, even among Hebrew speakers in the first century. For example, a Galilean's accent (NWT fn) would give him away in Jerusalem.
    (Matthew 26:73) 73 After a little while, those standing around came up and said to Peter: “Certainly you are also one of them, for in fact, your [ACCENT] dialect gives you away.”  
  14. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    Probably better for me to have said "unpronounceable correctly". I have met several that assert the lack of knowing the correct vowels to be a reason for this, particularly clergymen and more studious evangelical supporters. (united by some sort of "deity of Christ" persuasion).
    Evidence for the timing of the prohibition is of interest I agree, and regarding the use of vowel pointing, hence my question to which @indagator replied.
    However, the scriptural notion that Jesus would have been familiar with the appropriate pronunciation and use of His Father's name, and accustomed to using it accordingly, doesn't actually require evidence other than the statement made by the inspired apostle at John 1:19: "No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him"
    and his recording of the report made by Jesus in prayer at John 17:26 : "I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them."
    This for me is an even more fundamental factor than the secondary support provided by the absence of a scriptural record of controversy over the matter. I suppose the basic premise for me is that 'Jesus did use the Divine name correctly in the 1st Century, and no one fussed over the matter.'
    Yes I agree with this. Whilst the obscuring and removal of God'name from His own word smacks of Satanic intrigue and conspiracy, I can quite easily accept that some involved in this would have become so quite innocently and even with good motive. After all, "Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness" 2Cor.11:14-15. Paul's sympathy for such ones was expressed at Rom.10:1: "I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge".
  15. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to indagator in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    GA, perhaps by your ref. to Mt 5:18 you have in mind the well traveled—on the net anyway—article by Thomas Ross. But you request something more tangible. You might try looking at the article here and consider the works mentioned in notes 9 and 10.
    I hope this helps.
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    "ALvi LanguorE iNsanabili: From the very first sentence, right up to the last one, you have reminded me of Allen. I would not have said anything except that the most famous member named Allen has also hinted that he may not have much time for this world due to serious health concerns. I hoped that the Latin was not a commentary on your condition.
    At any rate, what you have repeatedly done here, so far, is exactly what I was hoping no one would do here. You keep claiming things like "some of Gerard Gertoux's claims can be considered fake news" without any examples or any evidence. With several opportunities to provide something substantial, making claims without evidence can "backfire" and even make it appear (to some readers) that Gertoux's position, in this case, might seem even stronger and more reliable than it really is. I'm sure that this is not your intent, but unsubstantiated claims come across just as empty as the ad hominem.
    On the issue of "peer review" Gertoux has stated to me that scholars in this field refused to express their personal convictions on this topic, fearing reprisals due to the fact that religious institutions often fund their research and can therefore control the ability to get published. Gertoux himself says he was personally attacked and had to defend himself in the French courts.  ( https://univ-lyon2.academia.edu/GerardGERTOUX/CurriculumVitae ). Via email, he says this is why he has "become extremely careful and [will] only publish in peer-reviewed journals." Note his last article, for example:  http://www.peeters-leuven.be/toc/9789042937130.pdf .
  17. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to indagator in The Latest Work on the Divine Name   
    I thought about posting this on the recent thread "Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name," partly because of a question someone posed there on the earliest evidence for Jewish disuse of the name. However, the issue merits its own thread. There is a book published a few years ago on the Greek form of the tetragrammaton, iota-alpha-omega (Ιαω), that is on-topic, yet that seems to have escaped the attention of non-scholars, and for that matter, many scholars as well. It's dense reading to be sure, but worth the effort. It's written by one of the scholars who has penned reviews of Robert Wilkinson's monograph on the tetragrammaton, Frank Shaw. Its title is The Earliest Non-mystical Jewish Use of the Iao (the last word in Greek script Ιαω), volume 70 of Peeters Press's series Biblical Exegesis and Theology (Leuven 2014). In fact, Shaw's expertise on the name is no doubt why the editors of Oxford's Journal of Theological Studies asked him to review Wilkinson's book.
    Shaw's point of departure is the finding among the Qumran documents of a LXX manuscript of Leviticus that has Iao for the Hebrew text's Yhwh. What he attempts to do is gather together all known evidence for this Greek form of the name not used in magic or among Gnostics. His findings are surprising to most people who know something about the issue, whether a layperson or a scholar. It seems that this form of the divine name, vocalized as "Ya-ho," was the active pronunciation of the divine name when Jesus and the apostles lived. There is considerable evidence for this, a point that had been briefly made some years earlier in Sean McDonough's book, YHWH at Patmos: Rev. 1:4 in its Hellenistic and Early Jewish Setting (Mohr Siebeck 1999). Indeed, Shaw corrects some of McDonough's errors. Among other things addressed is the question of when the name began to be disused by Jews in the BCE period, and how use and non-use coexisted for many centuries until some time into the Christian era when disuse totally won out. Shaw offers a strong rebuttal of some Evangelical scholars, notably Albert Pietersma and Martin Rösel, who continue to contend against the mounting evidence that kyrios was originally used by the LXX's translators instead of a real form of the name. He also brings up a point made at this forum by JW Insider that "a problem with the JW position is that the use of a Hebrew YHWH in the middle of a Greek manuscript is an indication that it was not to be pronou[n]ced." What Shaw proposes is that within the Judaism into which Jesus and the apostles were born, there was diversity among the people regarding using the name. The upper class who provide most of our existing documentation of that society, and who are responsible for the LXX manuscripts that have come down to us that have the Hebrew tetragrammaton amid the Greek text, did not want to vocalize the name for multiple reasons, but the masses, among whom Jesus worked and from whom came the apostles and other disciples of him, freely used the name as Yaho in Aramaic. This then shows up as Iao in the written Greek sources.
    Shaw also calls out NT textual critics for largely ignoring the findings of, and theory of, George Howard regarding the many textual problems of dozens of NT passages where the Father is referred to. This is also one place where he criticizes McDonough who seems again, like Pietersma and Rösel for the LXX, to have represented Evangelicals who want to downplay these NT textual variants. Shaw modifies Howard's notion that the original NT documents likely did not have mainly Yhwh/יהוה in them, but instances of Iao/Ιαω instead. Another noteworthy thing he does is date just when this Greek form of the name began to appear in mystical sources. Scholarship had never before done this, and there have been very sloppy and erroneous assumptions made regarding this matter, including again McDonough. As it turns out, the evidence points to the use of Iao/Ιαω among magicians and mystics dating to the beginning of the second century CE. Shaw even proposes that these types picked up on this form of the name due to the earliest Christians using it in their preaching work. Later Christians then had reason to remove the name from their documents (LXX and NT) because the "pernicious heretics" and magicians were using it with more and more frequency.
    There are many other interesting points in the book, but this post has already gotten longer than I'd planned on. For those who have the stamina to work through it, the book is well worth what you will learn from it.
  18. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Ronald Reagan and Karl Marx on Guns   
    Reagan's words were as Republican Governor of California in 1967. He was definitely in favor of a Republican-sponsored bill repealing gun rights.
    The problem was that the framers of the U.S. constitution thought of guns not as an item that all people should have, not especially for hunting and protecting their homes/family/property from just anyone, although that would be their primary use. The constitution only addressed the right for all citizens to carry guns in order to form militias in the event that tyranny reared its ugly head, within US Government agencies.
    But the real problem is that there really were forms of tyranny that had been rearing their head in America for many years against blacks, American "Indians" and poor whites who could not pay their debts. The most violent tyranny was against the native American "Indians" but the most insidious was against blacks. And then after the constitution allowed more than just land-owners to become citizens they allowed blacks to become citizens, while they were still being tyrannized by tyrants in their own government.
    That created a problem for the hypocrites running the US Government. A group of black citizens began watching some of the most tyrannical agents of the US government, the white-sponsored police in economically abandoned urban centers. What they were doing was called "copwatchting." But they were watching while armed with guns and, what's even worse for some, cameras. See Mulford Act in Wikipedia, for example.
    Organized copwatching groups emerged as early as the 1960s in urban areas in the United States when the Black Panthers famously patrolled city streets with firearms and cameras, and other civil rights organizations conducted unarmed patrols in groups. Obviously, Reagan, a rather dullard hypocrite, realized he didn't really believe in the constitution. In this situation it was easy to get both Democratic and Republican support. (Especially "Dixie Democrats" [in the Southern United States], most of whom would later become Republicans as soon as Northern Democrats began to associate the "Democratic" agenda with civil rights toward blacks.)
  19. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Ronald Reagan and Karl Marx on Guns   
    I doubt seriously that this is the ONLY issue where you agree with the philosophy of Karl Marx. He was a brilliant economist who supported the theories of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776), considered to be one of the most important capitalist economists of his time. More of Karl Marx advances on such theories have withstood the test of time and produced more predictable results.
    Most anti-Marxists have never read Marx's works. (What's even worse is that most most PRO-Marxists and Marx experts have never read his works either.) People who think they are anti-Marx often merely associate him with things they have heard they shouldn't believe in.
  20. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from admin in Ronald Reagan and Karl Marx on Guns   
    I doubt seriously that this is the ONLY issue where you agree with the philosophy of Karl Marx. He was a brilliant economist who supported the theories of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776), considered to be one of the most important capitalist economists of his time. More of Karl Marx advances on such theories have withstood the test of time and produced more predictable results.
    Most anti-Marxists have never read Marx's works. (What's even worse is that most most PRO-Marxists and Marx experts have never read his works either.) People who think they are anti-Marx often merely associate him with things they have heard they shouldn't believe in.
  21. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to indagator in Early Christians, the New Testament and the Divine Name.   
    alvi languore insanabili, "with an incurable disease of the belly" (2 Chron. 21:18, Vulgate) posted on his/her response to the OP a pic of the cover of Robert Wilkinson's 2015 book on the Tetragrammaton. Readers here might be interested in Shaw's review of that book. It appeared in the Journal of Theological Studies in Oct. 2016. It's uploaded here:
    Another by Resnick appeared in the Medieval Review of 2016, here:
    A third by Soulen in the Journal of Jesuit Studies in 2015, here:
    Happy reading, all!
  22. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to indagator in 1 Peter 1:11 NWT   
    A conservative Protestant (Evangelical) religious studies professor from Canada, Michael Gilmour, who studies Jehovah's Witnesses and usually writes fairly balanced material about them, contributed the article on them in The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America (2017). One point he makes, however, seems biased and unfair. Someone has written a rebuttal, rather deep and detailed, but worth working through if a person is interested in one passage in 1 Peter. It's been circulating on various forums, so why not here too?
    For those who like to dig deeply, happy reading. It's four pages long.
  23. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to sami in Should we close our ears to rebels? or opposers?   
    We've all been there and done that. Most Witnesses have come from a false religious background. I came from a Roman Catholic background and had aspirations of becoming a nun. I associated with nuns after school, cleaned the classrooms and sang in the choir, so my background was fully vested in the teachings of the Trinity, immortal soul, hellfire, purgatory, limbo, Jesus was Catholic, the infallibility of the Pope - he was god on earth.
    But a life changing experience happened one day, a man came to our door and began to show my mother scriptures proving his point on the areas they discussed. My mother, a strong person who also had deep respect for the Bible listened and in that discussion something touched her heart.
    The young man had his mother revisit my mother and discussed what had previously been initiated by her son. Within the same time frame a Seventh Day Adventist was visiting my mother voicing her version of scripture and offering a Bible study. My mother, in order to make her decision on which one to choose, asked each one to explain what the Sabbath meant and should it still be enforced as in the Law.
    She listened and looked up Scripture and there was no comparison in teaching, she was confident that Jehovah's Witness had the TRUTH of the matter. She began to study the Bible and was baptized in 1952. My mother began to speak about the Bible to her siblings (who were all different religions and scattered around the U.S.) they began to study the Bible and were baptized at different times and places.(4 brothers, 2 sisters and her father and her three children)
    So we've been there and indoctrinated in a variety of different religions before a selfless individual came to our door in obedience to Jesus command at Matthew 19:28,29. Yes, that Good News is being preached in 239 Lands and Islands and in over 900 languages - in over two hundred thousand congregations worldwide.
    The noise that you hear on the internet cannot drown out the preaching of the Good News and the gathering of the sheep. Jesus said: John 10:3" But the one who enters through the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The doorkeeper opens to this one, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought all his own out, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. 5 They will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."
    Apostates and other opposers are very busy in these days and the scripture tells us why Ezekiel 29:4 " And I will put hooks in your jaws and cause the fish of your Nile canals to cling to your scales. And I will bring you up out of the midst of your Nile canals and all the fish of your Nile canals that cling to your very scales. 5 And I will abandon you to the wilderness, you and all the fish of your Nile canals. Upon the surface of the field you will fall. You will not be gathered up nor be collected together. To the wild beasts of the earth and to the flying creatures of the heavens I will give you for food. 6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt will have to know that I am Jehovah,"
    Yes Indeed! Jehovah has put the hooks in the jaws of Satan and his demonic cohorts and they cannot turn back and as Ezekiel's prophecy makes clear, it is for one reason - identify and destroy.
    As the apostle Paul points out at 2Corinthians 4: 3 "If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through."
  24. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to sami in SHEMA   
    SHEMA Shema (“hear”) is the Hebrew word that begins the most important prayer not only in Judaism, but in Christianity as well. The Shema is found at Deuteronomy 6:4, which begins with the command to “Hear.”
    The word sh'ma in Paleo-Hebrew
    A Hebrew interpretation of the Sh'ma (Hear O Israel)
    Heb., Yehwahʹ ʼElo·hehʹnu Yehwahʹ ʼe·chadhʹ.
    Hear, O Israel: yhwh our God is one yhwh: And you shall love yhwh your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:4,5)
    The Hebrew verb שמע (Sh.M.Ah) means "to hear" but with the Hebraic idea "to pay attention to what is being spoken and act upon it." When Israel "hears" the directions of God, they agree to act upon them (they obey his words). When God "hears" the pleas of Israel in bondage in Egypt, he acts upon them (he rescues Israel).
    The use of the word "one" (ehhad) in this verse is commonly interpreted to mean that there is only "one" God. This verse is specific that yhwh is not only one but his actions are always clear and in unity with himself. (Malachi 3:6 says: “For I am Jehovah; I do not change…) A good example of this is the pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. A cloud and fire are opposites—one provides coolness and shade and the other heat and light. Yet, they work together to preserve the people during the day and the night.
    Love, the Hebrew verb אהב is not an emotion: it is an action. The context of this word in the text indicates that we are to "love" God with our actions, not with our emotions.
    The heart, לבב in Hebrew, is the thoughts of the mind, not an emotion as the word is generally understood in western minds. In this passage, we are informed how to "love" Yahweh—by keeping all of our thoughts focused on him.
    The Hebrew word נפש (nephesh) is literally the whole of the person. First we are told to love Yahweh with our minds, now with our entire being.

    The Hebrew word used here is מאד (me'od) and is a very interesting word, especially in the way that it is used in this context. This word is used throughout the Hebrew text as an adverb, intensifying a verb, and is usually translated as very, greatly, or much. This is the only time this word appears as a noun and is best translated as "muchness." This idea of muchness is expanding on the previous two ways we are to love Yahweh, first with our mind, then with our body, and now with everything we have.
    A Re-Translation
    Now that we have examined each word in this passage, to uncover their original meanings in the Hebrew culture, let’s translate it with a more Hebraic flavor.
    "Israel, pay careful attention and respond: Jehovah works in unity with himself: and you shall act upon your love to Jehovah with your thoughts and mind, with your entire body and with everything that you possess."
    The phrase "heart, mind and soul," as it is translated in the RSV, is generally interpreted to mean that we are to love Jehovah with "three" things, but the reality is that this phrase is a form of poetry that is using three synonyms to show that our love for Jehovah is to be all encompassing, beginning with our thoughts, then our bodies, then everything we possess.
    The Masoretic Text
    In modern day Hebrew Bibles, this passage is written as follows.
    שמע .1
    Notice that the ayin (ע), the last letter in the first word (written right to left) is written oversized, as is the dalet (ד), the last letter in the last word. When these two letters are placed together, they form the wordעד (eyd, Strong's #5707) meaning "witness." In Judaism, the sh’ma (the name given to this verse as it is the first word in this verse) is Israel’s witness, their statement of faith if you will.
    However, these oversized letters are not found in any ancient scroll such as found in the Dead Sea Caves. They first appear in the Masoretic Hebrew texts from 1,000 A.D. Whether the Masorites added them or not we don't know, in fact the origins of these oversized letters are a mystery.
    Even though these letters do not appear to have been in the original texts, they are still excellent teaching tools.
    The Shema is so important that Jesus used it as the beginning of His answer to the “greatest commandment” question in Mark 12:28–30:
    One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first of all?” 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’
    When Jesus answered with Shema He acknowledged Jehovah God as the most important and that all worship and devotion to Him is the most important of the commandments.
    (Deuteronomy 5:7) You must never have any other gods besides me.
    (Isaiah 42:8) I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images.
    (Zechariah 14:9) And Jehovah will be King over all the earth. In that day Jehovah will be one, and his name one.
    (Mark 12:29) Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah,
  25. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in Which pill would we take ... Red? .... or Blue?   
    Fox is horrible with the only exception being Tucker Carlson, who tends to break out of the Fox News mental lock at times to speak on critical things.
    CNN is by far the worse, and it is known as the Communist News Network by some, at the same time, real independent journalists (I exclude Tomi Lahren because she is utterly insane - a cuckoo for cocoa puffs nationalist patriotic irl barbie doll who is blind) are being wiped out and or cleanse by the people of CNN who speak truth, for CNN will send the dogs after such persons for exposing CNN several times in the past.
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